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Supply Chain Reference Data Model RSM

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RSM_SCRDM_v1.0.0.2.pdf (application/pdf, 610.79 KB)

This Supply Chain Reference Data Model Requirement Specification Mapping for the (SCRDM-RSM), in combination with the SCRDM Business Requirement Specification (SCRDM-BRS), provides the framework for any cross-border transport-related business and government domains to specify their own specific information exchange data requirements whilst complying with the overall process and data structures.
This document and the SCRDM-BRS, are documents positioned at a high level giving a clear view of the data requirements supporting the business and regulatory processes, the involved business areas, the main parties and the information involved.
The SCRDM project is to develop, publish and maintain a business standard which can be applied by countries, regions or industries to provide the definitions of contextualised supply chain data exchange structures which can be integrated into software solutions for traders, agents, banks, Customs and Other Governmental Authorities etc. The SCRDM is a reference data model based on the UN/CEFACT Core Component Library (CCL). The UN/CEFACT Core Components Business Document Assembly Technical Specification (CCBDA) solution referenced in this specification presents a methodology for developing business documents being shared or exchanged amongst and between enterprises, governmental agencies and/or other organizations in an open environment. This environment can be of a worldwide scope or restricted to a specific Business Context (such as an industry or region).
Derivation from the SCRDM reference data model based on the business information framework ensures that each SCRDM-based paper or electronic document specification will be an individual implementation of a document development methodology which follows the aligned concepts described in UNECE Recommendation 1, the UN Layout Key (UNLK). This ensures that trading partners can choose the type of document technology that best meets their business requirements and technology capabilities and also provides a migration path for the adoption of new technologies.
The closely related Multi Modal Transport Reference Data Model (MMT RDM)1 is a cross-domain project of the Transport & Logistics Domain within the Ship Program Development Area (PDA).