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Information on EU Safety and Security Initiative

8 June 2009
The European Commission Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) has published on its website various information items in relation to the Safety and Security Amendment to the EU Customs legislation, which will enter into force on 1 July 2009 (with a transitional period until 31 December 2010 for the submission of advance declarations). Transporters from inside and outside the EU, as well as all other interested parties are strongly encouraged to visit the website to familiarize themselves with relevant aspects of the new legislation and corresponding instructions on their specific situation.
Particular reference is made to:
1) an information booklet on important changes to EU border security rules which is available in English, Arabic, Belarussian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish and Ukranian. The booklet can be found at the following web-address:
2) Guidelines on the use of the Economic Operations Registration and Identification (EORI) number, clarifying the requirements for operators to start Customs actitivies in the EU. To consult the guidelines, please follow the following web-address:
For full information, please consult the DG TAXUD website, at the following address: