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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts

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Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts


Aram Hawa Senior Research Officer Natural Capital Environment Division

08 April 2024

- Group of Experts on National Accounts

What is depletion?

Depletion, in physical terms, is the decrease in the quantity of the stock of a natural resource that is due to extraction occurring at a level greater than that of regeneration

Degradation considers changes in the capacity of environmental assets to deliver a broad range of ecosystem services and the extent to which this capacity may be reduced through the action of economic units

Since depletion relates to one type of ecosystem service, it can be considered a specific form of degradation

Why measure it?

• SEEA account • SNA 2025 revision • Better “net adjusted” economic metrics (Net Domestic Product) • Comprehensive income and wealth accounting – “Beyond GDP” • Indicators and costs in sustainability




Depletion - physical • Extraction, harvesting or production by human agents

• Only occurs when it is greater than population growth or regeneration (renewables)

• One of several factors that can lead to a changes in stock (reappraisals, new discoveries etc.)

• Depletion flows vs stock volumes

Depletion - monetary Price in situ – the unit value of reserves ‘in the ground’:

𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑃𝑃𝑖𝑖 𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃


𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑣𝑣𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑑𝑑𝑃𝑃𝑑𝑑𝑣𝑣𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖 = 𝑑𝑑𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑃𝑃𝑖𝑖 𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 × 𝑑𝑑𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 𝑑𝑑𝑃𝑃𝑑𝑑𝑣𝑣𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖

Depletion therefore represents the opportunity cost – the income foregone by extracting now rather than in the future

Other changes in stock


Other changes in stock

• Catchall term to encompass the net effect of new discoveries, reappraisals,

reclassifications, normal and catastrophic losses and regeneration (renewables)

• Derived due to data limitations

• Stocks can increase despite depletion

Monetary other changes in stock = 𝑑𝑑𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑃𝑃𝑖𝑖 𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 × 𝑑𝑑𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 𝑀𝑀𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑐𝑐𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠 𝑃𝑃𝑖𝑖 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑀𝑀𝑃𝑃𝑠𝑠

Price effect


Price effect • Asset value can change dramatically across time – even if the physical

stock remains the same

• Arises due to the change in the resource rents (e.g. industry profitability) over time



Coal Coal

• Marked decline in coal depletion, drop of 96% since 2009

• Other changes in stock added 390 mtoe between 2009 and 2022

• Reserves increased by 12% between 2009 and 2022

No monetary estimates available

Minerals and metals

Minerals and metals Minerals & metals

• Peak production in 2008 at 261 million tonnes

• Declined by 19% in 2009

• Ranged between 190 and 218 million tonnes between 2009 and 2021

No monetary estimates available

Oil and gas

Oil - physical Oil

• Depletion consistently above 100 mtoe between 1982 – 2004. Peaking in 1999 at 150 mtoe. Has since declined to 41 mtoe in 2022

• Other changes in stock are positive in 80% of years and added 3,967 to reserves over time series

• Depletion > other changes in stock in 61% of years, causing reserves to decline

• Reserves declined to 1,014 mtoe in 2022, a 38% reduction since 1987

• Results for gas follow a similar trend

Oil - monetary Oil

• Depletion rose from £3.5 billion in 1999 to its peak in 2008 at £9.8 billion, before diminishing to £2.5 billion in 2021.

• Other changes in stock added £137.1 billion to the asset value over the time series.

• The price effect is volatile but positive in most years, and between 1999 and 2021, added £46.4 billion to the value of the asset.

• Positive correlation of 0.3 between physical and monetary depletion

• Results for gas follow a similar trend

Monetary depletion – Oil & gas

Three factors which explain the change in the asset value year on year. On average:

• Depletion – 34% • Other changes in stock – 22% • Price effect – 44%

Monetary depletion – Oil & gas

• Depletion adjusted annual value is lower by £4.8 billion on average over time series

• Several years where results are negative

• Happens when annual value falls faster than the price in situ

• Results can also be netted off against industry gross value added and GDP

Possible future developments

Possible future developments • More – depletion for more ecosystem services

• Renewables – complex models which include biological growth rates

• Degradation – linking condition to declining productivity

• Whose depletion? – Assigning the value of depletion out to actors (industry vs government)

  • Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts��Publication
  • What is depletion?
  • Why measure it?
  • Theory
  • Depletion
  • Depletion - physical
  • Depletion - monetary
  • Other changes in stock
  • Other changes in stock
  • Price effect
  • Price effect
  • Results
  • Coal
  • Coal
  • Minerals and metals
  • Minerals and metals
  • Oil and gas
  • Oil - physical
  • Oil - monetary
  • Monetary depletion – Oil & gas
  • Monetary depletion – Oil & gas
  • Possible future developments
  • Possible future developments

Cornwall, UK, applies UN Resource Management System to support sustainability of Critical Raw Materials mining

In Cornwall, United Kingdom, a pioneering initiative is underway to optimize resource management for critical raw materials projects. Applying the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS) is helping to transform the region's approach to resource extraction, processing, and sustainability.

GDP and Welfare: Empirical Estimates of a spectrum of opportunity, United Kingdom

Languages and translations

Economic Commission for Europe Conference of European Statisticians Group of Experts on National Accounts Twenty-third session Geneva, 23-25 April 2024 Item 2 (b) of the provisional agenda Towards the 2025 System of National Accounts: Well-being and sustainability

GDP and Welfare: Empirical Estimates of a spectrum of opportunity

Prepared by Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom1


The National Accounts and GDP provide an internally coherent view of the economy, focussed on those goods and services produced by humanity and validated by at least one other human through market transactions. Whilst a meaningful measure, this fails to reflect value generated without human input or validation, excluding natural and human capital and the resultant flows from these. These exclusions make GDP a poor measure of welfare, despite the constant utility assumption underpinning the price deflators used to derive real estimates. In a world where policy-makers increasingly need to consider the trade-offs between the economic, environmental, and social realms, this paper applies proven methods from National Accounts to a wider set of pre-existing UK data, accepting that activity outside the market can be measured and accounted for in a similar fashion. The resultant indices, Gross Inclusive Income (GII) and Net Inclusive Income (NII) are conceptually comparable to GDP and Net National Disposable Income. This paper also presents and comments on experimental results, revealing remaining statistical challenges and policy trade-offs. The substantial shift out of market-based activity towards home production, (for example) may help reveal new causes for the UK productivity puzzle, as the resultant extra output is not visible via existing GVA estimates. Another key insight comes from combining carbon emissions and carbon prices in a volume framework, which reveals that the UK’s net contribution to atmospheric degradation continues to grow despite falling emissions because the price of emissions has grown at a faster rate, resulting in continued increasing damage.

1 Prepared by Richard Heys, Robert Bucknall, Stephen Christie, and Cliodhna Taylor.

United Nations ECE/CES/GE.20/2024/13

Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 4 April 2024 English only



I. Introduction

1. Many policymakers globally are unsatisfied with the present state of statistical information about the economy and society, in particular the effective treatment by many of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the dominant indicator of economic welfare2 (see Stiglitz et al, 2009). As has been noted (e.g. Coyle (2015) and Dynan and Sheiner (2018)), whilst real GDP is a welfare measure due to the constant utility assumptions underlying the price deflators which convert nominal data to volume, it is a weak measure because of what it omits. Nevertheless, there appears to be an increasing gap between the information contained in GDP and the factors which contribute towards people’s well-being. Recognising that value can be generated in different domains, (e.g. the environment) with different levels of human participation and finding a way to measure this in a form which is consistent with National Accounts should enable better policy-making by exposing the inherent trade-offs.

2. This paper aims to contribute to this debate by demonstrating a practical empirical application of what can already be produced to deliver objective, monetised measures of economic welfare in a country which has well-developed National Accounts, a Household Satellite Account produced in line with the System of National Accounts 2008 (UN(2008)), a set of Natural Capital Accounts produced in line with the System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA) (UN(2021)), and a measure of Human Capital stocks produced in line with the relevant UN statistical guidance (UN(2016)). By applying proven National Accounts methods, whilst accepting that activity outside the market can be measured and accounted for in a similar fashion, this paper utilises pre-existing data to implement an extension of the national accounts framework. This paper captures a wider range of capitals alongside the flows of benefits received by consumers arising from these to widen the National Accounts asset and production boundaries to integrate natural capital (together with their corresponding ecosystem services) as well as begin to integrate human capital, alongside the outputs consumers receive from these in a simple additive framework, which is coherent with GDP and other national accounts metrics.

3. This paper discusses the measurement challenge (section II), proposed methods (section III), exclusions and areas for future work (section IV), empirical results (section V), and conclusions (section VI).

II. The measurement challenge

4. GDP as a single-measure index is often preferred for decision-making over other more complex presentations because it has a range of attractive analytical qualities – simplicity, international and historical comparability, objectivity of weights, regularity and frequency of publication, accuracy in terms of measuring the volume of output produced in the market, and the ability to be broken down into its component parts. These attributes make GDP dominant in many user’s eyes, even if it is not conceptually aligned with the item of interest. Production of more suitable metrics alone is insufficient – there are plenty of alternatives to GDP already. To be successful, any new metric has to be better aligned conceptually and achieve equivalence in terms of the above attributes if it aspires to better serve users. Pragmatically this requires the use of pre-existing data, at least in terms of providing meaningful historical time series, but also to ensure budget constrained national statistics institutes (NSIs) can deliver these data at a low marginal cost. Nevertheless, it is important to ask how to improve conceptual alignment if we are looking to use pre-existing data.

5. GDP is a poor indicator of a society’s standard of living, of overall economic welfare, because it is a partial measure which excludes important components to focus primarily on

2 This paper refers to “welfare” in a narrow sense – as “economic” welfare measured as the flow of goods and services received by consumers. We reserve “well-being” for a more expansive and general definition. "Welfare” is therefore neutral toward the impact of the use of resources – whether they do in fact raise life satisfaction, decrease anxiety, etc. or not. This is to be contrasted with more direct measures of well-being, for example that directly ask about life satisfaction or anxiety.



the market. GDP does not directly account for activities conducted outside the market, such as unpaid work in the home or community, leisure, and the value that society may place on services provided ‘free at the point of delivery’3. Therefore, it does not portray a complete picture of household consumption. It equally tells us little about the distribution of income or the impact of increases in variety and technology. GDP can be argued to also measure the outcomes of public services poorly and pays little attention to environmental quality or the impact of health and education services on human capital, the latter two of which are deliberately excluded. These are just a few examples of goods and services which affect people’s welfare, whether or not they are bought and sold, and whose social value is not fully captured in their price even when they are transacted in the market.

6. This paper does not present a micro-data based solution to this challenge, and is not explicitly predicated on an underlying social welfare function. Rather, it presents an accounting-based approach4 to tackling this question, which is predicated on utility being a function of consumption. Using pre-existing data sources, this paper takes the existing framework and making simple extensions to the stock and flow concepts to widen the range of consumption goods and services in scope. Throughout we shall rely on the standard national accounts methods which (on the non-financial side) can be simplified as a flows argument:

GDP = Y1 = f(K1,L1) = r1K1 + w1L1 = C1 + I1 + G1 + (X1 – M1) (1)

a stocks argument:

K1 = K0 + I0 - δ0 + revaluation0 – destruction0 (2)

And from which we can also develop a net statement of flows:

YN 1 = Y1 – δ1 (3)

7. Where Y represents output (GDP), K represents capital assets, L represents labour, r is the rate of return on capital, w is average wages and salaries, C is consumption, I is investment, G is government expenditure, W is exports, M is imports, and δ is depreciation, with sub-scripts indicating time periods and super-script N indicates a net measure. The SNA definition of each of these variables is defined by a set of constraints or ‘boundaries’ defining what is in scope and not, alongside well-established methods to determine the value of each component. Within the current national accounts, key to the decision whether an item is in scope is whether there is clear human intervention in its creation / use through a meaningful economic transaction.

8. However, if one is willing to extend these ‘boundaries’ to capture relevant concepts there is little to prevent the application of essentially the same ‘stocks and flows’ national accounts methods to wider data to develop new measures of welfare on the same monetisable, exchange value basis (i.e. excluding consumer surplus and externalities5), in both current price (CP) and real chained-linked volume measure (CVM) terms, through widening the definitions of which assets and flows can be included within these variable definitions. To do this, we need to understand GDP’s limitations.

9. Output (Y) is increasingly derived from capital (K) rather than labour inputs (L) (see Piketty 2014), and when one looks at capital, one sees authors and measurement authorities (e.g. Dasgupta (2021), World Bank (2022) and UNEP (2023)) considering an extended set of permissible factors in three broad classes; produced (both tangible and intangible

3 Excluding those delivered by the public sector and ‘paid for’ via taxation; a meaningful economic transaction. 4 Developed via two discussion papers in the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence Discussion Paper series - Heys, Martin, and Mkandawire (2019), and Bucknall, Christie, Heys, and Taylor (2021) 5 Noting that the flow of benefits received from natural assets, such as carbon sequestration, could be considered externalities because of the absence of a market. In this work we look to capture this in line with the general trend in the measurement and policy communities to recognise that the environmental impact of economic and other human activity is an essential component of understanding the economy.



(Corrado, Hulten and Sichel 2009)), natural, and human6. Of these three, only the first is included in the national accounts, and is broadly equivalent to K within the current national accounts model, noting that not all intangible assets are currently included (‘capitalised’) into the accounts. Only a subset of natural capital is capitalised (“cultivated assets”), whilst human capital exists in a ‘halfway house’ where the human capital stock itself is not captured in the accounts but the resultant flows are. Salary differentials received as a result of human capital acquisition are included, but only as a labour reward in the form of ‘compensation of employees’ (broadly equivalent to w in (1)), and the investment to create human capital, either in the form of education or health services, or in-firm training, is included as recurrent spending (C or G), but not as investment (I), and hence not flowing into (2).

10. This is the central challenge from which all others flow. It is surely incongruent to ask policy-makers in an increasingly capitalised world, in which both natural and human capital have growing importance and impact, to make decisions based on a measure which partially excludes both in different ways. Even if one believes we should give productive capital primacy and exclude natural (KN) and human capital (KH), it is odd to focus our attention on a measure which suffers from only having a partial coverage of productive capital through the exclusion of a number of intangible assets, which are generally recognised as being increasingly important in economies utilising advanced technologies (see, for example, Goodridge and Haskel 2022). It becomes ever clearer a new strategic vision is required.

11. To produce a better measure which is more reflective of the trade-offs policy-makers are making between the economy, society and the environment, a core assumption in this paper is that people derive economic utility or value both from what they consume from within the productive economy as defined in the SNA08, but also from the more broadly defined productive economy – including the flow of services they produce and consume in the unpaid household satellite account, and similarly from environmental assets. By considering each of these in terms of providing either a proxy or equivalent to a flow of income one can view the summation of these incomes as a total measure of monetised and non-monetised income and hence a feasible measure of economic welfare. Therefore, one needs to include into revised equations 1, 2 and 3, all three capitals, alongside the flows of benefits and costs consumers derive from / incur from these, even if they arise without human intervention. This paper therefore widens the ‘production boundary’ to include all output arising from the three capitals, irrespective of whether there is a paid transaction, or indeed whether there is human involvement in the production process at all. That is, the ‘production boundary’ is widened in line with the changes implemented to the ‘asset boundary’. As far as possible, all other national accounts concepts and methods remain untouched.

12. As such we apply changes to the definitions of Y, K and other variables (denoted by Y*, K* etc), taking account of the need to maintain internal coherency, and prevent double- counting. Effectively we ‘loosen’ the ‘asset boundary’ to allow the inclusion of all three capitals, (such that K1* = K1 + KH

1 + KN 1) irrespective of the degree of human intervention,

and make equivalent changes to incorporate the resultant flows from all three capitals within the ‘production boundary’, that defines which output is in scope of Y in equation 1. In doing so, we also act to treat produced capital more consistently. Capital purchased by businesses to deliver goods and services in the market are included in the national accounts. Produced capital purchased by households to deliver services in the home (as such fridge-freezers, domestic cars and home computers) are instead treated as consumption items, and not capitalised in (1).7 I* will now capture this as investment.

6 Social capital is often described as a fourth, but there is a powerful argument by Dasgupta that social capital is a contextual factor which determines the value of other capitals: a machine might be valuable to its owner in a country with operating laws and justice functions, but the same machine has no value in a failed state where it could be immediately stolen. As such, it can be considered to be ‘priced into’ the framework proposed in this paper. 7 The SNA defines the production boundary for GDP as “activity carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital, and goods and services to produce outputs of goods or services. There must be an institutional unit that assumes responsibility for the process of production and owns any resulting goods or knowledge-capturing products or is entitled to be paid, or otherwise compensated, for the change-effecting or margin services provided.”



13. Production of services undertaken by households for their own use (i.e. for which they will receive no pay, and which is not for exchange with another institutional unit – such as home cooking to be consumed by the family), utilising a combination of labour and household capital appliances, is, therefore, not included in Y in (1). Since these activities contribute to living standards, and the consumption of household capital items are a key part of understanding our environmental impact8 any indicator of welfare would be incomplete without them, so we need to bring these assets within the definitional scope of K* and I*, but in doing so we need to also capture the output they produce within Y*9, leading to the following re-defined equations:

GDP = Y1* = f(K1*,L1*) = r1K1* + w1L1* = C1* + I1* + G1 + (X1 – M1) (1*)10

K1* = K0 + KH 1 + KN

1 + I0 - δ0* + revaluation0* – destruction0* (2*)

YN 1* = Y1* – δ1* (3*)

14. The elements for inclusion are as below, noting that the authors rely wholly on the wider UK statistical system in terms of the data used. This is predicated on the joint assumptions that i) statistics have been accurately produced against a relevant international framework, ii) where measures have been monetised, these are in a consistent market equivalent price or exchange value form where they can be used, aggregated or compared in equivalent terms – that is £100 of market output is equivalent to £100 for services received from trees acting as stores of carbon is equivalent to £100 of home-produced transport services (e.g.‘dad’s taxi’), and iii) the frameworks under which these statistics are derived are mutually consistent without double-counting or exclusions. This means that all production-based welfare measures described in this paper exclude consumer surplus11, as well as most externalities (i.e. only economic flows which are conducted under mutual consent are included) – save those generated from natural capital assets as a key aspect of this work is to ‘internalise’ the impact of humanity on the environment within our understanding of economic welfare. 12

15. Nevertheless, there are still several areas where data are unavailable or experimental. As such, the estimates presented in this article should be treated as experimental and as proofs of concept. Contingent on user feedback, the aim is both to update this work to further improve these measures, as well as use this framework to highlight gaps and identify areas for future work.

8 Particularly those with significant pollution externalities, such as domestic cars and household gas boilers. 9 As we bring more assets / services into scope, both the flow of benefits from these assets and the depletion / depreciation are added to the measure together. 10 We assume that government expenditure already include spend on environmental activity and that unpaid household goods and services are not internationally traded. There is no trade in environmental services. 11 In the case of the household satellite account, where the producer is the consumer, the distinction between consumer surplus (which is excluded from National Accounting frameworks) and producer surplus (which, as this money is included in the transaction, is included in National Accounting frameworks) is conceptually a little more difficult to determine. 12 Any ‘single measure’ approach to calculating an economic value of welfare needs to be weighted to bring contributing factors together into a meaningful common metric. Market prices are the most objective way to compare, and so aggregate, production of goods and services – and remain so when creating a singular measure of (production-based) welfare. This only works as a solution when focusing solely on economic welfare and does not offer a solution of how to compare economic welfare with environmental and societal measures of well-being. The production of an aggregate measure of overall well-being, including societal and environmental factors, would necessitate substantially more subjective intervention, and so, alongside many other authors and statistics producers we consider such aggregates undesirable, both because their subjective nature could be used to distort debate, but also because even if subjective weights could be agreed on within one society, they may not apply to another, making comparisons potentially invalid.



III. Proposed Methods13

16. To widen the definition of Y in equation 1 to Y* falls into two parts: firstly, expanding from current standards to capture those dimensions of the productive economy which are currently omitted, and secondly to bring into scope those flows relating to human and natural capital which are also out of scope.

17. There are three components omitted from the current definition and methods applied in the UK to measure Y: ‘uncapitalised’ or omitted intangible assets, quality adjustment of public service outputs, and the inclusion of output generated in the household for domestic use using productive capital currently treated as recurrent spending.

18. In relation to uncapitalised intangibles or Intellectual Property Products (IPPs), under the assumption that this would previously have been accounted for as intermediate consumption we need to add these in the form of additional output, and resultingly as additional investment and depreciation in equation 2. Data is drawn from ONS publications estimating the value of these uncapitalised stocks (e.g. ONS 2021b). As elsewhere, this assumes definitions for these additional IPPs are mutually exclusive from those already accounted for in the National Accounts, although in this instance work is currently being undertaken in ONS to examine the extent to which this is the case.

19. In relation to the value of public services, as summarised in Foxton, Grice, Heys and Lewis (2019), to understand the value added from public services which are delivered at zero price, one needs to follow the methods laid out in SNA08 to quality adjust these measures to take account of the quality of the outcomes achieved, in line with the methods proposed in Atkinson (2005). The UK does not currently conform to this standard as it aligns to the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA10), which deviates from SNA08 in this important dimension14.

13 Wherever a method is presented in summary terms, full methods and datasources can be found either in Bucknall, Christie, Heys, and Taylor (2021) or the Quality and Methods documentation available on the ONS website (ONS 2022b). 14 ESA10 regulates the production of GNI estimates for each EU country, which determine contributions to the EU budget. The EU wished to observe further method developments to confirm comparable methods across all countries to ensure consistent application and therefore a ‘fair’ budgetary allocation.



Figure 1 The effect of quality adjustment on Government, Health, and Education (O, P, and Q) Output

20. Chained Volume Measure, 1997 = 100

21. This paper uses the ONS’s work to develop quality adjustments on the public services to produce public service productivity data to implement an adjustment to the non-market component of sectors O, P and Q15. To do this, we take the average quality adjustment on the 49.1% of public services where quality adjustments exist, (ONS 2023) and extrapolate this across the whole of the non-market portion (around 80%) of O, P, and Q, using a simplifying assumption that the whole of government is subject at any time to the same spending constraints and a consistent requirement for efficiencies and service improvements. To derive this measure, we uprate the CVM measures of non-market output of the industries associated with the provision of public services (O, P, and Q) in line with the average quality adjustment of service areas with calculated quality adjustments.

22. In relation to unpaid household activities, the sum of these is simply drawn from the household satellite account (ONS 2022d) in current price terms and CVM estimates are constructed using;

• Direct volume estimates in the case of childcare (where hours are used) and transport (where distance travelled, adjusted for time taken, is used)

• Services producer price indices are used for laundry (specifically, the “Washing and (Dry-)Cleaning Services of Textile and Fur Products” SPPI)

• Industry deflators for comparable industries are used for household housing services, nutrition, and adult care.

• The whole economy implied GVA deflator is used to deflate voluntary activity.

23. In addition to these, we also need to account for the flows resulting from the inclusion of human and natural capital. Of these, natural capital is the easiest as the value of both natural capital stocks, and the flows of capital services arising from these are included in the Natural Capital Accounts (ONS 2022d). The flow of benefits from carbon sequestration in the Natural Capital Account are used as provided in current price terms but deflated using the GDP deflator. This deflator is used for the time being as the benefits received from environmental assets are difficult to compare with other broad categories of products from the market sector

15 Whilst there are other non-market sectors of the economy, such as imputed rentals on owner- occupied housing, we do not propose any adjustment of these.



– in theory, the best deflator to use would be one which represents a market-equivalent of the service the environmental asset provides. Future work would be required to identify these market equivalents and their relevant deflators, which in some cases may require additional data collection.

24. We have only added carbon sequestration from ONS’s Natural Capital Accounts as a number of flow of services from environmental assets labelled ‘provisioning services’ (e.g., fossil fuel production) are already be included in GDP, and other environmental asset services have short time-series which only begin after 2005. As such, these estimates should be seen as a component of the contribution of environmental assets to value added – and not as a proxy for the entirety of environmental asset services.

25. We label Y* Gross Inclusive Income (GII), which can be considered as conceptually equivalent to GDP with a widened production and asset boundary. In summary, GII is calculated as:

Gross Inclusive Income (GII)

GDP (minus non-market gross value added in industries O, P, and Q) Plus: Quality adjusted non-market GVA in industries O, P, and Q Plus: Household flow of benefits (to be expanded to include household production using digital services in future work) Plus: The flow of benefits from carbon sequestration performed by a subset of environmental assets in the UK. Plus: Investment in previously uncapitalised Intellectual Property Products (i.e. intangible capital) = Gross Inclusive Income (GII)

Capturing depreciation and depletion

26. GII is still a gross measure, failing to capture the impact of depreciation or depletion of various types of assets. Alongside Y*, we also compute new equivalent values for K* via equation (2) taking into account uncapitalised productive capital, natural capital and human capital16.

27. We also develop a new net measure of Y*N, Net Inclusive Income (NII), which can be considered as broadly equivalent to the existing Net National Disposable Income (NNDI) variable already produced within the ONS Blue Book (e.g ONS 2022c). NII takes GII and converts it to a net measure in line with the methodological steps used to convert GDP to NNDI by taking account of depreciation and depletion through the consumption of capitals, covering productive capital, including a wider set of IPPs (‘intangible capitals’), household durables, and environmental assets (effectively δ*). It is also capable of capturing degradation of natural resources. Importantly we have not included any adjustment for human ‘capital’, as discussed below.

28. Income and transfers from abroad are also taken into account to arrive at NII, derived from net national income by adding all current transfers in cash or in-kind receivable by resident institutional units from non-resident units and subtracting all current transfers in cash or in kind payable by resident institutional units to non-resident units.

Net Inclusive Income (NII)

Gross Inclusive Income (GII) Plus: Income from abroad = Gross National Income Less: Transfers from Abroad = Gross National Disposable Income Less: Depreciation of i) Tangible and intangible productive assets ii) Durables in the Household sector

16 Derivations of stock estimates, including asset lives etc is contained in Heys, Bucknall, Christie and Taylor (2021).



ii) Uncapitalised intangibles Less: Degradation of Atmosphere due to Carbon Emissions = Net Inclusive Income (NII)

29. A key feature of this measure is the subtraction of deprecation for all assets involved in the production of GII. This means that, as well as subtracting depreciation of those assets already capitalised in GDP, we also subtract depreciation of capitals involved in household production.

30. The calculation of natural capital degradation is key to the valuation of environmental assets within production accounts, however, as ONS have not yet produced these estimates, this paper presents experimental estimates for an area of environmental assets the authors view as of primary importance – the atmosphere17.


31. We compute GII and NII in both current price (CP) and chain volume measure (CVM) terms. For CVMs we also need to determine how to deflate assets and flows outside the national accounts to ensure we adequately control for the relative change in real value over time of different flows of benefit or cost, noting that in some instance direct measures of volume are available which do not require deflating.

32. This is one of the most complex issues in this study: how best to ensure that prices have been adjusted into comparable terms which make conceptual sense. In a number of instances we have derived volume measures in terms of CVM values from available current price estimates. As such, we made every attempt to utilise deflators from other ONS data sources (such as producer price indexes), from National Accounts, or have used the GDP deflator where appropriate local deflators are unavailable. In some cases direct volume measures are available and have been used where high-quality deflators are not available. Both GII and NII CVMs have been constructed by chaining together the relevant components.

IV. Exclusions and areas for future work

33. For speed we have worked with available data. In some instances data is not available, or the work to align the conceptual frameworks has not been fully undertaken. Some data is therefore excluded, which we would wish to later incorporate, and we have provided experimental estimates where international methods agreement has not yet been achieved. These include the experimental, purpose-built estimates of carbon emission related atmosphere degradation, the treatment of public service quality adjustments, and the use of the ONS’s experimental estimates of uncapitalised intangibles. Finally, in the interest of pragmatism we have identified further conceptual changes which would be required to make our system fully internally consistent but where we have not been able to make progress. These include the use of free digital services and platforms, degradation of other environmental assets, and the full inclusion of human capital.

Improving atmospherics degradation estimates

17 This model only reflects degradation due to carbon emissions. As this excludes greenhouse gases such as methane, the model could be thought of as a lower bound estimate of atmospheric degradation – or, more accurately, atmospheric degradation purely accounted for by carbon emissions. The model also makes no assumption of the proportion of the atmosphere – if any – which would be included within the UK’s national or domestic boundary, or which economic sector owns the atmosphere. Instead, degradation of the (global) atmosphere, as included in NII, can be interpreted as a combination of two phenomenon, both of which have the same effect on the numbers. The first is the UK ‘consuming’ its own atmospheric environmental asset through the emission of carbon. The second is the UK importing degradation (akin to importing capital services) of the atmosphere through the emission of carbon into the non-UK atmosphere. As both of these (consumption of ‘capital’ and importing of ‘capital services’) have the same effect on a ‘net’ measure of production, the question of which is taking place can be put to one side.



34. Currently being addressed on an international level through the SNA update is the framework for environmental degradation measurement, and its relation to National Accounts. This article uses a highly experimental model for estimating atmosphere degradation related to carbon-emission induced climate change, but this represents a highly simplified approach – while attempting to follow SEEA guidance where possible – compared to the integrated set of environmental asset accounts which would be required to fully understand the economic effects of climate change. As internationally agreed methods are put in place we would look to substitute these for those put forward as part of this work.

Improving quality adjustments for public services.

35. Quality adjustment of output, particularly that of public service output, remains challenging in the National Accounts. While quality adjustment of market output can be achieved indirectly through adjusting prices and deflators, this approach cannot be used for public service output due to their being provide free at the point of consumption. Hence, finding conceptually ideal indicators with which to quality adjust the output of this sector remains challenging and an area always needing further improvement and development. While this paper uses those adjustments available and expands them to cover all non-market production of public services, this is no substitute for the rigorous development of new and improved quality metrics on a service-by-service basis. This process was commissioned by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2023 in a review led by Sir Ian Diamond, the National Statistician, and the relevant UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) processes have been followed such that once developed, these metrics can be integrated into UK GDP. This would effectively align GII and GDP in this respect and this adjustment would therefore drop out of the GII compilation process at that time to prevent duplication.

Improving Intangibles estimates

36. The ONS already publishes long time series of investment data for these assets, some of which will be incorporated into the 2025 revision of the SNA. As such methods may need to be amended to align with agreed international best practice.

Free digital services and platforms

37. Top on the agenda is the impact of free digital services – and free digital platforms in particular – on the measurement of production of household services in the household satellite account.

38. The economic welfare of societies can be argued to have been increased partly through access to free digital platforms (and the content hosted on these platforms) such as those provided by Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, X/Twitter just to mention a few. Households use these platforms to engage in activities – such as sending tweets, developing TikTok dances, or composing pictures on Instagram – which may be thought of as own-account production within a household, or free-at-the-point-of-use trade in services between households. The reduction in the number of stamps sold whilst the number of messages has grown exponentially is a classic example of a movement across the current production boundary distorting our perception of growth in the economy, widely defined.

39. While the business model underlying these platforms is similar in some respects to long established industries, such as advertisement funded TV programming, the pace at which digital services have expanded mean the way in which we account for these services may impact not just our understanding of the long-run level of economic welfare, but its growth (or decline) in the short term. Where the value of household production of services using these free digital services as an input is affected by this, this should be accounted for in GII and NII.

Degradation of environmental assets other than atmospheric degradation

40. This work currently takes account of a limited number of ecosystem services, due to the short time series currently available for these assets, and the relatively low values attached to these, in part driven by the efforts made to align pricing of these assets at market price, or exchange values, which could exclude some or all of the externalities inherent in these services. The ONS is at the forefront of the work to develop such measures internationally and we aspire to add to this element of the model as new data series are produced.



Human Capital

41. Human capital represents the most significant remaining concept omitted from this analysis at this stage, for two reasons. The first is because it may be necessary to adjust existing aggregates within the National Accounts, whilst the second is the current method for calculating the stock is subtly different from that used for other capitals, and this data may require further developmental work to bring into a consistent form.

Compatibility with existing aggregates

42. If human capital is a capital, it must be created through investment. One therefore needs to identify the process by which this investment occurs. Clearly education output would be one source, but also business and household spending on adult education, apprentices, and non-firm specific training would need to be captured within our estimate of human capital investment. Under the current framework, firm-specific training18, the benefits of which accrue to the corporate sector, would be captured in the existing estimates of uncapitalised intangibles already incorporated into GII and NII.

43. Resolving how the entirety of this educational investment is converted into capital is a substantive topic in its own right. For example, would primary school spending in year 1 be treated as capital investment in year 1, or as ‘work in progress’ until the child has completed their school career and joined the labour force? Equally, if human capital is a capital, what is the rate of return and where would this be observed? When one considers primary and secondary allocations of income, we require an agreed treatment of compensation of employees (CoE), mixed income and gross operating surpluses based on agreed sectoral ownership of the human capital asset, and indeed whether there is a need to disaggregate CoE into a return to labour and a return to human capital. Importantly, how would one account for depreciation (e.g., skills eroded through unemployment hysteresis), depletion (e.g., untimely death whilst still in the labour force), and retirement (e.g., people leaving the labour market as they reach the end of their career)? If one captures retirement, how then does one account for human capital deployed in the household for household production, either during retirement or before? What portion of unpaid childcare should be classified as investment in human capital? Does one adjust the human capital stock for the health of the workforce? How does one account for imports (immigration) and exports (emigration) of human capital?

44. Due to these and further similar issues, this paper excludes human capital. However, Dunn (2022) provides considerable progress in this space based on UN (2016), and we consider provides a framework for integrating human capital into this model. Additional research into flows identifiable in ONS’s existing human capital model, as well as detailed conceptual considerations around this, is the subject of a forthcoming discussion paper through the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence.

Computational issues

45. UN (2016) lays out a model for the calculation of human capital stocks in line with the ground-breaking work of Jorgenson and Fraumeni (1989). This delivers a clear picture of the expected return to human capital acquisition recognising that human capital qualifications can serve two purposes; the acquisition of new skills, and acting as a gateway permitting access to further qualifications which will further enhance skills, increasing earning power, and themselves potentially permitting access to further qualifications. Let us take a simple three time period model (shown by t), where in period 1 people can receive education at level A with probability p(A), and in period 2, undergo education at level B with probability p(B) if and only if they have achieved education level A. Wages relate to training undergone (shown by sub-scripts – 0 representing not having achieved educational level A or B) where w0 < wA < wB, w0 is always received whether working or in education, and δ is a time discount factor.

18 Defined as training which does not result in a transferable wage supplement – that is if the worker moves employer the new employer would not add a wage supplement in response to holding these qualifications.



The UN (2016) model calculates the human capital (KH) stock of an average individual at time 0 as the discounted sum of future earnings.

KH 0 = w01 + δ1 [(1-p(A)).w02 + p(A).wA2] + δ2 [(1-(p(A)).w03 + (p(A)-p(B)).wA3 + p(B)).wB3]

46. The challenge with this approach in a National Accounts context is that the capital investment in future time periods (education B in period 2) is reflected in the stock in period 1. This is akin to arguing that if one took the example of a building to which significant extension work was undertaken in future time periods, then this future investment should be incorporated into the capital value of that building today. Core national accounts principles are to reflect the value of the building today, in line with its current market valuation, and recognise future investment in maintenance or new capital acquisition in future time periods. In this light, it is not hard to see why human capital estimates for the UK at £24tn exceed the complete value of productive capitals contained in the National Accounts (£11tn) to such an extent (see ONS (2022a) and figure 6 below). National accounts consistent human capital data, with a clear bridging table to the existing data, is clearly the next required step to show the value of current investment without further investment, whilst existing published data show the full potential value of such investments including commensurate future investment. Initial exploratory work suggests the difference in stock values terms is likely to be in the region of 15%.

47. Finally, there are two potential expansions to this model, relating to a) externalities and b) distribution.

Accounting Prices

48. As can be observed in the results section below, the benefits arising from environmental assets are dramatically low compared to other benefit streams. This is due to several factors, including;

49. This work has not split out from market, public sector, and non-profit GVA the portion which could be attributed to ecosystem services (i.e. provisioning services).

50. Due to the limited time spans available for time series, we have not yet incorporated the full suite of non-provisioning ecosystem services produced by ONS, to maintain comparability of our estimates across time

51. But as well as these practical factors, there is one important theoretical factor which may lead to these estimates being lower than expected – following SEEA, the estimates are based on exchange prices (i.e. market equivalent prices). Considering the externalities associated with natural capitals and their corresponding ecosystem services, this could omit a substantial portion of the economic importance of these capitals. The work recommended by Dasgupta (2021) to make more use of accounting prices, prices which do not reflect exchange values but instead try to internalise the cost of externalities, is clearly key to presenting a more realistic picture of these data.

Distributional Analyses

52. By thinking about this work in ‘income’ terms, the key question arises of ‘whose’ income and what do they consume from this income? Once this question is addressed, there is the further issue of sourcing relevant deflators for different groups. Drawing on Aitkin and Weale (2018a & 2018b), the question of ‘whose income this is’ can be expanded into several more particular questions, such as how to allocate non-household income to households, and which deflator is considered optimal, particularly for services delivered in the household or from the environment.

53. Net Inclusive Income (NII) denotes the most complete plutocratic (as Aitken and Weale would describe it) aggregate measure of welfare possible using currently available data, as it reflects the average of all households not the average household19. Extending this framework is possible to develop a metric we would label Adjusted Inclusive Income (AII).

19 A simple example is if a billionaire in a country of 60 million people purchased a £60m superyacht (if this was considered a consumption item), then the average individual would consume £1 of superyacht.



This is a ‘democratic’ measure which would attempt to adjust NII to take income distribution into account (Aitken and Weale 2018a), delivering the growth rates of different percentiles of the economy. The following figure is a diagrammatic representation of a potential end- state.

Figure 2 The range of inclusive income metrics

54. Within this framework, Well-being would be measured by pluralistic indicator frameworks incorporating a wider range of quality-of-life factors which are harder to conceptualise as flows on consumption / proxied by income. Such frameworks would include the full range of factors that influences what we value in living, reaching beyond its material side. Well-being includes intangible aspects that cannot be traded in a market. This paper again does not attempt to deliver this component of the spectrum, in the main because existing ‘dashboards’, such as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations (2015)) are clearly superior in terms of their spread and depth. The authors propose that NII or preferably AII could naturally fit into such a ‘dashboard’ and provide a powerful context for the other measures.

V. Results

55. A proof of concept, a pilot model was compiled using the methods above to produce GII (Gross Inclusive Income) and NII (Net Inclusive Income) in previous working papers which was translated into a full statistical publication in 2022 and 2023 by the Office for National Statistics (ONS (2023). Whilst data can be sourced for some variables for long time periods, the period for which all the key data are available is 2005-2019. Full tables are available in Annex A.

56. Figure 3 presents the relative scale of the adjustments incorporated to derived GII and then NII in current prices20 for 2019, with positive contributions shown as green and negative as red. The inclusion of household production is by far the biggest adjustment – adding £1.54tn in 2019. For context, this is around three times bigger than the size of the non-market elements of the economy currently contained within GDP and is nearly equivalent in scale of all market-based production. That is to say that the UK is in a position whereby the value of production within the household is only marginally less than the value of output produced in

20 The quality adjustment of public services has no effect on current price data, as the quality adjustment only applied to volume measures.



the market. Whilst we do not have historic data to compare to, this may represent a significant turning point in UK society and merits further investigation.

57. The size of other contributions added to GDP to derive GII (investment in additional IPPs, £103bn, and carbon sequestration, -£1.33bn) are substantially smaller, or even negative21. As we will observe elsewhere, the impact of environmental services, as measured under SEEA as broadly equivalent to market prices, may exclude significant externalities and merit consideration, as proposed in Dasgupta (2021), towards measuring value in accounting prices.

Figure 3 Progression through Spectrum from Market GVA to Net Inclusive Income

UK, £trillions, Current Prices, 2019

58. Note: Different measures are shown in grey, and green and red bars represent components added to progress from measures on the left to measures on the right. Quality Adjustment of Public Services has no impact on current price data, but are included for completeness.

59. Turning to the contributions subtracted from GII to move to NII, we see less of a dominance of any one component. That said, depreciation of capitals already included in National Accounts still accounts for just over half the contributions at this stage (-£333bn). In contrast with its effect on GII, the effect of accounting for household production on moving to net figures is much more subdued, amounting to just -£79.1bn. Finally, the effect of carbon-emission related degradation of the atmosphere is relatively small, at -£14.5bn. We re-emphasise that this measure is intended as a proof-of-concept.

60. As with standard GDP data, comparisons of growth over time are best undertaken using Chained Volume Measures (CVM) – which control for changes in prices – as shown in the following figure, which compares NII with GDP, market-sector GVA and NNDI. The general trajectory of NII over time is correlated with that of GDP but demonstrates weaker overall growth through the period (20.5% compared to 22.1%). Comparing to Blue Book NNDI also shows similar overall trends, excepting 2008-9: Blue Book NNDI falls by 6.1%

21 In the case of carbon sequestration this is negative because natural resources in the UK which should absorb carbon, such as peatland, is so damaged it is currently emitting / releasing carbon rather than capturing it.



between 2007 and 2009 while NII only fell by 2.8%. However, NII does not always show stronger growth than GDP, with 2012 telling a quite different story: whilst market GVA grew at 3.4% and GDP grew at 1.5%, NNDI grew by 0.1% and NII grew by 0.5%. Compared to GDP, this is driven by negative contributions in that year from capital depreciation (from national accounts capitals), household production, and income and transfer from abroad.

Figure 4 A comparison of market GVA, standard GDP and Net National Disposable Income, as published by the ONS in Blue Book 2022, with Gross and Net Inclusive Income

UK, 2005 = 100, Chained Volume Measures

61. Figure 5 explains these differences by decomposing cumulative growth in CVM GII and NII since 2005. Whilst market GVA is a relatively large component with substantial volatility – such as the 2008-09 recession and subsequent recovery, other components of NII mitigate these movements. When market sector GVA pushed GII growth downwards by 2.9 percentage points in 2009, household production partially offset this through a 0.4pp upwards contribution. Interestingly, household production generally demonstrates a stronger counter- cyclical dynamic (i.e. growth in household production is negatively correlated with growth in market GVA) than non-market GVA currently included in GDP.



Figure 5 Contributions to growth in CVM GII and NII since 2005

UK, % and percentage points

Notes: “IPPs” refers to a subset of assets called Intellectual Property Products, otherwise known as “intangible capital”.

62. Certain stories dominate: while the market economy is the largest contributor to growth in GII (and so NII), household production makes a substantial contribution in second. While (CVM) market GVA grew by 25.6% between 2005 and 2019, household production grew by 17.9%. Additionally, an interesting narrative which comes out of this data is that, despite carbon emissions falling over the period, carbon-related climate degradation increased (albeit mildly) so climate degradation contributed negatively to NII. This can be attributed to the global temperatures increasing over time, such that the marginal growth in the damage per unit of carbon emitted outweighed the effect of carbon emissions falling, or put another way, the price of the damage incurred grew faster than UK output of emissions fell.

63. Finally, annual growth figures are summarised in Figure 6 for all measures. Differences between the growth rates mostly below 2 percentage points, with a few outliers; 2008-09 for example, reflecting the market-led economic downturn in those years. Nevertheless, an overall effect can clearly be seen: while broad trends are similar, NII and GII growth were less volatile than NNDI and GDP. This indicates that market-centred



indicators like GDP may overstate the importance of short-term factors on economic welfare, and broader measures like NII may better focus on longer term trends.

Figure 6 Comparison of annual growth for economic welfare measures

UK, % change on same time previous year, Chained Volume Measure (CVM)

64. These analyses demonstrate the power of these new aggregates in assessing expansions of the production and asset boundaries in order to better measure welfare – and evaluating how these expansions can change our understanding of events like the 2008-09 recession.

VI. Conclusions

65. This paper claims only a relatively narrow contribution to the international statistical community’s broader work on Beyond GDP – it does not deal with distributional issues, or comprehensively tackle the inter-linkages between the Stiglitz’s three pillars of the Economy, Environment, and Society. It brings together many pieces of work which have previously been treated in isolation and adds value by combining them within a framework consistent with those already in place for National Accounts, but it is not a substitute for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, or other multi-dimensional analyses of wider wellbeing, where the components of these are harder to conceptualise in proxy income terms.

66. This paper nevertheless presents new indicators of welfare using national accounts methods applied to a wider range of assets, goods, and services, using data which is available today. Even using this limited evidence, several key insights are available which touch on a variety of key current debates.

67. Firstly, our perspective of the way the UK produces goods and services has to reflect the impact of unpaid household production of goods and services, specifically whether the large and growing share of GII which we observe is evidence of a fundamental change in the way we relate to production as a society.

68. Second, and inherent in the first, is the question of the relationship between paid and unpaid work, both following the 2007-9 Financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. What factors caused labour to become dislocated from paid activity at these times, and here in particular the question of distribution is important: if this unpaid work is retired people on good pensions delivering unpaid childcare through enjoying days out with their



grandchildren this is dramatically different from a lone parent providing the same childcare because they cannot afford to work and pay childcare fees. The relationship between financial and non-financial wealth and the decision to opt out (either fully or in part) of the labour market and deliver unpaid output is one we consider worthy of further investigation.

69. In the immediate term, the relative growth of unpaid work and its distribution have experienced a major shock, through Covid-19. During the pandemic, roughly a quarter of the UK workforce were furloughed and had more time for training, self-development, or to undertake unpaid activity in the home, shifting a volume of consumer services from the market economy back to the household economy. For example, time use data taken between 28 March and 26 April 2020 indicates that time spent on paid work was below 2014-15 levels, but time spent on gardening and DIY increased during lockdown (ONS 2020b). GDP fell over this period, but GII and NII would allow us to analyse the effect of the wider basket of contributors to economic welfare through the shock, such as reduced pollution from fewer car journeys. While this would not fully capture the effect of the lockdown on wider well- being – for example, the effects of a possible increase in domestic violence (ONS 2020a) or reduced socialising due to social distancing – being able to judge the extent to which economic activity ‘shifted’ outside the traditional production boundary and the extent to which economic activity as a whole actually declined would be a useful advancement of our understanding of the pandemic.

70. Fourth, the dramatic extent of growth outside the production boundary necessarily compels us to think again about productivity and the puzzle of the UK’s low growth since 2008. Whilst traditional analyses have focussed on investment and flatlining TFP growth, it needs to be questioned whether we should be considering this growth of output as a key factor. For example, could it be the case that business innovation and investment may be delivering growth outside the traditional measures of the market sector? An obvious example is investment in projects to reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants. A business could easily invest significant sums to do this, without delivering any increase in output, with the benefits being observed only through enhanced ecosystems delivering improved flows of services to households. Stopping polluting a public beach improves that beach’s amenity value but is not visible in GDP as currently scoped22. Secondly, as mentioned above, free goods and services have dramatically changed the production technology for unpaid activities. Instead of writing one or two letters a week and posting these via the mail, today’s digital correspondent sends dozens of written communications a day, via platforms such as email, LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter/X to name but a few. That exponential growth in unpaid output, from one or two communications to maybe hundreds is just one example of how free technologies may have created vast productivity growth, just not within GDP, which will only value these platforms in terms of the cost of production.

71. Fifth, this work presents a significant challenge to natural capital measurement. The SEEA uses, as mentioned, market prices or imputes the equivalent to exchange values. Whilst these will internalise some current externalities, the threat is this may continue to under-value these assets and hence place relative less importance onto them than justified. In part this is because of notable methodological challenges around how to value cliff-edges in marginal pricing models. This suggests further thought needs to be urgently given to the feasibility of using accounting prices rather than market prices, recognising the challenges both methodological and practical. Finally, the impact of human capital, when applied into the framework could be very significant, but is heavily dependent on continued methodological work. Where the current international methods appear to not fully align with national accounting norms means more work is required, and this may change our understanding of the relative value of human capital in the UK.

72. These are all key questions: the nature of the UK economy, the nature of apparent economic inactivity, the relative importance of the environment, the productivity puzzle and

22 It may be visible in a market price if the beach has charged access and more can be charged to access a ‘clean’ beach. One of the challenges with accounting prices is not necessarily adding the externalities costs to the polluters price, but working out if there are second-order effects where the externality may, to some degree already be included in a different price. Public service provision of health services may be the key example of this.



the importance of human capital, and all are cast in a new and better informed way by presenting data together to allow policy-makers to observe in a simple way the trade-offs between the economic, social and environmental domains. Following sustained investment since the Bean Review (2016) the UK’s Office for National Statistics, commenced publication of these data in 2022 and will be updating as well as improving upon them over time. Although these data will be improved further in future years, the ability to apply proven methods and techniques across a wider landscape opens the door for economists to build upon, rather than rebuilding, GDP without further delay. Rather than long debates about how and whether to change GDP, this model allows consumer choice, and provides users a means to place the data they have previously used into a wider context at low additional cost to the taxpayer now the foundational investments by ONS have already been delivered. Whilst there is always more to do to perfect methods and data, we have enough data to aide users now, without compromising the quality of market-based metrics essential for macro-economic policy making.


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Annex A

GII and NII Datasets

Table F1 Current Price Spectrum Estimates and Contributions

Market GVA

Non-market GVA

Taxes minus

subsidies GDP Intangible Investment

Quality Adjusted

Public Services

Household production

Carbon Sequestration

Gross Inclusive Income

Capital depreciation:

National Accounts

Capital depreciation:

Intangible Investment

Capital depreciation: Household

Capital Climate


Income & Transfers

from abroad

Net Inclusive Income

1997 631,841 230,601 91,510 953,952 48,709 - - 123,199 - 4,937 - 6,814

1998 662,863 237,753 98,710 999,326 52,684 - - 1,314 - 127,653 - 5,273 1,835

1999 687,055 250,032 107,063 1,044,150 56,607 - - 1,385 - 135,278 - 5,722 - 11,626

2000 726,530 261,376 113,237 1,101,143 61,658 - - 1,373 - 143,789 - 6,523 - 7,148

2001 752,093 278,212 115,018 1,145,323 64,016 - - 1,318 - 153,461 - 7,522 - 762

2002 781,004 291,229 119,282 1,191,515 66,379 - - 1,238 - 161,878 - 7,828 4,380

2003 824,487 309,746 125,442 1,259,675 69,035 - - 1,237 - 170,746 - 8,760 3,595

2004 861,775 328,421 133,224 1,323,420 72,008 - - 1,165 - 177,483 - 9,348 - 164

2005 912,809 347,991 138,843 1,399,643 75,307 - 684,877 - 1,149 2,158,677 - 187,530 - 68,932 - 62,451 - 10,028 1,710 1,831,446

2006 962,522 364,204 146,111 1,472,837 78,114 - 710,686 - 1,102 2,260,535 - 199,136 - 72,150 - 63,782 - 10,666 - 18,366 1,896,435

2007 1,013,865 377,448 154,479 1,545,792 82,952 - 761,523 - 1,059 2,389,208 - 210,672 - 75,485 - 65,378 - 11,401 - 27,858 1,998,414

2008 1,051,497 391,663 151,577 1,594,737 82,293 - 822,438 - 1,010 2,498,458 - 225,870 - 79,919 - 62,989 - 11,937 - 34,899 2,082,845

2009 1,010,393 402,865 138,624 1,551,882 80,997 - 890,020 - 1,009 2,521,889 - 235,710 - 83,507 - 61,595 - 11,479 - 28,492 2,101,107

2010 1,040,692 412,139 159,550 1,612,381 80,045 - 917,950 - 1,004 2,609,372 - 236,805 - 86,091 - 62,119 - 12,912 - 19,561 2,191,884

2011 1,070,943 415,001 178,267 1,664,211 77,416 - 982,992 - 956 2,723,663 - 243,877 - 86,456 - 62,570 - 12,733 - 14,136 2,303,892

2012 1,107,224 423,912 182,105 1,713,241 78,390 - 1,021,507 - 993 2,812,145 - 252,270 - 85,699 - 63,888 - 13,984 - 37,102 2,359,202

2013 1,161,386 429,369 191,541 1,782,296 81,434 - 1,092,304 - 1,050 2,954,984 - 259,619 - 84,858 - 65,408 - 14,408 - 57,689 2,473,002

2014 1,217,581 443,471 201,775 1,862,827 83,314 - 1,144,063 - 1,019 3,089,185 - 268,199 - 84,752 - 66,989 - 13,829 - 57,559 2,597,856

2015 1,257,522 455,907 207,569 1,920,998 88,461 - 1,213,031 - 1,112 3,221,378 - 277,744 - 83,643 - 69,457 - 13,379 - 65,988 2,711,167

2016 1,308,415 473,700 217,346 1,999,461 91,678 - 1,242,874 - 1,078 3,332,935 - 290,604 - 84,714 - 71,109 - 13,226 - 70,973 2,802,308

2017 1,374,338 485,948 224,722 2,085,008 97,248 - 1,335,697 - 1,048 3,516,905 - 306,716 - 86,618 - 72,332 - 13,537 - 45,324 2,992,377

2018 1,420,672 504,763 231,975 2,157,410 102,726 - 1,437,117 - 1,198 3,696,056 - 319,006 - 89,107 - 75,572 - 14,128 - 55,247 3,142,997


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2019 1,473,430 526,727 238,191 2,238,348 102,563 - 1,543,104 - 1,329 3,882,686 - 332,595 - 92,242 - 79,090 - 14,480 - 27,535 3,336,744


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Table F2 Chained Volume Spectrum Measures and Contributions (£2019)








subsidies GDP





























Income &


from abroad




1997 904,686 405,845 167,436 1,471,263 69,001









1998 940,048 409,977 172,999 1,517,715 73,531 23,485



3,470 2,787

1999 972,464 419,655 175,939 1,563,460 78,390 23,290



3,823 17,408

2000 1,025,507 422,025 182,246 1,627,447 86,245 22,273



4,416 10,564

2001 1,046,135 431,933 187,101 1,662,558 87,229 23,163



5,183 1,106

2002 1,068,237 431,813 194,352 1,691,998 88,793 21,458



5,511 6,220

2003 1,105,073 441,551 200,390 1,744,840 90,283 20,131



6,325 4,980

2004 1,130,121 449,997 208,221 1,785,756 91,822 18,723



6,927 221

2005 1,172,850 452,892 209,128 1,833,406 94,470 15,774 1,310,296 1,506 3,221,530 248,549 91,666 51,539 7,652 2,240 2,839,782

2006 1,203,792 458,950 211,336 1,873,015 95,754 13,083 1,317,411 1,402 3,276,506 255,313 90,845 52,549 8,384 23,356 2,856,262

2007 1,249,469 455,995 216,540 1,921,029 101,091 11,954 1,311,936 1,315 3,334,558 263,012 91,057 53,556 9,178 34,620 2,890,583

2008 1,250,942 455,217 212,408 1,918,064 98,206 10,527 1,354,440 1,215 3,363,949 270,911 92,321 54,319 9,919 41,975 2,899,135

2009 1,175,797 453,099 202,640 1,831,550 91,589 8,447 1,369,625 1,191 3,274,159 276,469 92,548 54,994 9,723 33,627 2,808,489

2010 1,214,106 457,308 204,165 1,876,058 90,548 7,526 1,381,185 1,169 3,332,711 281,882 92,372 55,914 11,092 22,760 2,871,584

2011 1,233,261 457,440 205,038 1,896,087 86,901 5,897 1,413,981 1,089 3,380,406 286,888 91,311 56,866 11,179 16,106 2,922,267

2012 1,255,362 463,993 203,874 1,923,551 87,420 5,116 1,433,880 1,114 3,428,930 290,924 89,472 57,894 12,460 41,656 2,937,984

2013 1,286,304 463,042 209,197 1,958,557 88,221 4,271 1,457,715 1,154 3,489,264 293,678 87,519 59,566 13,112 63,394 2,971,642

2014 1,334,928 471,297 215,150 2,021,225 89,946 3,012 1,438,019 1,105 3,542,339 297,692 86,358 61,182 12,750 62,453 3,022,115

2015 1,362,923 482,706 224,003 2,069,595 94,913 2,161 1,457,662 1,198 3,617,441 303,653 85,707 63,399 12,416 71,092 3,081,136

2016 1,393,865 493,767 226,792 2,114,406 96,943 1,736 1,472,509 1,139 3,680,643 310,914 86,590 66,574 12,512 75,053 3,128,323

2017 1,430,701 504,336 231,113 2,166,073 100,862 1,320 1,514,081 1,088 3,777,939 318,976 88,084 70,280 13,036 47,086 3,241,120

2018 1,449,855 516,415 236,775 2,203,005 105,163 448 1,531,011 1,224 3,837,333 326,547 89,959 74,696 13,831 56,415 3,275,581

2019 1,473,430 526,727 238,191 2,238,348 102,563 - 1,543,104 1,329 3,882,686 332,595 92,242 79,090 14,480 27,535 3,336,744


E /C


E .20/2024/13


Table F3 Contributions to Cumulative Growth in CVM Net Inclusive Income Since 2005 (percentage points)

Market GVA



Taxes minus


Investment in

additional IPPs























Income &


from abroad




2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2006 1.31 0.25 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.2 0 -0.28 0.03 -0.07 -0.05 -1.07 0.58

2007 3.25 0.13 0.27 0.29 0.14 0.05 0.01 -0.6 0.02 -0.13 -0.11 -1.54 1.79

2008 3.31 0.1 0.12 0.17 0.19 1.3 0.01 -0.92 -0.03 -0.18 -0.15 -1.84 2.09

2009 0.22 0.01 -0.22 -0.11 0.27 1.76 0.01 -1.15 -0.04 -0.22 -0.14 -1.5 -1.1

2010 1.77 0.18 -0.17 -0.15 0.31 2.11 0.01 -1.36 -0.03 -0.27 -0.22 -1.06 1.12

2011 2.52 0.19 -0.14 -0.3 0.37 3.11 0.02 -1.56 0.01 -0.31 -0.22 -0.8 2.9

2012 3.38 0.45 -0.19 -0.27 0.4 3.73 0.02 -1.71 0.09 -0.37 -0.29 -1.8 3.46

2013 4.58 0.42 0.02 -0.25 0.44 4.48 0.01 -1.82 0.17 -0.45 -0.32 -2.65 4.64

2014 6.44 0.74 0.25 -0.18 0.48 3.85 0.02 -1.97 0.22 -0.52 -0.3 -2.62 6.42

2015 7.48 1.18 0.59 0.01 0.51 4.49 0.01 -2.19 0.25 -0.62 -0.29 -2.94 8.5

2016 8.62 1.6 0.7 0.09 0.53 4.99 0.02 -2.45 0.21 -0.76 -0.29 -3.09 10.16

2017 9.98 2 0.86 0.23 0.55 6.37 0.02 -2.75 0.16 -0.92 -0.31 -2.05 14.13

2018 10.69 2.44 1.07 0.39 0.57 6.94 0.01 -3.03 0.09 -1.09 -0.35 -2.39 15.35

2019 11.53 2.81 1.12 0.29 0.59 7.35 0.01 -3.24 0 -1.25 -0.37 -1.35 17.5




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  • Group of Experts on National Accounts
  • Twenty-third session
  • GDP and Welfare: Empirical Estimates of a spectrum of opportunity
    • Prepared by Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom0F
  • I. Introduction
  • II. The measurement challenge
  • III. Proposed Methods12F
  • IV. Exclusions and areas for future work
  • V. Results
  • VI. Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Disaggregating UK annual Gross Value Added to lower levels of geography: 1998 to 2021

Languages and translations

Economic Commission for Europe Conference of European Statisticians Group of Experts on National Accounts Twenty-third session Geneva, 23-25 April 2024 Item 4 of the provisional agenda Subnational and regional accounts

Disaggregating UK annual Gross Value Added (GVA) to lower levels of geography: 1998 to 2021

Prepared by Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom1


There is growing demand for subnational statistics, and the Office for National Statistics is responding to this demand by implementing an ambitious plan to establish a framework for developing methods for producing granular economic statistics. This paper discusses fundamental requirements for successful production of subnational statistics of sufficient quality. It uses the development of a method to produce UK granular gross value added statistics as illustration. It emphasises the flexibility of using small building blocks to produce bespoke geographical areas for analysis.

1 Prepared by Blessing Chiripanhura and Trevor Fenton.

United Nations ECE/CES/GE.20/2024/16

Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 26 March 2024 English only



I. Overview of subnational statistics development

1. Statistical users in the UK have increasingly focused on statistics and data at an ever more detailed lower-level geography for research, and for targeting and monitoring the impact of local policy making. In economic development circles, it is known that aggregated nature of national statistics masks local-level differences, hence the push for subnational statistics (Smits and Permanyer, 2019). At global level, the existence of within-country and (within-) regional disparities influenced the United Nations’ development agenda to include Sustainable Development Goal number 10, which focuses on reducing inequalities between and within countries (United Nations, 2023).

2. In the UK, the interest in granular statistics has been rapidly increasing. For example, the 2016 review of UK economic statistics (Bean, 2016) recommended that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) should aim to provide greater granularity of economic statistics in terms of the amount of detailed information provided and the levels of geographic areas covered by the statistics. Although there are subnational institutions that produce subnational statistics for their own use, the statutory responsibility for producing statistics lies with the ONS. The ONS also has the resource base to produce UK-wide subnational statistics, which subnational producers of statistics do not have.

3. The ONS already publishes several statistical indicators at subnational level, including employment, gross domestic product, and gross disposable household income. The most common geographical level at which the subnational indicators are produced is local authority level. There are 379 local authority districts and equivalent administrations in the UK. There are indicators that go below the local authority level, like the ONS’s small area income estimates. Further, the current Government Statistical Service subnational data strategy seeks to produce granular economic statistics, targeting sub-regional geographical levels. Since 2020, the ONS has been developing and refining a method for producing granular gross value added (GVA) estimates at lower-layer super output area and equivalent geographical levels, which we call the ‘building blocks’ (see Section 2.5). The latest experimental statistics were published at the end of January 2023. One of the major strengths of the building blocks datasets if that they offer users the flexibility to build their own geographical areas for analysis. However, we discourage users from comparing individual building blocks series because at that level of granularity, the timeseries are volatile. We recommend that they must use the building blocks to build larger geographical areas for analysis.

4. This paper discusses the basic requirements for successful subnational statistics development and uses the method and data sources used to produce the UK granular GVA statistics as illustration. It highlights future developments for granular economic indicators. It also highlights other geographical areas for which GVA estimates can be produced using the building blocks.

II. Basic principles for producing granular data

5. There are basic principles and requirements that are necessary to produce granular economic statistics. We discuss these and how they apply to the UK GVA statistics at lower levels of geography.

A. The need for a pre-existing national framework

6. The consideration for the development of low-level geography statistics started with an understanding that we already had national GVA statistics for the UK, the devolved administrations, and down to local authorities. The subnational GVA statistics sum up to the total UK figure. This means we have a pre-existing national framework within which we are constrained, which makes the statistics development process simpler than starting from nothing.

Hickman, Emma
? Check?



7. Since the existing framework is at national level, the subnational statistics development process is based on a top-down approach. This means we break down the local authority level GVA to lower-layer super output area and equivalent geographical levels. This approach is most suitable because the coverage of survey data become progressively thinner as we go down the geographical hierarchy. We can therefore develop innovative methods that use administrative and proxy data to break down GVA to lower levels of geography. By combining different data sources, we derive proxy datasets with adequate coverage of industry-level GVA. We do not produce industry-level granular GVA data series because they are disclosive.

B. Securing access to administrative and other proxy data

8. Surveys are often not large enough to allow the development of statistics at low levels of geography. Increasing sample sizes is costly and may over-burden respondents. This calls for other data sources to be considered, of which administrative sources are a key candidate. Securing regular access to administrative data sources will provide sufficient coverage of smaller businesses to help ensure that economic statistics for lower levels of geography are of sufficient quality.

9. In the UK, to produce GVA statistics at low level geography, we need access to Value Added Tax (VAT) turnover data. This is essential for the apportionment of industry GVA to local business units. The allocation of VAT turnover itself is based on local unit share of employment.

10. We also require other datasets to apportion the GVA of industries that do not have VAT turnover data, that for the public sector industries, the household sector, and for the imputed rent component of real estate services.

C. Maintaining an up-to-date business register

11. Breaking down local authority-level GVA by industry to low level geographies means we must understand the location where the economic activity is taking place. We must have a comprehensive picture of the structure and distribution of both private and public businesses’ economic activities. For this, we use the national business register, Inter- Departmental Business Register (IDBR). The IDBR is a comprehensive list of UK businesses used by government for statistical purposes. It provides the main sampling frame for surveys of businesses conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and other government departments.

12. The IDBR is populated and regularly updated by administrative data, principally from company tax returns, plus additional information gathered by an annual Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES). We match the IDBR with the VAT returns data to create separate datasets with separate records for local business operations. The IDBR holds information on the postcode, the geographical structure of businesses, employment and the main economic activity conducted at each site.

D. Dealing with complex business operations operating across multiple sites

13. One of the challenges of dealing with business data is that larger businesses tend to operate across multiple sites, which makes breaking down GVA at industry level complex. Such large businesses are fewer than small and medium-sized businesses, but they often represent much of the economic activity in particular industries. We must quantify the amount of their activity taking place at each site.

14. It is normal for data collected by both surveys and administrative sources to only have information for the whole enterprise (although sometimes arrangements are made for a company to provide data split into several principal activities, or industries, if they are sufficiently large and diverse). Often, it is likely that the company itself may have no



conception of how to allocate its economic activity the various sites. This is because some variables, like profits, are conceptually difficult to allocate across sites. For these reasons, a national business register like the IDBR plays a vital role in providing information that can be used to facilitate such allocation, making it possible to derive lower-level GVA statistics.

E. Selecting the appropriate geographical level

15. In deciding to produce lower-level geography statistics, we must decide on the exact geographical level to target. We know that the demand for subnational statistics is driven by the needs of local administrators, policy makers and researchers. Central government also requires these statistics to monitor localised social and economic development across the country. This requires the existence of a hierarchy of statistical geographies with some degree of commonality at each level.

16. In the UK, we use the International Territorial Levels (ITL) framework, which is based on the European Nomenclature of Territorial Units (NUTS) statistics framework, and comprises a hierarchy of regions, sub-regions, and local areas, with areas at each level having resident population within certain specified bounds. There are 12 ITL 1 areas (formerly NUTS 1 areas) in the UK. In addition, we have seven other groups of statistical geographies namely postal, administrative, electoral, health, census, other geographies, and statistical building blocks (that is, middle-layer super output areas, lower-layer super output areas, and their equivalent geographies across the UK nations).

17. The UK currently produces regular economic statistics for local authorities to meet the needs of local government policy makers. The ONS is currently taking the provision of subnational statistics to the next level, breaking down our leading economic measures to lower-layer super output areas and equivalent geographies. GVA is the first statistic to be broken down to this level for the whole UK. The programme provides a set of small area statistical building blocks, which people can use to construct any area of interest, no matter how oddly shaped, or to delve into the detailed make-up of other larger areas, to identify areas in need of intervention or development.

Structure of the building blocks

18. The smaller building blocks, based on 2011 census geography codes, consist of lower- layer super output areas (LSOA) in England and Wales, data zones (DZ) in Scotland, and super output areas (SOA) in Northern Ireland. The 2021 census geography codes for Northern Ireland changed SOA to data zones.

19. The building blocks are designed to divide the UK based on the number of households and include any businesses operating in the same area. They are population-based and hence comparable. We have smaller and larger building blocks, described as follows:

Smaller building blocks

• Lower-layer super output areas have a population of 1,000 to 3,000 people (400 to 1,200 households).

• Data zones have a population of 500 to 1,000 household residents.

• Super output areas have a population of 300 to 6,000 people.

Larger building blocks

• Middle-layer super output areas (MSOA) in England and Wales have a population of 5,000 to 15,000 people (2,000 to 6,000 households).

• Intermediate Zone (IZ) in Scotland have a population of 2,500 to 6,000 household residents.

(Office for National Statistics, 2021; Scottish Government, 2021; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Geography, 2019)



20. There are no larger building blocks geography in Northern Ireland. We produce GVA statistics for smaller building blocks. These can be used to produce the larger building blocks and other geographical areas. We publish lookup tables alongside the GVA statistics to make it possible for users to build their own areas.

III. Method and data for producing low-level geography GVA statistics

21. The production of GVA statistics at building blocks level is based on an apportionment method. We start with GVA at local authority level, which must be apportioned to LSOA and equivalent geographies (that is, LSOA, DZ and SOA). We use VAT Turnover data, employment, population, and dwelling stock to apportion GVA to LSOA and equivalent geographical levels, which we call the ‘building blocks’ in the method description.

22. The Digital Economy Act (2017) has enabled access to an administrative source of data collected through VAT returns, which contains records for most businesses operating in the UK (all those registered for VAT) and includes variables for the company’s turnover and expenditure.

23. By matching these records to the IDBR, we have created a dataset that contains a separate record for each physical site (local unit) where a business operates, including information on the address, employment, and main activity. We use this information to allocate VAT turnover to business sites in any geographic area, even small ones.

24. The VAT Turnover information is for the whole company. It is allocated between the sites of a business according to the relative share of the total workforce located at each site within each building block. This approach assumes workers across all sites contribute equally to a company’s output, which assumes equal productivity. Although this may not be the case because of differences in skills and capabilities, and in economic activities at different sites, this is a reasonable assumption suitable for the purpose of apportioning GVA to small geographical areas. From the steps described here, we generate VAT turnover by section for each building block. The sections are described in the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities publication (United Nations, 2008)2.

25. There are no VAT turnover records for households with employees and own account production, nor for imputed rental of owner-occupied dwellings and non-market activities of public sector industries. We apportion the GVA for these industries using alternative data sources at building block level, as follows:

• Population is used to apportion the GVA of Section T (activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use).

• Dwelling stock is used to apportion the GVA of part of Section L (68.2IMP) (that is, renting and operating of own or leased real estate).

• Employment is used to apportion the GVA of public sector sections O, P and Q (public administration and defence, and compulsory social security; education; and human health and social work activities).

26. The apportioning datasets have sufficient coverage of all areas. We therefore derive a composite apportioning dataset and fill up gaps by rolling back the first existing data point of each variable. The composite apportioning dataset is used to apportion the GVA statistics for the period 1998 to 2021.




A. Apportioning local authority (LA) level GVA to building blocks level

27. We start with data engineering to allocate VAT turnover to enterprises’ local units. This is achieved by matching VAT turnover records to the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) to create a new dataset that is used to allocate VAT turnover to business sites.

28. Next, we apportion the largest number of sections using the new VAT turnover data.

a) We apportion GVA for all sections except O, P, Q, T, and part of L using VAT turnover data:

Building block Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; VAT turnover LA SUM of Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; VAT turnover

x LA Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA = Building block Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA

where i = all other sections except O, P, Q, T, and part of L (68.2IMP)

29. This gives the building blocks GVA for all sections with VAT turnover data in a local authority.

30. Next, we apportion the GVA of sections O, P, Q, T, and part of L.

b) Sections O, P and Q:

Building block Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; employment LA SUM of Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; employment

x LA Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA = Building block Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA

where i = Sections O, P and Q.

c) Section T:

Building block population LA total population

x LA Section T GVA = Building block Section T GVA

d) Part of Section L (68.2IMP):

Building bock dwelling stock LA total dwelling stock

x LA Section L: 68.2IMP GVA = Building block Section L: 68.2IMP GVA

31. After apportioning all industries to building blocks level, we calculate the building block section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; total GVA by summing across all section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; values in the building block. We can sum section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA across all building blocks in a local authority to get local authority section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA.

&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f; Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; &#x1d461;&#x1d461;otal GVA = �∑ Building block Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA &#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d456; &#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;

where &#x1d456;&#x1d456; = Sections A to T.

32. The internal summation gives the total GVA of section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; in a building block. The outside summation gives the total apportioned Section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA in all building blocks in a local authority. The result must equal to the starting value of local authority section &#x1d456;&#x1d456; GVA. The equality must hold, otherwise the apportionment process will be inaccurate.

33. The sum of GVA of all sections in all building blocks GVA in a local authority must equal the local authority GVA. This is a global check that we have effectively constrained the apportioned data to the local authority totals.

�Total building block GVA in LA = Total LA GVA



34. We apply this method for the years 1998 to 2021 to produce GVA time series for each building block.

B. Dealing with the risk of statistical disclosure

35. Apportioning GVA data to small geographical areas comes with the perceived risk that people with local knowledge may try to estimate the GVA of local dominant businesses, which may jeopardise ONS business data collection processes. This is only a perceived risk because GVA is an economic concept, and no one knows the true GVA values. The businesses themselves may not know their true GVA. Despite all this, we must assure businesses that we are taking precautions and applying the necessary statistical controls and procedures to protect their data. For example, we do not publish local area industry GVA data because it may be disclosive. The risk is further mitigated by the fact that all the GVA figures are estimates compiled using auxiliary variables to break down figures from the UK total (thus ensuring that our estimates sum to all ITL), meaning that there is no way to derive precise company values from our published data.

36. We refer to the Government Statistical Service’s disclosure control guidance for tables produced from surveys (PDF, 250KB) to address perceived risk of disclosure. We have guarded against disclosive data by ensuring that the industry level data we use for apportionment includes a minimum of at least four separate business enterprises.

37. We calculate the level of business and industry dominance to identify LSOA and equivalent geographies with elevated risk of statistical disclosure. We set aside these building blocks for disclosure treatment in line with organisational guidance. Our treatment method does not suppress disclosive building blocks because the strength of the dataset is in maintaining all the building blocks for users.

38. Our approach is to average a disclosive building block with a neighbouring non- disclosive one within the same middle-layer super output area, intermediate zone, or district electoral area (which we call the middle-level geographical areas). The selection of a suitable building block to average with is based on a condition that the partner building block must have a minimum size that will allow the disclosive building block to be masked to a minimum of 20% of its current GVA.

39. Next, we determine whether a middle-level geographical area contains one or multiple disclosive building blocks. If it has multiple disclosive building blocks, we average all the building blocks for the whole timeseries.

40. If a middle-level geographical area has one disclosive building block, we use formulas to calculate bounds which help to choose the most suitable partner building block to average with across the entire timeseries. To avoid the potential problem of a partner being matched with multiple building blocks multiple times, we select the partner with the highest match counts over time as the most suitable to average with across the whole timeseries. If there is no potential partner with the highest count, we select a partner that is closest to the appropriate bound parameter.

C. Testing for and treating outliers

41. After disclosure treatment, we check the data for outliers. Outliers may come from the underlying apportionment datasets, or from the disclosure treatment. We reduce the influence of outliers checking and adjusting the building blocks time series.

42. We generate adjustments for each local authority and re-apportion the net adjustments to all building blocks in the local authority that have not been adjusted.

43. The re-apportionment ensures that the sum of building blocks data in each local authority remains equivalent to the local authority total GVA. It is these series that we publish for all building blocks and for different geographical areas. In the next section we demonstrate how the granular data can be used to for analysis.



IV. Application: The West Midlands Metro Region

44. This section demonstrates the flexibility of using the GVA building blocks data to analyse a selected geographical area. In this case, the selected geographical area is a metro line in the West Midlands. This case is interesting because it illustrates the geographical flexibility offered by our subnational GVA data. It shows how we can fit the analysis in an area with no initially defined boundary.

45. The results of this application do not allow for conclusions regarding cause and effect. They are for illustrative purposes only, and further investigation into the causes of economic change are beyond the scope of this paper.

46. Case: The West Midlands Metro, illustrated in Figure in Figure 1, is a light-rail system operating between Wolverhampton St. George’s and Birmingham Bull Street. The construction of the rail line started in 1995, and the first section was opened in 1999. Extensions of the line were opened in 2015 and 2019, respectively.

47. We can analyse the changes in local output over this period using the GVA time series. We want to understand how the establishment and extension of the rail line influenced economic development and outcomes in the surrounding areas.

48. Mapping the area: We select all LSOA through which the metro line passes. We also include all LSOA whose boundaries intersect the metro line.

49. The map shows the West Midlands Metro route as a line from Wolverhampton in the North-West of the map to Birmingham City Centre in the South-East of the map. The line has a total of 28 stations, crossing or meeting with 44 LSOA.

Figure 1 West Midlands Metro Region as of December 2019

Source: OS Open Zoomstack, Ordnance Survey; West Midlands Metro; Wikipedia; Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.; Contains OS data © Crown copyright 2023; Graphic created by ONS Geography



50. In 2020, the region had a total GVA of £9,845 million, more than doubling from £4,717 million in 1998, all measured in current prices.

51. We can enhance our analysis of the West Midlands Metro region (WMMR) by plotting the region’s GVA against the UK and the West Midlands region GVA. Figure 2 shows that the three geographical areas had similar rates of growth across the period, but the West Midlands Metro region had stronger growth than the West Midlands region until 2014. The WMMR GVA grew slightly more sharply in 2015 following the opening of the first extension to the metro line, which then ended in Birmingham City Centre. The GVA ticked up again in 2019 when the line was expanded.

Figure 2 GVA increased at a faster pace in the WMMR from 2015 onwards compared with the UK average

Source: GVA data – ONS statistics in development

52. The construction of the West Midlands Metro line extension was first announced in 2012. If we zoom into the period 2012 to 2020, plotting population and GVA growth, we see that population grew at a faster rate in the Metro region compared with the UK and the West Midlands region more generally. Adding house prices to the picture shows that house prices in the Metro region swung up from 2014 onwards.



Figure 3 Population and house prices grew at faster rates in the West Midlands Metro region than the UK average from 2015 onwards

Sources: Population – Census Output Area population estimates – West Midlands, England (supporting information); House prices – UK house price statistics and West Midlands Metro Region house prices;GVA – GVA data – ONS statistics in development

53. The extension opened in 2015 was the first since the line first opened in 1999. As a result, there was high interest in this development. House prices in the West Midlands Metro Region appear to have had the strongest growth rate following the opening of the extension in 2015, with another uptick between 2018 and 2019 when the second extension opened. Both events coincided with the increased rate of growth in GVA seen starting around in the same period to bring the overall growth rate in line with the rest of the UK. It is likely that the extension of the line increased the desirability of living along the metro line. However, it is important to highlight that we cannot imply causal inference from this presentation of statistical indicators.

V. Conclusion

54. The availability of economic indicators at subnational level continues to gain momentum. We have highlighted that there are basic conditions that must be in place before attempts to produce subnational statistics. Whether a top-down or bottom-up approach is adopted for producing subnational statistics, it is important to ensure that any subnational versions sum to same national total figures. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Which one to adopt depends on the availability of sufficiently decent quality data and reasonable assumptions to produce subnational data of excellent quality. Also, the assumptions must be communicated clearly to users.

55. We highlighted the importance of securing regular access to administrative and other data sources that provide sufficient coverage of smaller businesses to facilitate the development of subnational statistics of sufficient quality. There is also need for an up-to- date business register, which facilitates the allocation of economic activity to locations around the country. Lastly, we have highlighted that there is need for sufficiently linked geographical hierarchies with a common foundation.

56. This paper has shown how these conditions have been applied in the UK’s ambitious programme to produce and disseminate subnational statistics to inform local research and policy analysis. We produced GVA statistics for small areas and explained how we ensured that there is built-in flexibility to construct larger geographical areas for analysis. Lastly, we have shown how the GVA building blocks data can be combined with other economic indicators to generate a detailed profile of an area.




Bean, C. (2016) Independent Review of UK Economic Statistics. _Review_Web_Accessible.pdf

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) Geography (2019) NISRA Geography Fact Sheet. act%20Sheet%20-%20March%202019.pdf

Office for National Statistics (2021) Census Geography: An overview of the various geographies used in the production of statistics collected via the UK census. k/methodology/geography/ukgeographies/censusgeography

Scottish Government (2021) Intermediate Zone Boundaries 2011. zone-boundaries-2011

Smits, J. and Permanyer, I. (2019) The subnational human development database.

United Nations (2023), The Sustainable Development Goals Report Special edition. 2023.pdf

United Nations (2008) International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4. Statistical papers Series M No. 4/Rev.4.

  • Group of Experts on National Accounts
  • Twenty-third session
  • Disaggregating UK annual Gross Value Added (GVA) to lower levels of geography: 1998 to 2021
    • Prepared by Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom0F
  • I. Overview of subnational statistics development
  • II. Basic principles for producing granular data
    • A. The need for a pre-existing national framework
    • B. Securing access to administrative and other proxy data
    • C. Maintaining an up-to-date business register
    • D. Dealing with complex business operations operating across multiple sites
    • E. Selecting the appropriate geographical level
    • Structure of the building blocks
  • III. Method and data for producing low-level geography GVA statistics
    • A. Apportioning local authority (LA) level GVA to building blocks level
    • B. Dealing with the risk of statistical disclosure
    • C. Testing for and treating outliers
  • IV. Application: The West Midlands Metro Region
  • V. Conclusion
  • References

Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts: 2024

Languages and translations

Economic Commission for Europe Conference of European Statisticians Group of Experts on National Accounts Twenty-third session Geneva, 23-25 April 2024 Item 2 (b) of the provisional agenda Towards the 2025 System of National Accounts: Measuring intangible assets and natural capital in 2025 System of National Accounts

Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts: 2024

Prepared by Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom1


Depletion is the decrease in the quantity of the stock of a natural resource because of extraction exceeding rates of regeneration, affecting the asset's ability to deliver continued flows of services. Our estimates indicate physical rates of depletion have declined over time and in 2021 were 45 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) for oil, 31 mtoe for gas, 207 million tonnes for minerals and metals, and 0.7 mtoe for coal. The estimated monetary value of depletion has declined from levels in 2008, and in 2021 was £2.5 billion for oil and £2.6 billion for gas; monetary estimates are not available for minerals and metals or coal.The effect of depletion explained, on average, 34% of the year-on-year change in the oil and gas asset value, while the price effect explained 44% and other changes in stock 22%.

In our most recent UK natural capital accounts, the estimated annual value was £8.0 billion for oil and £5.6 billion for gas in 2021; when we adjust this value to account for the cost of depletion, estimates reduce to £5.5 billion and £3.0 billion for oil and gas, respectively. The depletion-adjusted annual value for oil and gas became negative in several years because the annual value fell faster than the price in situ; the price in situ of reserves in the ground is based on average resource rents so is less affected by short-term changes in price. Depletion estimates can help to produce adjusted macro-economic aggregates, such as net inclusive income and could in the future feature in net domestic product.

1 Prepared by Aram Hawa and Ellen Clowser. Full paper can be found on the ONS website here. We

welcome feedback on this research and the methods we have used to produce these estimates to [email protected]

United Nations ECE/CES/GE.20/2024/15

Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 25 March 2024 English only



I. Overview of natural capital accounts

1. Natural capital accounting provides estimates of the economic value of the natural environment. This is measured in terms of the stocks (asset value) and flows (annual value) of goods and services nature provides, also known as ecosystem and abiotic services.

2. We currently produce UK natural capital accounts statistical bulletins covering 16 ecosystem services that arise within the UK’s exclusive economic zone, regardless of the nationality of the extractor or beneficiary of those services. Ecosystem services are generally grouped into three main categories:

• provisioning services – products from nature such as food, water, energy and materials

• regulating services – help to maintain the quality of the natural environment, including greenhouse gas and air pollution regulating

• cultural services – the non-material benefits we obtain from natural capital, such as tourism and recreation

3. Natural capital accounts form part of the environmental accounts, developed in line with United Nations (UN) System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) guidance. As such, they can be seen as an important complement or “satellite accounts” to the main UK National Accounts.

4. Our ambition is to adapt the natural capital accounts for inclusion in extended national accounts including producing estimates of depletion and degradation of natural assets where possible. The rationale for this is set out in our Natural capital accounts roadmap: 2022.

5. These initial estimates of depletion represent a first step towards this ambition.

6. We use the SEEA definition of depletion: “Depletion, in physical terms, is the decrease in the quantity of the stock of a natural resource over an accounting period that is due to the extraction of the natural resource by economic units occurring at a level greater than that of regeneration.”

7. Depletion of natural resources relate to human-driven changes to the stock of a resource, for both non-renewable and renewable resources. For renewables, depletion occurs only when rates of extraction exceed rates of regeneration. This has a negative effect on the stock size and can limit the capacity for future harvests, potentially leading to population collapse.

8. Examples of depletion include the extraction of non-renewable mineral, metal, oil, gas and coal reserves, and for renewables include the over-exploitation of fish stocks and timber reserves.

9. Depletion can be considered a specific form of degradation: “Degradation considers changes in the capacity of environmental assets to deliver a broad range of contributions known as ecosystem services (e.g., air filtration services from forests) and the extent to which this capacity may be reduced through the action of economic units, including households.”

10. Degradation encompasses a wider array of declines in the condition or quality of an ecosystem, which impact several ecosystem services. This goes beyond how much of the stock of natural capital would be consumed as part of the production process.

11. Examples of degradation include:

• deteriorating soil health, which affects agricultural productivity and water quality

• declining condition of natural woodlands, which reduces the volume of carbon sequestered and air pollution removed

• destruction of natural landscapes, which, among other effects, reduces the number of people making recreational visits

12. The main effect of depletion and degradation, from a natural capital accounting perspective, is to limit the natural asset’s capacity to provide continued flows of services, reducing the current and future generation’s ability to derive benefits from these services.



13. Production activities that lead to depletion create a temporary boost in income, output and expenditure. However, they are based on the result of reductions in the limited stocks of natural assets, which inevitably constrains future production. By quantifying how much of a natural resource has been exhausted, the longer-term consequences of relying on finite resource stocks or the excessive extraction of renewable resources, can be recognised and more sustainable development paths designed and targeted. This is particularly relevant as technological innovations in industry and rising demand have led to an increase in the volumes of physical output in certain provisioning services.

14. The SEEA and System of National Accounts (SNA) recommend the inclusion of measures of depletion in countries’ balance sheets.

15. Estimates of depletion and degradation enable the production of net economic measures alongside the more widely used gross measures. It is widely acknowledged that gross domestic product (GDP) does not measure all aspects of economic well-being and current proposals for the 2025 SNA update suggest a greater prominence of net macroeconomic measures, see WS.6 Accounting for the Economic Ownership and Depletion of Natural Resources (PDF, 1.24MB). Our methodology article, Gross and net measures of the UK economy, discusses the recording of natural resource depletion within net economic measures in the context of production, welfare and sustainability.

16. In the SNA, depletion of natural resources can be viewed in a similar way to capital depreciation (or the consumption of fixed capital) for manufactured assets. Declines in the manufactured capital base arise because of physical deterioration and damage resulting from the use of capital in production. Consequently, the asset value of the manufactured capital declines over time and investment is required to maintain its productive capacity. The transformation of GDP into net domestic product (NDP) reflects the output generated by the capital, but deducts the capital consumed to enable that output. Comparing the two indicators gives a measure of the longer-term sustainability of the economy, as production can continue only if the capital stock is maintained.

17. Similarly, depletion of the stock of natural resources creates an increase in gross outputs, however, the use of the stock of those natural assets means it cannot be used again in the future. Therefore, similar justifications for considering consumption of fixed capital apply to natural resource depletion.

18. This aligns with the “inclusive wealth” concept as described in the Dasgupta Review of the Economics of Biodiversity. The drive towards more comprehensive economic measures forms part of our New Beyond GDP measures for the UK: a workplan for measuring inclusive income, which aims to present data under an extended economic production boundary to include, among other things, human and natural capital. The production of wider measures provides meaningful and useful information on the range of benefits people receive from both the market economy and other domains, including the environment.

19. Measuring and considering depletion in our new indicators, such as net inclusive income, helps to enable decision makers to better understand the full impact that current economic activity has both now and into the future, and potential trade-offs between resource depletion and economic growth. Synergies between nature and the economy, and how the services provided by nature enable industry output was a focus of our article Developing supply and use tables for UK natural capital accounts: 2023.

20. Other work on net economic metrics include the World Bank’s The changing wealth of nations: measuring sustainable development in the new millennium, which outlines methods to adjust gross national income (GNI) to reflect the depletion of its natural resources.

21. Our work is the first step in exploring depletion in the UK natural capital accounts context, constructing depletion accounts in line with international statistical guidance. Our estimates consider only the depletion of non-renewable natural resources in the UK. They do not estimate global natural resource depletion resulting from UK consumption and business activity, nor do they estimate the cost of degradation of UK natural resources.

22. These estimates of depletion are published as innovative research using data from our UK natural capital accounts: 2023, which provides estimates of all the ecosystem services



that we are currently able to value. Our estimates of depletion are consistent with the methods described in our UK natural capital accounts methodology guide: 2023.

II. Understanding depletion

23. The United Nations System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA) central framework (PDF, 2.69MB) provides detailed examples of the calculation of depletion, particularly in Annex A5.1, and our estimates are informed by these methods. Full details of our methods can be found in Section 9: Data sources and quality.

A. Reserves

24. Reserves are the commercially exploitable, physical remaining stock of a given resource. We have taken reserve data for coal from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and we have worked with the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) to produce estimates for oil and gas. Further information on how oil and gas reserves are calculated can be found in Section 9: Data sources and quality.

25. Data on reserves are not available for minerals and metals, which limits our ability to estimate other changes in stock and monetary values of depletion for this service.

III. Physical changes in reserves

26. Estimates of the physical change in reserves can be split into depletion and other changes in stock. In the case of non-renewables, which we focus on here, depletion is simply the amount of the resource that is extracted in a given year. Other changes in stock include a variety of different events that cause changes in the reserves, such as new discoveries or catastrophic losses.

27. Estimates of physical depletion are the most readily available and we are able to provide estimates for oil, gas, coal, and minerals and metals. Other changes in stock are calculated based on the annual change in reserves minus the depletion.

28. The physical value of depletion in 2021 was 45 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) for oil, 31 mtoe for gas, 207 million tonnes for minerals and metals, and 0.7 mtoe for coal.

A. Minerals and metals

29. After high levels of depletion in 2008 for minerals and metals, the level has ranged between 190 and 218 million tonnes between 2009 and 2021.

Figure 1 Physical estimates of minerals and metals depletion, UK, 2008 to 2021

Source: Mineral production data from the British Geological Survey

30. Reserve data are not available for minerals and metals, which means we cannot calculate other changes in stock for this service.



B. Oil

31. Oil reserves have declined over time, from 1,633 mtoe in 1987, to 1,014 mtoe in 2022, decreasing 38% over this period.

32. Oil depletion was greatest between 1982 and 2004, with annual extraction above 100 mtoe in each year, and 1999 had the largest annual production at 150 mtoe. There has been a steady decline since 2004, with a five-year average of 51 mtoe between 2018 and 2022.

33. Other changes in stock of oil fluctuate more and include both positive and negative results, with positive results in 80% of years between 1974 and 2022. The magnitude of upward re-appraisals and new discoveries in positive years are much greater than negative years, and over the period the net impact of other changes in stock was the addition of 3,967 mtoe of reserves. There was a notable change in 1975 where other changes in stock added 621 mtoe to reserve levels. This was a result of successful exploration in the North Sea, with one of the largest reserves discovered in the Forties Oil Field in 1970 and production beginning shortly afterwards in 1975.

34. Rates of oil depletion exceeded the other changes in stock in 61% of years, with 4,367 mtoe extracted between 1974 and 2022, which was 400 mtoe above the net effect of other changes in stocks.

Figure 2 Physical estimates of oil reserves, depletion and other changes in stock, UK, 1974 to 2022

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics and production and reserves data from the North Sea Transition Authority

Notes: (1) Before 1987, only proven and probable reserve data are available. After 1987, lower potential additional resources (PARS) is included. (2) From 2015 onwards, lower PARS is replaced with 2C contingent resources.



C. Gas

35. Gas reserves follow a similar trend to oil, with peak reserve levels in 1994 at 1,579 mtoe, declining by 69% to 484 mtoe in 2022.

36. Since 1974, gas depletion was greatest between 2000 and 2003, where extraction exceeded 100 mtoe each year, with peak production of 108 mtoe in 2000. Rates have since declined broadly to previous levels, with a five-year average of 36 mtoe between 2018 and 2022.

37. Other changes in stock of gas were positive in 78% of years between 1974 and 2022, with 2,230 mtoe added to reserve levels. Similar to oil, gas depletion exceeded the rates of new discoveries, with total depletion of 2,695 mtoe between 1974 and 2022, which was 465 mtoe above the net result of other changes in stock, leading to a decline in total reserves.

Figure 3 Physical estimates of gas reserves, depletion and other changes in stock, UK, 1974 to 2022

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics and production and reserves data from the North Sea Transition Authority

Notes: (1) Before 1987, only proven and probable reserve data are available. After 1987, lower potential additional resources (PARS) is included. (2) From 2015 onwards, lower PARS is replaced with 2C contingent resources.



D. Coal

38. Between 2009 and 2022, reserves of coal increased by 12%, despite 83 mtoe being depleted over the period. This is because of the net impact of other changes in stock amounting to 390 mtoe, with considerable boosts to reserves occurring in 2011 and 2018.

Figure 4 Physical estimates of coal reserves, depletion and other changes in stock, UK, 2009 to 2022

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics and coal reserve data from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Notes: (1) Reserves data is only available from 2008 onwards.

IV. Monetary changes in asset value

39. In our UK natural capital accounts, we produce two types of monetary values: annual values (flows) and asset values (stocks).

40. For the services covered here, the annual value is produced using a resource rent methodology and can be interpreted as the annual return stemming from the natural capital asset. It is calculated from data available from the supply and use tables, or income and expenditure data from the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) in the case of oil and gas. Full details of our resource rent calculation can be found in our UK natural capital accounts methodology guide: 2023.



41. Asset values measure the stream of services of that natural resource in terms of future expected supply and use over a predicted time horizon. Methods vary by service, but for the services covered here, prices are projected forward based on a five-year average of annual values.

42. The change in the asset value can be broken down into depletion, other changes in stock and the price effect. The price effect estimates the impact of changing prices and industry profitability on the asset value, independent of changes in the physical stock.

43. While the price effect is considerably affected by the prevailing market prices of the commodity, changes to any of the other economic parameters in the resource rent can also play a part in determining the overall price effect. For example, if prices rise while the unit cost increases by more, this reduces the resource rent and the overall price effect will be negative.

44. The prices used to value depletion, other changes in stock, and the price effect refer to the price in situ of reserves left in the ground, calculated by dividing the total asset value from our UK natural capital accounts: 2023 by the total reserves. This reflects the opportunity cost of extracting reserves now rather than in the future.

45. A requirement of this approach, therefore, is the need for complete reserve data. As we do not have reserve data for minerals and metals, we are not able to estimate the monetary values for this service.

46. Our current method for valuing coal provisioning in the natural capital accounts means that estimates are negative across the data time series. This is a result of the industry generating low levels of gross operating surplus, which after deducting the opportunity cost, produces negative results. In the context of depletion this is not sensible as it would mean extracting resources adds to the value of the asset. Therefore, until alternative means of estimating the value of this service are developed, we are unable to provide monetary estimates. The problem of negative results in the resource rent calculation are discussed in section 5.4.4 of the System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA).

47. Monetary results are available for oil and gas. However, a limitation is the lack of data on the respective production costs of oil and gas. Our prices are therefore calculated using aggregate industry economic data with the same unit resource rent derived for oil and gas. As a result, monetary estimates between the two are highly correlated.

48. Generally, oil prices and industry profitability have risen over time, as shown in Figure 5 and the NSTA's income and expenditure data. This increases the value of the asset, with the patterns of the asset value and price mirroring one another. This relationship weakens between 2016 and 2020 because of the effect of lower prices in 2015 to 2016 persisting in the asset calculations.



Figure 5 Oil asset value and crude oil price, UK, 1998 to 2021

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics and crude oil price data from the North Sea Transition Authority

49. Depletion detracts from the value of the asset as once some of the reserve is extracted, it is not available again. In monetary terms, oil depletion rose from £3.5 billion in 1999 to its peak in 2008 at £9.8 billion, which occurred because of a combination of high output and prices, before diminishing to £2.5 billion in 2021.

50. The value of other changes in stock of oil mirrors its physical profile, with negative monetary values occurring when the physical results are negative. In most years other changes in stock was positive, and between 1999 and 2021 £137.1 billion was added to the asset value.

51. The price effect is the least stable of the three effects, in part reflecting the volatility of oil prices. The pattern correlates with the changing price of oil, most notably in 2008 and 2015 to 2016. However, the relationship is not perfectly correlated for two reasons.

52. Firstly, the asset value is derived through estimates of the resource rent, which is affected by prices, but also other industry economic variables such as operating expenses and decommissioning costs, along with external factors such as interest and inflation rates. Secondly, lags persist in the price effect, which mean that it is not always immediately responsive to changes in the price of oil. This is because our asset values are calculated using the five-year average of resource rents, further muting the effects of rapidly changing oil prices.

53. The price effect is positive in most years, and between 1999 and 2021, added £46.4 billion to the value of the asset.



Figure 6 Monetary estimates of oil depletion, other changes in stock and price effect, UK, 1999 to 2021

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics and crude oil price data from the North Sea Transition Authority

Notes: (1) From 2015 onwards, lower potential additional resources (PARS) is replaced with 2C contingent resources.

54. The monetary value of gas depletion follows a similar pattern to oil, with the value rising from £2 billion in 1999 to a peak of £9.5 billion in 2008 before declining to £2.6 billion in 2021.

55. Other changes in the stock of gas are smoother compared with oil, and between 1999 and 2021 added £74.4 billion to the value of the asset.

56. The gas and oil price effects are nearly perfectly correlated, which is a result of the same unit resource rent being calculated for the two products.



Figure 7 Monetary estimates of gas depletion, other changes in stock and price effect, UK, 1999 to 2021

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics and crude oil price data from the North Sea Transition Authority

Notes: (1) From 2015 onwards, lower potential additional resources (PARS) is replaced with 2C contingent resources.

57. The change in the asset value can be broken down into the three effects, and across the data time series, the price effect dominates, on average explaining 44% of the change in the combined oil and gas asset value between 1999 and 2021. The average depletion effect accounts for 34% and other changes in stock 22% of the change in asset value. Of the three effects, other changes in stock shows the least variation.



Figure 8 The depletion, other changes in stock and price effect on the oil and gas asset value, UK, 1999 to 2021

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics

V. Depletion-adjusted annual values

58. Our annual value estimates the flow of a service within a particular year and by deducting depletion from this, we are able to produce a net, depletion-adjusted annual value. This reflects the natural capital that was consumed in the process; the cost of generating this in the short term is the loss of the natural reserve, which diminishes the volume that can be extracted in the future and therefore negatively impacts the asset value.

59. Annual values for oil and gas of £8.0 billion and £5.6 billion, respectively, in 2021 indicate the value produced in the economy by these services. After taking account of depletion, the values decline to £5.5 billion for oil and £3 billion for gas.

60. Deducting depletion from the annual value of oil and gas reduces the value by £4.8 billion on average between 1999 and 2021. Results move into negative territory in several years, including 2009 and 2014 to 2016. The main reason for this is the drop in the annual value in these years relative to previous years. Annual values are sensitive to financial circumstances, including the prevailing market price, and so rapid changes in the resource rent impact annual values immediately. The price in situ of reserves is determined by averaged resource rents, therefore volatility in resource rents is slower to take effect. In negative years, the annual value falls faster than the price in situ.



Figure 9 Annual values and depletion adjusted annual values over time, UK, 1999 to 2021

Source: UK natural capital accounts from the Office for National Statistics

61. Depletion estimates can help to produce adjusted macro-economic aggregates, such as net inclusive income and could in the future feature in net domestic product. These economic aggregates consider the natural resources consumed in the process of generating income and output, therefore providing better information on the sustainability of economic growth. Current proposals suggest net indicators are set to become a more prominent focus in the 2025 System of National Accounts (SNA) update.

VI. Natural capital accounts data

62. Estimates of the financial and societal value of natural resources to people in the UK: UK natural capital accounts: 2023 (released 27 November 2023)

63. Detailed data breakdowns of the financial and societal value of natural resources to people in the UK: UK natural capital accounts: 2023 – detailed summary (released on 27 November 2023)

VII. Glossary


Degradation considers changes in the capacity of environmental assets to deliver a broad range of contributions known as ecosystem services (for example, air filtration services from forests) and the extent to which this capacity may be reduced through the action of economic units, including households.


Depletion, in physical terms, is the decrease in the quantity of the stock of a natural resource over an accounting period that is because of the extraction of the natural resource by economic units occurring at a level greater than that of regeneration.

Ecosystem services and abiotic flows

Ecosystem services and abiotic flows estimate the contribution of natural assets in the UK to the economy and society. This includes provisioning services such as food and water, regulating services such as flood protection and pollution removal, and cultural services such as recreation.

Non-renewable resource

A non-renewable resource is a natural resource which does not regenerate over human relevant time spans.



Other changes in stock

A catchall term to encompass the net effect of new discoveries, reappraisals, reclassifications, normal and catastrophic losses, and natural growth rates on the physical stock size.

Price effect

The impact of changing prices and industry profitability on the natural resource asset value.

Price in situ

The price in situ is the value of reserves in the ground, calculated by dividing the asset value by physical reserves.

Renewable resource

A renewable resource is a natural resource with the capacity to regenerate over time.

Resource rent

The resource rent can be interpreted as the annual return stemming directly from a natural capital asset. This is the value accruing to the extractor or user of a natural capital asset calculated after all costs, including opportunity costs, have been considered.

VIII. Data sources and quality

64. We have used a wide variety of sources for estimates of depletion, this includes data from our UK natural capital accounts: 2023. Additional data were provided by the North Sea Transition Authority, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and the British Geological Survey.

65. These accounts have been compiled in line with the guidelines recommended by the United Nations (UN) System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) (PDF. 2.7MB) Central Framework and the UN SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting principles. UN guidance in this area continues to develop.

A. Reserves

66. Reserves are the commercially exploitable, physical remaining stock of a given resource and several factors can lead to changes in the reserve levels beyond depletion.

67. We group these into five types:

• new discoveries arise through the exploration and evaluation of new reserves

• reappraisals occur when there are changes in the commercial environment, such as the price of the product, which influences how much of the resource is profitable to extract; it also reflects greater accuracy in the measurement of physical reserves as new measurement instruments are developed, these can have a positive or negative impact on reserve levels

• reclassifications arise when the government extends or retracts licences for the extraction of reserves or when a natural asset is used for a different purpose

• normal and catastrophic losses include any expected loss to reserves through production along with non-human induced events, which leads to a loss of reserves, such as floods, earthquakes, or wildfires

• for renewable resources, the stock or population also changes because of natural growth rates and this is determined by the net result of birth and death rates, with many factors influencing this, including the species type, population age structure and wider environmental conditions; in its most basic form, the sustainable yield is equal to the natural growth rate and depletion is only said to occur if extraction exceeds the sustainable yield



68. Estimating the portion of oil and gas reserves which are or will become, commercially exploitable is challenging because of the uncertainties inherent in estimating how future technology, costs, demand and government policy will shift the incentives oil producers face to extract reserves.

69. Several options are available when calculating reserves for finite resources, from conservative methods of considering only proven reserves (where the probability of being commercially extracted is above 90%), to more sophisticated statistical techniques, which consider the various reserve categories and probabilities of extraction.

70. Definitions of the various categories of reserves and resources can be found in the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) Reserves and Resources 2022 report (PDF, 1.1MB).

71. After engaging with the NSTA, we have adopted the following calculation, which informs the NSTA’s future production estimates, and so is consistent with the other physical parameters used in the asset calculation:

&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447; &#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f; = &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d443;&#x1d443; + &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f; + &#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f; &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d443; (1987 &#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d447; 2014) + 2&#x1d436;&#x1d436; &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d447;&#x1d447; &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d445;&#x1d445;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d445;&#x1d445;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f; (2015 &#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45c;&#x1d45c;&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;)

72. The switch from using lower potential additional resources (PARS) to 2C contingent resource was based on a change in NSTA accounting practices in 2015. Before 1987, lower PARS data are not available.

B. Physical depletion

73. Adapting SEEA notation, the change in the physical stock (∆&#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;) for a resource between years &#x1d447;&#x1d447; and &#x1d447;&#x1d447;−1, is broken down into the following:

∆&#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = (&#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;−1) = &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d43a;&#x1d43a;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;

where &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c; relates to new discoveries, &#x1d443;&#x1d443; to reappraisals, &#x1d436;&#x1d436; to reclassifications, &#x1d43f;&#x1d43f; to normal and catastrophic losses, &#x1d443;&#x1d443; to extraction or harvest levels and &#x1d43a;&#x1d43a; to the sustainable yield.

74. Most available data sources do not contain the detail needed to estimate all of these variables separately. Extraction or harvest values are most commonly available, while accurate estimates of stock values over time are difficult to obtain. We do not have data sources for distinguishing between new discoveries, reappraisals, reclassifications, and normal and catastrophic losses for any of our services. Therefore, in the case of non- renewables we will refer to “other changes in stock” (&#x1d442;&#x1d442;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;) as a catchall to encompass the net effect of these variables.

&#x1d442;&#x1d442;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d43f;&#x1d43f;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;

75. For renewables, natural rates of population growth are dependent on the population size, with an upper and lower limit for growth rates. A sustainable yield occurs when rates of harvest equal natural population growth rates. Along the frontier of the growth rate and population curve exists a spectrum of sustainable yields, which imply a stable population size in posterity and indicate the sustainable management of the resource.

76. Depletion (&#x1d437;&#x1d437;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;) can be defined as the rate at which harvests exceed the sustainable yield:

&#x1d437;&#x1d437;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d43a;&#x1d43a;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;

77. Non-renewable resources, which we focus on here, can be seen in this model as a limited case where &#x1d43a;&#x1d43a;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;=0.

C. Monetary depletion

78. To understand the wider monetary impacts of depletion on the changing asset value of a natural resource, we estimate the monetary value of three relevant factors:



• depletion – the value of physical depletion

• other changes in stock – the value of other changes in the physical stock

• the price effect – the impact of changing prices and industry profitability on the asset value, independent of changes in the physical stock

79. When calculating monetary depletion estimates, the price in situ of reserves in the ground (&#x1d443;&#x1d443;) is calculated by dividing the total asset value from our UK natural capital accounts: 2023 by the total reserves. This differs from our standard price basis which relates to the resource rent, with the price in situ better reflecting the opportunity cost of extracting reserves now rather than in the future.

80. The SEEA states that the change in the asset value of the resource stock (∆&#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;) can be calculated as follows:

∆&#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = (&#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;−1) = &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;−1∆&#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;∆&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;

where &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;−1∆&#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d447;&#x1d447; is the quantity effect and measures the change in the quantity of the resource valued at the price (&#x1d443;&#x1d443;) of the beginning of the period, whereas &#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;∆&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d447;&#x1d447;, the price effect, captures the price change of the resource, multiplied by the quantity at the end of the period.

81. The quantity effect considers all the factors that lead to a change in the physical reserve levels, including depletion and other changes in stock, for which we estimate the monetary values separately.

82. Another way to calculate the change in the asset value of the resource stock is by using the end of year prices for the quantity effect, and the beginning of year stock for the price effect:

∆&#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = (&#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; − &#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;−1) = &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;∆&#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d44b;&#x1d44b;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;−1∆&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;

83. As neither of these approaches are superior, an average of the two approaches is taken to generate the final values.

84. Drawing out the depletion component of the quantity effect, the final calculation for the monetary value of depletion (&#x1d437;&#x1d437;&#x1d449;&#x1d449;) becomes:

&#x1d437;&#x1d437;&#x1d449;&#x1d449;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = 0.5(&#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; + &#x1d443;&#x1d443;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;−1) &#x1d437;&#x1d437;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;

85. By using the average price of the period, depletion is assumed to occur mid-year. This ensures consistency with the System of National Accounts (SNA) for the valuation of consumption of fixed capital.

IX. Future developments

86. This is the first step towards estimating UK natural resource depletion accounts in line with international statistical guidance. As seen across the services covered, the level to which we can estimate depletion depends upon the data availability and the suitability of the methods used to estimate the physical, annual and asset values.

87. We are not able to produce estimates for renewable services. These are more challenging to estimate, even at a physical level, because of the impact of regeneration and natural rates of population growth. Further work would be required to source suitable datasets to accurately estimate growth rates of stock for services such as timber and fish provisioning.

88. An improved ability to calculate estimates of depletion for all ecosystem services would better enable the production of aggregate estimates of depletion for all assets we include in our main UK natural capital accounts. These aggregate results would in turn enable the adjustment of existing gross economic metrics into their net equivalents.

89. Furthermore, the production of degradation estimates could be included in wider inclusive wealth accounts. Degradation estimates are more challenging because of the lack of data linking habitat condition to flows of ecosystem services. Developments in this area



would require quantitative estimates as far as possible while exploring the possible usefulness of a qualitative approach.

  • Group of Experts on National Accounts
  • Twenty-third session
  • Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts: 2024
    • Prepared by Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom0F
  • I. Overview of natural capital accounts
  • II. Understanding depletion
    • A. Reserves
  • III. Physical changes in reserves
    • A. Minerals and metals
    • B. Oil
    • C. Gas
    • D. Coal
  • IV. Monetary changes in asset value
  • V. Depletion-adjusted annual values
  • VI. Natural capital accounts data
  • VII. Glossary
  • VIII. Data sources and quality
    • A. Reserves
    • B. Physical depletion
    • C. Monetary depletion
  • IX. Future developments

UK Statistic Authority’s Centre for Applied Data Ethics (CADE) – the first three years. Nicola Shearman (Office of National Statistics, UK)

Languages and translations


UK Statistic Authority’s Centre for Applied Data Ethics (CADE) – the first three years Nicola Shearman (Office of National Statistics, UK) e-mail [email protected]


This presentation aims to communicate the first three year’s work of the UK Statistic Authority’s Centre for Applied Data Ethics (CADE), present key ethical considerations to researchers working with population, administrative and other secondary data, and describe the innovative methods that have been used to review over 1000 pieces of research in those three years.

The CADE was established in February 2021 with the aim of enabling

researchers and statisticians, both within government and outside of it, to effectively address potential ethical issues in their use of data for the public good. To assist researchers in practically applying data stewardship principles to their research, an ethics self-assessment tool has been developed. The ethics self- assessment process aims to offer researchers an easy-to-use framework to review the ethics of their own projects throughout the research cycle, whilst promoting a culture of “ethics by design”.

In three years’ worth of use, the self-assessment tool has been widely

adopted across government, academia and the commercial and charities sectors. Analysis of the work that has been supported by this tool has revealed several topics where researchers could further develop their own research. Well designed and communicated research that demonstrates consideration of these factors enables quicker and safer access to data. In response to these findings, CADE have developed specific guidance pieces to assist the analytical community in considering these ethical concerns in their research design and communicating them effectively to ethics bodies and the wider public to ensure effective and consistent data stewardship practices.


This presentation will support delegates by going into detail in the defining and realising of public good in research, engaging public audiences with research, and considering (and demonstrating) the public view in research design. It will also aid delegates by providing them with a framework that they can use to demonstrate consideration of traditional ethical concerns and also ethical concerns in new, emerging and currently unknown fields..

Ethical pinch-points: Effectively communicating ethical consideration in research design

Nikki Shearman

UK Statistics Authority


“The establishment of the National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee, the Data Science Campus, and the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence have all

increased the statistical system’s ability to be proactive and to react more quickly to issues of the day…”

Statistics for the public good, UK Statistics Authority, Five year strategy 2020 to 2025

Why is ethics important?

Reduce potential harm to all individuals involved in research.

Key factor in maintaining public acceptability around the collection and use of public information.

Enables researchers to efficiently access and harness data

that supports the production of statistics for the public good.

Providing solutions to ethical issues helps to enable data to

be used in radical, ambitious, inclusive and sustainable ways.

A focus on the application of ethics is more important than

discussion without consequence.

Applying ethical principles

A principle-based


National Statistician’s

Data Ethics Advisory


Ethical principles

The data subject’s identity (whether person or organisation) is protected, information is kept confidential and secure, and the issue of consent is considered appropriately.

Confidentiality, data security

The use of data has clear benefits for users and serves the public good.

Public Good

The risks and limits of new technologies are considered and there is sufficient human oversight so that methods employed are consistent with recognised standards of integrity and quality.

Methods and Quality

The access, use and sharing of data is transparent, and is communicated clearly and accessibly to the public.


The views of the public are considered in light of the data used and the perceived benefits of the research.

Public views & engagement

Data used and methods employed are consistent with legal requirements such as Data Protection Legislation, the Human Rights Act 1998, the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, public equalities duty and the common law duty of confidence.

Legal Compliance

Our ambition

To be recognised leaders in the practical

application of data ethics for statistics

and research.


Ethics Self-Assessment Tool

Over 1,000 projects

using the framework.

One day average

turnaround time.

Supporting research and

statistics across all


Over half of projects

considered are linking data

or are using admin data.

Self-Assessment – Adding Value


• More information = better decisions

• Demonstrable and auditable pathway for research approval

Improved Practice

• Reflective researchers

• Shared ideas

• Time to think

More Ethical Research

• Improved ethics from regular users and teams

• Organisational priorities (and assurance)

The risks and importance of responsible stewardship

Effective ethics relies on

contextual factors being

identified and considered.

Good ethical practice needs

collaboration, nationally and


Continuous learning and

sharing of applied


There is a shared

responsibility to use all

technology ethically and


What does this mean for your research?

• There is a need to consider ethical practice when using any tool or method to produce research and statistics. Identify

• This consideration should be articulated to maintain transparency and ensure standards are upheld.Articulate

• How can advice be tailored and received to facilitate more ethically appropriate analysis across a wider programme of work, at a faster pace?


Contact us: [email protected]

Or visit our website:

  • Slide 1: Ethical pinch-points: Effectively communicating ethical consideration in research design
  • Slide 2: “The establishment of the National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee, the Data Science Campus, and the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence have all increased the statistical system’s ability to be proactive and to react more quic
  • Slide 3: Why is ethics important?
  • Slide 4: Applying ethical principles
  • Slide 5: Ethical principles
  • Slide 6: Our ambition
  • Slide 7: Ethics Self-Assessment Tool
  • Slide 8: Self-Assessment – Adding Value
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10: What does this mean for your research?
  • Slide 11

Presentation, Nadir Zanini (Ofqual, United Kingdom)

Languages and translations

Monitoring attainment gaps for students with protected characteristics in England Nadir Zanini

Expert meeting on Statistics on Children Geneva, 4-6 March 2024

■ Background and motivation: □ Education in England and the pandemic □ Exams and teacher judgement

■ Monitoring attainment gaps: □ Common descriptive statistics □ Ofqual’s equalities analysis

■ Lessons learnt: □ Methodological advancements □ Substantive findings □ Areas for further development



■ Students in England: □ Take exams at 16 and 18 □ Choose a combination of General (GCSE/A level)

and Vocational/Technical qualifications

Background and motivation


■ In 2020, with the outbreak of Covid-19: □ Schools closed and exams cancelled □ Exams replaced by teacher judgement in 2020

and 2021

Attainment gaps


■ Teacher judgement: □ More vulnerable to bias than test-based assessment □ Potentially biased against specific groups of students

■ Fears that: □ Existing attainment gaps widened □ New inequalities created

■ Exams reintroduced in 2022, bust still concerns for the inequal impact of the pandemic on children

■ Existing descriptive statistics – grade distributions broken down by selected students’ characteristics

Monitoring attainment gaps


Multi- variate


Presen tation


Broaden student’s information through linked administrative data:

• Protected characteristics • (Prior and concurrent) attainment • Socio-economic deprivation

Shift to a multi-variate approach: • Account for the interplay of

characteristics – interpret findings as ‘holding other factors fixed’

• Control for school-fixed effects

Presentation: • Focus on ‘notable

changes’ over-time • Interactive report

■ Ofqual’s approach – equalities analysis:

■ Relative differences between students with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (and those without) :

Lesson learnt n. 1a – Advantages of a multivariate approach


□ Results differ for multivariate analysis descriptive statistics

□ Interplay between students’ characteristic

□ Huge role played by prior attainment – best predictor

Raw differences – descriptive statistics

Modelled results – multivariate approach

■ Gender gap (boys vs girls) at A level (18-year-olds, academic path):

Lesson learnt n. 1b – Advantages of a multivariate approach


□ Results differ not only in terms of size, also in terms of sign/direction

□ Simple descriptive statistics can be misleading

Raw differences – descriptive statistics

Modelled results – multivariate approach

■ Gender gap (boys vs girls) at A level (18-year-olds, academic path): [as before, but focus on multivariate approach results]:

Lesson learnt n. 2 – Substantive results: teacher judgement


□ A clearly different pattern was highlighted when teacher judgement was used

□ Indication that teacher judgement may be biased

Pandemic years 2020 and 2021 – boys achieved lower grades with

teacher judgement

Pre and post pandemic – boys achieved higher

grades in exams

■ Attainment gaps may be due to pre-existing societal differences, so focus on changes over-time (as opposed to gaps at a given point in time)

■ Multi-step method to identify changes that are ‘worthy of note’: 1. Statistically significant 2. Larger than year-on-year fluctuations 3. Exceeding an effect size criterion

■ Advantages: □ Given the large sample size, we do not flag very small differences between

groups/years □ Only changes that are worthy of note as operationally relevant are flagged

Lesson learnt n. 3 – Presentation: ‘notable changes’ over time


■ The are many combinations of different students’ characteristics and different ways to look at the data – large number of graphs and charts

■ User engagement highlighted that it is helpful to be able to explore the results focussing on specific areas

■ Results published as an accessible interactive report – web dashboard:

Lesson learnt n. 4 – Interactive report and user engagement


■ A linked administrative dataset was put together: □ Students’ attainment, prior and concurrent (Ofqual collects this data from Awarding

Organisations) □ Demographic and socio-economic background (National Pupil Database and the

Individualised Learner Record held by the UK Department for Education)

■ This data is potentially useful for investigating a range of policy-related questions by government analysts and academics: □ Can be further augmented, for example with information on university admissions □ GRADE (Grading and Admissions Data for England) is available to external

researchers for independent analysis and evaluation □ Safeguards were put in place to protect children’s data (ie 5 Safes Framework)

Lesson learnt n. 5 – Data to be used for further research


■ Limitations and further areas for development: □ Interpretation – The complexity of attainment gaps and how they have been estimated

may be difficult to communicate □ Data – There are still missing information and additional data that could be added in

■ We have learnt a lot: □ Putting together data from multiple administrative sources is an investment, but it has

good returns (especially if the data is then used also for other purposes) □ Presenting and interpreting the analysis in an engaging and accessible way helps

raising awareness and avoiding misuse of statistics □ Using a multi-variate approach allowed us to retrieve more robust evidence

■ Overall – we should encourage the use of more advanced methodology/innovation for statistical monitoring as a source of robust/impactful evidence to inform policies

Final remarks


To know more about Ofqual’s equalities analysis,

please visit:

Thank you!


  • Monitoring attainment gaps �for students with protected characteristics in England ��Nadir Zanini��Expert meeting on Statistics on Children�Geneva, 4-6 March 2024
  • Outline
  • Background and motivation
  • Attainment gaps
  • Monitoring attainment gaps
  • Lesson learnt n. 1a – Advantages of a multivariate approach
  • Lesson learnt n. 1b – Advantages of a multivariate approach
  • Lesson learnt n. 2 – Substantive results: teacher judgement
  • Lesson learnt n. 3 – Presentation: ‘notable changes’ over time
  • Lesson learnt n. 4 – Interactive report and user engagement
  • Lesson learnt n. 5 – Data to be used for further research
  • Final remarks
  • To know more about Ofqual’s equalities analysis, please visit: ������Thank you!

Presentation, Izzy Millward (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)

Languages and translations

Improving data on Violence Against Children in the UK

Izzy Millward Senior Researcher Office for National Statistics (ONS) [email protected]

Official Sensitive (if required)

2 Official Sensitive (if required)

Current data and gaps Indicators from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW):

Evidence gaps:

Prevalence and nature of (non-sexual) violence

against children (aged 10- 15) in the past year

Prevalence of lifetime childhood violence (sexual,

emotional, physical)

Current scale of sexual violence in the


Experience of VAC in non-household


Comparable measure of VAC for children under the age of 18

3 Official Sensitive (if required)

Improving measure of VAC in the UK

1. Transforming the children’s CSEW to push-to-web data collection

2. Feasibility study to determine whether a new national survey could provide an effective source of data on the current scale of child abuse

4 Official Sensitive (if required)

1. Push-to-web data collection for the Children’s CSEW

5 Official Sensitive (if required)

Measuring VAC through push-to-web data collection

Samling children from administrative

data sources

Separating data collection from adults

Developing an online self-complete questionnaire

Safeguarding children during

online data collection Creates opportunity for increasing the

achieved sample of children

Opportunity to expand survey to children aged 16 and 17

Opportunity to include children in

non-household populations

Auxiliary information used to oversample small populations

Survey responses lock down as survey


Targeted signposting to support service

Re-developed interviewer

administered questions for self-


Cognitive testing with children

6 Official Sensitive (if required)

Next steps

• Evaluation of pilot – explore response rate and data quality to inform decision around future of push-to- web data collection for the children's CSEW

• Ongoing questionnaire development and cognitive testing with children and young people

7 Official Sensitive (if required)

2. Child abuse feasibility study

8 Official Sensitive (if required)

Child abuse feasibility study – survey design

Questionnaire 11-16 years school

16-25 years Online

• Community violence • Intimate partner violence • Physical, sexual and

emotional abuse • Witnessing domestic

abuse • Criminal exploitation • Risk & protective factors

• Phase 1 – qualitative research, stakeholder engagement and public consultation • Phase 2 – development of questionnaire, safeguarding approach and carrying out a pilot

• In classroom, self- completed on a tablet – security screens

• Year 7 & 8 - opt out permission

• Year 9 onwards – provide own consent

• Postal invitation letter • Untraceable link • Survey locks down as

questions answered • All participants

provide own consent

9 Official Sensitive (if required)

Developing a safeguarding approach • Mixed views on safeguarding approach and anonymity of survey • Agreed design: Survey will be anonymous

• Developed through consultation with experts, professionals, ethics boards, and focus groups and 1:1s with children and young people, both with and without known experience of childhood violence

No mandatory referrals

Safeguarding built in throughout the


Children have autonomy over type of support received

10 [email protected]


  • Improving data on Violence Against Children in the UK
  • Current data and gaps
  • Improving measure of VAC in the UK
  • 1. Push-to-web data collection for the Children’s CSEW
  • Measuring VAC through push-to-web data collection
  • Next steps
  • 2. Child abuse feasibility study
  • Child abuse feasibility study – survey design
  • Developing a safeguarding approach
  • Questions?

(UK) Virtual testing in UN R152

Languages and translations

Submitted by the expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

Informal document GRVA-18-55 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Agenda item 7

Virtual testing in UN R 152


The current GRVA-18 proposal for the use of Virtual Testing in R152 on AEBS does not appear to address all the necessary aspects associated with the specification, development, deployment and use of the simulation tools that constitutes a “Virtual Testing Capability”. GRVA’s VMAD Working Group has been developing a New Assessment Test Methodology (NATM) that includes a description of the requirements associated with a virtual testing capability when it is being used as part of an approval process. A summary of those requirements extracted from the work of the VMAD group is provided in this document.

The complete NATM framework has been developed in the context of an Automated driving System and is more complex than is required for the R152 however the set of requirements associated with the “credibility assessment” of the virtual testing capability are relevant.

It is also worth noting the generic approach to virtual testing contained in the EU Whole Vehicle Type Approval Regulation – 2018/858 and in particular the following diagram extracted ANNEX VIII Appendix 3.

This shows a clear two stage activity where the simulation toolchain and its components are first developed and assessed before being used. Appendix 1 of the same Annex also provides some “conditions” for the virtual testing method.

In general, it is impossible to formally prove the capability of modelling and simulation (M&S) tools, so an alternative is to adopt a structured approach that builds a body of evidence that creates the necessary level of confidence. This gives the manufacture reassurance and also allows a third party such as a Technical Service (TS) or Type Approval Authority (TAA) to decide whether the M&S tools are of sufficient maturity to be used for virtual testing.

The UNECE VMAD activity has provided that structure and developed clear guidelines on the requirements around the development and assessment of an M&S capability that is to be used for “virtual testing”. The approach is called a “Credibility Assessment Framework” (the figure below is from NATM Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) – WP.29/2022/58).

The credibility framework shown above covers the various aspects that the manufacturer must consider when producing a virtual testing capability. The manufacture should develop the processes and documentation that support this and then generate the compliance evidence. The evidence will consist of various documents that show that the processes have been followed and that the results including verification, validation and testing achieve the necessary criteria. This is a complex activity and the details will be agreed with the TS and TAA. The assessment will be an audit process conducted by the TS or TAA of all the information provided by the manufacturer.

The framework is a structured way to describe and report the M&S capability based on the manufacturer’s approach and meeting appropriate criteria. Adopting and following this framework generates confidence in the results because it shows that the manufacturer is following good practice. In other words, the credibility is established by evaluating the factors that are considered to be the main contributors to a successful M&S capability, including, M&S management, team's experience and expertise, description and analysis of the M&S components, data management, verification, validation and uncertainty characterization. Each of these factors contributes to the overall quality and if the assessor decides that the required level has been achieved then the M&S capability is considered credible and fit to use for virtual testing.

Summary of the NATM Credibility Framework Requirements

The following is a summary of the main requirements outlined in the NATM document WP.29-2022-58. It is worth noting that the complete description runs for several pages. The summary follows the outline proposed in the NATM document.

Note: It is possible / probable that some of the aspects may not be applicable to the specific application of AEBS but it is better to allow the manufacturer to claim and give the rationale for any “exemptions” or inapplicability as part of their information pack rather than simply to remove it from the requirement.

Models and Simulation Management

The M&S lifecycle should be monitored, managed and documented. Management activities should be established to support the M&S adopting a work product management approach including:

· M&S management process, including a description of modifications to the toolchain and its components, clear designation of the software, acceptance review processes, details of the lifecycle and lifetime support and description of management responsibilities and escalation processes;

· Release management, including version control of the toolchain and components used for any approval activities, validation strategy and acceptance criteria, data provenance and traceability, data quality checks covering completeness, accuracy, and consistency;

· Team's Experience and Expertise (E&E), including processes and evidence that the various teams developing, testing and validating and ultimately using the toolchain and its components have appropriate experience and training;

· Input Data Management, including traceability of the data used in developing the toolchain and its components and used in the validation activity, evidence that the data is fully representative of the intended scope and functionality of the application, evidence of data quality considerations when it is being used for model development and parameter estimation;

· Output Data Management, including records of the scenarios used and the outputs of the validation activity, output data traceability, approach and results from comparisons and correlations, consistency and sanity checks.

Description and analysis of the toolchain and components

The description and analysis should provide a description of the toolchain and its components, identify the applicable parameter space as well as the scope, limitations and the sources of uncertainty that can affect the results. This will include:

· General description, including a description of the complete toolchain and its components a clear description of the objectives and metrics;

· Assumptions, known limitations and uncertainty sources, including the rationale for the modelling assumptions and hence the limitations, the fidelity required for the toolchain and its components, the tolerance and criteria for the correlation of real and virtual results and information about the sources of uncertainty in the model;

· Scope, includes a clear description of the applicability of the toolchain and its components, the accuracy required to emulate the physical phenomena and the fidelity required to do so, the validation scenarios and the corresponding parameter description limitations, acceptance and testing requirements derived from ODD analysis;

· Criticality assessment, including the impact of the errors in the toolchain and its components on the safety of the system and any subsequent functional safety requirements.


Verification deals with the analysis of the correct implementation of the conceptual / mathematical models that create and build up the tools & toolchain. Verification contributes to the credibility by providing assurance that the toolchain and its components will exhibit realistic behaviour for all inputs including those that have not been explicitly assessed. There are several ways to perform verification including:

· Code Verification is concerned with activities that try to show that the numerical and logical implementation of the toolchain and its components is correct including, static/dynamic code verification, convergence analysis and comparison with exact solutions, a sufficiently exhaustive exploration of the input parameters domain to identify parameter combinations for which the M&S tools show unstable or unrealistic behaviour and sanity / consistency checking;

· Calculation verification deals with the estimation of numerical errors affecting the toolchain and components including, numerical error estimates (e.g. discretization error, rounding error, iterative procedures convergence) and analysis that the errors remain sufficiently bounded;

· Sensitivity analysis aims at quantifying how output values are affected by changes in input values and to identify the parameters having the greatest impact on the results. The analysis should include the identification of the most critical parameters influencing the results and a robust calibration procedure for those parameters.


Validation is the process of determining the degree to which the toolchain and its components are an accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended use. The following should be part of the validation activity:

· Measures of Performance (metrics) are defined during the M&S analysis stage and include discrete value analysis, time evolution and analysis of state changes;

· Goodness of Fit measures are also used to compare the outputs of the toolchain and its components with physical tests The results are compared statistically to see if the measures have been achieved;

· Accuracy requirements are defined during the M&S analysis and should set the thresholds for the various comparisons. The validation results should show that these have been met.

· Validation methodology or strategy is the approach adopted by the manufacturer to show the toolchain and its components are fit for purpose. It includes the choice of scenarios to cover the maximum possible extent of the ODD and validation of subsystem and combinations of subsystems including environment, sensors, vehicle systems, user behaviour, etc.;

· Validation scope A toolchain consists of multiple tools, and each tool will use several models. The validation scope includes the appropriate assessment of the toolchain and its components;

· Internal validation of results should provide evidence of the validation activity and information related to the processes that were followed, physical tests that were performed and products that were used;

· Uncertainty characterisation is concerned with characterizing the expected variability of the virtual toolchain results. The analysis should characterise the uncertainty in the input data, in the model parameters and in the toolchain structure that is collected from the “Description and analysis of the toolchain and components” and the “Input Data Management”. The identified uncertainties should then be propagated through the toolchain and the overall uncertainty of the results quantified and appropriate safety margins established.

French Proposal

The current proposal (GRVA-18-23) does not cover all the requirements identified in the VMAD activity for the credibility framework that have been summarised from the NATM document in the section above. Also, some areas that have been covered have insufficient detail to allow a robust assessment by a Technical Service or Type Approval Authority. The document also does not follow the structure of the NATM document when discussing the various aspects that need to be addressed for the credibility framework.

The following identifies some of those areas that should be addressed in a revised proposal.

· Experience and Expertise (E&E) is touched upon briefly in section 1.1.3e on “Usability”. This makes no mention of the broader issues around E&E throughout the design, development etc. aspect of the M&S capability.

· Physical Testing appears only to be required for the final toolchain (Section 1.2). Physical Testing should be used and evidenced for all the components of the toolchain.

· There is some detail about the overall M&S Management process in section 1.5.7. but this is limited and does not provide a clear structure for the overall process of control and management responsibility.

· Sections 1.5.2 & 1.5.6. mention data input and data management but the NATM document has detailed sections covering both data input and output management.

· There are some references to validity domain in the document but no indication as to how this is derived, e.g., assumptions, limitations and tolerances.

· There is no mention of uncertainty in the document sources and characterisation.

· There is no mention of sensitivity analysis to quantify the effect of variations of input or model parameters.

· There is no mention of criticality assessment that might influence decisions about how stringent any assessment should be.

· There is no reference to a verification activity. Verification and validation are often combined, but it is a separate phase of the M&S development and assurance process and is not generally about comparison with physical tests.

· There is some mention of “accuracy” but limited description (see 1.4.3) or justification for the criteria that are needed for a successful validation, i.e. measures of performance and goodness of fit. These criteria are specific during the analysis of the M&S process to ensure that the final capability is fit for purpose.

· The current document recognises that there is an audit activity but does not provide clear requirements that can be audited. Many of the paragraphs appear to describe an activity and therefore only imply what the audit should assess.

· Section discussed the number of physical tests and is agreement with the Technical Service or Type Approval Authority. This approach does not seem fully in line with the intention of the NATM. The testing that is used to prove the simulation capability should be part of the overall validation strategy. It should be proposed and justified by the manufacturer. As part of the audit this strategy will be reviewed, but it is unlikely that a set of tests can be uniquely identified it is likely to be iterative and based on the ongoing discussions.


The current proposal to incorporate virtual testing into R152 does not address all the above aspects of a credible virtual testing capability and does not provide sufficient detail for those that are mentioned. The process of specifying, developing, deploying and managing a virtual testing capability is complex and it is important that all the relevant aspects are addressed in any proposal to ensure that a proper and complete assessment is made during the approval process.

Submitted by the expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

Informal document GRVA-18-55 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024

Agenda item 7

Virtual testing in UN R 152

Introduction The current GRVA-18 proposal for the use of Virtual Testing in R152 on AEBS does not appear to address all the necessary aspects associated with the specification, development, deployment and use of the simulation tools that constitutes a “Virtual Testing Capability”. GRVA’s VMAD Working Group has been developing a New Assessment Test Methodology (NATM) that includes a description of the requirements associated with a virtual testing capability when it is being used as part of an approval process. A summary of those requirements extracted from the work of the VMAD group is provided in this document. The complete NATM framework has been developed in the context of an Automated driving System and is more complex than is required for the R152 however the set of requirements associated with the “credibility assessment” of the virtual testing capability are relevant. It is also worth noting the generic approach to virtual testing contained in the EU Whole Vehicle Type Approval Regulation – 2018/858 and in particular the following diagram extracted ANNEX VIII Appendix 3.

This shows a clear two stage activity where the simulation toolchain and its components are first developed and assessed before being used. Appendix 1 of the same Annex also provides some “conditions” for the virtual testing method.

In general, it is impossible to formally prove the capability of modelling and simulation (M&S) tools, so an alternative is to adopt a structured approach that builds a body of evidence that creates the necessary level of confidence. This gives the manufacture reassurance and also allows a third party such as a Technical Service (TS) or Type Approval Authority (TAA) to decide whether the M&S tools are of sufficient maturity to be used for virtual testing. The UNECE VMAD activity has provided that structure and developed clear guidelines on the requirements around the development and assessment of an M&S capability that is to be used for “virtual testing”. The approach is called a “Credibility Assessment Framework” (the figure below is from NATM Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) – WP.29/2022/58).

The credibility framework shown above covers the various aspects that the manufacturer must consider when producing a virtual testing capability. The manufacture should develop the processes and documentation that support this and then generate the compliance evidence. The evidence will consist of various documents that show that the processes have been followed and that the results including verification, validation and testing achieve the necessary criteria. This is a complex activity and the details will be agreed with the TS and TAA. The assessment will be an audit process conducted by the TS or TAA of all the information provided by the manufacturer. The framework is a structured way to describe and report the M&S capability based on the manufacturer’s approach and meeting appropriate criteria. Adopting and following this framework generates confidence in the results because it shows that the manufacturer is following good practice. In other words, the credibility is established by evaluating the factors that are considered to be the main contributors to a successful M&S capability, including, M&S management, team's experience and expertise, description and analysis of the M&S components, data management, verification, validation and uncertainty characterization. Each of these factors contributes to the overall quality and if the assessor decides that the required level has been achieved then the M&S capability is considered credible and fit to use for virtual testing.

Summary of the NATM Credibility Framework Requirements The following is a summary of the main requirements outlined in the NATM document WP.29-2022- 58. It is worth noting that the complete description runs for several pages. The summary follows the outline proposed in the NATM document. Note: It is possible / probable that some of the aspects may not be applicable to the specific application of AEBS but it is better to allow the manufacturer to claim and give the rationale for any “exemptions” or inapplicability as part of their information pack rather than simply to remove it from the requirement. Models and Simulation Management The M&S lifecycle should be monitored, managed and documented. Management activities should be established to support the M&S adopting a work product management approach including:

• M&S management process, including a description of modifications to the toolchain and its components, clear designation of the software, acceptance review processes, details of the lifecycle and lifetime support and description of management responsibilities and escalation processes;

• Release management, including version control of the toolchain and components used for any approval activities, validation strategy and acceptance criteria, data provenance and traceability, data quality checks covering completeness, accuracy, and consistency;

• Team's Experience and Expertise (E&E), including processes and evidence that the various teams developing, testing and validating and ultimately using the toolchain and its components have appropriate experience and training;

• Input Data Management, including traceability of the data used in developing the toolchain and its components and used in the validation activity, evidence that the data is fully representative of the intended scope and functionality of the application, evidence of data quality considerations when it is being used for model development and parameter estimation;

• Output Data Management, including records of the scenarios used and the outputs of the validation activity, output data traceability, approach and results from comparisons and correlations, consistency and sanity checks.

Description and analysis of the toolchain and components The description and analysis should provide a description of the toolchain and its components, identify the applicable parameter space as well as the scope, limitations and the sources of uncertainty that can affect the results. This will include:

• General description, including a description of the complete toolchain and its components a clear description of the objectives and metrics;

• Assumptions, known limitations and uncertainty sources, including the rationale for the modelling assumptions and hence the limitations, the fidelity required for the toolchain and its components, the tolerance and criteria for the correlation of real and virtual results and information about the sources of uncertainty in the model;

• Scope, includes a clear description of the applicability of the toolchain and its components, the accuracy required to emulate the physical phenomena and the fidelity required to do so, the validation scenarios and the corresponding parameter description limitations, acceptance and testing requirements derived from ODD analysis;

• Criticality assessment, including the impact of the errors in the toolchain and its components on the safety of the system and any subsequent functional safety requirements.

Verification Verification deals with the analysis of the correct implementation of the conceptual / mathematical models that create and build up the tools & toolchain. Verification contributes to the credibility by providing assurance that the toolchain and its components will exhibit realistic behaviour for all inputs including those that have not been explicitly assessed. There are several ways to perform verification including:

• Code Verification is concerned with activities that try to show that the numerical and logical implementation of the toolchain and its components is correct including, static/dynamic code verification, convergence analysis and comparison with exact solutions, a sufficiently exhaustive exploration of the input parameters domain to identify parameter combinations for which the M&S tools show unstable or unrealistic behaviour and sanity / consistency checking;

• Calculation verification deals with the estimation of numerical errors affecting the toolchain and components including, numerical error estimates (e.g. discretization error, rounding error, iterative procedures convergence) and analysis that the errors remain sufficiently bounded;

• Sensitivity analysis aims at quantifying how output values are affected by changes in input values and to identify the parameters having the greatest impact on the results. The analysis should include the identification of the most critical parameters influencing the results and a robust calibration procedure for those parameters.

Validation Validation is the process of determining the degree to which the toolchain and its components are an accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended use. The following should be part of the validation activity:

• Measures of Performance (metrics) are defined during the M&S analysis stage and include discrete value analysis, time evolution and analysis of state changes;

• Goodness of Fit measures are also used to compare the outputs of the toolchain and its components with physical tests The results are compared statistically to see if the measures have been achieved;

• Accuracy requirements are defined during the M&S analysis and should set the thresholds for the various comparisons. The validation results should show that these have been met.

• Validation methodology or strategy is the approach adopted by the manufacturer to show the toolchain and its components are fit for purpose. It includes the choice of scenarios to cover the maximum possible extent of the ODD and validation of subsystem and combinations of subsystems including environment, sensors, vehicle systems, user behaviour, etc.;

• Validation scope A toolchain consists of multiple tools, and each tool will use several models. The validation scope includes the appropriate assessment of the toolchain and its components;

• Internal validation of results should provide evidence of the validation activity and information related to the processes that were followed, physical tests that were performed and products that were used;

• Uncertainty characterisation is concerned with characterizing the expected variability of the virtual toolchain results. The analysis should characterise the uncertainty in the input data, in the model parameters and in the toolchain structure that is collected from the “Description and analysis of the toolchain and components” and the “Input Data Management”. The identified uncertainties should then be propagated through the toolchain and the overall uncertainty of the results quantified and appropriate safety margins established.

French Proposal The current proposal (GRVA-18-23) does not cover all the requirements identified in the VMAD activity for the credibility framework that have been summarised from the NATM document in the section above. Also, some areas that have been covered have insufficient detail to allow a robust assessment by a Technical Service or Type Approval Authority. The document also does not follow the structure of the NATM document when discussing the various aspects that need to be addressed for the credibility framework. The following identifies some of those areas that should be addressed in a revised proposal.

• Experience and Expertise (E&E) is touched upon briefly in section 1.1.3e on “Usability”. This makes no mention of the broader issues around E&E throughout the design, development etc. aspect of the M&S capability.

• Physical Testing appears only to be required for the final toolchain (Section 1.2). Physical Testing should be used and evidenced for all the components of the toolchain.

• There is some detail about the overall M&S Management process in section 1.5.7. but this is limited and does not provide a clear structure for the overall process of control and management responsibility.

• Sections 1.5.2 & 1.5.6. mention data input and data management but the NATM document has detailed sections covering both data input and output management.

• There are some references to validity domain in the document but no indication as to how this is derived, e.g., assumptions, limitations and tolerances.

• There is no mention of uncertainty in the document sources and characterisation. • There is no mention of sensitivity analysis to quantify the effect of variations of input or

model parameters. • There is no mention of criticality assessment that might influence decisions about how

stringent any assessment should be. • There is no reference to a verification activity. Verification and validation are often

combined, but it is a separate phase of the M&S development and assurance process and is not generally about comparison with physical tests.

• There is some mention of “accuracy” but limited description (see 1.4.3) or justification for the criteria that are needed for a successful validation, i.e. measures of performance and goodness of fit. These criteria are specific during the analysis of the M&S process to ensure that the final capability is fit for purpose.

• The current document recognises that there is an audit activity but does not provide clear requirements that can be audited. Many of the paragraphs appear to describe an activity and therefore only imply what the audit should assess.

• Section discussed the number of physical tests and is agreement with the Technical Service or Type Approval Authority. This approach does not seem fully in line with the intention of the NATM. The testing that is used to prove the simulation capability should be part of the overall validation strategy. It should be proposed and justified by the manufacturer. As part of the audit this strategy will be reviewed, but it is unlikely that a set

of tests can be uniquely identified it is likely to be iterative and based on the ongoing discussions.

Summary The current proposal to incorporate virtual testing into R152 does not address all the above aspects of a credible virtual testing capability and does not provide sufficient detail for those that are mentioned. The process of specifying, developing, deploying and managing a virtual testing capability is complex and it is important that all the relevant aspects are addressed in any proposal to ensure that a proper and complete assessment is made during the approval process.

  • Virtual testing in UN R 152
  • Introduction
  • Summary of the NATM Credibility Framework Requirements
    • Models and Simulation Management
    • Description and analysis of the toolchain and components
    • Verification
    • Validation
  • French Proposal
  • Summary

(UK) UNECE scenario catalogue

Languages and translations

UNECE Scenario Catalogue

18th Session of GRVA

Submitted by the expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Informal document GRVA-18-49

18th GRVA, 22-26 September 2024

Agenda item 4(g)

Is there a need for a UN scenario catalogue?

It is recognised that scenarios will play an essential part in the evaluation of the performance of an Automated Driving System (ADS).

There is already an expectation of a catalogue by VMAD.

There are many scenario databases in existence (or being developed) that are designed with particular intentions.

Should there be an independent one principally designed for authorities to support their approval and certification processes?

What benefits can a UN scenario catalogue bring?

Having an extensive collection of scenarios that is produced collaboratively would avoid the risk of ‘designing to the test’ and ensure coverage.

It gives authorities a ready-made resource of scenarios to consider and to utilise in the evaluation of an ADS (and potentially ADAS).

Authorities would have the capability to highlight specific scenarios to other authorities (e.g. scenarios that cover a particular country’s traffic rules).

New scenarios identified from in-service monitoring and reporting can be more easily shared.

Suggested way forward

UK proposes a workshop to agree next steps on how we would:

Examine the need and scope of a UNECE scenario catalogue

Establish the capabilities and requirements of any necessary catalogue

Investigate whether an existing scenario database could fulfil this purpose

Maintain, operate and utilise it with regards to WP.29 activities

UNECE Scenario Catalogue 18th Session of GRVA Submitted by the expert from the United Kingdom

of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Informal document GRVA-18-49 18th GRVA, 22-26 September 2024 Agenda item 4(g)

Is there a need for a UN scenario catalogue? • It is recognised that scenarios will play an essential part in the evaluation of

the performance of an Automated Driving System (ADS). • There is already an expectation of a catalogue by VMAD. • There are many scenario databases in existence (or being developed) that

are designed with particular intentions.

• Should there be an independent one principally designed for authorities to support their approval and certification processes?

What benefits can a UN scenario catalogue bring? • Having an extensive collection of scenarios that is produced collaboratively

would avoid the risk of ‘designing to the test’ and ensure coverage. • It gives authorities a ready-made resource of scenarios to consider and to

utilise in the evaluation of an ADS (and potentially ADAS). • Authorities would have the capability to highlight specific scenarios to other

authorities (e.g. scenarios that cover a particular country’s traffic rules). • New scenarios identified from in-service monitoring and reporting can be

more easily shared.

Suggested way forward

UK proposes a workshop to agree next steps on how we would: • Examine the need and scope of a UNECE scenario catalogue • Establish the capabilities and requirements of any necessary catalogue • Investigate whether an existing scenario database could fulfil this purpose • Maintain, operate and utilise it with regards to WP.29 activities

  • UNECE Scenario Catalogue
  • Is there a need for a UN scenario catalogue?
  • What benefits can a UN scenario catalogue bring?
  • Suggested way forward