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Web Scraping of Commodities for Consumer Price Index in the National Capital Region, Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for Consumer Price Index in the

National Capital Region, Philippines

GLEN G. POLO Price Statistics Division, Economic Sector Statistics Service

Philippine Statistics Authority

Repu bl ic o f t h e Ph i l ippin es

Philippine Statistics Authority

Meeting of the Groups Experts on Consumer Price Index Geneva, Switzerland 07 to 09 June 2023

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 2


I. Introduction II. Methodology III. Results IV. Issues and Challenges V. Ways Forward

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 3

I. Objective of the Study

• To know whether prices collected from websites via web scraping can be used as substitute for the data collected via traditional survey in computing the 2012-based CPI for National Capital Region, Philippines.

• To be used as benchmark for the use of Big Data for official statistics

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 4

II. Methodology

Geographic Domain: National Capital Region

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Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 5

II. Methodology

Frequency of Collection: Daily (except in Saturdays

and Sunday)

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Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 6

II. Methodology Sample Outlets/Websites:

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Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 7

II. Methodology Total No. of URLs Web Scraped: 1,354

Name of Online Stores No. of URLs Commodity Division Code

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 Total 1,354 402 15 94 38 231 74 5 8 233 254 Abensons 16 13 3 Ace Hardware 15 4 11 Ansons 12 11 1 Lazada 552 155 11 39 14 87 16 2 3 107 118 National Bookstore 3 1 1 1 PushKart 23 23 Shopee 74 65 1 1 7 Watsons 539 151 2 43 14 84 16 3 5 96 125 Western Appliance 45 41 4 Wilcon 17 16 1 Zalora 16 6 8 2 Zagana 30 30 Legend: 01 – Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages

02 – Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 03 – Clothing and Footwear

04 – Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels 05 – Furnishing, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance

06 – Health 07 – Transport 08 – Communication

09 – Recreation and Culture 11 – Restaurant and Miscellaneous Goods and Services

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 8

II. Methodology Total No. of Commodities Web Scraped: 517

Division No. of Commodities

Web Scraped

01 - Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages 183

02 - Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 10

03 - Clothing and Footwear 41

04 - Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels 14

05 - Furnishing, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 85

06 - Health 41

07 - Transport 2

08 - Communication 2

09 - Recreation and Culture 64

11 – Restaurants and Miscellaneous Goods and Services 75

Total 517

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Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 9

II. Methodology • Web Scraping Application

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II. Methodology • Web Scraping Application: Folders

Updates on Web Scraping of Prices for the Consumer Price Index in National Capital Region 10

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Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 11

II. Methodology

• Web Scraping Application: HTML Structure

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Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 12

II. Methodology

• Web Scraping Application: Completion Prompt

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II. Methodology

• Web Scraping Application: Sample Output

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Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 14

II. Methodology • Data Processing:

1. Validations are done daily: consistency checking, checking for the presence of web scraped prices, checking if the links are still active and if the price being collected is correct.

2. Computation of Average Prices, Indices, M-o-M Growth Rate, Y-o-Y Growth Rate follow the official CPI compilation.

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 15

II. Methodology CPI Computation:

• Computation of Average Prices, Indices, M-o-M Growth Rate,

Y-o-Y Growth Rate follow the official CPI compilation.

• Two types of CPI were computed and compared with the Official CPI:

o Online – All prices used are collected from websites (web scraped)

o Hybrid – combination of offline (traditional survey) and online (web

scraped) prices.

Updates on Web Scraping of Prices for the Consumer Price Index in National Capital Region 15

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 16

III. Results Year-on-Year: Fish and Seafood

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III. Results Year-on-Year: Vegetables

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III. Results Year-on-Year: Tobacco

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III. Results Year-on-Year: Garments

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IV. Issues and Challenges 1. Websites selected for scraping are not CPI sample

outlets. Chosen based on availability of commodities listed in the market basket

2. Not all web scraped commodities have exactly similar specifications with those from the market-basket.

3. Not all of the subclass (5-digit level PCOICOP) and class (4-digit level PCOICOP) have complete commodities.

4. There is an issue with legality and ethics.

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 21

V. Ways Forward

1. Start the web scraping simultaneous with price collection for the new CPI series

2. Collect prices from the websites of the CPI sample outlets

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Web Scraping of Commodities for the CPI of National Capital Region, Philippines 22


Divina Gracia L. Del Prado, Deputy National Statistician Elena G. Varona (ret.), Chief, Price Statistics Division (PSD) Glen G. Polo, Officer-in-Charge, PSD Desiree R. Robles, Senior Statistical Specialist Rosario S. Lodovice, Statistical Specialist II Jo Louise L. Buhay, Statistical Specialist I


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Web Scraping of Prices of Commodities Included in the Generation of Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the National Capital Region (NCR), Philippines

Online stores are becoming popular as a new platform for business transactions, not only in the country, but also globally. To take advantage of this new approach, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) started in 2019 the exploration on the use of web scraping as an alternative collection method for prices of commodities included in the computation of Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the National Capital Region (NCR), Philippines. Currently, the PSA uses the traditional face-to-face price collection of commodities from sample outlets or stores.

Languages and translations


Web Scraping of Prices of Commodities Included in the Generation

of Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the National Capital Region (NCR),


Divina Gracia L. Del Prado, Ph.D., Elena G. Varona, Desiree R. Robles,

Glen G. Polo, Rosario S. Lodovice, Jo Loiuse L. Buhay


Online stores are becoming popular as a new platform for business transactions, not

only in the country, but also globally. To take advantage of this new approach, the

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) started in 2019 the exploration on the use of web

scraping as an alternative collection method for prices of commodities included in the

computation of Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the National Capital Region (NCR),

Philippines. Currently, the PSA uses the traditional face-to-face price collection of

commodities from sample outlets or stores. In this paper, prices collected from

traditional method or face-to-face method are called offline prices, while web scraped

prices are termed online prices. Prices of 514 commodities are web scraped, which

comprise about 71 percent of the total commodities in the CPI market basket of NCR.

This study aims to determine if offline prices can be replaced by online prices or by a

combination of online and offline prices (hybrid) in computing the CPI for NCR. Results

show that the behavior of online and offline prices are comparable for selected

commodities that are not highly volatile such as clothing items. However online prices

of agricultural commodities, which are highly volatile, do not present the same trend

of volatility as that of offline prices. Moreover, for CPI computation, offline prices are

more appropriate to use for certain commodity groups, while for others, hybrid prices.

Keywords: Web scraping, CPI


1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) obtains prices of commonly

consumed commodities for the monthly generation of the Consumer Price

Index (CPI) through the Retail Prices Survey (RPS) of Selected

Commodities and Services for the Generation of Consumer Price Index

also known as the RPS for the CPI. This survey uses the traditional method

of collecting data where the prices are obtained through personal visit to

selected sample outlets or stores.

Traditional methods in data collection such as that of the RPS adopt well-

established techniques based on statistical theories. Data obtained through

this method adhere to standards and are structured for easy to

mathematical manipulation. However, the demands for granular and high

frequency data are increasing due to the need for timely and evidence-

based policies and programs to address various issues and concerns of the

country. This sets the traditional data collection on a disadvantage where

timeliness and budget are a recurring issue.

In order to address the limitations of traditional methods, and to take

advantage of the new technologies available, the PSA conducted a study

on web scraping. This aimed at determining the possibility of replacing

selected prices collected from sample outlets with the prices collected

online and to possibly reduce the cost on the conduct of the survey without

sacrificing the timeliness and quality of the data.

1.2. Objectives

The main objective of this study is to know whether the prices collected from

website via web scraping can be used as substitute for the data collected

via traditional survey in computing the CPI for NCR. To accomplish this

objective, two sets of CPIs are computed using online prices only (online)

and the combination of online and offline prices (hybrid) and compared with

the official CPI.


1.3. Significance

This study will be used as benchmark for the use of big data such as web

scraped prices for official statistics. Results of this study will also be

beneficial in the research field as it may serve as reference in the future

studies related to this topic.

1.4. Scope and Limitations

This study covered the commodities in the 2012-based market basket for

CPI in NCR. Websites covered by scraping are selected based on the

availability of the commodities within the website, thus, may not be the

actual outlets or stores visited for price collection. Meanwhile, the period of

data collection through web scraping is from January 2020 to December

2021. All results and conclusions from this study focused on the given

geographic domain and time periods only.

2. Relevant Literature

2.1. History of Web Scraping

Web scraping, also known as web crawling, refers to the automatic

collection of price quotes and article information from websites (Boettcher,


The first use of online data in compiling CPI and inflation rate was motivated

by the manipulation of inflation statistics in Argentina from 2007 to 2015.

Cavallo (2013) conducted a study which automatically collected data from

October 2007 to March 2011 from largest supermarkets of selected Latin

American countries. Results showed that for Brazil, Chile, Columbia, and

Venezuela, the annual movement of the inflation rates between the online

and the traditionally collected data are not different. For Argentina, the best

approximation to the official numbers is to use one-third of the actual

inflation rate observed online.


The study of Cavallo showed the potential of using online prices for inflation

measurement applications. In 2008, MIT implemented the Billion Prices

Project (BPP) which collected online data on selected retailers’ websites

from more than 60 countries. Results of this project showed that online

prices distribution is strongly bimodal, with very few price changes close to

zero percent. Also, online data have the potential to provide datasets with

identical sampling characteristics in a large number of countries (Cavallo &

Rigobon, 2016).

2.2. Use of Online Data for Official Statistics

The Billion Prices Project showed promising results on the use of big data

for official statistics. Various countries adopted the integration of online data

in the computation of CPI for their country.

In United States, about two-thirds of their data are collected through

personal visits and the remaining data are collected via telephone or the

outlets’ website. In Ukraine, two types of price collection is being

implemented: local – collection through personal visits to sample outlets;

and central – collection through head office or through websites. In neighbor

ASEAN countries such as Singapore, web scraped data is one of their

official data sources of administrative data.

3. Methodology

3.1. 2012-based Market Basket of Commodities for CPI

The market basket for CPI refers to the sample commodities that represent

the commonly purchased goods and services by households. The

2012-based CPI market basket was the result of the Survey of Key

Informants (SKI) conducted in 2013 to sample stores nationwide.

Respondents were store managers, sellers, or proprietors who were asked

of the most purchased good and services. In NCR, the total number of

commodities in the market basket is 724 representing 1.78 percent of the


total number of the commodities for all income households CPI in the


3.2. Web Scraping Application

The web scraping application was developed in-house using Python and

Beautiful Soup. The user-interface of the application utilizes Mozilla Firefox

where the launcher and uniform resource locator (URL) of the target

commodities are saved.

3.3. Web Scraped Commodities

The total number of web scraped commodities for this study is 514. This

represents about 71 percent of the commodities in the market basket for all

income households in NCR. All commodity divisions or 2-digit Philippine

Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose (PCOICOP)

have representative web scraped prices. Websites of educational

institutions do not display tuition fees unless user IDs and passwords are

supplied, essentially making the scraping of prices impossible.

The web scraped commodities were classified as exact or equivalent. Exact

commodities are those with the same specification found in the market

basket in NCR. Equivalent commodities are those with whose specifications

are similar, in part, to the specifications of commodities in the market basket.

Table 1 presents the number of commodities scraped by commodity group

based on the similarities in specifications.


Table 1. Distribution of Commodities with Exactly Matched

and Equivalent Specifications.

Code Commodity Group Total Exactly

Matched Equivalent

TOTAL 514 218 296

01 Food and Non-Alcoholic


183 68 115

02 Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 10 4 6

03 Clothing and Footwear 41 24 17

04 Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas,

and Other Fuels

14 5 9

05 Furnishings, Household

Equipment and Routine

Household Maintenance

85 29 56

06 Health 41 30 11

07 Transport 2 0 2

08 Communication 2 0 2

09 Recreation and Culture 64 28 36

10 Education

11 Restaurants and Miscellaneous

Goods and Services

72 30 42

3.4. List of Stores and Number of URLs by Division

The study considered 12 online stores namely Abensons, Ace Hardware,

Anson’s, Lazada, National Book Store, Pushkart, Shopee, Watsons,

Western Appliances, Wilcon, Zalora, and Zagana. These online stores were

chosen based on the availability of commodities from these websites.

A total of 1,351 URLs were web scraped and the distribution of the URLs

per division is shown on Table 2.


Table 2. List of Stores and Number of URLs by Division Code

Name of



No. of


Commodity Division Code

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

Total 1,351 402 15 94 38 231 74 5 8 233 251

Abenson 16 13 3


Hardware 15 4 11

Ansons 12 11 1

Lazada 550 155 11 39 14 87 16 2 3 107 116

MerryMart 3 1 1 1


Book Store 23 23

Pushcart 74 65 1 1 7

Shopee 538 151 2 43 14 84 16 3 5 96 124

Watsons 45 41 4


Appliance 17 16 1

Wilcon 16 6 8 2

Zagana 30 30

Zalora 12 12


01 – Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages

02 – Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco

03 – Clothing and Footwear

04 – Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels

05 – Furnishing, Household Equipment and Routine

Household Maintenance

06 – Health

07 – Transport

08 – Communication

09 – Recreation and Culture

10 – Education

11 – Restaurant, Personal

Care and Miscellaneous

Goods and Services


3.5. Web Scraping Process

Data Collection

Web scraping was done daily except for Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

For the duration of this study, the frequencies of scraping started from

bi-weekly to daily. Shown in Table 3 is the frequency of collection from

January 2020 to December 2021. Adjustments in the frequency of collection

through web scraping were made to be able to capture prices based on the

period of the price surveys for the CPI in NCR.

Table 3. Frequency of Collection through Web Scraping

Month Period of Price

Collection Remarks

Jan 2020 End of the month (last

six days)

Initiated after the general

planning on web scraping

Feb 2020 First and Second Phase

(Simultaneous with CPI) Used two computers

Mar 20


Used one computer only; Halted

for a few days during the ECQ

due to new installation of

program in one of the staff’s


Apr 20

May 20 Used one laptop (only every

6:00pm onwards)

Jun 20 Used two laptops

Jul 20

Used five laptops Aug 20

Sep 20 to Jul 21

Aug 21 to Dec

21 Used six laptops


Data Cleaning

After a whole month of web scraping, the csv files are compiled by matching

the web scraped commodities with the commodities collected offline. These

prices underwent data cleaning and validation patterned to the practice

regularly done in the CPI.

3.6. Estimation

With the goal of the study to see whether the behavior of the online prices

resembles the behavior of the offline prices, the monthly price relatives at

the commodity level as well as the indices at the subclass and class level

were computed for each set of prices using R Language.

3.6.1 Average Price

In this study, two ways of computing the monthly average prices were


a. Online prices

The average monthly price of a commodity is computed by obtaining the

average of the web scraped data according to the price collection

schedule in NCR as shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Period of Price Collection for CPI in NCR

Period of Collection in NCR

Commodity Group Schedule

1. Agricultural food items Weekly, every Tuesday

2. Processed food, beverages,

and tobacco

Weekly, every Friday

3. Non-food Bi-weekly

First phase: Any day during the first five

(5) days of the month

Second phase: Any day from 15th to

17th day of the month


b. Hybrid

The average monthly price of a commodity was obtained by the following


i. Without web scraped data: average of prices was obtained from

the offline data

ii. With web scraped data: average of prices was computed

according to schedule of price collection schedule for CPI in NCR

3.6.2 Price Relatives at the Commodity Level

The price relatives are computed at the commodity level. This is to

determine whether the month-on-month movement of prices of each

commodity follows that of the offline prices. Line graphs were used to

present the movements of price relatives comparing that of online, hybrid

and the offline prices.

3.6.3 Index at the Subclass and Class Level

The index at the subclass (5-digit PCOICOP) level were computed for each

combination of price quotations regardless the number of successfully web

scraped commodities under each subclass. Subsequently, the index at the

class (4-digit) level were also computed.

3.7. Absolute Deviation

In order to determine the differences between the computed indices

between online, hybrid and offline prices, the absolute deviations were

computed. In particular, the minimum, maximum, range and average

absolute deviations per exploration were obtained.


4. Results and Discussion

This discussion on the results of this research focused only on four class (4-digit

PCOICOP) levels, namely: Fish and Seafood (PCOICOP Code 01.1.3);

Vegetables (PCOICOP Code 01.1.7); Tobacco (PCOICOP Code 02.2.0); and

Garments (PCOICOP Code 03.1.2). Although the data collection through web

scraping was initiated in January 2020, the first month with complete web scraped

data was in February 2020. Thus, the computation for CPI using online and hybrid

prices started in March 2020. To compete the data for 2020 for the online and

hybrid CPI, the offline CPI was used.

Table 5 shows the number of and percentage of web scraped commodities for

selected commodity classes.

Table 5. Number and Percentage of Web Scraped Commodities

for Selected Classes.


PCOICOP Description


of Web



Number of Commodities


Basket of


Web Scraped

Total Exactly




01.1.3 FISH AND

SEAFOOD 25% 36 9 3 6

01.1.7 VEGETABLES 59% 39 23 0 23

02.2.0 TOBACCO 25% 4 1 0 1

03.1.2 GARMENTS 63% 27 17 9 8

Among the four selected classes, the computed online and hybrid prices indices

of fish and seafood, tobacco, and garments follow the same trend are. On the other

hand, vegetables – a class which contains agricultural items was selected to

examine whether the volatility of prices for this commodity group is reflected on

the computed CPI for online and hybrid prices.

The class, fish and seafood is composed of five subclasses, four of which were

successfully represented in the web scraped data. For the class tobacco, only one


subclass represents the whole class which is also included in the web scraped

data. For the class garments, only one subclass was represented from the five

subclasses. On the other hand, all the five subclasses of the class vegetables were


The computed CPI for fish and seafood, tobacco, and garments is shown in

Figures 9, 10, 11, and 12. To further examine whether the computed CPI for the

online and hybrid prices follow that of the offline, the absolute deviations were

calculated and summarized in Table 6.

Table 6. Summary Statistics on Absolute Deviation

of the Computed CPI from the Official CPI


PCOICOP Description

Absolute Deviation from the Official CPI

Online Hybrid

Lowest Highest Lowest Highest

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

01.1 FOOD

01.1.3 FISH AND SEAFOOD 0.5 34.6 0.4 2.7

01.1.7 VEGETABLES 0.1 48.9 0.1 37.0


02.2.0 TOBACCO (ND) 0.0 21.3 0.1 7.4


03.1.2 GARMENTS 0.0 2.9 0.0 3.1


Table 6. Summary Statistics on Absolute Deviation

of the Computed CPI from the Official CPI (continued)


PCOICOP Description

Absolute Deviation from the Official CPI

Online Hybrid

Range Average Range Average

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

01.1 FOOD

01.1.3 FISH AND SEAFOOD 34.0 12.9 2.2 1.2

01.1.7 VEGETABLES 48.9 11.7 36.9 9.3


02.2.0 TOBACCO (ND) 21.3 9.8 7.3 3.9


03.1.2 GARMENTS 2.9 1.0 3.1 1.0

Among these classes, the computed CPI for hybrid prices of fish and seafood and

tobacco showed relatively low absolute deviation from the official CPI. Meanwhile,

online prices are more comparable for items under clothing.

Month-on-month and year-on-year growth rates were obtained and compared. The

starting series for growth rates is April 2020. Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 shows the

month-on-month growth rate of CPIs for fish and seafood, vegetables, tobacco,

and garments, respectively.


Figure 1. Month-on-Month Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Fish and Seafood from February 2020 to December 2021

Figure 2. Month-on-Month Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Vegetables from February 2020 to December 2021


Figure 3. Month-on-Month Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Tobacco from February 2020 to December 2021

Figure 4. Month-on-Month Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Garments from February 2020 to December 2021


Figure 1 shows that although the growth rate of CPI for online prices fluctuates

throughout the series while the growth rate for hybrid prices follows the trend of

the offline prices. This, however, is not evident in Figure 2. Meanwhile, the month-

on-month growth rates of online and hybrid prices are comparable with that of the

offline for tobacco as shown in Figure 3. Moreover, Figure 4 shows that the growth

rates for the computed CPI for both online and hybrid prices follow the trend of CPI

for offline prices.

To examine the annual rate of change of the computed CPI, their year-on-year

growth rates were also obtained. Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8 shows the year-on-year

growth rate of fish and seafood, tobacco, and garments.

Figure 5. Year-on-Year Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Fish and Seafood from February 2020 to December 2021


Figure 6. Year-on-Year Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Vegetables from February 2020 to December 2021

Figure 7. Year-on-Year Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Tobacco from February 2020 to December 2021


Figure 8. Year-on-Year Growth Rate of CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices

of Garments from February 2020 to December 2021

Figure 5 shows that as in month-on-month growth rate, the year-on-year growth

rate of the CPI for online prices of fish and seafood deviate from that of the offline.

In contrast, the year-on-year growth rates for hybrid prices follow the same trend

as the offline prices.

The trend of the year-on-year growth rates of the computed CPI for online and

hybrid prices for vegetables follow the movement of offline. However, the

fluctuations were not as severe as that of the offline CPI as evidenced in the peaks

and throughs of the computed CPI for the offline prices as shown in Figure 6.

For tobacco, both online and hybrid CPIs follows the trend of the offline CPI but at

varied levels. For garments, while similar trend was observed for online and hybrid

CPIs, they both diverge from the offline CPI as shown in Figure 8.


5. Conclusions and Recommendations

Results of this study showed that for web scraped items in the market-basket of

CPI for NCR, the least deviation from the offline CPI is obtained by using hybrid

prices. It is also shown on the results that commodity groups which showed

comparable CPI with that of the offline are those whose web scraped data are with

relatively high percentage of exactly matched specifications as compared with the

equivalently matched specifications, especially for items under agriculture and

other items which have volatile prices.

Although challenging, it is recommended to web scrape data with exactly same

specifications in the market-basket of CPI to ensure comparability of the computed

indices using online prices and consequently, to capture the same behavior of

growth rates of the computed CPI. In case where there are no commodities in the

website with exact specification as that in the market basket, the hybrid

computation of CPI can be used.

With regard to web scraping as data collection method, it was observed that this

method of data collection presents advantages, such as efficiency and the

provision of extending the price collection of commodities beyond those listed in

CPI market basket. However, there are issues that need to be addressed such as

the legality and ethics of web scraping. Although, at present, there are no laws in

effect prohibiting the use of web scraper to collect data from the websites, it is still

advised to refer to the terms of use of each website to ensure that no law is

violated. Another point of consideration is the additional resources needed in

terms of manpower who will monitor and process the scraped data, and additional

computers dedicated to web scraping.

As this research is an initial attempt of the PSA in exploring Big Data and its

potential as input in compiling official statistics, in this case, the CPI, it is

recommended that more extensive research be done on this topic. Web scraping

should be performed during the start of price collection for the new series of CPI

and should cover the websites of the sample outlets or stores for price collection.


This will allow for a direct comparison of the movements of online and offline prices

and will present a more reliable analysis of computed CPIs.

6. References

Boettcher, I. (2015). Automatic data collection on the Internet (web scraping).

Statistics Austria.

Cavallo, A. (2012). Online and official price indexes: Measuring Argentina’s

inflation. Journal of Monetary Economics (2012), 60(2), 152–165.

Cavallo, A., & Rigobon, R. (2016). The billion prices project: Using online prices

for measurement and research. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(2),


Data Sources : Handbook of Methods: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020,

November 24). Retrieved July 01, 2022, from

Data Sources : Handbook of Methods: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020,

November 24). Retrieved July 01, 2022, from

FAQ on Consumer Price Index (CPI). (n.d.). Base. Retrieved July 01, 2022, from



7. Appendices

Figure 9. CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices of Fish and Seafood

from January 2020 to December 2021

Figure 10. CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices of Vegetables

from January 2020 to December 2021


Figure 11. CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices of Tobacco

from January 2020 to December 2021

Figure 12. CPI for offline, online, and hybrid prices of Garments

from January 2020 to December 2021

UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety returns to Southeast Asia to call for more investment in road safety

The Special Envoy will travel in South-East Asia and will meet with Ministers as well as the private sector, public sector and NGO stakeholders in Lao PDR (5-7 April), Thailand (10 April), the Philippines (11-14 April) and Malaysia (17-19 April) to advocate for the effective implementation of the