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(France) Scenario based design, validation and homologation - views of France

Languages and translations





French VIEWS 

   BY :

     S.Geronimi & E.Arnoux, leaderS of Safety and Validation PFA WG



Informal document GRVA-18-47

18th GRVA, 22-26 Jan. 2024

Agenda item 4(g)

Confidential C



Accumulating real world driving data then recorded data replay for design & validation of SOTIF

Design, validation, homologation are using scenarios


Validation by scenarios representative from real world driving data, data from accidentology & risk analysis

Mileage ~  M or B km

Resimulation, but no or few Simulation


Simulation & Scenarios as a Safety proof

ADAS and AD L2, 3 & 4 validation / safety proof

through scenarios mandatory

UN R 152

UN R157


FR law LOM 2019-2022


EU 2022/1426



Multipillar approach



In-use monitoring

Scenario library


Track testing

Virtual testing

Real world testing

In-use monitoring


State of the art approach for design, validation (SOTIF but not only), & homologation

Real World Driving, Simulation and Scenarios capitalisation are necessary, to mitigate unintended behaviours

Perception e.g. scenarii/objects driving to false Positive or False Negative events.

Decision e.g. a wrong decision occurs during this scenario 

Cooperation with humans inside or outside the vehicle 

Region dependency might deserve attention (traffic signs, road infrastructure)

Scenario library initiatives are already on-going … since 2019 PFA position is to promote scenarios libraries interoperability.

Confidential C

Consensus 3 : bibliothèques en croissance car ODD réduit au début.


Why a common scenarios library in France ?


The worldwide ecosystem recognizes that the validation of automated driving & transport systems’ safety is based on scenarios:

Usable by manufacturers during design and physical or virtual validation phases and for « safety » demonstration

Generated by combinatory approach through scenarios parameter/descriptors

Usable for the Product General Safety

To contribute to the definition of scenarios for the homologation

To define the state of the art for the industry and the authorities

To be used also in the French authorization of Automated Road Transport System owing to national framework (LOM law).

ADScene An industrial scenarios library for ADAS & ADS design, validation and homologation 

Supported by

(Limited access)

ADScene strictly confidential


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15 Point Text: Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Strictly Confidential


Strictly Confidential


ADScene strictly confidential

ADScene strictly confidential


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Source: xxx

1) xxx


15 Point Text: Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Strictly Confidential


Strictly Confidential


ADScene strictly confidential

Data Content

ADSCENE: a solution to take up the challenge of scenario database

Creation of scenarios

Creation of usecases & test protocols

Scenario browser & data visualisation

Management of statistics from scenarios

Link to simulation software

Private environment for each OEM

Shared environnement for collaborative activities

Easy to interface

A multisource approach

Data content

Features & tools

Secured environment

A secured, industrial Saas platform providing analysis & management tools

At state-of-the-art for designing, validating & homologating automated driving functions

A multi-partner scenario database


A4_RBSC_PPT– 2013-10_v01 – do not delete this text object!

Source: xxx

1) xxx


15 Point Text: Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Strictly Confidential


Strictly Confidential


ADScene strictly confidential


Open framework to develop & integrate innovative features



1 plateform, 3 ambitions

Users: Academics, research

Usage : Innovation



Scenario Library for compliance to regulations and standard test scenarios



Users: Authorities, Technical Centers

Usage : Reference scenarios

Users : OEMs, tier 1, transport

operators, Shuttle manufacturers, …

Usage : design, validation,



Scenario library for Systems

design, validation & homologation


to comply with regulation, Ncap, ISO, …

Supported by :



A4_RBSC_PPT– 2013-10_v01 – do not delete this text object!

Source: xxx

1) xxx


15 Point Text: Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Strictly Confidential


Strictly Confidential


ADScene strictly confidential

ADScene brings proposals to contribute to build state of the art for scenario-based safety & validation

RUN & Quality recognition




Start of operations


2022 december




Ideation @ PFA / SystemX, Vedecom


Growth content & Business



+Site Analysis



+Test Protocols

+Use Cases

ADScene would like to work on KPI to ensure compliance of scenario databases to regulations: e.g. data quality (validation by experts), shared data, published initiative, …



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Source: xxx

1) xxx


15 Point Text: Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Strictly Confidential


Strictly Confidential


ADScene strictly confidential








A4_RBSC_PPT– 2013-10_v01 – do not delete this text object!

Source: xxx

1) xxx


15 Point Text: Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Strictly Confidential


Strictly Confidential


ADScene strictly confidential


Confidential C







Informal document GRVA-18-47 18th GRVA, 22-26 Jan. 2024 Agenda item 4(g)

LEGACY Accumulating real world driving data then recorded data replay for design & validation of SOTIF

Design, validation, homologation are using scenarios

SAFETY BY DESIGN Validation by scenarios representative from real world driving data, data from accidentology & risk analysis

Mileage ~ M or B km Resimulation, but no or few Simulation

IMPROVED SAFETY using RETEX Simulation & Scenarios as a Safety proof

ADAS and AD L2, 3 & 4 validation / safety proof through scenarios mandatory

UN R 152 UN R157


FR law LOM 2019-2022

ADS ACT EU 2022/1426

21448 2020

Multipillar approach



monitoring Scenario


Track testing

Virtual testing

Real world testing

In-use monitoring


Confidential C


Real World Driving, Simulation and Scenarios capitalisation are necessary, to mitigate unintended behaviours  Perception e.g. scenarii/objects driving to false Positive or False Negative events.  Decision e.g. a wrong decision occurs during this scenario  Cooperation with humans inside or outside the vehicle

Region dependency might deserve attention (traffic signs, road infrastructure)

Scenario library initiatives are already on-going … since 2019 PFA position is to promote scenarios libraries interoperability.

Why a common scenarios library in France ?


 The worldwide ecosystem recognizes that the validation of automated driving & transport systems’ safety is based on scenarios:

• Usable by manufacturers during design and physical or virtual validation phases and for « safety » demonstration

• Generated by combinatory approach through scenarios parameter/descriptors • Usable for the Product General Safety

 To contribute to the definition of scenarios for the homologation

 To define the state of the art for the industry and the authorities

 To be used also in the French authorization of Automated Road Transport System owing to national framework (LOM law).



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Sc en

es tri

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id en

tia l

ADScene An industrial scenarios library

for ADAS & ADS design, validation and homologation

Supported by (Limited access)



en es

tri ct

ly co

nf id

en tia

l AD

Sc en

es tri

ct ly

co nf

id en

tia l



en es

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nf id

en tia


ADSCENE: a solution to take up the challenge of scenario database

• Creation of scenarios • Creation of usecases & test protocols • Scenario browser & data visualisation • Management of statistics from scenarios • Link to simulation software

• Private environment for each OEM • Shared environnement for

collaborative activities • Easy to interface

A multisource approach

Data content Features & tools Secured environment A secured, industrial Saas platform providing analysis & management tools

• At state-of-the-art for designing, validating & homologating automated driving functions • A multi-partner scenario database



en es

tri ct

ly co

nf id

en tia



Open framework to develop & integrate innovative features


1 plateform, 3 ambitions

Users: Academics, research Usage : Innovation


Scenario Library for compliance to regulations and standard test

scenariosResearch centers

Users: Authorities, Technical Centers Usage : Reference scenarios

Users : OEMs, tier 1, transport operators, Shuttle manufacturers, … Usage : design, validation,


Scenario library for Systems design, validation & homologation


to comply with regulation, Ncap, ISO, …

Supported by :



en es

tri ct

ly co

nf id

en tia


ADSceneADScene brings proposals to contribute to build state of the art for scenario-based safety & validation

RUN & Quality recognition




Start of operations


2022 december


2021 Development

Ideation @ PFA / SystemX, Vedecom


Growth content & Business


+Site Analysis



+Test Protocols +Use Cases

ADScene would like to work on KPI to ensure compliance of scenario databases to regulations: e.g. data quality (validation by experts), shared data, published initiative, …



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en tia

l 10




  • FRENCH WORKING group �SAFETY for AD ��
  • Design, validation, homologation are using scenarios
  • State of the art approach�for design, validation (SOTIF but not only), & homologation
  • Why a common scenarios library in France ?
  • ADScene�An industrial scenarios library�for ADAS & ADS design, validation and homologation 
  • Slide Number 6
  • Slide Number 7
  • 1 plateform, 3 ambitions
  • ADScene brings proposals to contribute to build state of the art for scenario-based safety & validation
  • FRENCH WORKING group �SAFETY for AD ��

(France) List of relevant UN Regulations for Software Updates

Languages and translations

Submitted by the expert from France

Informal document GRVA-18-34

18th GRVA, 22–26 January 2024

Provisional agenda item 5 (a)

List of relevant GRVA Regulations for software updates

This document was prepared by the expert from France. It proposes a list of the relevant UN Regulations under the purview of GRVA, for the purposes of software updates.

I. List of relevant UN Regulations

UN Regulation


Relevant (Yes/No)

UN Regulation No. 13



UN Regulation No. 13-H

Braking (passenger cars)


UN Regulation No. 78

Braking (Category L)


UN Regulation No. 79

Steering equipment


UN Regulation No. 89

Speed Limitation Devices


UN Regulation No. 90

Replacement brake lining assemblies, drum brake linings and discs and drums for power-driven vehicles and their trailers


UN Regulation No. 130

Lane Departure Warning System


UN Regulation No. 131

Advanced Emergency Braking System


UN Regulation No. 139

Brake Assist System


UN Regulation No. 140

Electronic Stability Control


UN Regulation No. 152

Advanced Emergency Braking System


UN Regulation No. 155

Cyber security


UN Regulation No. 156

Software update and software update management system


UN Regulation No. 157

Automated Lane Keeping System


II. Justification

During the 191st session of WP.29, the expert from France proposed that all subsidiary Working Parties of WP.29 consider the list of the Regulations under their respective purview which may be relevant for the purposes of software updates (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1175, para. 37). This identification of relevant Regulations is necessary to introduce the necessary provisions on identification and update of software in each affected Regulation, using the guidance provided in Annex 7 of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3).

This document proposed a list of the UN Regulations under the purview of GRVA which may be relevant for the purposes of software updates. More specifically:

· UN Rs13, 13-H, 78*, 79, 130, 131, 139, 140, 152, 157 (Regulations on braking, steering, active safety and ADAS/ADS): Most systems directly or indirectly related to braking and steering greatly rely on software as part of their basic operation.

· UN R89 (speed limitation devices and functions): Most speed limitation devices and functions greatly rely on software as part of their basic operation.

· UN R90 (replacement brake parts): This Regulation only applies to physical replacement parts. If no software is present on these replacement parts, this Regulation is not relevant for the purposes of software updates at this stage. However, any introduction of connected replacement parts on the market should lead to a reconsideration of this classification.

· UN R155: Exact software versions of critical electronic control units (such as ECUs with external interfaces) are fully relevant for the purposes of type approval pursuant to R155.

· UN R156: Software versions of relevant electronic control units (such as telematics, infotainment or human-machine interfaces) may have an impact on the definition of a vehicle type with regard to R156.

Additionally, the authors believe that Global Technical Regulations No. 3 and 8 are also relevant for the purposes of software updates. However, they are outside of the scope of the Regulations for which guidance is given by Annex 7 of R.E.3.

* UN R78 is a Regulation that only applies to vehicles of Category L, which are not part of the scope of UN R156. GRVA may wish to consider whether an extension of the scope of UN R156 is necessary before including provisions for software updates within UN R78.

Submitted by the expert from France

Informal document GRVA-18-34 18th GRVA, 22–26 January 2024 Provisional agenda item 5 (a)

List of relevant GRVA Regulations for software updates

This document was prepared by the expert from France. It proposes a list of the relevant UN Regulations under the purview of GRVA, for the purposes of software updates.

I. List of relevant UN Regulations UN Regulation Title Relevant (Yes/No) UN Regulation No. 13 Braking Yes UN Regulation No. 13-H Braking (passenger cars) Yes UN Regulation No. 78 Braking (Category L) Yes* UN Regulation No. 79 Steering equipment Yes UN Regulation No. 89 Speed Limitation Devices Yes UN Regulation No. 90 Replacement brake lining

assemblies, drum brake linings and discs and drums for power-driven vehicles and their trailers


UN Regulation No. 130 Lane Departure Warning System Yes UN Regulation No. 131 Advanced Emergency Braking

System Yes

UN Regulation No. 139 Brake Assist System Yes UN Regulation No. 140 Electronic Stability Control Yes UN Regulation No. 152 Advanced Emergency Braking

System Yes

UN Regulation No. 155 Cyber security Yes UN Regulation No. 156 Software update and software update

management system Yes

UN Regulation No. 157 Automated Lane Keeping System Yes

II. Justification

During the 191st session of WP.29, the expert from France proposed that all subsidiary Working Parties of WP.29 consider the list of the Regulations under their respective purview which may be relevant for the purposes of software updates (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1175, para. 37). This identification of relevant Regulations is necessary to introduce the necessary provisions on identification and update of software in each affected Regulation, using the guidance provided in Annex 7 of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3).

This document proposed a list of the UN Regulations under the purview of GRVA which may be relevant for the purposes of software updates. More specifically:

- UN Rs13, 13-H, 78*, 79, 130, 131, 139, 140, 152, 157 (Regulations on braking, steering, active safety and ADAS/ADS): Most systems directly or indirectly related to braking and steering greatly rely on software as part of their basic operation.

- UN R89 (speed limitation devices and functions): Most speed limitation devices and functions greatly rely on software as part of their basic operation.

- UN R90 (replacement brake parts): This Regulation only applies to physical replacement parts. If no software is present on these replacement parts, this Regulation is not relevant for the purposes of software updates at this stage. However, any introduction of connected replacement parts on the market should lead to a reconsideration of this classification.


- UN R155: Exact software versions of critical electronic control units (such as ECUs with external interfaces) are fully relevant for the purposes of type approval pursuant to R155.

- UN R156: Software versions of relevant electronic control units (such as telematics, infotainment or human-machine interfaces) may have an impact on the definition of a vehicle type with regard to R156.

Additionally, the authors believe that Global Technical Regulations No. 3 and 8 are also relevant for the purposes of software updates. However, they are outside of the scope of the Regulations for which guidance is given by Annex 7 of R.E.3. * UN R78 is a Regulation that only applies to vehicles of Category L, which are not part of the scope of UN R156. GRVA may wish to consider whether an extension of the scope of UN R156 is necessary before including provisions for software updates within UN R78.

(France) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (clean version)

Languages and translations

Submitted by the experts of France (leader of the workshops group on UN-R 152) on behalf of the workshops group on UN-R 152

Informal document GRVA-18-24 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Provisional agenda item 7



Proposal for a supplement to 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (Advanced Emergency Braking System for M1 and N1 vehicles)

The text produced below was prepared by the workshops group on UNR-R 152 and replaces the working document GRVA/2023/22. The proposal is aimed at allowing the applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests.

I. Proposal

Add a new paragraph 2.18., amend to read:

2.18. “Virtual testing” is the process of testing a system using one or more simulation models.

Add a new paragraph 6.7., amend to read:

6.7. Virtual testing of dynamic tests

6.7.1. Virtual testing may be used by request of the vehicle manufacturer as an alternative for the tests described in paragraphs 6.4. to 6.6.,. The provided virtual testing shall be verified and validated according to and are used in accordance with annex 4.

6.7.2. Virtual testing may be used in the evaluation of the warning and activation tests in accordance with paragraph 1.8. of Schedule 3 and Schedule 8 of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement.

[6.7.3. In addition to the simulation results, simulated test runs [shall / may] be conducted as physical tests as well on the request of the type approval authority and technical service.]

6.7.4. In case of virtual testing is chosen by the manufacturer, a separated report including at least the additional data information specified in annex 4 paragraph 1.5. shall be annexed to the test report.

Add a new Annex 4, to read:

“Annex 4 - Virtual testing of dynamic tests

Introduction (for information only)

This annex describes the method that can be used to consider virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing, based on the manufacturer request.

This method is mainly based on 2 separate pillars:

· Pillar 1 : the validation of the virtual testing method by comparison with physical results and,

· Pillar 2 : the virtual testing results for approval process.

1. Validation of the virtual testing method (pillar 1)

1.1. General specifications

1.1.1. The manufacturer shall provide documentation to prove the credibility of the virtual testing results.

1.1.2. The vehicle manufacturer shall define the validity domain on which the virtual testing will be applicable. This annex only applies within this validity domain.

1.1.3. Credibility of the virtual toolchain that is used for the virtual testing shall be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority and Technical Service.

For this, the following five criteria shall be considered :

(a) Capability – what virtual toolchain can do, and what are the associated risks;

(b) Accuracy – how well virtual toolchain does reproduce the target data;

(c) Correctness – how sound & robust is the used data and the algorithm in the tools;

(d) Fit for Purpose – how suitable is the virtual toolchain for the assessment (e.g. vehicle dynamic model, sensor model, system control model, environment model, scenario model, targets model, …) within its validity domain.

(e) Usability – What training and experience is needed and what is the quality of the process that manage its use.

1.2. Physical validation tests

1.2.1. At the request of the technical service, in addition to the documentation provided by the vehicle manufacturer, physical tests shall be performed or witnessed to confirm the accuracy between the physical and the simulation results. The number of physical tests to be tested shall be defined in agreement between the manufacturer and the technical service in order to sufficiently cover the validity domain specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

1.2.2. The number of tests performed shall ensure a statistical comparison between physical and simulation results.

1.3. Simulation model

1.3.1. The simulations (including development of the model) shall be run under the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer. It shall reflect the architecture of the vehicle, system and components to be tested in relation to the requirements of the current regulation on the specified validity domain.

1.3.2. The models that are developed and tested shall be capable of accurately representing the relevant aspects of the physical AEBS system that is being modelled. The models are used in tools and the tools are incorporated into toolchains which emulate the overall physical behaviour of the AEBS system with the appropriate quality within the declared domain of validity.

1.4. Simulation model validation process

1.4.1. The simulation model shall be validated in comparison with the physical validation tests performed under paragraph 1.2. and comparability of the test results shall be proven.

1.4.2. The validation strategy shall be based on scientific methods, defined by the car manufacturer and agreed with the type approval authority and technical service.

1.4.3. For the validation, key performance indicators shall be assessed such as time to collision, remaining distance or impact speed.

1.5. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the approval authority and technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph  3.2.  of this Regulation.

1.5.1. A description of the applied simulation and calculation method which has been used such as identification of the model, the analysis software, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

1.5.2. A description of the input parameters.

1.5.3. A description of the validity domain taking into account AEBS performance influencing factors.

1.5.4. All parts of the simulation toolchain such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described by the manufacturer.

1.5.5. The methodology used to generate physical validation data, such as data recording equipment, data processing, calculation of scalar valuesshall be documented in the simulation report.

1.5.6. A description of the data management archiving system shall be provided by the manufacturer.

1.5.7. A description of the versions control and the review processes in case of modification within the simulation toolchain shall be provided by the manufacturer.

2. Virtual testing results for approval process (pillar 2)

2.1. Compliance of the Advanced Emergency Braking System with the performance requirements as defined in Paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 of this regulation may be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service by making use of virtual testing of the dynamic maneuvers of the paragraph(s) 6.5 to 6.7 of this Regulation.

2.2. All simulation results provided by the manufacturer in applying for an approval in accordance with paragraph 4. of this regulation shall refer to the method evaluated and validated according to paragraph 1 of this annex.

2.3. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph  3.2.  of this Regulation.

2.3.1. A description of the applied simulation method which has been used such as identification of model, the analysis software, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

2.3.2. A description of the input parameters.

2.3.3. A reference to the validated simulation method used in application of paragraph 1 of the current annex.

2.3.4. All parts of the simulation toolchain such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described by the manufacturer.

II. Justification

1. This proposal targets to let the opportunity to applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests. As it is already defined at European Union Whole Vehicle Type Approval system (WVTA), in other regulations or in the current activities on automated driving systems by the Informal Working Group on Validation Method for Automated Driving (VMAD) Subgroup 2, this approach requires the preliminary assessment of the methodology to be used.

2. This proposal defines a practical approach to preserve safety main principles letting the flexibility to the applicant in the virtual tools to be used.

3. An example of the application is presented in informal document GRVA-15-20.

Note by the secretariat: this amendment proposal, if adopted as supplement to the 02 series of amendments, would require adjustments as para. 6.7. already exist in the 02 series of amendments, reading:

“6.7. Warning and Activation Test with a Bicycle Target”

Submitted by the experts of France (leader of the workshops group on UN-R 152) on behalf of the workshops group on UN-R 152

Informal document GRVA-18-24 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Provisional agenda item 7

Proposal for a supplement to 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (Advanced Emergency Braking System for M1 and N1 vehicles)

The text produced below was prepared by the workshops group on UNR-R 152 and replaces the working document GRVA/2023/22. The proposal is aimed at allowing the applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests.

I. Proposal

Add a new paragraph 2.18., amend to read:

“2.18. “Virtual testing” is the process of testing a system using one or more simulation models.”

Add a new paragraph 6.7., amend to read:

“6.7. Virtual testing of dynamic tests

6.7.1. Virtual testing may be used by request of the vehicle manufacturer as an alternative for the tests described in paragraphs 6.4. to 6.6.,. The provided virtual testing shall be verified and validated according to and are used in accordance with annex 4.

6.7.2. Virtual testing may be used in the evaluation of the warning and activation tests in accordance with paragraph 1.8. of Schedule 3 and Schedule 8 of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement.

[6.7.3. In addition to the simulation results, simulated test runs [shall / may] be conducted as physical tests as well on the request of the type approval authority and technical service.]

6.7.4. In case of virtual testing is chosen by the manufacturer, a separated report including at least the additional data information specified in annex 4 paragraph 1.5. shall be annexed to the test report.”



Add a new Annex 4, to read:

“Annex 4 - Virtual testing of dynamic tests

Introduction (for information only)

This annex describes the method that can be used to consider virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing, based on the manufacturer request.

This method is mainly based on 2 separate pillars:

- Pillar 1 : the validation of the virtual testing method by comparison with physical results and,

- Pillar 2 : the virtual testing results for approval process.

1. Validation of the virtual testing method (pillar 1)

1.1. General specifications

1.1.1. The manufacturer shall provide documentation to prove the credibility of the virtual testing results.

1.1.2. The vehicle manufacturer shall define the validity domain on which the virtual testing will be applicable. This annex only applies within this validity domain.

1.1.3. Credibility of the virtual toolchain that is used for the virtual testing shall be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority and Technical Service.

For this, the following five criteria shall be considered :

(a) Capability – what virtual toolchain can do, and what are the associated risks;

(b) Accuracy – how well virtual toolchain does reproduce the target data;

(c) Correctness – how sound & robust is the used data and the algorithm in the tools;

(d) Fit for Purpose – how suitable is the virtual toolchain for the assessment (e.g. vehicle dynamic model, sensor model, system control model, environment model, scenario model, targets model, …) within its validity domain.

(e) Usability – What training and experience is needed and what is the quality of the process that manage its use.

1.2. Physical validation tests

1.2.1. At the request of the technical service, in addition to the documentation provided by the vehicle manufacturer, physical tests shall be performed or witnessed to confirm the accuracy between the physical and the simulation results. The number of physical tests to be tested shall be defined in agreement between the manufacturer and the technical service in order to sufficiently cover the validity domain specified by the vehicle manufacturer.



1.2.2. The number of tests performed shall ensure a statistical comparison between physical and simulation results.

1.3. Simulation model

1.3.1. The simulations (including development of the model) shall be run under the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer. It shall reflect the architecture of the vehicle, system and components to be tested in relation to the requirements of the current regulation on the specified validity domain.

1.3.2. The models that are developed and tested shall be capable of accurately representing the relevant aspects of the physical AEBS system that is being modelled. The models are used in tools and the tools are incorporated into toolchains which emulate the overall physical behaviour of the AEBS system with the appropriate quality within the declared domain of validity.

1.4. Simulation model validation process

1.4.1. The simulation model shall be validated in comparison with the physical validation tests performed under paragraph 1.2. and comparability of the test results shall be proven.

1.4.2. The validation strategy shall be based on scientific methods, defined by the car manufacturer and agreed with the type approval authority and technical service.

1.4.3. For the validation, key performance indicators shall be assessed such as time to collision, remaining distance or impact speed.

1.5. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the approval authority and technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph 3.2. of this Regulation.

1.5.1. A description of the applied simulation and calculation method which has been used such as identification of the model, the analysis software, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

1.5.2. A description of the input parameters.

1.5.3. A description of the validity domain taking into account AEBS performance influencing factors.

1.5.4. All parts of the simulation toolchain such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described by the manufacturer.

1.5.5. The methodology used to generate physical validation data, such as data recording equipment, data processing, calculation of scalar valuesshall be documented in the simulation report.

1.5.6. A description of the data management archiving system shall be provided by the manufacturer.

1.5.7. A description of the versions control and the review processes in case of modification within the simulation toolchain shall be provided by the manufacturer.



2. Virtual testing results for approval process (pillar 2)

2.1. Compliance of the Advanced Emergency Braking System with the performance requirements as defined in Paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 of this regulation may be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service by making use of virtual testing of the dynamic maneuvers of the paragraph(s) 6.5 to 6.7 of this Regulation.

2.2. All simulation results provided by the manufacturer in applying for an approval in accordance with paragraph 4. of this regulation shall refer to the method evaluated and validated according to paragraph 1 of this annex.

2.3. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph 3.2. of this Regulation.

2.3.1. A description of the applied simulation method which has been used such as identification of model, the analysis software, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

2.3.2. A description of the input parameters.

2.3.3. A reference to the validated simulation method used in application of paragraph 1 of the current annex.

2.3.4. All parts of the simulation toolchain such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described by the manufacturer.”

II. Justification

1. This proposal targets to let the opportunity to applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests. As it is already defined at European Union Whole Vehicle Type Approval system (WVTA), in other regulations or in the current activities on automated driving systems by the Informal Working Group on Validation Method for Automated Driving (VMAD) Subgroup 2, this approach requires the preliminary assessment of the methodology to be used.

2. This proposal defines a practical approach to preserve safety main principles letting the flexibility to the applicant in the virtual tools to be used.

3. An example of the application is presented in informal document GRVA-15-20.

Note by the secretariat: this amendment proposal, if adopted as supplement to the 02 series of amendments, would require adjustments as para. 6.7. already exist in the 02 series of amendments, reading:

“6.7. Warning and Activation Test with a Bicycle Target”

(France) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS) - virtual testing

Languages and translations

Submitted by the experts of France (leader of the workshops group on UN-R 152) on behalf of the workshops group on UN-R 152

Informal document GRVA-18-23 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Provisional agenda item 7



Proposal for a supplement to 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (Advanced Emergency Braking System for M1 and N1 vehicles)

The text produced below was prepared by the workshops group on UNR-R 152 and is based on working document GRVA/2023/22. The proposal is aimed at allowing the applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests. The modifications to the existing text GRVA/2023/22 are marked in bold red for new or strikethrough for deleted characters.

I. Proposal

Add a new paragraph 2.18., amend to read:

“2.18. “Virtual testing” is the process of testing a system using one or more simulation models.

Add a new paragraph 6.7., amend to read:

6.7. Computer simulation Virtual testing of dynamic tests

6.7.1. A computer simulation model Virtual testing may be used by request of the vehicle manufacturer as an alternative for the tests described in paragraphs 6.4. to 6.6.,. The provided virtual testing the simulation model and simulation toolchain have been shall be verified and validated according to and are used in accordance with annex 4.

6.7.2. Simulation tools and mathematical models Virtual testing may be used in the for evaluation of the warning and activation tests may be used in accordance with paragraph 1.8. of Schedule 3 and Schedule 8 of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement. Manufacturers shall demonstrate the scope of the simulation tool, its validity for the scenario and concrete vehicle concerned as well as the validation performed for the simulation tool chain (correlation of the outcome with physical tests) in accordance with annex 4.

6.7.3. The technical service shall be able to validate the simulation model using physical validation tests.

[6.7.3. In addition to the simulation results, at least 30% of the simulated test runs [shall / may] be conducted as physical tests as well on the request of the type approval authority and technical service. The results of simulated test runs and physical test runs shall be checked for differences on an individual basis and using standard statistical tests by the technical service.]

6.7.4. In case the computer simulation of dynamic tests of virtual testing is chosen by the manufacturer, a separated report including at least the additional data information specified in annex 4 paragraph 1.5. shall be annexed to the test report.

Add a new Annex 4, to read:

“Annex 4

Computer simulation Virtual testing of dynamic tests

Introduction (for information only)

This annex describes the method that can be used to consider virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing, based on the manufacturer request.

This method is mainly based on 2 separate pillars:

· Pillar 1 : the validation of the virtual testing method by comparison with physical results and,

· Pillar 2 : the virtual testing results for approval process.

This annex describes the processes that can be used to consider simulation results instead of physical results demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements.

These processes allow both to optimise the reactivity of manufacturers to cover different vehicle definitions and to optimise the economic aspect by limiting the number of physical means involved.

However, this approach is only possible if the framework of the process is clearly defined and if the level of confidence in the results presented is sufficient and based on objective criteria of physical representativeness.

This approach is mainly based on 2 separate axes: the validation of the simulation method and the simulation results for approval process.

The validation of the simulation method is a key stage in the comprehensive digital validation process because it defines the mathematical model’s level of representativeness with respect to the physical test. The quality of the correlation is therefore critical and is assessed via a simulation / test comparison. Once the model has been correlated or, in other words, when the behaviour calculated is similar to the behaviour of the subject in the actual tests, the model can be used to predict the subject’s behaviour within its validity domain.

The simulation results for approval process are the final stage of the whole procedure, namely the type-approval of a vehicle in respect of a regulatory act based solely on a virtual type-approval. Once the digital model’s representativeness has been demonstrated within a scope of validity, this process can be used to assess the performance of the model tested against the requirements of the regulatory text.

This global approach is summarized step by step in the scheme below figure 5 and further detailed in the following chapters.

Figure 5 Generic flow chart of the “Computer simulation of dynamic tests as an equivalent approval method”

1. Validation of the simulation virtual testing method (pillar 1)

In order to guarantee that the simulation method used by the manufacturer is able to provide representative results acceptable for approval process, this simulation method shall be evaluated and validated by the technical service.

1.1. Definition of the validity domain General specifications

1.1.1. The car manufacturer shall define the boundary conditions for the simulation method. These boundary conditions define the limits within the simulation method can be used. The manufacturer shall provide documentation to prove the credibility of the virtual testing results.

1.1.2. The validity domain definition shall cover both vehicle characteristics (e.g. mass, equipment, exact sensor type, control algorithm) and scenario characteristics (e.g. speeds, target). The vehicle manufacturer shall define the validity domain on which the virtual testing will be applicable. This annex only applies within this validity domain.

1.1.3. Depending on the validity domain required by the manufacturer, the Technical Service will define the matrix of vehicle and scenarios to be tested in order to cover the entire domain, in accordance with paragraph 1.2. Credibility of the virtual toolchain that is used for the virtual testing shall be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority and Technical Service.

For this, the following five criteria shall be considered :

(a) Capability – what virtual toolchain can do, and what are the associated risks;

(b) Accuracy – how well virtual toolchain does reproduce the target data;

(c) Correctness – how sound & robust is the used data and the algorithm in the tools;

(d) Fit for Purpose – how suitable is the virtual toolchain for the assessment (e.g. vehicle dynamic model, sensor model, system control model, environment model, scenario model, targets model, …) within its validity domain.

(e) Usability – What training and experience is needed and what is the quality of the process that manage its use.

1.2. Physical validation tests

1.2.1. At the request of the technical service, in addition to the documentation provided by the vehicle manufacturer, The technical service, physical tests shall be performed or witnessed tests to prove confirm the validity accuracy between the physical and of the simulation model results.

1.2.2. The number of scenarios physical tests to be tested shall be defined in agreement between the manufacturer and by the technical service in order to sufficiently cover the validity area domain requested specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

1.2.3. At least 10 repetitions of worst cases scenarios shall be performed and results of the stop relative distance from target or target impact velocity shall be inside a defined interval from the median value. This interval is defined by the technical service. Worst case scenarios are those where model uncertainties are expected to have the greatest impact on the representativeness of the simulation model (e.g. impact with target during full braking would lead to a significant spread in results, lowest possible speed for car-bicycle-scenarios where sensor angle is most relevant).

1.2.4. As mentioned under paragraphs 6.10. of this regulation on the robustness of the system, some physical tests may be repeated in case the system fails to meet the performance requirements. The number of repeated tests shall not exceed:

(a) 10.0 per cent of the performed test runs for the Car to Car tests; and

(b) 10.0 per cent of the performed test runs for the Car to Pedestrian tests.; and

(c) 20.0 per cent of the performed test runs for the Car to Bicycle tests.

1.2.52. The physical tests used for building a physical reference for the numerical model validation shall be repeatable. The repeatability shall be evaluated on the impact speed or remaining distance values of the 10 repetitions which shall be within a corridor defined by the technical service around the median value of the physical tests. The number of tests performed shall ensure a statistical comparison between physical and simulation results.

1.3. Simulation model

1.3.1. The simulations (including development of the model) shall be conducted run under the responsibility of by the vehicle manufacturer. It shall reflect the complexity of the architecture of the vehicle, system and components to be tested in relation to the requirements of the current regulation and its boundary conditions on the specified validity domain.

1.3.2. The model shall be capable of describing the real physical behaviour on the validity domain. 1.3.3. The simulation model shall be constructed, and assumptions prescribed, in such a way that the calculation gives conservative solution, in which the result is independent of the incremental time step.

The models that are developed and tested shall be capable of accurately representing the relevant aspects of the physical AEBS system that is being modelled. The models are used in tools and the tools are incorporated into toolchains which emulate the overall physical behaviour of the AEBS system with the appropriate quality within the declared domain of validity.

1.3.4. In addition to the parameters listed in paragraph 1.4. of the current annex, at least the following elements have to be defined in the simulation model:

(a) Vehicle dynamic model including transmission, power train, etc;

(b) Sensor model;

(c) ADAS control model;

(d) Environment model;

(e) Scenario model;

(f) Target model for pedestrians, cyclists and cars;

The technical service shall check the model for correct physical behaviour.

1.4. Simulation model validation process

1.4.1. The simulation model shall be validated in comparison with the physical validation tests performed under paragraph 1.2. and comparability of the test results shall be proven.

1.4.2. The model shall be checked against the repeatability tests and the median value defined as specified in paragraph 1.2.5.

The validation strategy shall be based on scientific methods, defined by the car manufacturer and agreed with the type approval authority and technical service.

1.4.3. The simulation model shall be considered valid in the requested validity domain if, based on a significance level of 5%, there is no reason to believe that the simulation model results and the test results come from two different distributions for at least the following key performance indicators:

(a) Time to collision FCW in s;

(b) Mean vehicle speed between 4s TTC and before AEB activation in km/h (= initial speed);

(c) Average of absolute Lateral deviation in m;

(d) Brake distance in m (only for test cases with avoidance);

(e) Mean fully developed brake deceleration in m/s²;

(f) Remaining distance to the target after standstill in m (set to zero for non-avoidance);

(g) Impact speed into target in km/h set to zero for avoidance);

(h) Brake force build-up time from start of braking to maximum brake deceleration in s;

(i) Time to collision for start of braking in s (align wording with Euro NCAP test procedure).

Standard significance tests shall be used by the manufacturer.

For the validation, key performance indicators shall be assessed such as time to collision, remaining distance or impact speed.

1.4.4. It shall be verified that the measured data describes the correct physical quantities. This means it needs to be checked for plausibility and filtered appropriately. If quantities are not measured directly, an argumentation is required to show that they still can be used.

1.5. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the approval authority and technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph  3.2.  of this Regulation.

1.5.1. A description of the applied simulation and calculation method which has been used such as with identification of the model, the analysis software, including at least, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

1.5.2. A description of the input parameters encoding the models used including at least systems functionalities characterization, mechanical hypothesis, values for defined masses, centre of gravity, moments of inertia and boundary conditions.

1.5.3. A definition description of the validity domain taking into account based AEBS performance influencing factors. vehicle parameters as mass distribution, speed ranges, etc. used in the application of paragraph 1.1. of the current annex.

1.5.4. Each of the All parts of the simulation toolchain calculation such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described detailed by the manufacturer : pre-processing, processing and post-processing including a justification of the normal termination of the simulation (post processing logfile for example).

1.5.5. The methodology used to generate physical validation data test correlated data, such as (at least but not limited to: data recording equipment, data processing, calculation of scalar values, statistical calculations, performance indicator values as specified in paragraph 1.4.3., results of the statistical calculations ) shall be documented in the simulation report.

1.5.6. A description of the data management archiving system and the updates management process (braking system design, soft updates, regulation amendments) shall be provided by the manufacturer.

1.5.7. A description of the versions control and the review processes in case of modification within the simulation toolchain shall be provided by the manufacturer.

2. Simulation Virtual testing results for approval process (pillar 2)

2.1. The manufacturer may provide simulation results to meet the requirements specified in paragraphs 6.4. to 6.6. of this Regulation only if the method used to obtain the results have already been evaluated and validated in application of the current annex. Compliance of the Advanced Emergency Braking System with the performance requirements as defined in Paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 of this regulation may be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service by making use of virtual testing of the dynamic maneuvers of the paragraph(s) 6.5 to 6.7 of this Regulation.

2.2. All simulation results provided by the manufacturer in applyingication for of the an approval following in accordance with paragraph 4. of the current this regulation shall refer to the method previously evaluated and validated according to paragraph 1 of this annex. in application of the current annex.

2.4. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph  3.2.  of this Regulation.

2.4.1. A description of the applied simulation and calculation method which has been used such as with identification of model, the analysis software, including at least, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

2.4.2. A description of the input parameters encoding the models used including at least systems functionalities characterization, mechanical hypothesis, values for defined masses, centre of gravity, moments of inertia and boundary conditions.

2.4.3. A reference to the validated simulation method used in application of paragraph 1 of the current annex.

2.4.4. Each step of the calculation All parts of the simulation toolchain such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described detailed by the manufacturer: pre-processing, processing and post-processing including a justification of the normal termination of the simulation.

II. Justification

1. This proposal targets to let the opportunity to applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests. As it is already defined at European Union Whole Vehicle Type Approval system (WVTA), in other regulations or in the current activities on automated driving systems by the Informal Working Group on Validation Method for Automated Driving (VMAD) Subgroup 2, this approach requires the preliminary assessment of the methodology to be used.

2. This proposal defines a practical approach to preserve safety main principles letting the flexibility to the applicant in the virtual tools to be used.

3. An example of the application is presented in informal document GRVA-15-20.

Note by the secretariat: this amendment proposal, if adopted as supplement to the 02 series of amendments, would require adjustments as para. 6.7. already exist in the 02 series of amendments, reading:

“6.7. Warning and Activation Test with a Bicycle Target”

Confidential C

Confidential C

Confidential C

Submitted by the experts of France (leader of the workshops group on UN-R 152) on behalf of the workshops group on UN-R 152

Informal document GRVA-18-23 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Provisional agenda item 7

Confidential C

Proposal for a supplement to 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (Advanced Emergency Braking System for M1 and N1 vehicles)

The text produced below was prepared by the workshops group on UNR-R 152 and is based on working document GRVA/2023/22. The proposal is aimed at allowing the applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests. The modifications to the existing text GRVA/2023/22 are marked in bold red for new or strikethrough for deleted characters.

I. Proposal

Add a new paragraph 2.18., amend to read:

“2.18. “Virtual testing” is the process of testing a system using one or more simulation models.

Add a new paragraph 6.7., amend to read:

“6.7. Computer simulation Virtual testing of dynamic tests

6.7.1. A computer simulation model Virtual testing may be used by request of the vehicle manufacturer as an alternative for the tests described in paragraphs 6.4. to 6.6.,. The provided virtual testing the simulation model and simulation toolchain have been shall be verified and validated according to and are used in accordance with annex 4.

6.7.2. Simulation tools and mathematical models Virtual testing may be used in the for evaluation of the warning and activation tests may be used in accordance with paragraph 1.8. of Schedule 3 and Schedule 8 of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement. Manufacturers shall demonstrate the scope of the simulation tool, its validity for the scenario and concrete vehicle concerned as well as the validation performed for the simulation tool chain (correlation of the outcome with physical tests) in accordance with annex 4.

6.7.3. The technical service shall be able to validate the simulation model using physical validation tests.

[6.7.3. In addition to the simulation results, at least 30% of the simulated test runs [shall / may] be conducted as physical tests as well on the request of the type approval authority and technical service. The results of simulated test runs and physical test runs shall be checked for differences on an individual basis and using standard statistical tests by the technical service.]


2 Confidential C

6.7.4. In case the computer simulation of dynamic tests of virtual testing is chosen by the manufacturer, a separated report including at least the additional data information specified in annex 4 paragraph 1.5. shall be annexed to the test report.”

Add a new Annex 4, to read:

“Annex 4

Computer simulation Virtual testing of dynamic tests

Introduction (for information only)

This annex describes the method that can be used to consider virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing, based on the manufacturer request.

This method is mainly based on 2 separate pillars:

- Pillar 1 : the validation of the virtual testing method by comparison with physical results and,

- Pillar 2 : the virtual testing results for approval process.

This annex describes the processes that can be used to consider simulation results instead of physical results demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements.

These processes allow both to optimise the reactivity of manufacturers to cover different vehicle definitions and to optimise the economic aspect by limiting the number of physical means involved.

However, this approach is only possible if the framework of the process is clearly defined and if the level of confidence in the results presented is sufficient and based on objective criteria of physical representativeness.

This approach is mainly based on 2 separate axes: the validation of the simulation method and the simulation results for approval process.

The validation of the simulation method is a key stage in the comprehensive digital validation process because it defines the mathematical model’s level of representativeness with respect to the physical test. The quality of the correlation is therefore critical and is assessed via a simulation / test comparison. Once the model has been correlated or, in other words, when the behaviour calculated is similar to the behaviour of the subject in the actual tests, the model can be used to predict the subject’s behaviour within its validity domain.

The simulation results for approval process are the final stage of the whole procedure, namely the type-approval of a vehicle in respect of a regulatory act based solely on a virtual type-approval. Once the digital model’s representativeness has been demonstrated within a scope of validity, this process can be used to assess the performance of the model tested against the requirements of the regulatory text.

This global approach is summarized step by step in the scheme below figure 5 and further detailed in the following chapters.

Figure 5 Generic flow chart of the “Computer simulation of dynamic tests as an equivalent approval method”


3 Confidential C

1. Validation of the simulation virtual testing method (pillar 1)

In order to guarantee that the simulation method used by the manufacturer is able to provide representative results acceptable for approval process, this simulation method shall be evaluated and validated by the technical service.

1.1. Definition of the validity domain General specifications

1.1.1. The car manufacturer shall define the boundary conditions for the simulation method. These boundary conditions define the limits within the simulation method can be used. The manufacturer shall provide documentation to prove the credibility of the virtual testing results.

1.1.2. The validity domain definition shall cover both vehicle characteristics (e.g. mass, equipment, exact sensor type, control algorithm) and scenario characteristics (e.g. speeds, target). The vehicle manufacturer shall define the validity domain on which the virtual testing will be applicable. This annex only applies within this validity domain.

1.1.3. Depending on the validity domain required by the manufacturer, the Technical Service will define the matrix of vehicle and scenarios to be tested in order to cover the entire domain, in accordance with paragraph 1.2. Credibility of the virtual toolchain that is used for the virtual testing shall be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority and Technical Service.


4 Confidential C

For this, the following five criteria shall be considered :

(a) Capability – what virtual toolchain can do, and what are the associated risks;

(b) Accuracy – how well virtual toolchain does reproduce the target data;

(c) Correctness – how sound & robust is the used data and the algorithm in the tools;

(d) Fit for Purpose – how suitable is the virtual toolchain for the assessment (e.g. vehicle dynamic model, sensor model, system control model, environment model, scenario model, targets model, …) within its validity domain.

(e) Usability – What training and experience is needed and what is the quality of the process that manage its use.

1.2. Physical validation tests

1.2.1. At the request of the technical service, in addition to the documentation provided by the vehicle manufacturer, The technical service, physical tests shall be performed or witnessed tests to prove confirm the validity accuracy between the physical and of the simulation model results.

1.2.2. The number of scenarios physical tests to be tested shall be defined in agreement between the manufacturer and by the technical service in order to sufficiently cover the validity area domain requested specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

1.2.3. At least 10 repetitions of worst cases scenarios shall be performed and results of the stop relative distance from target or target impact velocity shall be inside a defined interval from the median value. This interval is defined by the technical service. Worst case scenarios are those where model uncertainties are expected to have the greatest impact on the representativeness of the simulation model (e.g. impact with target during full braking would lead to a significant spread in results, lowest possible speed for car-bicycle-scenarios where sensor angle is most relevant).

1.2.4. As mentioned under paragraphs 6.10. of this regulation on the robustness of the system, some physical tests may be repeated in case the system fails to meet the performance requirements. The number of repeated tests shall not exceed:

(a) 10.0 per cent of the performed test runs for the Car to Car tests; and

(b) 10.0 per cent of the performed test runs for the Car to Pedestrian tests.; and

(c) 20.0 per cent of the performed test runs for the Car to Bicycle tests.

1.2.52. The physical tests used for building a physical reference for the numerical model validation shall be repeatable. The repeatability shall be evaluated on the impact speed or remaining distance values of the 10 repetitions which shall be within a corridor defined by the technical service around the median value of the physical tests. The number of tests performed shall ensure a statistical comparison between physical and simulation results.


5 Confidential C

1.3. Simulation model

1.3.1. The simulations (including development of the model) shall be conducted run under the responsibility of by the vehicle manufacturer. It shall reflect the complexity of the architecture of the vehicle, system and components to be tested in relation to the requirements of the current regulation and its boundary conditions on the specified validity domain.

1.3.2. The model shall be capable of describing the real physical behaviour on the validity domain. 1.3.3. The simulation model shall be constructed, and assumptions prescribed, in such a way that the calculation gives conservative solution, in which the result is independent of the incremental time step.

The models that are developed and tested shall be capable of accurately representing the relevant aspects of the physical AEBS system that is being modelled. The models are used in tools and the tools are incorporated into toolchains which emulate the overall physical behaviour of the AEBS system with the appropriate quality within the declared domain of validity.

1.3.4. In addition to the parameters listed in paragraph 1.4. of the current annex, at least the following elements have to be defined in the simulation model:

(a) Vehicle dynamic model including transmission, power train, etc;

(b) Sensor model;

(c) ADAS control model;

(d) Environment model;

(e) Scenario model;

(f) Target model for pedestrians, cyclists and cars;

The technical service shall check the model for correct physical behaviour.

1.4. Simulation model validation process

1.4.1. The simulation model shall be validated in comparison with the physical validation tests performed under paragraph 1.2. and comparability of the test results shall be proven.

1.4.2. The model shall be checked against the repeatability tests and the median value defined as specified in paragraph 1.2.5.

The validation strategy shall be based on scientific methods, defined by the car manufacturer and agreed with the type approval authority and technical service.

1.4.3. The simulation model shall be considered valid in the requested validity domain if, based on a significance level of 5%, there is no reason to believe that the simulation model results and the test results come from two different distributions for at least the following key performance indicators:


6 Confidential C

(a) Time to collision FCW in s;

(b) Mean vehicle speed between 4s TTC and before AEB activation in km/h (= initial speed);

(c) Average of absolute Lateral deviation in m;

(d) Brake distance in m (only for test cases with avoidance);

(e) Mean fully developed brake deceleration in m/s²;

(f) Remaining distance to the target after standstill in m (set to zero for non-avoidance);

(g) Impact speed into target in km/h set to zero for avoidance);

(h) Brake force build-up time from start of braking to maximum brake deceleration in s;

(i) Time to collision for start of braking in s (align wording with Euro NCAP test procedure).

Standard significance tests shall be used by the manufacturer.

For the validation, key performance indicators shall be assessed such as time to collision, remaining distance or impact speed.

1.4.4. It shall be verified that the measured data describes the correct physical quantities. This means it needs to be checked for plausibility and filtered appropriately. If quantities are not measured directly, an argumentation is required to show that they still can be used.

1.5. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the approval authority and technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph 3.2. of this Regulation.

1.5.1. A description of the applied simulation and calculation method which has been used such as with identification of the model, the analysis software, including at least, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

1.5.2. A description of the input parameters encoding the models used including at least systems functionalities characterization, mechanical hypothesis, values for defined masses, centre of gravity, moments of inertia and boundary conditions.

1.5.3. A definition description of the validity domain taking into account based AEBS performance influencing factors. vehicle parameters as mass distribution, speed ranges, etc. used in the application of paragraph 1.1. of the current annex.

1.5.4. Each of the All parts of the simulation toolchain calculation such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described detailed by the manufacturer : pre-processing, processing and post-processing including a justification of the normal termination of the simulation (post processing logfile for example).

1.5.5. The methodology used to generate physical validation data test correlated data, such as (at least but not limited to: data recording equipment, data processing, calculation of scalar values, statistical calculations,


7 Confidential C

performance indicator values as specified in paragraph 1.4.3., results of the statistical calculations ) shall be documented in the simulation report.

1.5.6. A description of the data management archiving system and the updates management process (braking system design, soft updates, regulation amendments) shall be provided by the manufacturer.

1.5.7. A description of the versions control and the review processes in case of modification within the simulation toolchain shall be provided by the manufacturer.

2. Simulation Virtual testing results for approval process (pillar 2)

2.1. The manufacturer may provide simulation results to meet the requirements specified in paragraphs 6.4. to 6.6. of this Regulation only if the method used to obtain the results have already been evaluated and validated in application of the current annex. Compliance of the Advanced Emergency Braking System with the performance requirements as defined in Paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 of this regulation may be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer to the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service by making use of virtual testing of the dynamic maneuvers of the paragraph(s) 6.5 to 6.7 of this Regulation.

2.2. All simulation results provided by the manufacturer in applyingication for of the an approval following in accordance with paragraph 4. of the current this regulation shall refer to the method previously evaluated and validated according to paragraph 1 of this annex. in application of the current annex.

2.4. Additional data and information

For this application, the following information shall be supplied to the technical service in addition to the data, and drawings listed in paragraph 3.2. of this Regulation.

2.4.1. A description of the applied simulation and calculation method which has been used such as with identification of model, the analysis software, including at least, its producer, its commercial name, the version and contact details of the developer.

2.4.2. A description of the input parameters encoding the models used including at least systems functionalities characterization, mechanical hypothesis, values for defined masses, centre of gravity, moments of inertia and boundary conditions.

2.4.3. A reference to the validated simulation method used in application of paragraph 1 of the current annex.

2.4.4. Each step of the calculation All parts of the simulation toolchain such as interlinked simulation modules and tools shall be described detailed by the manufacturer: pre-processing, processing and post-processing including a justification of the normal termination of the simulation.”

II. Justification

1. This proposal targets to let the opportunity to applicant to use virtual testing methodology as alternative methodology to the physical tests. As it is already defined at


8 Confidential C

European Union Whole Vehicle Type Approval system (WVTA), in other regulations or in the current activities on automated driving systems by the Informal Working Group on Validation Method for Automated Driving (VMAD) Subgroup 2, this approach requires the preliminary assessment of the methodology to be used.

2. This proposal defines a practical approach to preserve safety main principles letting the flexibility to the applicant in the virtual tools to be used.

3. An example of the application is presented in informal document GRVA-15-20.

Note by the secretariat: this amendment proposal, if adopted as supplement to the 02 series of amendments, would require adjustments as para. 6.7. already exist in the 02 series of amendments, reading:

“6.7. Warning and Activation Test with a Bicycle Target”

(France) Virtual testing for AEBS (UN R152)*

*Reissued on 25 Jan 2024 for technical reason

Languages and translations

Virtual testing for AEBS – UN R152

Submitted by the experts of France (leader of the workshops group on UN-R 152) on behalf of the workshops group on UN-R 152

Informal document GRVA-18-22 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Provisional agenda item 7


Previous GRVA (15th to 17th)

During GRVA 16th session : discussions on documents GRVA-15-19 & GRVA-15-20 aiming to propose the opportunity for a virtual testing assessment for AEBS under regulation UN R152.

Presentation of document GRVA-16-22 from OICA supporting the principle with a way forward harmonizing the process of validation, based on credibility assessment developed by VMAD.

Proposal to switch the document under an official one (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22) with request to the concerned contributors to bring inputs.

Based on the feedbacks received, France proposed to manage a dedicated workshop to complete the proposal, with concrete amendment proposals.

Workshops sessions

3 workshops have been managed since GRVA 17th session : 1 in-person and 2 remotely

Between 10 & 15 participants for each session distributed around : 3-5 TAA, 2-4 TS, industry representatives

Full revision of the initial proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22) have been completed with the following intentions :

Take under consideration feedbacks received from GRVA stakeholders

Combine the 2 proposals already tabled : France & industry

Ensure consistency with credibility assessment initially developed by VMAD and integrated in DCAS regulation draft proposal

3 documents submitted to the 18th GRVA:

GRVA-18-22 as synthesis of the activities

GRVA-18-23 as informal document amending working document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22

GRVA-18-24 as cleaned version of the proposal

Next steps

Guidance requested from GRVA regarding para. 6.7.3. on additional physical tests during the approval process :

Option #1 : keep para. 6.7.3. to let the opportunity to TAA/TS to perform some physical tests in addition to the virtual testing results (coming from toolchain previously validated under pillar 1) provided by the manufacturer during the final approval process (pillar 2). The intention is to support trust in the entire validity domain of the virtual testing toolchain used in a context of mutual recognition.

Option #2 : remove para. 6.7.3. because it is redundant with the validation of the virtual testing toolchain validated under pillar 1. If the toolchain has been evaluated and validated, there is no need to double check results with physical evaluations (limitation of the added value brought by virtual testing in terms of volume reduction of physical tests).

Request from some workshop stakeholders to finalize activities including a restructuration of the proposal to ensure consistency and robustness in the application  coming inputs

Proposal to GRVA, either to :

Adopt the current proposal ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22 as amended by GRVA-18-23 OR

Endorse the « cleaned version » GRVA-18-24 as a new working document for the next session, replacing working document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22, if coming inputs are expected in between.

Virtual testing for AEBS – UN R152

Submitted by the experts of France (leader of the workshops group on UN-R 152) on behalf of the workshops group on UN-R 152

Informal document GRVA-18-22 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024

Provisional agenda item 7

Previous GRVA (15th to 17th)

 During GRVA 16th session : discussions on documents GRVA-15-19 & GRVA-15-20 aiming to propose the opportunity for a virtual testing assessment for AEBS under regulation UN R152.

 Presentation of document GRVA-16-22 from OICA supporting the principle with a way forward harmonizing the process of validation, based on credibility assessment developed by VMAD.

 Proposal to switch the document under an official one (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22) with request to the concerned contributors to bring inputs.

 Based on the feedbacks received, France proposed to manage a dedicated workshop to complete the proposal, with concrete amendment proposals.

Workshops sessions

 3 workshops have been managed since GRVA 17th session : 1 in-person and 2 remotely

 Between 10 & 15 participants for each session distributed around : 3-5 TAA, 2-4 TS, industry representatives

 Full revision of the initial proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22) have been completed with the following intentions :

• Take under consideration feedbacks received from GRVA stakeholders • Combine the 2 proposals already tabled : France & industry • Ensure consistency with credibility assessment initially developed by VMAD and integrated in DCAS regulation

draft proposal

 3 documents submitted to the 18th GRVA: • GRVA-18-22 as synthesis of the activities • GRVA-18-23 as informal document amending working document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22 • GRVA-18-24 as cleaned version of the proposal

Next steps

 Guidance requested from GRVA regarding para. 6.7.3. on additional physical tests during the approval process :

• Option #1 : keep para. 6.7.3. to let the opportunity to TAA/TS to perform some physical tests in addition to the virtual testing results (coming from toolchain previously validated under pillar 1) provided by the manufacturer during the final approval process (pillar 2). The intention is to support trust in the entire validity domain of the virtual testing toolchain used in a context of mutual recognition.

• Option #2 : remove para. 6.7.3. because it is redundant with the validation of the virtual testing toolchain validated under pillar 1. If the toolchain has been evaluated and validated, there is no need to double check results with physical evaluations (limitation of the added value brought by virtual testing in terms of volume reduction of physical tests).

 Request from some workshop stakeholders to finalize activities including a restructuration of the proposal to ensure consistency and robustness in the application  coming inputs

 Proposal to GRVA, either to : • Adopt the current proposal ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22 as amended by GRVA-18-23 OR • Endorse the « cleaned version » GRVA-18-24 as a new working document for the next session, replacing working

document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/22, if coming inputs are expected in between.

  • Virtual testing for AEBS – UN R152
  • Slide Number 2
  • Slide Number 3
  • Slide Number 4

Market Forecast Tables 2023

These tables show forest products production and trade forecasts for 2023 and 2024. These cover roundwood (logs, pulpwood and fuel wood), sawnwood (coniferous and non-coniferous), wood-based panels (plywood, particle board, OSB and fibreboard), pulp, paper and wood pellets.  The forecast data are provided by national correspondents and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry.

Languages and translations

List of tables

List of Tables and Notes
Table 1 - Sawn Softwood
Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total)
Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate)
Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical)
Table 3 - Veneer Sheets
Table 4 - Plywood
Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB)
Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board
Table 6 - Fibreboard
Table 6a - Hardboard
Table 6b - MDF/HDF
Table 6c - Other Fibreboard
Table 7 - Wood Pulp
Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard
Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough
Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood)
Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood)
Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs
Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs
Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate)
Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical)
Table 12 - Pulpwood
Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood)
Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood)
Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles
Table 13 - Wood Pellets
Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2023,
Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Data for the two latest years are forecasts.
In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.
In contrast to years prior to 2020, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subregion.
Confidential data have not been included. Please inform secretariat in case you notice any confidential data which might have been included inadvertently.
Wherever the forecast data is incomplete, then data is repeated to avoid skewing.
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.
Consumption figures are the sum of production and national imports minus national exports. Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous. United Kingdom production figures for OSB is secretariat estimate.
Uzbekistan – data extrapolated by the Secretariat based on national data for the first eight months 2023.
Poland - The trade turnover is based on data that includes the estimated value of trade turnover by entities exempt from the reporting obligation. These trade turnover figures are estimated at 3%. Roundwood: sawlogs and veneer logs and pulpwood and wood fuel - with removals from trees and shrubs outside the forest, including forest chips, with stump. Residues - production excluding recovered wood.
Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 6,141 4,978 4,978 10,104 8,588 8,588 1,784 1,270 1,270 5,747 4,880 4,880 Autriche
Cyprus 33 34 34 1 1 1 32 33 33 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 2,965 2,343 2,470 4,720 3,776 4,040 583 414 350 2,338 1,847 1,920 République tchèque
Estonia 2,068 1,550 1,550 1,725 1,500 1,500 1,209 700 700 866 650 650 Estonie
Finland 2,938 2,420 2,420 11,200 10,300 10,400 305 20 20 8,567 7,900 8,000 Finlande
France 8,633 8,750 8,800 7,168 7,200 7,300 2,350 2,450 2,400 885 900 900 France
Germany 17,294 14,900 13,300 24,309 21,400 19,800 4,146 2,700 3,000 11,162 9,200 9,500 Allemagne
Hungary 788 902 918 85 96 86 717 821 842 14 15 11 Hongrie
Italy 4,790 4,302 4,302 400 400 400 4,608 4,157 4,157 217 255 255 Italie
Latvia 1,025 950 950 3,102 3,000 3,000 829 750 750 2,906 2,800 2,800 Lettonie
Luxembourg 71 122 122 39 39 39 43 91 91 11 8 8 Luxembourg
Malta 7 9 9 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 30 30 29 118 115 112 10 9 7 98 94 90 Monténégro
Netherlands 2,259 2,088 2,029 115 115 115 2,659 2,473 2,399 515 500 485 Pays-Bas
Poland 4,631 4,630 4,800 4,144 4,100 4,200 1,219 1,240 1,300 732 710 700 Pologne
Portugal 696 686 685 807 815 820 130 130 125 242 259 260 Portugal
Serbia 367 361 383 91 95 98 281 270 290 5 4 5 Serbie
Slovakia 847 810 860 1,430 1,360 1,400 480 450 460 1,063 1,000 1,000 Slovaquie
Slovenia 665 670 660 983 990 980 530 530 530 848 850 850 Slovénie
Spain 4,029 4,001 4,001 3,006 3,189 3,189 1,166 956 956 143 144 144 Espagne
Sweden 5,709 5,050 5,650 18,870 18,400 18,300 587 500 450 13,748 13,850 13,100 Suède
Switzerland 1,271 1,300 1,325 1,186 1,200 1,210 300 310 320 215 210 205 Suisse
United Kingdom 8,663 8,125 8,214 3,108 2,860 2,860 5,719 5,385 5,474 165 120 120 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 75,919 69,011 68,490 96,712 89,540 88,439 29,694 25,668 25,934 50,487 46,197 45,883 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Canada a 3,707 2,691 2,242 36,398 33,228 31,331 891 988 948 33,581 31,525 30,037 Canada a
United States a 87,925 87,155 88,151 64,039 64,178 64,399 26,202 25,492 26,149 2,316 2,515 2,397 Etats-Unis a
Total North America 91,632 89,846 90,393 100,437 97,406 95,730 27,093 26,480 27,097 35,898 34,040 32,434 Total Amérique du Nord
a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 310 222 222 238 202 202 217 140 140 145 120 120 Autriche
Cyprus 11 7 7 0 0 0 11 7 7 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 324 245 240 222 167 175 136 103 105 34 24 40 République tchèque
Estonia 232 125 125 175 125 125 147 60 60 90 60 60 Estonie
Finland 84 44 44 73 40 40 34 24 24 23 20 20 Finlande
France 1,124 1,140 1,150 1,446 1,300 1,400 264 420 350 586 580 600 France
Germany 693 650 650 997 800 800 395 300 300 699 450 450 Allemagne
Hungary 258 150 131 414 343 342 45 38 30 200 231 241 Hongrie
Italy 798 776 776 500 500 500 637 578 578 339 302 302 Italie
Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie
Luxembourg 96 98 98 39 39 39 64 65 65 7 6 6 Luxembourg
Malta 7 8 9 0 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro
Netherlands 238 213 203 34 34 34 314 289 279 110 110 110 Pays-Bas
Poland 495 470 500 487 450 460 267 270 300 259 250 260 Pologne
Portugal 369 295 290 182 185 190 287 200 190 100 90 90 Portugal
Serbia 172 215 225 343 370 385 64 60 70 235 215 230 Serbie
Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie
Slovenia 106 145 145 143 145 145 83 80 80 121 80 80 Slovénie
Spain 425 467 467 302 321 321 175 193 193 53 47 47 Espagne
Sweden 142 140 140 100 100 100 83 80 80 41 40 40 Suède
Switzerland 78 79 81 52 53 54 50 51 52 24 25 25 Suisse
United Kingdom 807 810 810 37 40 40 787 790 790 17 20 20 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 7,019 6,652 6,703 6,928 6,449 6,606 4,177 3,862 3,813 4,086 3,658 3,716 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 228 208 208 195 195 195 33 16 16 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,208 1,324 1,242 859 893 815 793 826 738 444 395 311 Canada
United States 14,647 14,835 15,217 17,637 17,827 18,214 798 805 820 3,788 3,797 3,817 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,855 16,159 16,459 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,591 1,631 1,558 4,231 4,192 4,128 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2a

SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 306 219 219 238 202 202 213 136 136 144 119 119 Autriche
Cyprus 9 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 307 229 223 222 167 175 119 86 88 34 24 40 République tchèque
Estonia 230 122 122 175 125 125 142 56 56 87 59 59 Estonie
Finland 80 40 40 73 40 40 26 16 16 19 16 16 Finlande
France 960 988 988 1,420 1,285 1,375 123 280 210 583 577 597 France
Germany 664 630 630 997 800 800 315 240 240 649 410 410 Allemagne
Hungary 257 147 127 414 343 342 43 35 26 200 230 241 Hongrie
Italy 819 791 791 495 495 495 476 423 423 152 127 127 Italie
Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie
Luxembourg 92 96 96 39 39 39 60 63 63 7 6 6 Luxembourg
Malta 6 7 8 0 0 0 6 7 8 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro
Netherlands 89 80 77 27 27 27 117 108 105 55 55 55 Pays-Bas
Poland 484 459 488 487 450 460 254 257 286 257 248 258 Pologne
Portugal 319 272 268 170 172 178 180 150 140 31 50 50 Portugal
Serbia 167 211 220 342 369 384 59 57 66 234 215 230 Serbie
Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie
Slovenia 104 143 143 143 145 145 81 78 78 120 80 80 Slovénie
Spain 383 417 417 300 318 318 128 142 142 45 43 43 Espagne
Sweden 142 139 139 100 100 100 83 79 79 41 40 40 Suède
Switzerland 69 70 72 49 50 51 44 45 46 24 25 25 Suisse
United Kingdom 716 720 720 37 40 40 693 700 700 14 20 20 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 6,453 6,138 6,183 6,872 6,402 6,550 3,281 3,069 3,025 3,700 3,334 3,392 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 227 207 207 195 195 195 33 15 15 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,191 1,316 1,236 859 893 815 762 805 715 430 382 294 Canada
United States 14,379 14,578 14,957 17,637 17,827 18,214 523 529 544 3,782 3,778 3,801 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,569 15,893 16,193 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,285 1,334 1,259 4,212 4,160 4,095 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Autriche
Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulgarie
Cyprus 3 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 17 17 17 0 0 0 17 17 17 0 0 0 République tchèque
Estonia 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 4 4 3 1 1 Estonie
Finland 4 4 4 0 0 0 8 8 8 4 4 4 Finlande
France 164 152 162 26 15 25 141 140 140 3 3 3 France
Germany 29 20 20 0 0 0 79 60 60 50 40 40 Allemagne
Hungary 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy -21 -15 -15 5 5 5 161 154 154 187 175 175 Italie
Luxembourg 4 2 2 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 149 133 126 7 7 7 197 181 174 55 55 55 Pays-Bas
Poland 10 11 12 0 0 0 12 13 14 2 2 2 Pologne
Portugal 50 23 22 12 13 12 107 50 50 69 40 40 Portugal
Serbia 5 4 5 1 1 1 5 3 4 1 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Slovénie
Spain 42 49 49 2 2 2 47 50 50 7 4 4 Espagne
Sweden 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Suède
Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse
United Kingdom 91 90 90 0 0 0 94 90 90 3 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 566 515 519 56 46 55 896 793 788 386 324 324 Total Europe
Canada 17 8 7 0 0 0 31 21 23 14 13 16 Canada
United States 269 257 260 0 0 0 275 276 276 6 19 16 Etats-Unis
Total North America 286 266 266 0 0 0 305 297 299 20 31 32 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 3

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 74 39 39 8 8 8 83 45 45 17 14 14 Autriche
Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 28 28 27 28 16 17 58 53 50 58 41 40 République tchèque
Estonia 111 125 125 105 110 110 87 95 95 82 80 80 Estonie
Finland 27 21 21 190 160 160 12 10 10 175 149 149 Finlande
France 366 366 366 157 157 157 273 273 273 64 64 64 France
Germany 157 143 125 110 105 105 99 78 70 52 40 50 Allemagne
Hungary 23 25 20 13 18 13 39 39 39 28 31 32 Hongrie
Italy 344 308 308 107 107 107 274 234 234 37 33 33 Italie
Latvia 105 105 105 40 50 50 140 140 140 75 85 85 Lettonie
Luxembourg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 15 13 13 0 0 0 17 15 15 3 3 3 Pays-Bas
Poland 121 121 129 45 42 45 92 94 98 16 15 14 Pologne
Portugal 12 20 35 20 30 25 38 40 50 46 50 40 Portugal
Serbia 4 4 5 30 28 30 8 6 8 34 30 33 Serbie
Slovakia 17 25 25 21 25 25 27 30 30 31 30 30 Slovaquie
Slovenia 9 8 9 28 27 25 13 14 14 32 33 30 Slovénie
Spain 122 92 92 40 36 36 127 90 90 45 34 34 Espagne
Sweden 32 31 31 60 50 50 19 10 10 47 29 29 Suède
Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse
United Kingdom 6 10 10 0 0 0 7 10 10 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 1,577 1,490 1,491 1,002 969 962 1,419 1,283 1,288 843 762 760 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 204 262 267 581 581 581 212 218 230 590 537 544 Canada
United States 2,643 2,670 2,699 2,284 2,306 2,329 652 658 664 293 294 294 Etats-Unis
Total North America 2,847 2,932 2,966 2,866 2,887 2,910 864 876 894 883 831 838 Total Amérique du Nord
Note: Definition of veneers excludes domestic use for plywood.
La définition des placages exclus la conversion directe en contreplaqué.

Table 4

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 19 15 15 131 155 155 183 150 150 296 290 290 Autriche
Cyprus 14 15 15 0 0 0 14 15 15 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 193 116 123 240 236 238 230 115 115 277 235 230 République tchèque
Estonia 145 50 50 200 210 210 151 50 50 205 210 210 Estonie
Finland 297 240 240 1,110 940 940 87 60 60 900 760 760 Finlande
France 589 583 583 253 270 270 476 452 452 140 139 139 France
Germany 1,073 1,154 840 85 80 80 1,319 1,281 1,000 330 207 240 Allemagne
Hungary 136 110 107 60 61 63 138 138 138 62 90 94 Hongrie
Italy 602 537 537 288 290 290 525 442 442 211 195 195 Italie
Latvia 92 55 55 331 300 300 94 95 95 333 340 340 Lettonie
Luxembourg 33 29 29 0 0 0 33 29 29 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 10 11 12 0 0 0 10 11 12 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Monténégro
Netherlands 488 457 441 0 0 0 586 551 529 98 94 88 Pays-Bas
Poland 650 640 670 539 515 530 468 475 480 357 350 340 Pologne
Portugal 154 180 166 103 100 110 95 110 100 44 30 44 Portugal
Serbia 40 36 38 19 18 19 34 30 33 13 12 14 Serbie
Slovakia 67 63 63 153 150 150 59 59 59 146 146 146 Slovaquie
Slovenia 49 50 58 94 90 98 26 30 30 71 70 70 Slovénie
Spain 231 326 326 462 416 416 132 117 117 363 207 207 Espagne
Sweden 278 160 160 90 90 90 236 120 120 48 50 50 Suède
Switzerland 206 206 206 7 7 7 203 203 203 4 4 4 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,254 1,180 1,180 0 0 0 1,320 1,250 1,250 66 70 70 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 6,623 6,215 5,916 4,166 3,930 3,967 6,422 5,786 5,482 3,965 3,501 3,532 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 62 46 46 0 0 0 63 47 47 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 2,174 2,028 2,123 1,604 1,557 1,526 1,224 1,058 1,241 654 587 644 Canada
United States 14,742 14,890 15,188 9,254 9,345 9,528 6,259 6,317 6,436 771 772 776 Etats-Unis
Total North America 16,916 16,918 17,311 10,858 10,902 11,054 7,483 7,375 7,677 1,425 1,359 1,420 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 5

PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 951 630 630 2,280 2,170 2,170 313 355 355 1,642 1,895 1,895 Autriche
Cyprus 49 46 46 0 0 0 49 46 46 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 793 811 835 962 866 910 530 484 485 699 538 560 République tchèque
Estonia 123 67 67 90 0 0 77 68 68 44 2 1 Estonie
Finland 113 75 75 54 54 54 85 44 44 26 23 23 Finlande
France 2,224 2,148 2,148 3,177 3,094 3,094 299 355 355 1,253 1,301 1,301 France
Germany 5,572 5,220 4,970 5,526 5,195 5,020 1,970 1,934 1,900 1,924 1,909 1,950 Allemagne
Hungary 408 384 379 447 428 438 264 282 272 303 326 331 Hongrie
Italy 3,070 2,813 2,813 2,646 2,500 2,500 956 821 821 532 508 508 Italie
Latvia 52 85 85 306 300 300 69 25 25 322 240 240 Lettonie
Luxembourg 20 12 12 0 0 0 21 13 13 1 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta 10 11 11 0 0 0 10 11 11 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 32 33 34 0 0 0 32 33 34 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 464 440 432 0 0 0 514 488 479 50 48 47 Pays-Bas
Poland 6,501 6,450 6,740 5,227 5,150 5,450 2,173 2,180 2,200 899 880 910 Pologne
Portugal 537 473 514 766 750 760 281 300 290 510 577 536 Portugal
Serbia 373 351 371 219 210 220 196 184 198 42 43 47 Serbie
Slovakia 352 343 340 676 675 675 148 140 137 473 473 472 Slovaquie
Slovenia 137 110 110 0 0 0 143 114 114 6 4 4 Slovénie
Spain 2,392 2,213 2,213 2,566 2,310 2,310 626 621 621 800 718 718 Espagne
Sweden 1,055 868 868 636 600 600 475 335 335 57 67 67 Suède
Switzerland 281 286 286 420 425 425 141 141 141 280 280 280 Suisse
United Kingdom 2,606 2,542 2,542 2,012 1,982 1,982 648 610 610 55 50 50 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 28,115 26,410 26,521 28,012 26,710 26,908 10,021 9,584 9,555 9,917 9,883 9,942 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 880 542 542 252 252 252 654 317 317 26 27 27 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 27 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,466 1,886 1,894 1,625 2,032 2,012 552 504 491 710 650 609 Canada
United States 5,196 5,565 5,562 4,488 4,552 4,534 1,193 1,465 1,487 485 452 459 Etats-Unis
Total North America 6,663 7,451 7,456 6,113 6,584 6,546 1,745 1,969 1,978 1,195 1,102 1,068 Total Amérique du Nord
Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Table 5a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 205 135 135 0 0 0 212 140 140 7 5 5 Autriche
Cyprus 11 14 14 0 0 0 11 14 14 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 380 342 350 689 620 655 126 113 115 435 392 420 République tchèque
Estonia 55 32 32 0 0 0 55 32 32 1 0 0 Estonie
Finland 56 56 56 0 0 0 56 56 56 0 0 0 Finlande
France 427 522 522 302 406 406 222 165 165 96 49 49 France
Germany 1,316 1,238 1,130 1,164 1,105 1,080 679 669 600 526 536 550 Allemagne
Hungary 133 147 152 379 419 443 56 60 59 302 331 350 Hongrie
Italy 346 287 287 100 100 100 346 274 274 100 87 87 Italie
Latvia 196 165 165 674 650 650 76 75 75 554 560 560 Lettonie
Luxembourg 110 135 135 338 338 338 6 14 14 234 217 217 Luxembourg
Montenegro 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 222 222 227 0 0 0 286 286 292 64 64 65 Pays-Bas
Poland 655 650 760 647 650 750 302 320 350 294 320 340 Pologne
Portugal 46 37 41 0 0 0 50 40 45 4 3 4 Portugal
Serbia 40 35 41 0 0 0 41 36 42 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia 48 58 60 0 0 0 48 60 63 1 3 3 Slovaquie
Slovenia 31 24 24 0 0 0 33 26 26 2 2 2 Slovénie
Spain 26 15 15 3 3 3 35 33 33 12 20 20 Espagne
Sweden 94 92 92 0 0 0 97 95 95 3 3 3 Suède
Switzerland 95 95 95 0 0 0 96 96 96 1 1 1 Suisse
United Kingdom 773 758 758 598 598 598 365 350 350 190 190 190 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 5,268 5,060 5,092 4,894 4,888 5,023 3,200 2,956 2,938 2,826 2,784 2,868 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 7 5 5 0 0 0 7 5 5 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,546 1,253 1,153 7,270 6,820 6,798 82 65 61 5,806 5,632 5,706 Canada
United States 19,658 19,834 20,197 13,592 13,783 14,059 6,198 6,236 6,326 132 185 188 Etats-Unis
Total North America 21,204 21,087 21,350 20,862 20,603 20,857 6,280 6,301 6,387 5,938 5,817 5,894 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 421 386 386 470 395 395 331 308 308 381 316 316 Autriche
Cyprus 20 15 16 0 0 0 20 15 16 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 328 276 280 41 41 42 438 347 360 151 112 122 République tchèque
Estonia 70 46 47 75 40 40 65 46 47 70 40 40 Estonie
Finland 139 105 105 44 44 44 141 102 102 46 41 41 Finlande
France 828 915 915 1,238 1,035 1,035 721 772 772 1,130 892 892 France
Germany 3,791 3,437 3,325 5,194 4,900 4,800 1,590 1,543 1,470 2,993 3,006 2,945 Allemagne
Hungary 9 -17 -13 21 0 0 204 235 244 215 253 258 Hongrie
Italy 1,862 1,661 1,661 827 818 818 1,281 974 974 245 131 131 Italie
Latvia 60 50 40 48 50 50 62 65 65 50 65 75 Lettonie
Luxembourg 100 90 90 147 147 147 34 19 19 80 76 76 Luxembourg
Malta 6 7 7 0 0 0 6 7 7 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 32 32 33 0 0 0 32 32 33 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 332 310 296 29 29 29 465 431 412 162 150 145 Pays-Bas
Poland 3,808 3,765 4,020 4,960 4,920 5,080 590 585 630 1,743 1,740 1,690 Pologne
Portugal 534 485 529 526 520 560 338 315 335 330 350 366 Portugal
Serbia 74 74 88 19 20 22 71 73 88 16 19 22 Serbie
Slovakia 210 218 223 0 0 0 248 256 262 39 38 39 Slovaquie
Slovenia 24 15 15 132 120 125 28 25 30 136 130 140 Slovénie
Spain 920 894 894 1,430 1,287 1,287 462 355 355 972 748 748 Espagne
Sweden 301 260 260 0 0 0 425 360 360 124 100 100 Suède
Switzerland 238 238 238 97 97 97 308 308 308 167 167 167 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,692 1,630 1,630 856 850 850 895 840 840 60 60 60 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 15,799 14,892 15,085 16,153 15,313 15,421 8,755 8,013 8,037 9,110 8,434 8,373 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 1,092 809 809 47 47 47 1,057 771 771 13 9 9 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,236 1,183 1,181 1,277 1,288 1,299 818 628 605 859 733 723 Canada
United States 8,684 8,749 8,888 6,362 6,420 6,571 3,359 3,289 3,310 1,038 960 993 Etats-Unis
Total North America 9,920 9,932 10,069 7,639 7,708 7,870 4,177 3,917 3,915 1,896 1,693 1,716 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 29 28 28 54 43 43 18 16 16 43 32 32 Autriche
Cyprus 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 43 45 45 0 0 0 61 59 60 18 14 15 République tchèque
Estonia 23 15 19 0 0 0 30 16 20 7 1 1 Estonie
Finland 23 21 21 44 44 44 21 15 15 41 38 38 Finlande
France 55 55 55 221 221 221 207 207 207 373 373 373 France
Germany 176 183 165 0 0 0 200 203 180 23 20 15 Allemagne
Hungary 27 41 45 2 0 0 65 81 85 40 40 40 Hongrie
Italy 280 280 280 16 16 16 283 283 283 19 19 19 Italie
Latvia 1 5 5 15 15 15 18 20 20 32 30 30 Lettonie
Luxembourg -31 -12 -12 0 0 0 3 8 8 34 20 20 Luxembourg
Montenegro 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 44 41 39 0 0 0 63 58 56 19 17 17 Pays-Bas
Poland -179 -120 -50 80 80 80 88 100 120 347 300 250 Pologne
Portugal 50 30 39 0 0 0 61 40 50 11 10 11 Portugal
Serbia 39 35 38 19 20 22 33 31 34 13 16 18 Serbie
Slovakia 21 20 21 0 0 0 21 21 22 1 1 1 Slovaquie
Slovenia -1 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 4 4 2 3 Slovénie
Spain 17 15 15 32 29 29 46 46 46 61 60 60 Espagne
Sweden 47 30 30 0 0 0 116 110 110 70 80 80 Suède
Switzerland 19 19 19 0 0 0 24 24 24 5 5 5 Suisse
United Kingdom 101 90 90 0 0 0 110 100 100 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 787 822 895 482 468 470 1,474 1,441 1,463 1,169 1,087 1,037 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 89 50 50 0 0 0 90 50 50 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Canada 33 47 42 90 90 90 52 27 28 109 70 76 Canada
United States 481 509 514 437 504 509 259 255 258 215 250 253 Etats-Unis
Total North America 514 556 556 527 594 599 311 282 286 324 320 329 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 260 230 230 416 351 351 177 160 160 333 281 281 Autriche
Cyprus 16 12 12 0 0 0 16 12 12 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 199 157 160 41 41 42 180 135 140 22 19 22 République tchèque
Estonia 18 21 18 0 0 0 33 28 25 15 7 7 Estonie
Finland 82 67 67 0 0 0 86 70 70 4 3 3 Finlande
France 708 794 794 954 751 751 337 388 388 583 345 345 France
Germany 1,870 1,728 1,720 3,792 3,700 3,650 424 395 370 2,345 2,367 2,300 Allemagne
Hungary -39 -65 -62 0 0 0 136 148 156 175 213 218 Hongrie
Italy 1,501 1,299 1,299 809 800 800 913 606 606 221 107 107 Italie
Latvia 52 40 30 33 35 35 22 25 25 2 20 30 Lettonie
Luxembourg 128 98 98 147 147 147 27 7 7 46 56 56 Luxembourg
Malta 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 31 31 32 0 0 0 31 31 32 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 220 205 196 0 0 0 361 336 322 141 131 126 Pays-Bas
Poland 3,066 3,020 3,130 3,052 3,030 3,100 470 450 470 456 460 440 Pologne
Portugal 447 440 465 494 500 530 257 260 265 305 320 330 Portugal
Serbia 31 35 46 0 0 0 34 38 50 3 3 4 Serbie
Slovakia 135 135 135 0 0 0 170 170 170 35 35 35 Slovaquie
Slovenia 24 15 14 132 120 125 24 23 26 131 128 137 Slovénie
Spain 835 821 821 1,334 1,201 1,201 397 302 302 897 682 682 Espagne
Sweden 254 225 225 0 0 0 284 230 230 30 5 5 Suède
Switzerland 24 24 24 97 97 97 88 88 88 161 161 161 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,553 1,510 1,510 856 850 850 739 700 700 42 40 40 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 11,419 10,847 10,969 12,157 11,623 11,679 5,210 4,606 4,618 5,948 5,382 5,328 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 671 513 513 46 46 46 629 469 469 3 2 2 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,053 999 1,005 1,087 1,098 1,109 608 472 449 641 570 553 Canada
United States 5,156 5,228 5,226 2,746 2,778 2,786 2,939 2,874 2,866 529 424 426 Etats-Unis
Total North America 6,209 6,227 6,231 3,833 3,876 3,895 3,547 3,346 3,315 1,170 994 979 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 131 128 128 0 0 0 136 132 132 4 3 3 Autriche
Cyprus 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 86 74 75 0 0 0 197 154 160 111 80 85 République tchèque
Estonia 29 10 10 75 40 40 3 2 2 49 32 32 Estonie
Finland 33 17 17 0 0 0 34 17 17 0 0 0 Finlande
France 65 66 66 63 63 63 177 177 177 174 174 174 France
Germany 1,745 1,526 1,440 1,402 1,200 1,150 966 945 920 624 619 630 Allemagne
Hungary 21 7 4 19 0 0 3 7 4 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 82 82 82 3 3 3 85 85 85 6 6 6 Italie
Latvia 7 5 5 0 0 0 23 20 20 16 15 15 Lettonie
Luxembourg 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 68 64 61 29 29 29 41 37 34 2 2 2 Pays-Bas
Poland 920 865 940 1,828 1,810 1,900 33 35 40 940 980 1,000 Pologne
Portugal 37 15 25 32 20 30 20 15 20 15 20 25 Portugal
Serbia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 54 63 67 0 0 0 57 65 70 3 2 3 Slovaquie
Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slovénie
Spain 69 59 59 64 58 58 20 7 7 15 6 6 Espagne
Sweden 0 5 5 0 0 0 25 20 20 24 15 15 Suède
Switzerland 195 195 195 0 0 0 196 196 196 1 1 1 Suisse
United Kingdom 38 30 30 0 0 0 47 40 40 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 3,592 3,223 3,221 3,514 3,222 3,272 2,071 1,965 1,956 1,993 1,965 2,007 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 331 246 246 2 2 2 339 252 252 10 7 7 Ouzbékistan
Canada 150 137 134 100 100 100 158 129 128 108 92 94 Canada
United States 3,047 3,012 3,148 3,179 3,138 3,276 161 160 186 294 286 314 Etats-Unis
Total North America 3,196 3,149 3,282 3,279 3,238 3,376 319 289 314 402 378 408 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 7

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 2,209 1,950 2,030 1,977 1,700 1,800 630 610 630 399 360 400 Autriche
Czech Republic 847 688 700 640 525 540 324 259 260 117 96 100 République tchèque
Estonia 70 75 80 227 180 180 42 50 50 199 155 150 Estonie
Finland a 5,468 4,483 4,614 9,200 8,690 9,360 355 150 150 4,087 4,357 4,896 Finlande a
France 2,898 2,420 2,500 1,666 1,300 1,350 1,715 1,450 1,500 483 330 350 France
Germany 5,092 4,600 5,000 2,172 1,850 2,000 4,173 3,900 4,200 1,253 1,150 1,200 Allemagne
Hungary 205 206 214 66 77 87 141 133 131 3 3 4 Hongrie
Italy 3,466 3,466 3,466 223 223 223 3,536 3,536 3,536 293 293 293 Italie
Latvia 7 7 7 12 13 13 7 7 7 12 13 13 Lettonie
Netherlands 443 442 442 37 37 37 1,717 1,717 1,717 1,312 1,312 1,312 Pays-Bas
Poland 2,836 2,830 2,930 1,729 1,710 1,750 1,291 1,300 1,320 183 180 140 Pologne
Portugal 1,757 1,735 1,760 2,869 2,870 2,870 140 145 150 1,252 1,280 1,260 Portugal
Serbia 82 88 92 0 0 0 82 88 92 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 700 700 715 692 700 725 173 170 170 166 170 180 Slovaquie
Slovenia 322 321 316 73 63 68 249 260 250 1 2 2 Slovénie
Spain 1,520 1,328 1,328 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,176 976 976 775 768 768 Espagne
Sweden 8,438 7,600 7,950 11,631 10,900 11,400 641 600 600 3,834 3,900 4,050 Suède
Switzerland 188 188 188 87 87 87 101 101 101 0 0 0 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,057 940 950 220 200 200 838 740 750 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 37,604 34,067 35,282 34,641 32,244 33,809 17,333 16,193 16,590 14,369 14,369 15,118 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 38 28 28 1 1 1 37 28 28 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Canada 6,007 5,851 5,616 14,200 13,102 12,638 472 582 640 8,665 7,833 7,662 Canada
United States 39,787 42,269 42,815 40,822 41,230 41,478 6,948 7,643 8,254 7,983 6,603 6,917 Etats-Unis
Total North America 45,794 48,121 48,431 55,022 54,332 54,116 7,420 8,224 8,894 16,648 14,436 14,579 Total Amérique du Nord
a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Table 8

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 2,133 1,750 2,050 4,633 3,500 4,000 1,231 1,050 1,150 3,730 2,800 3,100 Autriche
Cyprus 56 48 48 0 0 0 56 48 48 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 1,467 1,234 1,258 938 769 785 1,531 1,286 1,312 1,002 822 838 République tchèque
Estonia 120 111 111 57 35 35 123 102 102 59 26 26 Estonie
Finland 514 475 460 7,200 5,990 6,150 333 275 280 7,019 5,790 5,970 Finlande
France 8,272 7,290 7,400 7,092 6,240 6,600 4,845 4,650 4,600 3,665 3,600 3,800 France
Germany 17,836 14,600 17,000 21,612 17,500 21,000 9,302 8,000 9,500 13,078 10,900 13,500 Allemagne
Hungary 1,213 1,167 1,212 1,057 1,003 1,034 877 892 898 720 727 721 Hongrie
Italy 11,390 11,390 11,390 8,696 8,696 8,696 5,800 5,800 5,800 3,106 3,106 3,106 Italie
Latvia 168 175 175 29 30 30 173 180 180 33 35 35 Lettonie
Luxembourg 26 14 14 0 0 0 27 15 15 1 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta 26 27 28 0 0 0 26 27 28 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 2,814 2,760 2,760 2,884 2,827 2,827 2,180 2,096 2,096 2,250 2,163 2,163 Pays-Bas
Poland 7,532 7,400 7,550 5,237 5,130 5,250 4,869 4,870 4,950 2,574 2,600 2,650 Pologne
Portugal 1,090 1,200 1,240 2,123 2,200 2,240 948 940 945 1,981 1,940 1,945 Portugal
Serbia 790 762 778 483 481 490 514 490 500 207 209 212 Serbie
Slovakia 565 575 600 967 975 1,000 457 450 475 859 850 875 Slovaquie
Slovenia 412 390 390 591 500 500 367 390 390 545 500 500 Slovénie
Spain 7,060 6,778 6,778 6,355 6,355 6,355 2,997 2,577 2,577 2,291 2,154 2,154 Espagne
Sweden 834 700 750 8,531 7,300 8,100 894 700 750 8,591 7,300 8,100 Suède
Switzerland 1,020 1,015 1,010 1,160 1,155 1,150 640 635 630 780 775 770 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,420 6,280 6,440 3,460 3,190 3,250 5,015 4,150 4,250 1,055 1,060 1,060 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 72,758 66,140 69,442 83,103 73,876 79,492 43,204 39,623 41,476 53,549 47,358 51,526 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 335 297 297 142 142 142 214 171 171 21 17 17 Ouzbékistan
Canada 5,505 6,069 6,231 9,094 9,124 9,155 2,516 2,242 2,235 6,105 5,298 5,159 Canada
United States 64,243 62,896 63,029 65,959 64,476 64,476 8,202 8,180 8,159 9,917 9,761 9,606 Etats-Unis
Total North America 69,748 68,964 69,260 75,053 73,600 73,631 10,718 10,423 10,395 16,023 15,059 14,765 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 9

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 13,935 11,716 12,225 10,711 8,904 9,338 3,223 2,812 2,887 0 0 0 5,424 5,115 5,234 19,359 16,831 17,459 Autriche
Cyprus 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 8 14 11 10 Chypre
Czech Republic 20,708 15,535 14,897 14,635 10,617 10,106 5,965 4,804 4,675 108 113 115 4,405 3,965 3,900 25,113 19,499 18,797 République tchèque
Estonia 6,474 6,401 6,401 4,276 4,200 4,200 2,148 2,150 2,150 51 51 51 4,066 3,800 3,800 10,541 10,201 10,201 Estonie
Finland 56,246 53,397 55,435 25,699 22,749 23,412 30,547 30,648 32,023 0 0 0 9,340 9,340 9,340 65,586 62,737 64,775 Finlande
France 25,648 25,270 25,070 17,198 17,200 17,300 7,891 7,500 7,200 559 570 570 24,173 24,500 25,600 49,821 49,770 50,670 France
Germany 56,534 53,930 49,630 44,756 41,200 39,500 11,644 12,600 10,000 135 130 130 22,338 22,700 22,700 78,872 76,630 72,330 Allemagne
Hungary 2,901 2,881 2,881 1,410 1,374 1,399 912 995 1,008 579 512 475 3,626 3,284 3,397 6,527 6,165 6,278 Hongrie
Italy 2,838 3,540 3,540 1,890 1,890 1,890 316 1,018 1,018 632 632 632 10,839 10,839 10,839 13,677 14,379 14,379 Italie
Latvia 12,491 12,150 12,350 7,603 7,250 7,450 3,868 3,800 3,800 1,020 1,100 1,100 2,936 3,000 3,000 15,427 15,150 15,350 Lettonie
Luxembourg 231 197 193 147 144 133 56 38 38 27 15 22 40 45 43 271 242 235 Luxembourg
Montenegro 751 697 678 515 492 487 201 198 186 35 7 5 194 193 190 945 890 868 Monténégro
Netherlands 614 599 589 221 220 215 352 340 335 41 39 39 2,382 2,380 2,385 2,996 2,979 2,974 Pays-Bas
Poland 38,735 39,880 40,850 18,533 18,800 19,150 19,350 20,100 20,550 852 980 1,150 6,958 7,420 7,750 45,693 47,300 48,600 Pologne
Portugal 12,235 12,330 12,190 2,038 2,040 2,060 9,799 9,850 9,700 399 440 430 2,383 2,380 2,300 14,619 14,710 14,490 Portugal
Serbia 1,478 1,520 1,561 1,077 1,104 1,130 265 275 283 136 141 148 6,574 6,646 6,760 8,052 8,166 8,321 Serbie
Slovakia 6,827 6,820 6,880 4,130 4,080 4,100 2,672 2,710 2,750 25 30 30 609 610 650 7,435 7,430 7,530 Slovaquie
Slovenia 2,928 3,752 3,482 2,184 2,780 2,600 698 920 830 45 52 52 1,149 1,290 1,270 4,076 5,042 4,752 Slovénie
Spain 14,366 15,244 15,244 4,150 4,404 4,404 9,813 10,413 10,413 403 427 427 3,555 3,772 3,772 17,921 19,016 19,016 Espagne
Sweden 71,165 69,076 69,310 38,280 37,480 37,080 32,585 31,296 31,930 300 300 300 6,000 6,016 6,016 77,165 75,092 75,326 Suède
Switzerland 3,011 3,082 3,142 2,555 2,625 2,680 444 445 450 12 12 12 1,938 2,000 2,025 4,949 5,082 5,167 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,604 7,193 7,193 5,509 5,236 5,236 1,646 1,529 1,529 448 428 428 2,184 2,184 2,184 9,788 9,377 9,377 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 357,723 345,212 343,742 207,519 194,791 193,872 144,397 144,441 143,754 5,807 5,980 6,116 121,124 121,488 123,163 478,847 466,699 466,905 Total Europe
Canada 142,131 140,499 140,499 124,900 123,350 123,350 15,040 14,864 14,864 2,190 2,285 2,285 1,683 1,908 1,908 143,814 142,407 142,407 Canada
United States 382,544 384,963 388,611 186,157 188,221 191,211 182,650 182,996 183,637 13,737 13,746 13,763 76,230 76,240 76,278 458,774 461,203 464,889 Etats-Unis
Total North America 524,675 525,462 529,110 311,057 311,571 314,561 197,690 197,861 198,501 15,927 16,031 16,048 77,913 78,148 78,186 602,587 603,610 607,296 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9a

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 12,958 10,873 11,338 10,382 8,638 9,038 2,576 2,235 2,300 0 0 0 3,248 3,069 3,140 16,206 13,942 14,478 Autriche
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 7 12 10 9 Chypre
Czech Republic 19,440 14,455 13,825 14,019 10,094 9,589 5,316 4,253 4,125 105 109 111 3,610 3,249 3,200 23,050 17,704 17,025 République tchèque
Estonia 4,023 3,927 3,927 3,118 3,000 3,000 878 900 900 26 27 27 1,486 1,400 1,400 5,509 5,327 5,327 Estonie
Finland 47,408 45,464 47,590 24,662 21,700 22,351 22,746 23,764 25,239 0 0 0 4,593 4,593 4,593 52,001 50,057 52,183 Finlande
France 17,300 17,070 16,770 12,491 12,500 12,500 4,559 4,300 4,000 250 270 270 2,417 2,500 2,600 19,717 19,570 19,370 France
Germany 52,425 50,120 46,120 41,761 38,500 37,000 10,541 11,500 9,000 123 120 120 8,834 9,200 9,200 61,259 59,320 55,320 Allemagne
Hungary 688 759 743 175 201 208 411 488 481 102 70 53 383 294 333 1,071 1,053 1,076 Hongrie
Italy 1,797 2,502 2,502 1,169 1,169 1,169 148 853 853 480 480 480 1,180 1,180 1,180 2,977 3,682 3,682 Italie
Latvia 8,253 7,900 8,100 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 530 600 600 298 300 300 8,551 8,200 8,400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 162 143 145 124 122 115 10 6 8 27 15 22 17 11 12 178 154 158 Luxembourg
Montenegro 573 553 537 372 352 349 201 198 186 0 3 2 66 65 63 639 618 600 Monténégro
Netherlands 449 440 430 173 170 165 244 240 235 32 30 30 457 450 450 906 890 880 Pays-Bas
Poland 31,941 32,800 33,470 15,775 16,000 16,250 15,411 15,950 16,250 754 850 970 3,627 3,820 3,950 35,568 36,620 37,420 Pologne
Portugal 3,045 3,210 3,150 1,682 1,710 1,700 1,213 1,350 1,300 150 150 150 996 990 980 4,041 4,200 4,130 Portugal
Serbia 279 290 301 178 184 190 66 70 73 35 36 38 141 146 160 420 436 461 Serbie
Slovakia 3,325 3,160 3,120 2,559 2,430 2,400 748 710 700 18 20 20 259 260 275 3,584 3,420 3,395 Slovaquie
Slovenia 1,966 2,586 2,386 1,687 2,150 2,000 275 430 380 4 6 6 191 240 220 2,157 2,826 2,606 Slovénie
Spain 7,435 7,889 7,889 3,420 3,629 3,629 3,754 3,984 3,984 261 277 277 2,243 2,380 2,380 9,678 10,269 10,269 Espagne
Sweden 64,603 62,760 62,873 38,100 37,300 36,900 26,353 25,310 25,823 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 67,603 65,768 65,881 Suède
Switzerland 2,578 2,639 2,689 2,290 2,350 2,400 279 280 280 9 9 9 769 770 775 3,347 3,409 3,464 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,486 7,076 7,076 5,453 5,180 5,180 1,633 1,516 1,516 400 380 380 1,571 1,571 1,571 9,058 8,647 8,647 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 288,136 276,619 274,984 185,467 172,881 171,836 99,212 100,136 99,433 3,458 3,602 3,715 39,396 39,504 39,798 327,533 316,123 314,781 Total Europe
Canada 114,659 112,907 112,907 110,046 108,424 108,424 4,229 4,021 4,021 384 462 462 806 946 946 115,465 113,853 113,853 Canada
United States 306,119 309,360 313,639 152,799 154,479 156,695 141,226 142,779 144,827 12,094 12,102 12,117 37,619 37,609 37,606 343,738 346,969 351,245 Etats-Unis
Total North America 420,778 422,267 426,546 262,845 262,903 265,119 145,455 146,800 148,848 12,478 12,564 12,579 38,425 38,555 38,552 459,203 460,822 465,098 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9b

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 977 843 887 329 266 300 647 577 587 0 0 0 2,176 2,046 2,094 3,153 2,889 2,981 Autriche
Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chypre
Czech Republic 1,268 1,079 1,071 616 524 517 649 552 550 3 4 4 795 716 700 2,063 1,795 1,771 République tchèque
Estonia 2,452 2,474 2,474 1,158 1,200 1,200 1,270 1,250 1,250 24 24 24 2,580 2,400 2,400 5,032 4,874 4,874 Estonie
Finland 8,838 7,933 7,845 1,037 1,049 1,061 7,801 6,884 6,784 0 0 0 4,747 4,747 4,747 13,585 12,680 12,592 Finlande
France 8,348 8,200 8,300 4,707 4,700 4,800 3,332 3,200 3,200 309 300 300 21,756 22,000 23,000 30,104 30,200 31,300 France
Germany 4,110 3,810 3,510 2,995 2,700 2,500 1,103 1,100 1,000 12 10 10 13,504 13,500 13,500 17,613 17,310 17,010 Allemagne
Hungary 2,213 2,122 2,138 1,234 1,173 1,191 502 507 526 477 442 421 3,244 2,990 3,064 5,456 5,112 5,202 Hongrie
Italy 1,041 1,038 1,038 721 721 721 168 166 166 152 152 152 9,659 9,659 9,659 10,700 10,697 10,697 Italie
Latvia 4,238 4,250 4,250 1,730 1,750 1,750 2,018 2,000 2,000 490 500 500 2,638 2,700 2,700 6,876 6,950 6,950 Lettonie
Luxembourg 69 54 47 23 22 18 46 32 30 0 0 0 23 34 30 92 89 78 Luxembourg
Montenegro 178 144 141 143 140 138 0 0 0 35 4 3 128 128 127 306 272 268 Monténégro
Netherlands 165 159 159 48 50 50 108 100 100 9 9 9 1,925 1,930 1,935 2,090 2,089 2,094 Pays-Bas
Poland 6,794 7,080 7,380 2,757 2,800 2,900 3,939 4,150 4,300 98 130 180 3,331 3,600 3,800 10,125 10,680 11,180 Pologne
Portugal 9,190 9,120 9,040 356 330 360 8,586 8,500 8,400 249 290 280 1,387 1,390 1,320 10,578 10,510 10,360 Portugal
Serbia 1,199 1,230 1,260 899 920 940 199 205 210 101 105 110 6,433 6,500 6,600 7,632 7,730 7,860 Serbie
Slovakia 3,502 3,660 3,760 1,570 1,650 1,700 1,924 2,000 2,050 8 10 10 350 350 375 3,851 4,010 4,135 Slovaquie
Slovenia 962 1,166 1,096 497 630 600 424 490 450 41 46 46 957 1,050 1,050 1,919 2,216 2,146 Slovénie
Spain 6,931 7,354 7,354 730 775 775 6,059 6,429 6,429 142 151 151 1,312 1,392 1,392 8,243 8,746 8,746 Espagne
Sweden 6,562 6,316 6,437 180 180 180 6,232 5,986 6,107 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 9,562 9,324 9,445 Suède
Switzerland 433 443 453 265 275 280 165 165 170 3 3 3 1,169 1,230 1,250 1,602 1,673 1,703 Suisse
United Kingdom 118 117 117 56 56 56 13 13 13 48 48 48 613 613 613 730 730 730 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 69,587 68,593 68,759 22,052 21,910 22,036 45,185 44,305 44,322 2,350 2,377 2,401 81,728 81,984 83,365 151,314 150,576 152,124 Total Europe
Canada 27,472 27,592 27,592 14,854 14,926 14,926 10,812 10,843 10,843 1,806 1,823 1,823 877 961 961 28,349 28,554 28,554 Canada
United States 76,425 75,603 74,972 33,358 33,742 34,516 41,424 40,217 38,810 1,643 1,644 1,646 38,611 38,631 38,672 115,036 114,234 113,644 Etats-Unis
Total North America 103,897 103,196 102,564 48,212 48,668 49,442 52,236 51,060 49,653 3,449 3,467 3,469 39,488 39,592 39,633 143,385 142,788 142,197 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 10

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 16,101 13,943 13,638 10,382 8,638 9,038 6,664 5,710 5,000 945 405 400 Autriche
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 8,002 6,511 6,962 14,019 10,094 9,589 411 596 715 6,428 4,178 3,343 République tchèque
Estonia 3,533 3,270 3,270 3,118 3,000 3,000 522 450 450 107 180 180 Estonie
Finland 24,310 21,336 21,991 24,662 21,700 22,351 127 79 83 479 443 443 Finlande
France 12,053 12,120 12,120 12,491 12,500 12,500 335 360 360 773 740 740 France
Germany 39,391 35,800 34,900 41,761 38,500 37,000 3,300 3,000 3,100 5,670 5,700 5,200 Allemagne
Hungary 175 201 208 175 201 208 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 1,645 1,396 1,396 1,169 1,169 1,169 580 457 457 104 230 230 Italie
Latvia 6,471 5,830 6,200 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,147 900 900 549 570 400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 465 403 396 124 122 115 693 424 424 352 143 143 Luxembourg
Montenegro 382 361 357 372 352 349 10 9 8 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 133 145 145 173 170 165 77 80 80 117 105 100 Pays-Bas
Poland 14,243 14,500 14,800 15,775 16,000 16,250 1,245 1,400 1,550 2,777 2,900 3,000 Pologne
Portugal 1,880 1,905 1,900 1,682 1,710 1,700 241 230 240 43 35 40 Portugal
Serbia 188 187 194 178 184 190 12 9 12 2 6 8 Serbie
Slovakia 3,059 3,030 3,100 2,559 2,430 2,400 900 950 1,000 400 350 300 Slovaquie
Slovenia 1,643 1,650 1,630 1,687 2,150 2,000 239 150 180 283 650 550 Slovénie
Spain 3,223 3,307 3,307 3,420 3,629 3,629 240 185 185 437 507 507 Espagne
Sweden 38,103 37,725 37,325 38,100 37,300 36,900 964 1,128 1,128 961 703 703 Suède
Switzerland 2,035 2,100 2,155 2,290 2,350 2,400 55 60 65 310 310 310 Suisse
United Kingdom 5,810 5,538 5,538 5,453 5,180 5,180 457 457 457 99 99 99 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 182,849 171,260 171,534 185,467 172,881 171,836 18,218 16,634 16,394 20,836 18,255 16,696 Total Europe
Canada 105,870 103,492 103,916 110,046 108,424 108,424 1,346 1,402 1,309 5,522 6,333 5,816 Canada
United States 148,043 150,509 153,391 152,799 154,479 156,695 586 570 555 5,342 4,540 3,859 Etats-Unis
Total North America 253,913 254,001 257,307 262,845 262,903 265,119 1,931 1,972 1,864 10,863 10,873 9,675 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche
Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque
Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie
Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande
France 3,453 4,020 4,120 4,707 4,700 4,800 116 120 120 1,370 800 800 France
Germany 2,532 2,290 2,130 2,995 2,700 2,500 111 110 110 574 520 480 Allemagne
Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 2,088 1,718 1,718 721 721 721 1,413 1,055 1,055 47 59 59 Italie
Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg
Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 54 60 60 48 50 50 54 60 60 48 50 50 Pays-Bas
Poland 2,687 2,730 2,830 2,757 2,800 2,900 80 80 80 150 150 150 Pologne
Portugal 997 885 925 356 330 360 663 580 590 22 25 25 Portugal
Serbia 894 922 946 899 920 940 15 20 28 20 18 22 Serbie
Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie
Slovenia 281 290 280 497 630 600 31 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie
Spain 833 854 854 730 775 775 164 174 174 61 94 94 Espagne
Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède
Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse
United Kingdom 78 77 77 56 56 56 26 26 26 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,959 21,622 22,002 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,910 3,253 3,265 4,003 3,541 3,299 Total Europe
Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada
United States 31,550 32,311 33,431 33,358 33,742 34,516 221 156 156 2,028 1,587 1,241 Etats-Unis
Total North America 47,441 48,234 49,326 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,327 1,216 1,183 2,098 1,650 1,300 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11a

HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche
Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque
Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie
Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande
France 3,412 3,978 4,078 4,707 4,700 4,800 72 75 75 1,367 797 797 France
Germany 2,527 2,285 2,125 2,995 2,700 2,500 101 100 100 569 515 475 Allemagne
Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 2,068 1,729 1,729 721 721 721 1,389 1,047 1,047 42 39 39 Italie
Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg
Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 46 55 55 48 50 50 42 50 50 44 45 45 Pays-Bas
Poland 2,685 2,727 2,827 2,757 2,800 2,900 78 77 77 150 150 150 Pologne
Portugal 981 870 912 356 330 360 642 560 571 17 20 19 Portugal
Serbia 893 921 945 899 920 940 14 19 27 20 18 22 Serbie
Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie
Slovenia 280 290 280 497 630 600 30 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie
Spain 827 847 847 730 775 775 158 167 167 61 94 94 Espagne
Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède
Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse
United Kingdom 76 75 75 56 56 56 24 24 24 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,857 21,553 21,935 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,786 3,146 3,158 3,980 3,503 3,260 Total Europe
Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada
United States 31,549 32,308 33,429 33,358 33,742 34,516 219 152 154 2,027 1,586 1,240 Etats-Unis
Total North America 47,440 48,231 49,324 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,325 1,212 1,181 2,097 1,649 1,299 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Net Trade Imports Exports
Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
France -41 -42 -42 44 45 45 3 3 3 France
Germany -5 -5 -5 10 10 10 5 5 5 Allemagne
Italy -20 11 11 25 9 9 4 20 20 Italie
Netherlands -8 -5 -5 12 10 10 4 5 5 Pays-Bas
Poland -2 -3 -3 2 3 3 0 0 0 Pologne
Portugal -16 -15 -13 21 20 19 5 5 6 Portugal
Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia -1 -0 -0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Slovénie
Spain -6 -7 -7 6 7 7 0 0 0 Espagne
United Kingdom -2 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe -102 -69 -67 124 107 106 22 38 39 Total Europe
United States -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis
Total North America -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Total Amérique du Nord


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 13,844 12,627 12,592 11,047 9,212 9,287 3,676 4,070 4,020 879 655 715 Autriche
Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 5,559 5,135 5,154 7,664 6,164 6,130 1,270 1,146 1,162 3,375 2,175 2,138 République tchèque
Estonia 3,117 2,380 2,435 6,548 6,550 6,550 256 330 285 3,687 4,500 4,400 Estonie
Finland 48,404 47,241 49,358 44,923 44,026 45,568 5,037 4,969 5,545 1,556 1,755 1,755 Finlande
France 24,495 24,350 24,050 24,257 24,000 23,700 2,527 2,600 2,600 2,289 2,250 2,250 France
Germany 26,555 26,580 23,090 27,936 27,100 23,500 4,474 3,870 3,770 5,855 4,390 4,180 Allemagne
Hungary 2,122 2,017 2,065 2,049 1,984 2,023 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie
Italy 4,508 5,210 5,210 3,916 4,618 4,618 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie
Latvia 5,540 5,150 5,150 9,484 8,800 8,800 1,084 950 950 5,028 4,600 4,600 Lettonie
Luxembourg 583 589 589 577 559 559 182 130 130 176 100 100 Luxembourg
Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 245 241 227 245 241 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 604 1,100 1,095 1,267 1,240 1,230 289 100 105 952 240 240 Pays-Bas
Poland 35,250 36,265 37,135 33,531 34,600 35,450 3,652 3,660 3,710 1,933 1,995 2,025 Pologne
Portugal 15,954 15,330 15,365 11,664 11,720 11,590 4,657 4,000 4,140 368 390 365 Portugal
Serbia 981 1,007 1,045 967 1,000 1,033 15 8 13 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia 3,634 3,650 3,760 3,821 3,860 3,950 1,023 1,030 1,050 1,210 1,240 1,240 Slovaquie
Slovenia 926 770 790 2,058 2,280 2,230 625 490 530 1,757 2,000 1,970 Slovénie
Spain 13,959 14,358 14,358 14,383 15,261 15,261 1,435 1,564 1,564 1,859 2,467 2,467 Espagne
Sweden 55,632 54,193 54,727 50,015 48,196 48,730 7,036 7,750 7,750 1,419 1,753 1,753 Suède
Switzerland 1,823 1,824 1,829 1,216 1,217 1,222 795 795 795 188 188 188 Suisse
United Kingdom 4,590 4,471 4,471 4,293 4,175 4,175 406 405 405 109 109 109 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 268,336 264,500 264,508 261,870 256,811 255,841 39,843 39,232 39,898 33,377 31,543 31,231 Total Europe
Canada 37,044 35,822 35,734 35,326 32,985 32,975 2,578 3,462 3,467 860 625 708 Canada
United States 238,450 239,587 240,850 244,912 246,110 247,536 348 324 308 6,809 6,848 6,994 Etats-Unis
Total North America 275,495 275,409 276,585 280,238 279,096 280,511 2,926 3,786 3,776 7,670 7,473 7,702 Total Amérique du Nord
Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12a

Softwood Conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 3,681 3,895 3,850 2,576 2,235 2,300 1,312 1,750 1,700 206 90 150 Autriche
Czech Republic 3,927 3,744 3,675 5,316 4,253 4,125 811 811 830 2,200 1,320 1,280 République tchèque
Estonia 476 245 245 878 900 900 56 45 45 458 700 700 Estonie
Finland 22,913 24,189 25,835 22,746 23,764 25,239 1,163 1,410 1,581 996 985 985 Finlande
France 4,689 4,400 4,100 4,559 4,300 4,000 608 550 550 478 450 450 France
Germany 10,311 11,900 9,500 10,541 11,500 9,000 2,200 2,100 2,000 2,430 1,700 1,500 Allemagne
Hungary 411 488 481 411 488 481 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 148 853 853 148 853 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie
Latvia 1,775 1,700 1,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 374 400 400 449 500 500 Lettonie
Luxembourg -16 -18 -16 10 6 8 9 3 3 35 27 27 Luxembourg
Montenegro 201 198 186 201 198 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 146 150 145 244 240 235 70 80 85 168 170 175 Pays-Bas
Poland 15,378 15,900 16,300 15,411 15,950 16,250 1,428 1,500 1,650 1,462 1,550 1,600 Pologne
Portugal 1,323 1,430 1,375 1,213 1,350 1,300 122 100 90 12 20 15 Portugal
Serbia 66 70 74 66 70 73 0 0 1 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 598 600 610 748 710 700 600 630 650 750 740 740 Slovaquie
Slovenia 264 200 220 275 430 380 268 170 200 278 400 360 Slovénie
Spain 3,369 3,467 3,467 3,754 3,984 3,984 179 138 138 564 655 655 Espagne
Sweden 28,513 27,431 27,944 26,353 25,310 25,823 3,114 3,269 3,269 954 1,148 1,148 Suède
Switzerland 209 210 210 279 280 280 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,894 1,776 1,776 1,633 1,516 1,516 291 291 291 31 31 31 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 100,275 102,827 102,530 99,212 100,136 99,433 12,625 13,267 13,503 11,562 10,576 10,406 Total Europe
Canada 4,531 4,347 4,410 4,229 4,021 4,021 324 336 401 22 10 12 Canada
United States 141,231 142,785 144,831 141,226 142,779 144,827 5 6 4 0 0 0 Etats-Unis
Total North America 145,762 147,132 149,241 145,455 146,800 148,848 329 341 405 22 10 12 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12b

Hardwood Non-conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 1,217 997 1,007 647 577 587 668 500 500 98 80 80 Autriche
Czech Republic 450 380 384 649 552 550 3 2 2 202 174 168 République tchèque
Estonia 363 200 250 1,270 1,250 1,250 154 250 200 1,060 1,300 1,200 Estonie
Finland 8,997 7,940 8,052 7,801 6,884 6,784 1,550 1,633 1,845 354 577 577 Finlande
France 2,386 2,250 2,250 3,332 3,200 3,200 43 50 50 989 1,000 1,000 France
Germany 1,116 1,180 1,090 1,103 1,100 1,000 259 270 270 246 190 180 Allemagne
Hungary 502 507 526 502 507 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 168 166 166 168 166 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie
Latvia 172 200 200 2,018 2,000 2,000 244 100 100 2,090 1,900 1,900 Lettonie
Luxembourg 77 71 69 46 32 30 36 48 48 5 9 9 Luxembourg
Netherlands 62 50 55 108 100 100 21 20 20 67 70 65 Pays-Bas
Poland 4,424 4,635 4,785 3,939 4,150 4,300 560 560 560 75 75 75 Pologne
Portugal 10,495 10,300 10,260 8,586 8,500 8,400 2,100 2,000 2,050 191 200 190 Portugal
Serbia 199 205 210 199 205 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 1,874 1,950 2,000 1,924 2,000 2,050 100 100 100 150 150 150 Slovaquie
Slovenia 137 120 130 424 490 450 84 80 90 371 450 410 Slovénie
Spain 5,422 5,288 5,288 6,059 6,429 6,429 269 291 291 906 1,432 1,432 Espagne
Sweden 8,517 8,412 8,533 6,232 5,986 6,107 2,313 2,481 2,481 28 55 55 Suède
Switzerland 128 128 133 165 165 170 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse
United Kingdom 23 22 22 13 13 13 18 18 18 9 9 9 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 46,729 45,001 45,410 45,185 44,305 44,322 8,426 8,406 8,628 6,881 7,711 7,540 Total Europe
Canada 10,554 10,654 10,644 10,812 10,843 10,843 38 36 30 296 225 228 Canada
United States 41,407 40,200 38,795 41,424 40,217 38,810 58 32 18 75 50 33 Etats-Unis
Total North America 51,961 50,854 49,439 52,236 51,060 49,653 96 68 48 371 275 261 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 8,945 7,735 7,735 7,824 6,400 6,400 1,696 1,820 1,820 575 485 485 Autriche
Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 1,182 1,011 1,094 1,699 1,359 1,454 456 333 330 973 681 690 République tchèque
Estonia 2,278 1,935 1,940 4,400 4,400 4,400 47 35 40 2,169 2,500 2,500 Estonie
Finland 16,494 15,112 15,471 14,376 13,378 13,545 2,324 1,926 2,119 206 193 193 Finlande
France 17,420 17,700 17,700 16,366 16,500 16,500 1,876 2,000 2,000 822 800 800 France
Germany 15,128 13,500 12,500 16,292 14,500 13,500 2,015 1,500 1,500 3,179 2,500 2,500 Allemagne
Hungary 1,209 1,022 1,057 1,137 989 1,015 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie
Italy 4,192 4,192 4,192 3,600 3,600 3,600 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie
Latvia 3,593 3,250 3,250 5,616 5,000 5,000 466 450 450 2,489 2,200 2,200 Lettonie
Luxembourg 522 536 536 521 521 521 137 79 79 136 64 64 Luxembourg
Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 44 43 41 44 43 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 396 900 895 915 900 895 198 0 0 717 0 0 Pays-Bas
Poland 15,448 15,730 16,050 14,181 14,500 14,900 1,664 1,600 1,500 396 370 350 Pologne
Portugal 4,136 3,600 3,730 1,865 1,870 1,890 2,435 1,900 2,000 165 170 160 Portugal
Serbia 716 732 761 702 725 750 15 8 12 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia 1,162 1,100 1,150 1,149 1,150 1,200 323 300 300 310 350 350 Slovaquie
Slovenia 525 450 440 1,360 1,360 1,400 273 240 240 1,107 1,150 1,200 Slovénie
Spain 5,169 5,603 5,603 4,570 4,849 4,849 987 1,135 1,135 388 380 380 Espagne
Sweden 18,602 18,350 18,250 17,430 16,900 16,800 1,609 2,000 2,000 437 550 550 Suède
Switzerland 1,486 1,486 1,486 772 772 772 772 772 772 58 58 58 Suisse
United Kingdom 2,673 2,673 2,673 2,646 2,646 2,646 96 96 96 69 69 69 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 121,332 116,673 116,568 117,472 112,370 112,087 18,793 17,559 17,767 14,933 13,256 13,285 Total Europe
Canada 21,959 20,821 20,680 20,285 18,121 18,111 2,216 3,090 3,037 542 390 467 Canada
United States 55,812 56,602 57,224 62,262 63,114 63,899 285 286 286 6,734 6,798 6,961 Etats-Unis
Total North America 77,771 77,423 77,904 82,547 81,235 82,010 2,500 3,376 3,323 7,277 7,188 7,428 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 13

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 1,290 1,497 1,450 1,691 1,938 2,050 344 309 300 745 750 900 Autriche
Cyprus 8 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 234 215 225 540 459 482 38 38 40 344 282 296 République tchèque
Estonia 284 300 230 1,650 1,350 1,300 12 50 30 1,378 1,100 1,100 Estonie
Finland 530 541 562 360 380 405 188 163 160 18 2 3 Finlande
France 2,735 3,260 3,660 2,050 2,250 2,450 775 1,100 1,300 90 90 90 France
Germany 3,328 3,540 3,720 3,569 3,700 3,900 443 480 420 684 640 600 Allemagne
Hungary 63 44 50 62 43 49 11 13 12 11 12 12 Hongrie
Italy 2,359 2,359 2,359 450 450 450 1,916 1,916 1,916 7 7 7 Italie
Latvia 621 750 750 1,980 2,000 2,000 326 350 350 1,685 1,600 1,600 Lettonie
Luxembourg 61 72 72 63 63 63 17 11 11 19 2 2 Luxembourg
Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 18 25 26 83 84 84 0 0 0 65 59 58 Monténégro
Netherlands 5,354 5,354 5,354 268 268 268 5,551 5,551 5,551 465 465 465 Pays-Bas
Poland 842 920 1,100 1,152 1,200 1,350 366 370 380 677 650 630 Pologne
Portugal 228 225 220 747 740 735 4 5 5 523 520 520 Portugal
Serbia 478 460 485 418 450 480 83 70 80 23 60 75 Serbie
Slovakia 22 175 175 390 450 450 47 75 75 415 350 350 Slovaquie
Slovenia 125 155 150 164 175 180 126 120 130 165 140 160 Slovénie
Spain 867 907 907 1,007 1,007 1,007 65 46 46 206 146 146 Espagne
Sweden 1,776 1,800 1,850 1,809 1,750 1,800 199 210 210 232 160 160 Suède
Switzerland 410 415 420 330 335 340 80 80 80 0 0 0 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,819 7,830 7,830 327 330 330 7,516 7,520 7,520 23 20 20 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 29,451 30,850 31,601 19,110 19,422 20,173 18,114 18,482 18,621 7,774 7,055 7,194 Total Europe
Canada 368 420 179 3,830 3,830 3,830 31 52 56 3,493 3,462 3,707 Canada
United States 761 273 152 9,544 9,744 9,948 194 174 155 8,977 9,644 9,951 Etats-Unis
Total North America 1,129 694 331 13,374 13,574 13,778 225 226 211 12,470 13,106 13,659 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 14

Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 75.92 69.01 68.49 96.71 89.54 88.44 29.69 25.67 25.93 50.49 46.20 45.88 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs a 182.85 171.26 171.53 185.47 172.88 171.84 18.22 16.63 16.39 20.84 18.25 16.70 Grumes de conifères a
Sawn hardwood 7.02 6.65 6.70 6.93 6.45 6.61 4.18 3.86 3.81 4.09 3.66 3.72 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone b 6.45 6.14 6.18 6.87 6.40 6.55 3.28 3.07 3.02 3.70 3.33 3.39 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.57 0.51 0.52 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.39 0.32 0.32 – zone tropicale b
Hardwood logs a 21.96 21.62 22.00 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.91 3.25 3.26 4.00 3.54 3.30 Grumes de non-conifères a
– temperate zone b 21.86 21.55 21.93 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.79 3.15 3.16 3.98 3.50 3.26 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.02 0.04 0.04 – zone tropicale b
Veneer sheets 1.58 1.49 1.49 1.00 0.97 0.96 1.42 1.28 1.29 0.84 0.76 0.76 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 6.62 6.21 5.92 4.17 3.93 3.97 6.42 5.79 5.48 3.96 3.50 3.53 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 28.12 26.41 26.52 28.01 26.71 26.91 10.02 9.58 9.55 9.92 9.88 9.94 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 5.27 5.06 5.09 4.89 4.89 5.02 3.20 2.96 2.94 2.83 2.78 2.87 OSB
Fibreboard 15.80 14.89 15.09 16.15 15.31 15.42 8.76 8.01 8.04 9.11 8.43 8.37 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.79 0.82 0.90 0.48 0.47 0.47 1.47 1.44 1.46 1.17 1.09 1.04 – Durs
– MDF 11.42 10.85 10.97 12.16 11.62 11.68 5.21 4.61 4.62 5.95 5.38 5.33 – MDF
– Other board 3.59 3.22 3.22 3.51 3.22 3.27 2.07 1.97 1.96 1.99 1.96 2.01 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood a 268.34 264.50 264.51 261.87 256.81 255.84 39.84 39.23 39.90 33.38 31.54 31.23 Bois de trituration a
– Pulp logs 147.00 147.83 147.94 144.40 144.44 143.75 21.05 21.67 22.13 18.44 18.29 17.95 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 100.28 102.83 102.53 99.21 100.14 99.43 12.63 13.27 13.50 11.56 10.58 10.41 – conifères
– hardwood 46.73 45.00 45.41 45.18 44.31 44.32 8.43 8.41 8.63 6.88 7.71 7.54 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 121.33 116.67 116.57 117.47 112.37 112.09 18.79 17.56 17.77 14.93 13.26 13.29 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 37.60 34.07 35.28 34.64 32.24 33.81 17.33 16.19 16.59 14.37 14.37 15.12 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 72.76 66.14 69.44 83.10 73.88 79.49 43.20 39.62 41.48 53.55 47.36 51.53 Papiers et cartons
Wood Pellets 29.45 30.85 31.60 19.11 19.42 20.17 18.11 18.48 18.62 7.77 7.05 7.19 Granulés de bois
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce
b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux
en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.

Table 15

North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 91.63 89.85 90.39 100.44 97.41 95.73 27.09 26.48 27.10 35.90 34.04 32.43 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs 253.91 254.00 257.31 262.84 262.90 265.12 1.93 1.97 1.86 10.86 10.87 9.68 Grumes de conifères
Sawn hardwood 15.85 16.16 16.46 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.59 1.63 1.56 4.23 4.19 4.13 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone 15.57 15.89 16.19 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.29 1.33 1.26 4.21 4.16 4.10 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.03 0.03 – zone tropicale
Hardwood logs 47.44 48.23 49.33 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.33 1.22 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 Grumes de non-conifères
– temperate zone 47.44 48.23 49.32 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.32 1.21 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Veneer sheets 2.85 2.93 2.97 2.87 2.89 2.91 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.88 0.83 0.84 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 16.92 16.92 17.31 10.86 10.90 11.05 7.48 7.37 7.68 1.43 1.36 1.42 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 6.66 7.45 7.46 6.11 6.58 6.55 1.75 1.97 1.98 1.19 1.10 1.07 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 21.20 21.09 21.35 20.86 20.60 20.86 6.28 6.30 6.39 5.94 5.82 5.89 OSB
Fibreboard 9.92 9.93 10.07 7.64 7.71 7.87 4.18 3.92 3.92 1.90 1.69 1.72 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.51 0.56 0.56 0.53 0.59 0.60 0.31 0.28 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.33 – Durs
– MDF 6.21 6.23 6.23 3.83 3.88 3.89 3.55 3.35 3.32 1.17 0.99 0.98 – MDF
– Other board 3.20 3.15 3.28 3.28 3.24 3.38 0.32 0.29 0.31 0.40 0.38 0.41 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood 275.49 275.41 276.58 280.24 279.10 280.51 2.93 3.79 3.78 7.67 7.47 7.70 Bois de trituration
– Pulp logs 197.72 197.99 198.68 197.69 197.86 198.50 0.43 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.28 0.27 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 145.76 147.13 149.24 145.45 146.80 148.85 0.33 0.34 0.41 0.02 0.01 0.01 – conifères
– hardwood 51.96 50.85 49.44 52.24 51.06 49.65 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.37 0.27 0.26 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 77.77 77.42 77.90 82.55 81.23 82.01 2.50 3.38 3.32 7.28 7.19 7.43 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 45.79 48.12 48.43 55.02 54.33 54.12 7.42 8.22 8.89 16.65 14.44 14.58 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 69.75 68.96 69.26 75.05 73.60 73.63 10.72 10.42 10.39 16.02 15.06 14.77 Papiers et cartons
Wood pellets 1.13 0.69 0.33 13.37 13.57 13.78 0.23 0.23 0.21 12.47 13.11 13.66 Granulés de bois

List of Tables and Notes Table 1 - Sawn Softwood Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total) Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate) Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical) Table 3 - Veneer Sheets Table 4 - Plywood Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB) Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board Table 6 - Fibreboard Table 6a - Hardboard Table 6b - MDF/HDF Table 6c - Other Fibreboard Table 7 - Wood Pulp Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood) Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood) Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate) Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical) Table 12 - Pulpwood Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood) Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood) Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles Table 13 - Wood Pellets Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024 Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024

Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2023,

Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Data for the two latest years are forecasts. In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.

For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.

Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year. Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.

Uzbekistan – data extrapolated by the Secretariat based on national data for the first eight months 2023. Poland - The trade turnover is based on data that includes the estimated value of trade turnover by entities exempt from the reporting obligation. These trade turnover figures are estimated at 3%. Roundwood: sawlogs and veneer logs and pulpwood and wood fuel - with removals from trees and shrubs outside the forest, including forest chips, with stump. Residues - production excluding recovered wood.

In contrast to years prior to 2020, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subreg Confidential data have not been included. Please inform secretariat in case you notice any confidential data which might have been included inadvertently.

Wherever the forecast data is incomplete, then data is repeated to avoid skewing.

Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown. Consumption figures are the sum of production and national imports minus national exports. Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous. United Kingdom production figures for OSB is secretariat estimate.

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 6,141 4,978 4,978 10,104 8,588 8,588 1,784 1,270 1,270 5,747 4,880 4,880 Autriche Cyprus 33 34 34 1 1 1 32 33 33 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 2,965 2,343 2,470 4,720 3,776 4,040 583 414 350 2,338 1,847 1,920 République tchèque Estonia 2,068 1,550 1,550 1,725 1,500 1,500 1,209 700 700 866 650 650 Estonie Finland 2,938 2,420 2,420 11,200 10,300 10,400 305 20 20 8,567 7,900 8,000 Finlande France 8,633 8,750 8,800 7,168 7,200 7,300 2,350 2,450 2,400 885 900 900 France Germany 17,294 14,900 13,300 24,309 21,400 19,800 4,146 2,700 3,000 11,162 9,200 9,500 Allemagne Hungary 788 902 918 85 96 86 717 821 842 14 15 11 Hongrie Italy 4,790 4,302 4,302 400 400 400 4,608 4,157 4,157 217 255 255 Italie Latvia 1,025 950 950 3,102 3,000 3,000 829 750 750 2,906 2,800 2,800 Lettonie Luxembourg 71 122 122 39 39 39 43 91 91 11 8 8 Luxembourg Malta 7 9 9 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 30 30 29 118 115 112 10 9 7 98 94 90 Monténégro Netherlands 2,259 2,088 2,029 115 115 115 2,659 2,473 2,399 515 500 485 Pays-Bas Poland 4,631 4,630 4,800 4,144 4,100 4,200 1,219 1,240 1,300 732 710 700 Pologne Portugal 696 686 685 807 815 820 130 130 125 242 259 260 Portugal Serbia 367 361 383 91 95 98 281 270 290 5 4 5 Serbie Slovakia 847 810 860 1,430 1,360 1,400 480 450 460 1,063 1,000 1,000 Slovaquie Slovenia 665 670 660 983 990 980 530 530 530 848 850 850 Slovénie Spain 4,029 4,001 4,001 3,006 3,189 3,189 1,166 956 956 143 144 144 Espagne Sweden 5,709 5,050 5,650 18,870 18,400 18,300 587 500 450 13,748 13,850 13,100 Suède Switzerland 1,271 1,300 1,325 1,186 1,200 1,210 300 310 320 215 210 205 Suisse United Kingdom 8,663 8,125 8,214 3,108 2,860 2,860 5,719 5,385 5,474 165 120 120 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 75,919 69,011 68,490 96,712 89,540 88,439 29,694 25,668 25,934 50,487 46,197 45,883 Total Europe Uzbekistan 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada a 3,707 2,691 2,242 36,398 33,228 31,331 891 988 948 33,581 31,525 30,037 Canada a

United States a 87,925 87,155 88,151 64,039 64,178 64,399 26,202 25,492 26,149 2,316 2,515 2,397 Etats-Unis a

Total North America 91,632 89,846 90,393 100,437 97,406 95,730 27,093 26,480 27,097 35,898 34,040 32,434 Total Amérique du Nord a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 310 222 222 238 202 202 217 140 140 145 120 120 Autriche Cyprus 11 7 7 0 0 0 11 7 7 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 324 245 240 222 167 175 136 103 105 34 24 40 République tchèque Estonia 232 125 125 175 125 125 147 60 60 90 60 60 Estonie Finland 84 44 44 73 40 40 34 24 24 23 20 20 Finlande France 1,124 1,140 1,150 1,446 1,300 1,400 264 420 350 586 580 600 France Germany 693 650 650 997 800 800 395 300 300 699 450 450 Allemagne Hungary 258 150 131 414 343 342 45 38 30 200 231 241 Hongrie Italy 798 776 776 500 500 500 637 578 578 339 302 302 Italie Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie Luxembourg 96 98 98 39 39 39 64 65 65 7 6 6 Luxembourg Malta 7 8 9 0 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro Netherlands 238 213 203 34 34 34 314 289 279 110 110 110 Pays-Bas Poland 495 470 500 487 450 460 267 270 300 259 250 260 Pologne Portugal 369 295 290 182 185 190 287 200 190 100 90 90 Portugal Serbia 172 215 225 343 370 385 64 60 70 235 215 230 Serbie Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie Slovenia 106 145 145 143 145 145 83 80 80 121 80 80 Slovénie Spain 425 467 467 302 321 321 175 193 193 53 47 47 Espagne Sweden 142 140 140 100 100 100 83 80 80 41 40 40 Suède Switzerland 78 79 81 52 53 54 50 51 52 24 25 25 Suisse United Kingdom 807 810 810 37 40 40 787 790 790 17 20 20 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 7,019 6,652 6,703 6,928 6,449 6,606 4,177 3,862 3,813 4,086 3,658 3,716 Total Europe Uzbekistan 228 208 208 195 195 195 33 16 16 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,208 1,324 1,242 859 893 815 793 826 738 444 395 311 Canada United States 14,647 14,835 15,217 17,637 17,827 18,214 798 805 820 3,788 3,797 3,817 Etats-Unis Total North America 15,855 16,159 16,459 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,591 1,631 1,558 4,231 4,192 4,128 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 306 219 219 238 202 202 213 136 136 144 119 119 Autriche Cyprus 9 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 307 229 223 222 167 175 119 86 88 34 24 40 République tchèque Estonia 230 122 122 175 125 125 142 56 56 87 59 59 Estonie Finland 80 40 40 73 40 40 26 16 16 19 16 16 Finlande France 960 988 988 1,420 1,285 1,375 123 280 210 583 577 597 France Germany 664 630 630 997 800 800 315 240 240 649 410 410 Allemagne Hungary 257 147 127 414 343 342 43 35 26 200 230 241 Hongrie Italy 819 791 791 495 495 495 476 423 423 152 127 127 Italie Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie Luxembourg 92 96 96 39 39 39 60 63 63 7 6 6 Luxembourg Malta 6 7 8 0 0 0 6 7 8 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro Netherlands 89 80 77 27 27 27 117 108 105 55 55 55 Pays-Bas Poland 484 459 488 487 450 460 254 257 286 257 248 258 Pologne Portugal 319 272 268 170 172 178 180 150 140 31 50 50 Portugal Serbia 167 211 220 342 369 384 59 57 66 234 215 230 Serbie Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie Slovenia 104 143 143 143 145 145 81 78 78 120 80 80 Slovénie Spain 383 417 417 300 318 318 128 142 142 45 43 43 Espagne Sweden 142 139 139 100 100 100 83 79 79 41 40 40 Suède Switzerland 69 70 72 49 50 51 44 45 46 24 25 25 Suisse United Kingdom 716 720 720 37 40 40 693 700 700 14 20 20 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 6,453 6,138 6,183 6,872 6,402 6,550 3,281 3,069 3,025 3,700 3,334 3,392 Total Europe Uzbekistan 227 207 207 195 195 195 33 15 15 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,191 1,316 1,236 859 893 815 762 805 715 430 382 294 Canada United States 14,379 14,578 14,957 17,637 17,827 18,214 523 529 544 3,782 3,778 3,801 Etats-Unis Total North America 15,569 15,893 16,193 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,285 1,334 1,259 4,212 4,160 4,095 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 2a SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Autriche Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulgarie Cyprus 3 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 17 17 17 0 0 0 17 17 17 0 0 0 République tchèque Estonia 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 4 4 3 1 1 Estonie Finland 4 4 4 0 0 0 8 8 8 4 4 4 Finlande France 164 152 162 26 15 25 141 140 140 3 3 3 France Germany 29 20 20 0 0 0 79 60 60 50 40 40 Allemagne Hungary 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy -21 -15 -15 5 5 5 161 154 154 187 175 175 Italie Luxembourg 4 2 2 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 149 133 126 7 7 7 197 181 174 55 55 55 Pays-Bas Poland 10 11 12 0 0 0 12 13 14 2 2 2 Pologne Portugal 50 23 22 12 13 12 107 50 50 69 40 40 Portugal Serbia 5 4 5 1 1 1 5 3 4 1 0 0 Serbie Slovenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain 42 49 49 2 2 2 47 50 50 7 4 4 Espagne Sweden 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse United Kingdom 91 90 90 0 0 0 94 90 90 3 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 566 515 519 56 46 55 896 793 788 386 324 324 Total Europe Canada 17 8 7 0 0 0 31 21 23 14 13 16 Canada United States 269 257 260 0 0 0 275 276 276 6 19 16 Etats-Unis Total North America 286 266 266 0 0 0 305 297 299 20 31 32 Total Amérique du Nord

1000 m3

Apparent Consumption Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - Exportations Pays

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 74 39 39 8 8 8 83 45 45 17 14 14 Autriche Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 28 28 27 28 16 17 58 53 50 58 41 40 République tchèque Estonia 111 125 125 105 110 110 87 95 95 82 80 80 Estonie Finland 27 21 21 190 160 160 12 10 10 175 149 149 Finlande France 366 366 366 157 157 157 273 273 273 64 64 64 France Germany 157 143 125 110 105 105 99 78 70 52 40 50 Allemagne Hungary 23 25 20 13 18 13 39 39 39 28 31 32 Hongrie Italy 344 308 308 107 107 107 274 234 234 37 33 33 Italie Latvia 105 105 105 40 50 50 140 140 140 75 85 85 Lettonie Luxembourg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 15 13 13 0 0 0 17 15 15 3 3 3 Pays-Bas Poland 121 121 129 45 42 45 92 94 98 16 15 14 Pologne Portugal 12 20 35 20 30 25 38 40 50 46 50 40 Portugal Serbia 4 4 5 30 28 30 8 6 8 34 30 33 Serbie Slovakia 17 25 25 21 25 25 27 30 30 31 30 30 Slovaquie Slovenia 9 8 9 28 27 25 13 14 14 32 33 30 Slovénie Spain 122 92 92 40 36 36 127 90 90 45 34 34 Espagne Sweden 32 31 31 60 50 50 19 10 10 47 29 29 Suède Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse United Kingdom 6 10 10 0 0 0 7 10 10 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 1,577 1,490 1,491 1,002 969 962 1,419 1,283 1,288 843 762 760 Total Europe Uzbekistan 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 Total EOCAC Canada 204 262 267 581 581 581 212 218 230 590 537 544 Canada United States 2,643 2,670 2,699 2,284 2,306 2,329 652 658 664 293 294 294 Etats-Unis Total North America 2,847 2,932 2,966 2,866 2,887 2,910 864 876 894 883 831 838 Total Amérique du Nord Note: Definition of veneers excludes domestic use for plywood. La définition des placages exclus la conversion directe en contreplaqué.

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 19 15 15 131 155 155 183 150 150 296 290 290 Autriche Cyprus 14 15 15 0 0 0 14 15 15 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 193 116 123 240 236 238 230 115 115 277 235 230 République tchèque Estonia 145 50 50 200 210 210 151 50 50 205 210 210 Estonie Finland 297 240 240 1,110 940 940 87 60 60 900 760 760 Finlande France 589 583 583 253 270 270 476 452 452 140 139 139 France Germany 1,073 1,154 840 85 80 80 1,319 1,281 1,000 330 207 240 Allemagne Hungary 136 110 107 60 61 63 138 138 138 62 90 94 Hongrie Italy 602 537 537 288 290 290 525 442 442 211 195 195 Italie Latvia 92 55 55 331 300 300 94 95 95 333 340 340 Lettonie Luxembourg 33 29 29 0 0 0 33 29 29 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 10 11 12 0 0 0 10 11 12 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Monténégro Netherlands 488 457 441 0 0 0 586 551 529 98 94 88 Pays-Bas Poland 650 640 670 539 515 530 468 475 480 357 350 340 Pologne Portugal 154 180 166 103 100 110 95 110 100 44 30 44 Portugal Serbia 40 36 38 19 18 19 34 30 33 13 12 14 Serbie Slovakia 67 63 63 153 150 150 59 59 59 146 146 146 Slovaquie Slovenia 49 50 58 94 90 98 26 30 30 71 70 70 Slovénie Spain 231 326 326 462 416 416 132 117 117 363 207 207 Espagne Sweden 278 160 160 90 90 90 236 120 120 48 50 50 Suède Switzerland 206 206 206 7 7 7 203 203 203 4 4 4 Suisse United Kingdom 1,254 1,180 1,180 0 0 0 1,320 1,250 1,250 66 70 70 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 6,623 6,215 5,916 4,166 3,930 3,967 6,422 5,786 5,482 3,965 3,501 3,532 Total Europe Uzbekistan 62 46 46 0 0 0 63 47 47 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 Total EOCAC Canada 2,174 2,028 2,123 1,604 1,557 1,526 1,224 1,058 1,241 654 587 644 Canada United States 14,742 14,890 15,188 9,254 9,345 9,528 6,259 6,317 6,436 771 772 776 Etats-Unis Total North America 16,916 16,918 17,311 10,858 10,902 11,054 7,483 7,375 7,677 1,425 1,359 1,420 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 951 630 630 2,280 2,170 2,170 313 355 355 1,642 1,895 1,895 Autriche Cyprus 49 46 46 0 0 0 49 46 46 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 793 811 835 962 866 910 530 484 485 699 538 560 République tchèque Estonia 123 67 67 90 0 0 77 68 68 44 2 1 Estonie Finland 113 75 75 54 54 54 85 44 44 26 23 23 Finlande France 2,224 2,148 2,148 3,177 3,094 3,094 299 355 355 1,253 1,301 1,301 France Germany 5,572 5,220 4,970 5,526 5,195 5,020 1,970 1,934 1,900 1,924 1,909 1,950 Allemagne Hungary 408 384 379 447 428 438 264 282 272 303 326 331 Hongrie Italy 3,070 2,813 2,813 2,646 2,500 2,500 956 821 821 532 508 508 Italie Latvia 52 85 85 306 300 300 69 25 25 322 240 240 Lettonie Luxembourg 20 12 12 0 0 0 21 13 13 1 1 1 Luxembourg Malta 10 11 11 0 0 0 10 11 11 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 32 33 34 0 0 0 32 33 34 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 464 440 432 0 0 0 514 488 479 50 48 47 Pays-Bas Poland 6,501 6,450 6,740 5,227 5,150 5,450 2,173 2,180 2,200 899 880 910 Pologne Portugal 537 473 514 766 750 760 281 300 290 510 577 536 Portugal Serbia 373 351 371 219 210 220 196 184 198 42 43 47 Serbie Slovakia 352 343 340 676 675 675 148 140 137 473 473 472 Slovaquie Slovenia 137 110 110 0 0 0 143 114 114 6 4 4 Slovénie Spain 2,392 2,213 2,213 2,566 2,310 2,310 626 621 621 800 718 718 Espagne Sweden 1,055 868 868 636 600 600 475 335 335 57 67 67 Suède Switzerland 281 286 286 420 425 425 141 141 141 280 280 280 Suisse United Kingdom 2,606 2,542 2,542 2,012 1,982 1,982 648 610 610 55 50 50 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 28,115 26,410 26,521 28,012 26,710 26,908 10,021 9,584 9,555 9,917 9,883 9,942 Total Europe Uzbekistan 880 542 542 252 252 252 654 317 317 26 27 27 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 27 Total EOCAC Canada 1,466 1,886 1,894 1,625 2,032 2,012 552 504 491 710 650 609 Canada United States 5,196 5,565 5,562 4,488 4,552 4,534 1,193 1,465 1,487 485 452 459 Etats-Unis Total North America 6,663 7,451 7,456 6,113 6,584 6,546 1,745 1,969 1,978 1,195 1,102 1,068 Total Amérique du Nord Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 5 PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 205 135 135 0 0 0 212 140 140 7 5 5 Autriche Cyprus 11 14 14 0 0 0 11 14 14 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 380 342 350 689 620 655 126 113 115 435 392 420 République tchèque Estonia 55 32 32 0 0 0 55 32 32 1 0 0 Estonie Finland 56 56 56 0 0 0 56 56 56 0 0 0 Finlande France 427 522 522 302 406 406 222 165 165 96 49 49 France Germany 1,316 1,238 1,130 1,164 1,105 1,080 679 669 600 526 536 550 Allemagne Hungary 133 147 152 379 419 443 56 60 59 302 331 350 Hongrie Italy 346 287 287 100 100 100 346 274 274 100 87 87 Italie Latvia 196 165 165 674 650 650 76 75 75 554 560 560 Lettonie Luxembourg 110 135 135 338 338 338 6 14 14 234 217 217 Luxembourg Montenegro 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 222 222 227 0 0 0 286 286 292 64 64 65 Pays-Bas Poland 655 650 760 647 650 750 302 320 350 294 320 340 Pologne Portugal 46 37 41 0 0 0 50 40 45 4 3 4 Portugal Serbia 40 35 41 0 0 0 41 36 42 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 48 58 60 0 0 0 48 60 63 1 3 3 Slovaquie Slovenia 31 24 24 0 0 0 33 26 26 2 2 2 Slovénie Spain 26 15 15 3 3 3 35 33 33 12 20 20 Espagne Sweden 94 92 92 0 0 0 97 95 95 3 3 3 Suède Switzerland 95 95 95 0 0 0 96 96 96 1 1 1 Suisse United Kingdom 773 758 758 598 598 598 365 350 350 190 190 190 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 5,268 5,060 5,092 4,894 4,888 5,023 3,200 2,956 2,938 2,826 2,784 2,868 Total Europe Uzbekistan 7 5 5 0 0 0 7 5 5 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 Total EOCAC Canada 1,546 1,253 1,153 7,270 6,820 6,798 82 65 61 5,806 5,632 5,706 Canada United States 19,658 19,834 20,197 13,592 13,783 14,059 6,198 6,236 6,326 132 185 188 Etats-Unis Total North America 21,204 21,087 21,350 20,862 20,603 20,857 6,280 6,301 6,387 5,938 5,817 5,894 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 421 386 386 470 395 395 331 308 308 381 316 316 Autriche Cyprus 20 15 16 0 0 0 20 15 16 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 328 276 280 41 41 42 438 347 360 151 112 122 République tchèque Estonia 70 46 47 75 40 40 65 46 47 70 40 40 Estonie Finland 139 105 105 44 44 44 141 102 102 46 41 41 Finlande France 828 915 915 1,238 1,035 1,035 721 772 772 1,130 892 892 France Germany 3,791 3,437 3,325 5,194 4,900 4,800 1,590 1,543 1,470 2,993 3,006 2,945 Allemagne Hungary 9 -17 -13 21 0 0 204 235 244 215 253 258 Hongrie Italy 1,862 1,661 1,661 827 818 818 1,281 974 974 245 131 131 Italie Latvia 60 50 40 48 50 50 62 65 65 50 65 75 Lettonie Luxembourg 100 90 90 147 147 147 34 19 19 80 76 76 Luxembourg Malta 6 7 7 0 0 0 6 7 7 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 32 32 33 0 0 0 32 32 33 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 332 310 296 29 29 29 465 431 412 162 150 145 Pays-Bas Poland 3,808 3,765 4,020 4,960 4,920 5,080 590 585 630 1,743 1,740 1,690 Pologne Portugal 534 485 529 526 520 560 338 315 335 330 350 366 Portugal Serbia 74 74 88 19 20 22 71 73 88 16 19 22 Serbie Slovakia 210 218 223 0 0 0 248 256 262 39 38 39 Slovaquie Slovenia 24 15 15 132 120 125 28 25 30 136 130 140 Slovénie Spain 920 894 894 1,430 1,287 1,287 462 355 355 972 748 748 Espagne Sweden 301 260 260 0 0 0 425 360 360 124 100 100 Suède Switzerland 238 238 238 97 97 97 308 308 308 167 167 167 Suisse United Kingdom 1,692 1,630 1,630 856 850 850 895 840 840 60 60 60 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 15,799 14,892 15,085 16,153 15,313 15,421 8,755 8,013 8,037 9,110 8,434 8,373 Total Europe Uzbekistan 1,092 809 809 47 47 47 1,057 771 771 13 9 9 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,236 1,183 1,181 1,277 1,288 1,299 818 628 605 859 733 723 Canada United States 8,684 8,749 8,888 6,362 6,420 6,571 3,359 3,289 3,310 1,038 960 993 Etats-Unis Total North America 9,920 9,932 10,069 7,639 7,708 7,870 4,177 3,917 3,915 1,896 1,693 1,716 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 29 28 28 54 43 43 18 16 16 43 32 32 Autriche Cyprus 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 43 45 45 0 0 0 61 59 60 18 14 15 République tchèque Estonia 23 15 19 0 0 0 30 16 20 7 1 1 Estonie Finland 23 21 21 44 44 44 21 15 15 41 38 38 Finlande France 55 55 55 221 221 221 207 207 207 373 373 373 France Germany 176 183 165 0 0 0 200 203 180 23 20 15 Allemagne Hungary 27 41 45 2 0 0 65 81 85 40 40 40 Hongrie Italy 280 280 280 16 16 16 283 283 283 19 19 19 Italie Latvia 1 5 5 15 15 15 18 20 20 32 30 30 Lettonie Luxembourg -31 -12 -12 0 0 0 3 8 8 34 20 20 Luxembourg Montenegro 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 44 41 39 0 0 0 63 58 56 19 17 17 Pays-Bas Poland -179 -120 -50 80 80 80 88 100 120 347 300 250 Pologne Portugal 50 30 39 0 0 0 61 40 50 11 10 11 Portugal Serbia 39 35 38 19 20 22 33 31 34 13 16 18 Serbie Slovakia 21 20 21 0 0 0 21 21 22 1 1 1 Slovaquie Slovenia -1 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 4 4 2 3 Slovénie Spain 17 15 15 32 29 29 46 46 46 61 60 60 Espagne Sweden 47 30 30 0 0 0 116 110 110 70 80 80 Suède Switzerland 19 19 19 0 0 0 24 24 24 5 5 5 Suisse United Kingdom 101 90 90 0 0 0 110 100 100 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 787 822 895 482 468 470 1,474 1,441 1,463 1,169 1,087 1,037 Total Europe Uzbekistan 89 50 50 0 0 0 90 50 50 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 33 47 42 90 90 90 52 27 28 109 70 76 Canada United States 481 509 514 437 504 509 259 255 258 215 250 253 Etats-Unis Total North America 514 556 556 527 594 599 311 282 286 324 320 329 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 260 230 230 416 351 351 177 160 160 333 281 281 Autriche Cyprus 16 12 12 0 0 0 16 12 12 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 199 157 160 41 41 42 180 135 140 22 19 22 République tchèque Estonia 18 21 18 0 0 0 33 28 25 15 7 7 Estonie Finland 82 67 67 0 0 0 86 70 70 4 3 3 Finlande France 708 794 794 954 751 751 337 388 388 583 345 345 France Germany 1,870 1,728 1,720 3,792 3,700 3,650 424 395 370 2,345 2,367 2,300 Allemagne Hungary -39 -65 -62 0 0 0 136 148 156 175 213 218 Hongrie Italy 1,501 1,299 1,299 809 800 800 913 606 606 221 107 107 Italie Latvia 52 40 30 33 35 35 22 25 25 2 20 30 Lettonie Luxembourg 128 98 98 147 147 147 27 7 7 46 56 56 Luxembourg Malta 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 31 31 32 0 0 0 31 31 32 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 220 205 196 0 0 0 361 336 322 141 131 126 Pays-Bas Poland 3,066 3,020 3,130 3,052 3,030 3,100 470 450 470 456 460 440 Pologne Portugal 447 440 465 494 500 530 257 260 265 305 320 330 Portugal Serbia 31 35 46 0 0 0 34 38 50 3 3 4 Serbie Slovakia 135 135 135 0 0 0 170 170 170 35 35 35 Slovaquie Slovenia 24 15 14 132 120 125 24 23 26 131 128 137 Slovénie Spain 835 821 821 1,334 1,201 1,201 397 302 302 897 682 682 Espagne Sweden 254 225 225 0 0 0 284 230 230 30 5 5 Suède Switzerland 24 24 24 97 97 97 88 88 88 161 161 161 Suisse United Kingdom 1,553 1,510 1,510 856 850 850 739 700 700 42 40 40 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 11,419 10,847 10,969 12,157 11,623 11,679 5,210 4,606 4,618 5,948 5,382 5,328 Total Europe Uzbekistan 671 513 513 46 46 46 629 469 469 3 2 2 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,053 999 1,005 1,087 1,098 1,109 608 472 449 641 570 553 Canada United States 5,156 5,228 5,226 2,746 2,778 2,786 2,939 2,874 2,866 529 424 426 Etats-Unis Total North America 6,209 6,227 6,231 3,833 3,876 3,895 3,547 3,346 3,315 1,170 994 979 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 131 128 128 0 0 0 136 132 132 4 3 3 Autriche Cyprus 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 86 74 75 0 0 0 197 154 160 111 80 85 République tchèque Estonia 29 10 10 75 40 40 3 2 2 49 32 32 Estonie Finland 33 17 17 0 0 0 34 17 17 0 0 0 Finlande France 65 66 66 63 63 63 177 177 177 174 174 174 France Germany 1,745 1,526 1,440 1,402 1,200 1,150 966 945 920 624 619 630 Allemagne Hungary 21 7 4 19 0 0 3 7 4 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 82 82 82 3 3 3 85 85 85 6 6 6 Italie Latvia 7 5 5 0 0 0 23 20 20 16 15 15 Lettonie Luxembourg 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 68 64 61 29 29 29 41 37 34 2 2 2 Pays-Bas Poland 920 865 940 1,828 1,810 1,900 33 35 40 940 980 1,000 Pologne Portugal 37 15 25 32 20 30 20 15 20 15 20 25 Portugal Serbia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 54 63 67 0 0 0 57 65 70 3 2 3 Slovaquie Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain 69 59 59 64 58 58 20 7 7 15 6 6 Espagne Sweden 0 5 5 0 0 0 25 20 20 24 15 15 Suède Switzerland 195 195 195 0 0 0 196 196 196 1 1 1 Suisse United Kingdom 38 30 30 0 0 0 47 40 40 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 3,592 3,223 3,221 3,514 3,222 3,272 2,071 1,965 1,956 1,993 1,965 2,007 Total Europe Uzbekistan 331 246 246 2 2 2 339 252 252 10 7 7 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 150 137 134 100 100 100 158 129 128 108 92 94 Canada United States 3,047 3,012 3,148 3,179 3,138 3,276 161 160 186 294 286 314 Etats-Unis Total North America 3,196 3,149 3,282 3,279 3,238 3,376 319 289 314 402 378 408 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 2,209 1,950 2,030 1,977 1,700 1,800 630 610 630 399 360 400 Autriche Czech Republic 847 688 700 640 525 540 324 259 260 117 96 100 République tchèque Estonia 70 75 80 227 180 180 42 50 50 199 155 150 Estonie Finland a 5,468 4,483 4,614 9,200 8,690 9,360 355 150 150 4,087 4,357 4,896 Finlande a

France 2,898 2,420 2,500 1,666 1,300 1,350 1,715 1,450 1,500 483 330 350 France Germany 5,092 4,600 5,000 2,172 1,850 2,000 4,173 3,900 4,200 1,253 1,150 1,200 Allemagne Hungary 205 206 214 66 77 87 141 133 131 3 3 4 Hongrie Italy 3,466 3,466 3,466 223 223 223 3,536 3,536 3,536 293 293 293 Italie Latvia 7 7 7 12 13 13 7 7 7 12 13 13 Lettonie Netherlands 443 442 442 37 37 37 1,717 1,717 1,717 1,312 1,312 1,312 Pays-Bas Poland 2,836 2,830 2,930 1,729 1,710 1,750 1,291 1,300 1,320 183 180 140 Pologne Portugal 1,757 1,735 1,760 2,869 2,870 2,870 140 145 150 1,252 1,280 1,260 Portugal Serbia 82 88 92 0 0 0 82 88 92 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 700 700 715 692 700 725 173 170 170 166 170 180 Slovaquie Slovenia 322 321 316 73 63 68 249 260 250 1 2 2 Slovénie Spain 1,520 1,328 1,328 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,176 976 976 775 768 768 Espagne Sweden 8,438 7,600 7,950 11,631 10,900 11,400 641 600 600 3,834 3,900 4,050 Suède Switzerland 188 188 188 87 87 87 101 101 101 0 0 0 Suisse United Kingdom 1,057 940 950 220 200 200 838 740 750 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 37,604 34,067 35,282 34,641 32,244 33,809 17,333 16,193 16,590 14,369 14,369 15,118 Total Europe Uzbekistan 38 28 28 1 1 1 37 28 28 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 6,007 5,851 5,616 14,200 13,102 12,638 472 582 640 8,665 7,833 7,662 Canada United States 39,787 42,269 42,815 40,822 41,230 41,478 6,948 7,643 8,254 7,983 6,603 6,917 Etats-Unis Total North America 45,794 48,121 48,431 55,022 54,332 54,116 7,420 8,224 8,894 16,648 14,436 14,579 Total Amérique du Nord

a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 mt

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 2,133 1,750 2,050 4,633 3,500 4,000 1,231 1,050 1,150 3,730 2,800 3,100 Autriche Cyprus 56 48 48 0 0 0 56 48 48 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 1,467 1,234 1,258 938 769 785 1,531 1,286 1,312 1,002 822 838 République tchèque Estonia 120 111 111 57 35 35 123 102 102 59 26 26 Estonie Finland 514 475 460 7,200 5,990 6,150 333 275 280 7,019 5,790 5,970 Finlande France 8,272 7,290 7,400 7,092 6,240 6,600 4,845 4,650 4,600 3,665 3,600 3,800 France Germany 17,836 14,600 17,000 21,612 17,500 21,000 9,302 8,000 9,500 13,078 10,900 13,500 Allemagne Hungary 1,213 1,167 1,212 1,057 1,003 1,034 877 892 898 720 727 721 Hongrie Italy 11,390 11,390 11,390 8,696 8,696 8,696 5,800 5,800 5,800 3,106 3,106 3,106 Italie Latvia 168 175 175 29 30 30 173 180 180 33 35 35 Lettonie Luxembourg 26 14 14 0 0 0 27 15 15 1 1 1 Luxembourg Malta 26 27 28 0 0 0 26 27 28 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 2,814 2,760 2,760 2,884 2,827 2,827 2,180 2,096 2,096 2,250 2,163 2,163 Pays-Bas Poland 7,532 7,400 7,550 5,237 5,130 5,250 4,869 4,870 4,950 2,574 2,600 2,650 Pologne Portugal 1,090 1,200 1,240 2,123 2,200 2,240 948 940 945 1,981 1,940 1,945 Portugal Serbia 790 762 778 483 481 490 514 490 500 207 209 212 Serbie Slovakia 565 575 600 967 975 1,000 457 450 475 859 850 875 Slovaquie Slovenia 412 390 390 591 500 500 367 390 390 545 500 500 Slovénie Spain 7,060 6,778 6,778 6,355 6,355 6,355 2,997 2,577 2,577 2,291 2,154 2,154 Espagne Sweden 834 700 750 8,531 7,300 8,100 894 700 750 8,591 7,300 8,100 Suède Switzerland 1,020 1,015 1,010 1,160 1,155 1,150 640 635 630 780 775 770 Suisse United Kingdom 7,420 6,280 6,440 3,460 3,190 3,250 5,015 4,150 4,250 1,055 1,060 1,060 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 72,758 66,140 69,442 83,103 73,876 79,492 43,204 39,623 41,476 53,549 47,358 51,526 Total Europe Uzbekistan 335 297 297 142 142 142 214 171 171 21 17 17 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 5,505 6,069 6,231 9,094 9,124 9,155 2,516 2,242 2,235 6,105 5,298 5,159 Canada United States 64,243 62,896 63,029 65,959 64,476 64,476 8,202 8,180 8,159 9,917 9,761 9,606 Etats-Unis Total North America 69,748 68,964 69,260 75,053 73,600 73,631 10,718 10,423 10,395 16,023 15,059 14,765 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 mt

Apparent Consumption

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 13,935 11,716 12,225 10,711 8,904 9,338 3,223 2,812 2,887 0 0 0 5,424 5,115 5,234 19,359 16,831 17,459 Autriche Cyprus 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 8 14 11 10 Chypre Czech Republic 20,708 15,535 14,897 14,635 10,617 10,106 5,965 4,804 4,675 108 113 115 4,405 3,965 3,900 25,113 19,499 18,797 République tchèque Estonia 6,474 6,401 6,401 4,276 4,200 4,200 2,148 2,150 2,150 51 51 51 4,066 3,800 3,800 10,541 10,201 10,201 Estonie Finland 56,246 53,397 55,435 25,699 22,749 23,412 30,547 30,648 32,023 0 0 0 9,340 9,340 9,340 65,586 62,737 64,775 Finlande France 25,648 25,270 25,070 17,198 17,200 17,300 7,891 7,500 7,200 559 570 570 24,173 24,500 25,600 49,821 49,770 50,670 France Germany 56,534 53,930 49,630 44,756 41,200 39,500 11,644 12,600 10,000 135 130 130 22,338 22,700 22,700 78,872 76,630 72,330 Allemagne Hungary 2,901 2,881 2,881 1,410 1,374 1,399 912 995 1,008 579 512 475 3,626 3,284 3,397 6,527 6,165 6,278 Hongrie Italy 2,838 3,540 3,540 1,890 1,890 1,890 316 1,018 1,018 632 632 632 10,839 10,839 10,839 13,677 14,379 14,379 Italie Latvia 12,491 12,150 12,350 7,603 7,250 7,450 3,868 3,800 3,800 1,020 1,100 1,100 2,936 3,000 3,000 15,427 15,150 15,350 Lettonie Luxembourg 231 197 193 147 144 133 56 38 38 27 15 22 40 45 43 271 242 235 Luxembourg Montenegro 751 697 678 515 492 487 201 198 186 35 7 5 194 193 190 945 890 868 Monténégro Netherlands 614 599 589 221 220 215 352 340 335 41 39 39 2,382 2,380 2,385 2,996 2,979 2,974 Pays-Bas Poland 38,735 39,880 40,850 18,533 18,800 19,150 19,350 20,100 20,550 852 980 1,150 6,958 7,420 7,750 45,693 47,300 48,600 Pologne Portugal 12,235 12,330 12,190 2,038 2,040 2,060 9,799 9,850 9,700 399 440 430 2,383 2,380 2,300 14,619 14,710 14,490 Portugal Serbia 1,478 1,520 1,561 1,077 1,104 1,130 265 275 283 136 141 148 6,574 6,646 6,760 8,052 8,166 8,321 Serbie Slovakia 6,827 6,820 6,880 4,130 4,080 4,100 2,672 2,710 2,750 25 30 30 609 610 650 7,435 7,430 7,530 Slovaquie Slovenia 2,928 3,752 3,482 2,184 2,780 2,600 698 920 830 45 52 52 1,149 1,290 1,270 4,076 5,042 4,752 Slovénie Spain 14,366 15,244 15,244 4,150 4,404 4,404 9,813 10,413 10,413 403 427 427 3,555 3,772 3,772 17,921 19,016 19,016 Espagne Sweden 71,165 69,076 69,310 38,280 37,480 37,080 32,585 31,296 31,930 300 300 300 6,000 6,016 6,016 77,165 75,092 75,326 Suède Switzerland 3,011 3,082 3,142 2,555 2,625 2,680 444 445 450 12 12 12 1,938 2,000 2,025 4,949 5,082 5,167 Suisse United Kingdom 7,604 7,193 7,193 5,509 5,236 5,236 1,646 1,529 1,529 448 428 428 2,184 2,184 2,184 9,788 9,377 9,377 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 357,723 345,212 343,742 207,519 194,791 193,872 144,397 144,441 143,754 5,807 5,980 6,116 121,124 121,488 123,163 478,847 466,699 466,905 Total Europe Canada 142,131 140,499 140,499 124,900 123,350 123,350 15,040 14,864 14,864 2,190 2,285 2,285 1,683 1,908 1,908 143,814 142,407 142,407 Canada United States 382,544 384,963 388,611 186,157 188,221 191,211 182,650 182,996 183,637 13,737 13,746 13,763 76,230 76,240 76,278 458,774 461,203 464,889 Etats-Unis Total North America 524,675 525,462 529,110 311,057 311,571 314,561 197,690 197,861 198,501 15,927 16,031 16,048 77,913 78,148 78,186 602,587 603,610 607,296 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre bCountry

Industrial wood - Bois industriels


TOTAL TOTAL 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Pays

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 12,958 10,873 11,338 10,382 8,638 9,038 2,576 2,235 2,300 0 0 0 3,248 3,069 3,140 16,206 13,942 14,478 Autriche Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 7 12 10 9 Chypre Czech Republic 19,440 14,455 13,825 14,019 10,094 9,589 5,316 4,253 4,125 105 109 111 3,610 3,249 3,200 23,050 17,704 17,025 République tchèque Estonia 4,023 3,927 3,927 3,118 3,000 3,000 878 900 900 26 27 27 1,486 1,400 1,400 5,509 5,327 5,327 Estonie Finland 47,408 45,464 47,590 24,662 21,700 22,351 22,746 23,764 25,239 0 0 0 4,593 4,593 4,593 52,001 50,057 52,183 Finlande France 17,300 17,070 16,770 12,491 12,500 12,500 4,559 4,300 4,000 250 270 270 2,417 2,500 2,600 19,717 19,570 19,370 France Germany 52,425 50,120 46,120 41,761 38,500 37,000 10,541 11,500 9,000 123 120 120 8,834 9,200 9,200 61,259 59,320 55,320 Allemagne Hungary 688 759 743 175 201 208 411 488 481 102 70 53 383 294 333 1,071 1,053 1,076 Hongrie Italy 1,797 2,502 2,502 1,169 1,169 1,169 148 853 853 480 480 480 1,180 1,180 1,180 2,977 3,682 3,682 Italie Latvia 8,253 7,900 8,100 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 530 600 600 298 300 300 8,551 8,200 8,400 Lettonie Luxembourg 162 143 145 124 122 115 10 6 8 27 15 22 17 11 12 178 154 158 Luxembourg Montenegro 573 553 537 372 352 349 201 198 186 0 3 2 66 65 63 639 618 600 Monténégro Netherlands 449 440 430 173 170 165 244 240 235 32 30 30 457 450 450 906 890 880 Pays-Bas Poland 31,941 32,800 33,470 15,775 16,000 16,250 15,411 15,950 16,250 754 850 970 3,627 3,820 3,950 35,568 36,620 37,420 Pologne Portugal 3,045 3,210 3,150 1,682 1,710 1,700 1,213 1,350 1,300 150 150 150 996 990 980 4,041 4,200 4,130 Portugal Serbia 279 290 301 178 184 190 66 70 73 35 36 38 141 146 160 420 436 461 Serbie Slovakia 3,325 3,160 3,120 2,559 2,430 2,400 748 710 700 18 20 20 259 260 275 3,584 3,420 3,395 Slovaquie Slovenia 1,966 2,586 2,386 1,687 2,150 2,000 275 430 380 4 6 6 191 240 220 2,157 2,826 2,606 Slovénie Spain 7,435 7,889 7,889 3,420 3,629 3,629 3,754 3,984 3,984 261 277 277 2,243 2,380 2,380 9,678 10,269 10,269 Espagne Sweden 64,603 62,760 62,873 38,100 37,300 36,900 26,353 25,310 25,823 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 67,603 65,768 65,881 Suède Switzerland 2,578 2,639 2,689 2,290 2,350 2,400 279 280 280 9 9 9 769 770 775 3,347 3,409 3,464 Suisse United Kingdom 7,486 7,076 7,076 5,453 5,180 5,180 1,633 1,516 1,516 400 380 380 1,571 1,571 1,571 9,058 8,647 8,647 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 288,136 276,619 274,984 185,467 172,881 171,836 99,212 100,136 99,433 3,458 3,602 3,715 39,396 39,504 39,798 327,533 316,123 314,781 Total Europe Canada 114,659 112,907 112,907 110,046 108,424 108,424 4,229 4,021 4,021 384 462 462 806 946 946 115,465 113,853 113,853 Canada United States 306,119 309,360 313,639 152,799 154,479 156,695 141,226 142,779 144,827 12,094 12,102 12,117 37,619 37,609 37,606 343,738 346,969 351,245 Etats-Unis Total North America 420,778 422,267 426,546 262,845 262,903 265,119 145,455 146,800 148,848 12,478 12,564 12,579 38,425 38,555 38,552 459,203 460,822 465,098 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre bCountry

Industrial wood - Bois industriels


SOFTWOOD CONIFERES 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Pays

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 977 843 887 329 266 300 647 577 587 0 0 0 2,176 2,046 2,094 3,153 2,889 2,981 Autriche Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chypre Czech Republic 1,268 1,079 1,071 616 524 517 649 552 550 3 4 4 795 716 700 2,063 1,795 1,771 République tchèque Estonia 2,452 2,474 2,474 1,158 1,200 1,200 1,270 1,250 1,250 24 24 24 2,580 2,400 2,400 5,032 4,874 4,874 Estonie Finland 8,838 7,933 7,845 1,037 1,049 1,061 7,801 6,884 6,784 0 0 0 4,747 4,747 4,747 13,585 12,680 12,592 Finlande France 8,348 8,200 8,300 4,707 4,700 4,800 3,332 3,200 3,200 309 300 300 21,756 22,000 23,000 30,104 30,200 31,300 France Germany 4,110 3,810 3,510 2,995 2,700 2,500 1,103 1,100 1,000 12 10 10 13,504 13,500 13,500 17,613 17,310 17,010 Allemagne Hungary 2,213 2,122 2,138 1,234 1,173 1,191 502 507 526 477 442 421 3,244 2,990 3,064 5,456 5,112 5,202 Hongrie Italy 1,041 1,038 1,038 721 721 721 168 166 166 152 152 152 9,659 9,659 9,659 10,700 10,697 10,697 Italie Latvia 4,238 4,250 4,250 1,730 1,750 1,750 2,018 2,000 2,000 490 500 500 2,638 2,700 2,700 6,876 6,950 6,950 Lettonie Luxembourg 69 54 47 23 22 18 46 32 30 0 0 0 23 34 30 92 89 78 Luxembourg Montenegro 178 144 141 143 140 138 0 0 0 35 4 3 128 128 127 306 272 268 Monténégro Netherlands 165 159 159 48 50 50 108 100 100 9 9 9 1,925 1,930 1,935 2,090 2,089 2,094 Pays-Bas Poland 6,794 7,080 7,380 2,757 2,800 2,900 3,939 4,150 4,300 98 130 180 3,331 3,600 3,800 10,125 10,680 11,180 Pologne Portugal 9,190 9,120 9,040 356 330 360 8,586 8,500 8,400 249 290 280 1,387 1,390 1,320 10,578 10,510 10,360 Portugal Serbia 1,199 1,230 1,260 899 920 940 199 205 210 101 105 110 6,433 6,500 6,600 7,632 7,730 7,860 Serbie Slovakia 3,502 3,660 3,760 1,570 1,650 1,700 1,924 2,000 2,050 8 10 10 350 350 375 3,851 4,010 4,135 Slovaquie Slovenia 962 1,166 1,096 497 630 600 424 490 450 41 46 46 957 1,050 1,050 1,919 2,216 2,146 Slovénie Spain 6,931 7,354 7,354 730 775 775 6,059 6,429 6,429 142 151 151 1,312 1,392 1,392 8,243 8,746 8,746 Espagne Sweden 6,562 6,316 6,437 180 180 180 6,232 5,986 6,107 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 9,562 9,324 9,445 Suède Switzerland 433 443 453 265 275 280 165 165 170 3 3 3 1,169 1,230 1,250 1,602 1,673 1,703 Suisse United Kingdom 118 117 117 56 56 56 13 13 13 48 48 48 613 613 613 730 730 730 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 69,587 68,593 68,759 22,052 21,910 22,036 45,185 44,305 44,322 2,350 2,377 2,401 81,728 81,984 83,365 151,314 150,576 152,124 Total Europe Canada 27,472 27,592 27,592 14,854 14,926 14,926 10,812 10,843 10,843 1,806 1,823 1,823 877 961 961 28,349 28,554 28,554 Canada United States 76,425 75,603 74,972 33,358 33,742 34,516 41,424 40,217 38,810 1,643 1,644 1,646 38,611 38,631 38,672 115,036 114,234 113,644 Etats-Unis Total North America 103,897 103,196 102,564 48,212 48,668 49,442 52,236 51,060 49,653 3,449 3,467 3,469 39,488 39,592 39,633 143,385 142,788 142,197 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre bCountry

Industrial wood - Bois industriels


HARDWOOD NON-CONIFERES 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Pays

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 16,101 13,943 13,638 10,382 8,638 9,038 6,664 5,710 5,000 945 405 400 Autriche Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 8,002 6,511 6,962 14,019 10,094 9,589 411 596 715 6,428 4,178 3,343 République tchèque Estonia 3,533 3,270 3,270 3,118 3,000 3,000 522 450 450 107 180 180 Estonie Finland 24,310 21,336 21,991 24,662 21,700 22,351 127 79 83 479 443 443 Finlande France 12,053 12,120 12,120 12,491 12,500 12,500 335 360 360 773 740 740 France Germany 39,391 35,800 34,900 41,761 38,500 37,000 3,300 3,000 3,100 5,670 5,700 5,200 Allemagne Hungary 175 201 208 175 201 208 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 1,645 1,396 1,396 1,169 1,169 1,169 580 457 457 104 230 230 Italie Latvia 6,471 5,830 6,200 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,147 900 900 549 570 400 Lettonie Luxembourg 465 403 396 124 122 115 693 424 424 352 143 143 Luxembourg Montenegro 382 361 357 372 352 349 10 9 8 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 133 145 145 173 170 165 77 80 80 117 105 100 Pays-Bas Poland 14,243 14,500 14,800 15,775 16,000 16,250 1,245 1,400 1,550 2,777 2,900 3,000 Pologne Portugal 1,880 1,905 1,900 1,682 1,710 1,700 241 230 240 43 35 40 Portugal Serbia 188 187 194 178 184 190 12 9 12 2 6 8 Serbie Slovakia 3,059 3,030 3,100 2,559 2,430 2,400 900 950 1,000 400 350 300 Slovaquie Slovenia 1,643 1,650 1,630 1,687 2,150 2,000 239 150 180 283 650 550 Slovénie Spain 3,223 3,307 3,307 3,420 3,629 3,629 240 185 185 437 507 507 Espagne Sweden 38,103 37,725 37,325 38,100 37,300 36,900 964 1,128 1,128 961 703 703 Suède Switzerland 2,035 2,100 2,155 2,290 2,350 2,400 55 60 65 310 310 310 Suisse United Kingdom 5,810 5,538 5,538 5,453 5,180 5,180 457 457 457 99 99 99 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 182,849 171,260 171,534 185,467 172,881 171,836 18,218 16,634 16,394 20,836 18,255 16,696 Total Europe Canada 105,870 103,492 103,916 110,046 108,424 108,424 1,346 1,402 1,309 5,522 6,333 5,816 Canada United States 148,043 150,509 153,391 152,799 154,479 156,695 586 570 555 5,342 4,540 3,859 Etats-Unis Total North America 253,913 254,001 257,307 262,845 262,903 265,119 1,931 1,972 1,864 10,863 10,873 9,675 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande France 3,453 4,020 4,120 4,707 4,700 4,800 116 120 120 1,370 800 800 France Germany 2,532 2,290 2,130 2,995 2,700 2,500 111 110 110 574 520 480 Allemagne Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 2,088 1,718 1,718 721 721 721 1,413 1,055 1,055 47 59 59 Italie Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 54 60 60 48 50 50 54 60 60 48 50 50 Pays-Bas Poland 2,687 2,730 2,830 2,757 2,800 2,900 80 80 80 150 150 150 Pologne Portugal 997 885 925 356 330 360 663 580 590 22 25 25 Portugal Serbia 894 922 946 899 920 940 15 20 28 20 18 22 Serbie Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie Slovenia 281 290 280 497 630 600 31 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie Spain 833 854 854 730 775 775 164 174 174 61 94 94 Espagne Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse United Kingdom 78 77 77 56 56 56 26 26 26 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 21,959 21,622 22,002 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,910 3,253 3,265 4,003 3,541 3,299 Total Europe Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada United States 31,550 32,311 33,431 33,358 33,742 34,516 221 156 156 2,028 1,587 1,241 Etats-Unis Total North America 47,441 48,234 49,326 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,327 1,216 1,183 2,098 1,650 1,300 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande France 3,412 3,978 4,078 4,707 4,700 4,800 72 75 75 1,367 797 797 France Germany 2,527 2,285 2,125 2,995 2,700 2,500 101 100 100 569 515 475 Allemagne Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 2,068 1,729 1,729 721 721 721 1,389 1,047 1,047 42 39 39 Italie Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 46 55 55 48 50 50 42 50 50 44 45 45 Pays-Bas Poland 2,685 2,727 2,827 2,757 2,800 2,900 78 77 77 150 150 150 Pologne Portugal 981 870 912 356 330 360 642 560 571 17 20 19 Portugal Serbia 893 921 945 899 920 940 14 19 27 20 18 22 Serbie Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie Slovenia 280 290 280 497 630 600 30 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie Spain 827 847 847 730 775 775 158 167 167 61 94 94 Espagne Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse United Kingdom 76 75 75 56 56 56 24 24 24 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 21,857 21,553 21,935 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,786 3,146 3,158 3,980 3,503 3,260 Total Europe Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada United States 31,549 32,308 33,429 33,358 33,742 34,516 219 152 154 2,027 1,586 1,240 Etats-Unis Total North America 47,440 48,231 49,324 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,325 1,212 1,181 2,097 1,649 1,299 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 11a HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 France -41 -42 -42 44 45 45 3 3 3 France Germany -5 -5 -5 10 10 10 5 5 5 Allemagne Italy -20 11 11 25 9 9 4 20 20 Italie Netherlands -8 -5 -5 12 10 10 4 5 5 Pays-Bas Poland -2 -3 -3 2 3 3 0 0 0 Pologne Portugal -16 -15 -13 21 20 19 5 5 6 Portugal Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie Slovenia -1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain -6 -7 -7 6 7 7 0 0 0 Espagne United Kingdom -2 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe -102 -69 -67 124 107 106 22 38 39 Total Europe United States -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis Total North America -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Net Trade

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 13,844 12,627 12,592 11,047 9,212 9,287 3,676 4,070 4,020 879 655 715 Autriche Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 5,559 5,135 5,154 7,664 6,164 6,130 1,270 1,146 1,162 3,375 2,175 2,138 République tchèque Estonia 3,117 2,380 2,435 6,548 6,550 6,550 256 330 285 3,687 4,500 4,400 Estonie Finland 48,404 47,241 49,358 44,923 44,026 45,568 5,037 4,969 5,545 1,556 1,755 1,755 Finlande France 24,495 24,350 24,050 24,257 24,000 23,700 2,527 2,600 2,600 2,289 2,250 2,250 France Germany 26,555 26,580 23,090 27,936 27,100 23,500 4,474 3,870 3,770 5,855 4,390 4,180 Allemagne Hungary 2,122 2,017 2,065 2,049 1,984 2,023 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie Italy 4,508 5,210 5,210 3,916 4,618 4,618 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie Latvia 5,540 5,150 5,150 9,484 8,800 8,800 1,084 950 950 5,028 4,600 4,600 Lettonie Luxembourg 583 589 589 577 559 559 182 130 130 176 100 100 Luxembourg Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 245 241 227 245 241 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 604 1,100 1,095 1,267 1,240 1,230 289 100 105 952 240 240 Pays-Bas Poland 35,250 36,265 37,135 33,531 34,600 35,450 3,652 3,660 3,710 1,933 1,995 2,025 Pologne Portugal 15,954 15,330 15,365 11,664 11,720 11,590 4,657 4,000 4,140 368 390 365 Portugal Serbia 981 1,007 1,045 967 1,000 1,033 15 8 13 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 3,634 3,650 3,760 3,821 3,860 3,950 1,023 1,030 1,050 1,210 1,240 1,240 Slovaquie Slovenia 926 770 790 2,058 2,280 2,230 625 490 530 1,757 2,000 1,970 Slovénie Spain 13,959 14,358 14,358 14,383 15,261 15,261 1,435 1,564 1,564 1,859 2,467 2,467 Espagne Sweden 55,632 54,193 54,727 50,015 48,196 48,730 7,036 7,750 7,750 1,419 1,753 1,753 Suède Switzerland 1,823 1,824 1,829 1,216 1,217 1,222 795 795 795 188 188 188 Suisse United Kingdom 4,590 4,471 4,471 4,293 4,175 4,175 406 405 405 109 109 109 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 268,336 264,500 264,508 261,870 256,811 255,841 39,843 39,232 39,898 33,377 31,543 31,231 Total Europe Canada 37,044 35,822 35,734 35,326 32,985 32,975 2,578 3,462 3,467 860 625 708 Canada United States 238,450 239,587 240,850 244,912 246,110 247,536 348 324 308 6,809 6,848 6,994 Etats-Unis Total North America 275,495 275,409 276,585 280,238 279,096 280,511 2,926 3,786 3,776 7,670 7,473 7,702 Total Amérique du Nord

Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 3,681 3,895 3,850 2,576 2,235 2,300 1,312 1,750 1,700 206 90 150 Autriche Czech Republic 3,927 3,744 3,675 5,316 4,253 4,125 811 811 830 2,200 1,320 1,280 République tchèque Estonia 476 245 245 878 900 900 56 45 45 458 700 700 Estonie Finland 22,913 24,189 25,835 22,746 23,764 25,239 1,163 1,410 1,581 996 985 985 Finlande France 4,689 4,400 4,100 4,559 4,300 4,000 608 550 550 478 450 450 France Germany 10,311 11,900 9,500 10,541 11,500 9,000 2,200 2,100 2,000 2,430 1,700 1,500 Allemagne Hungary 411 488 481 411 488 481 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 148 853 853 148 853 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 1,775 1,700 1,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 374 400 400 449 500 500 Lettonie Luxembourg -16 -18 -16 10 6 8 9 3 3 35 27 27 Luxembourg Montenegro 201 198 186 201 198 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 146 150 145 244 240 235 70 80 85 168 170 175 Pays-Bas Poland 15,378 15,900 16,300 15,411 15,950 16,250 1,428 1,500 1,650 1,462 1,550 1,600 Pologne Portugal 1,323 1,430 1,375 1,213 1,350 1,300 122 100 90 12 20 15 Portugal Serbia 66 70 74 66 70 73 0 0 1 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 598 600 610 748 710 700 600 630 650 750 740 740 Slovaquie Slovenia 264 200 220 275 430 380 268 170 200 278 400 360 Slovénie Spain 3,369 3,467 3,467 3,754 3,984 3,984 179 138 138 564 655 655 Espagne Sweden 28,513 27,431 27,944 26,353 25,310 25,823 3,114 3,269 3,269 954 1,148 1,148 Suède Switzerland 209 210 210 279 280 280 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse United Kingdom 1,894 1,776 1,776 1,633 1,516 1,516 291 291 291 31 31 31 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 100,275 102,827 102,530 99,212 100,136 99,433 12,625 13,267 13,503 11,562 10,576 10,406 Total Europe Canada 4,531 4,347 4,410 4,229 4,021 4,021 324 336 401 22 10 12 Canada United States 141,231 142,785 144,831 141,226 142,779 144,827 5 6 4 0 0 0 Etats-Unis Total North America 145,762 147,132 149,241 145,455 146,800 148,848 329 341 405 22 10 12 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Pays Apparent Consumption a

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations


Softwood Conifères 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 1,217 997 1,007 647 577 587 668 500 500 98 80 80 Autriche Czech Republic 450 380 384 649 552 550 3 2 2 202 174 168 République tchèque Estonia 363 200 250 1,270 1,250 1,250 154 250 200 1,060 1,300 1,200 Estonie Finland 8,997 7,940 8,052 7,801 6,884 6,784 1,550 1,633 1,845 354 577 577 Finlande France 2,386 2,250 2,250 3,332 3,200 3,200 43 50 50 989 1,000 1,000 France Germany 1,116 1,180 1,090 1,103 1,100 1,000 259 270 270 246 190 180 Allemagne Hungary 502 507 526 502 507 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 168 166 166 168 166 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 172 200 200 2,018 2,000 2,000 244 100 100 2,090 1,900 1,900 Lettonie Luxembourg 77 71 69 46 32 30 36 48 48 5 9 9 Luxembourg Netherlands 62 50 55 108 100 100 21 20 20 67 70 65 Pays-Bas Poland 4,424 4,635 4,785 3,939 4,150 4,300 560 560 560 75 75 75 Pologne Portugal 10,495 10,300 10,260 8,586 8,500 8,400 2,100 2,000 2,050 191 200 190 Portugal Serbia 199 205 210 199 205 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 1,874 1,950 2,000 1,924 2,000 2,050 100 100 100 150 150 150 Slovaquie Slovenia 137 120 130 424 490 450 84 80 90 371 450 410 Slovénie Spain 5,422 5,288 5,288 6,059 6,429 6,429 269 291 291 906 1,432 1,432 Espagne Sweden 8,517 8,412 8,533 6,232 5,986 6,107 2,313 2,481 2,481 28 55 55 Suède Switzerland 128 128 133 165 165 170 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse United Kingdom 23 22 22 13 13 13 18 18 18 9 9 9 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 46,729 45,001 45,410 45,185 44,305 44,322 8,426 8,406 8,628 6,881 7,711 7,540 Total Europe Canada 10,554 10,654 10,644 10,812 10,843 10,843 38 36 30 296 225 228 Canada United States 41,407 40,200 38,795 41,424 40,217 38,810 58 32 18 75 50 33 Etats-Unis Total North America 51,961 50,854 49,439 52,236 51,060 49,653 96 68 48 371 275 261 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Pays Apparent Consumption a

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations


Hardwood Non-conifères 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 8,945 7,735 7,735 7,824 6,400 6,400 1,696 1,820 1,820 575 485 485 Autriche Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 1,182 1,011 1,094 1,699 1,359 1,454 456 333 330 973 681 690 République tchèque Estonia 2,278 1,935 1,940 4,400 4,400 4,400 47 35 40 2,169 2,500 2,500 Estonie Finland 16,494 15,112 15,471 14,376 13,378 13,545 2,324 1,926 2,119 206 193 193 Finlande France 17,420 17,700 17,700 16,366 16,500 16,500 1,876 2,000 2,000 822 800 800 France Germany 15,128 13,500 12,500 16,292 14,500 13,500 2,015 1,500 1,500 3,179 2,500 2,500 Allemagne Hungary 1,209 1,022 1,057 1,137 989 1,015 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie Italy 4,192 4,192 4,192 3,600 3,600 3,600 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie Latvia 3,593 3,250 3,250 5,616 5,000 5,000 466 450 450 2,489 2,200 2,200 Lettonie Luxembourg 522 536 536 521 521 521 137 79 79 136 64 64 Luxembourg Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 44 43 41 44 43 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 396 900 895 915 900 895 198 0 0 717 0 0 Pays-Bas Poland 15,448 15,730 16,050 14,181 14,500 14,900 1,664 1,600 1,500 396 370 350 Pologne Portugal 4,136 3,600 3,730 1,865 1,870 1,890 2,435 1,900 2,000 165 170 160 Portugal Serbia 716 732 761 702 725 750 15 8 12 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 1,162 1,100 1,150 1,149 1,150 1,200 323 300 300 310 350 350 Slovaquie Slovenia 525 450 440 1,360 1,360 1,400 273 240 240 1,107 1,150 1,200 Slovénie Spain 5,169 5,603 5,603 4,570 4,849 4,849 987 1,135 1,135 388 380 380 Espagne Sweden 18,602 18,350 18,250 17,430 16,900 16,800 1,609 2,000 2,000 437 550 550 Suède Switzerland 1,486 1,486 1,486 772 772 772 772 772 772 58 58 58 Suisse United Kingdom 2,673 2,673 2,673 2,646 2,646 2,646 96 96 96 69 69 69 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 121,332 116,673 116,568 117,472 112,370 112,087 18,793 17,559 17,767 14,933 13,256 13,285 Total Europe Canada 21,959 20,821 20,680 20,285 18,121 18,111 2,216 3,090 3,037 542 390 467 Canada United States 55,812 56,602 57,224 62,262 63,114 63,899 285 286 286 6,734 6,798 6,961 Etats-Unis Total North America 77,771 77,423 77,904 82,547 81,235 82,010 2,500 3,376 3,323 7,277 7,188 7,428 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 12c WOOD RESIDUES, CHIPS AND PARTICLES DECHETS DE BOIS, PLAQUETTES ET PARTICULES Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 1,290 1,497 1,450 1,691 1,938 2,050 344 309 300 745 750 900 Autriche Cyprus 8 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 234 215 225 540 459 482 38 38 40 344 282 296 République tchèque Estonia 284 300 230 1,650 1,350 1,300 12 50 30 1,378 1,100 1,100 Estonie Finland 530 541 562 360 380 405 188 163 160 18 2 3 Finlande France 2,735 3,260 3,660 2,050 2,250 2,450 775 1,100 1,300 90 90 90 France Germany 3,328 3,540 3,720 3,569 3,700 3,900 443 480 420 684 640 600 Allemagne Hungary 63 44 50 62 43 49 11 13 12 11 12 12 Hongrie Italy 2,359 2,359 2,359 450 450 450 1,916 1,916 1,916 7 7 7 Italie Latvia 621 750 750 1,980 2,000 2,000 326 350 350 1,685 1,600 1,600 Lettonie Luxembourg 61 72 72 63 63 63 17 11 11 19 2 2 Luxembourg Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 18 25 26 83 84 84 0 0 0 65 59 58 Monténégro Netherlands 5,354 5,354 5,354 268 268 268 5,551 5,551 5,551 465 465 465 Pays-Bas Poland 842 920 1,100 1,152 1,200 1,350 366 370 380 677 650 630 Pologne Portugal 228 225 220 747 740 735 4 5 5 523 520 520 Portugal Serbia 478 460 485 418 450 480 83 70 80 23 60 75 Serbie Slovakia 22 175 175 390 450 450 47 75 75 415 350 350 Slovaquie Slovenia 125 155 150 164 175 180 126 120 130 165 140 160 Slovénie Spain 867 907 907 1,007 1,007 1,007 65 46 46 206 146 146 Espagne Sweden 1,776 1,800 1,850 1,809 1,750 1,800 199 210 210 232 160 160 Suède Switzerland 410 415 420 330 335 340 80 80 80 0 0 0 Suisse United Kingdom 7,819 7,830 7,830 327 330 330 7,516 7,520 7,520 23 20 20 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 29,451 30,850 31,601 19,110 19,422 20,173 18,114 18,482 18,621 7,774 7,055 7,194 Total Europe Canada 368 420 179 3,830 3,830 3,830 31 52 56 3,493 3,462 3,707 Canada United States 761 273 152 9,544 9,744 9,948 194 174 155 8,977 9,644 9,951 Etats-Unis Total North America 1,129 694 331 13,374 13,574 13,778 225 226 211 12,470 13,106 13,659 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 mt

Apparent Consumption

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 75.92 69.01 68.49 96.71 89.54 88.44 29.69 25.67 25.93 50.49 46.20 45.88 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs a 182.85 171.26 171.53 185.47 172.88 171.84 18.22 16.63 16.39 20.84 18.25 16.70 Grumes de conifères a

Sawn hardwood 7.02 6.65 6.70 6.93 6.45 6.61 4.18 3.86 3.81 4.09 3.66 3.72 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone b 6.45 6.14 6.18 6.87 6.40 6.55 3.28 3.07 3.02 3.70 3.33 3.39 – zone tempérée b

– tropical zone b 0.57 0.51 0.52 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.39 0.32 0.32 – zone tropicale b

Hardwood logs a 21.96 21.62 22.00 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.91 3.25 3.26 4.00 3.54 3.30 Grumes de non-conifères a

– temperate zone b 21.86 21.55 21.93 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.79 3.15 3.16 3.98 3.50 3.26 – zone tempérée b

– tropical zone b 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.02 0.04 0.04 – zone tropicale b

Veneer sheets 1.58 1.49 1.49 1.00 0.97 0.96 1.42 1.28 1.29 0.84 0.76 0.76 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 6.62 6.21 5.92 4.17 3.93 3.97 6.42 5.79 5.48 3.96 3.50 3.53 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 28.12 26.41 26.52 28.01 26.71 26.91 10.02 9.58 9.55 9.92 9.88 9.94 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 5.27 5.06 5.09 4.89 4.89 5.02 3.20 2.96 2.94 2.83 2.78 2.87 OSB

Fibreboard 15.80 14.89 15.09 16.15 15.31 15.42 8.76 8.01 8.04 9.11 8.43 8.37 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.79 0.82 0.90 0.48 0.47 0.47 1.47 1.44 1.46 1.17 1.09 1.04 – Durs

– MDF 11.42 10.85 10.97 12.16 11.62 11.68 5.21 4.61 4.62 5.95 5.38 5.33 – MDF

– Other board 3.59 3.22 3.22 3.51 3.22 3.27 2.07 1.97 1.96 1.99 1.96 2.01 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood a 268.34 264.50 264.51 261.87 256.81 255.84 39.84 39.23 39.90 33.38 31.54 31.23 Bois de trituration a

– Pulp logs 147.00 147.83 147.94 144.40 144.44 143.75 21.05 21.67 22.13 18.44 18.29 17.95 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 100.28 102.83 102.53 99.21 100.14 99.43 12.63 13.27 13.50 11.56 10.58 10.41 – conifères

– hardwood 46.73 45.00 45.41 45.18 44.31 44.32 8.43 8.41 8.63 6.88 7.71 7.54 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 121.33 116.67 116.57 117.47 112.37 112.09 18.79 17.56 17.77 14.93 13.26 13.29 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 37.60 34.07 35.28 34.64 32.24 33.81 17.33 16.19 16.59 14.37 14.37 15.12 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 72.76 66.14 69.44 83.10 73.88 79.49 43.20 39.62 41.48 53.55 47.36 51.53 Papiers et cartons

Wood Pellets 29.45 30.85 31.60 19.11 19.42 20.17 18.11 18.48 18.62 7.77 7.05 7.19 Granulés de bois a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux

en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.


Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024

Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques) Apparent Consumption

Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations

forecasts forecasts forecasts forecasts prévisions prévisions prévisions prévisions

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 91.63 89.85 90.39 100.44 97.41 95.73 27.09 26.48 27.10 35.90 34.04 32.43 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs 253.91 254.00 257.31 262.84 262.90 265.12 1.93 1.97 1.86 10.86 10.87 9.68 Grumes de conifères

Sawn hardwood 15.85 16.16 16.46 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.59 1.63 1.56 4.23 4.19 4.13 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone 15.57 15.89 16.19 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.29 1.33 1.26 4.21 4.16 4.10 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.03 0.03 – zone tropicale

Hardwood logs 47.44 48.23 49.33 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.33 1.22 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 Grumes de non-conifères

– temperate zone 47.44 48.23 49.32 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.32 1.21 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale Veneer sheets 2.85 2.93 2.97 2.87 2.89 2.91 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.88 0.83 0.84 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 16.92 16.92 17.31 10.86 10.90 11.05 7.48 7.37 7.68 1.43 1.36 1.42 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 6.66 7.45 7.46 6.11 6.58 6.55 1.75 1.97 1.98 1.19 1.10 1.07 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 21.20 21.09 21.35 20.86 20.60 20.86 6.28 6.30 6.39 5.94 5.82 5.89 OSB

Fibreboard 9.92 9.93 10.07 7.64 7.71 7.87 4.18 3.92 3.92 1.90 1.69 1.72 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.51 0.56 0.56 0.53 0.59 0.60 0.31 0.28 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.33 – Durs

– MDF 6.21 6.23 6.23 3.83 3.88 3.89 3.55 3.35 3.32 1.17 0.99 0.98 – MDF

– Other board 3.20 3.15 3.28 3.28 3.24 3.38 0.32 0.29 0.31 0.40 0.38 0.41 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood 275.49 275.41 276.58 280.24 279.10 280.51 2.93 3.79 3.78 7.67 7.47 7.70 Bois de trituration

– Pulp logs 197.72 197.99 198.68 197.69 197.86 198.50 0.43 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.28 0.27 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 145.76 147.13 149.24 145.45 146.80 148.85 0.33 0.34 0.41 0.02 0.01 0.01 – conifères

– hardwood 51.96 50.85 49.44 52.24 51.06 49.65 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.37 0.27 0.26 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 77.77 77.42 77.90 82.55 81.23 82.01 2.50 3.38 3.32 7.28 7.19 7.43 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 45.79 48.12 48.43 55.02 54.33 54.12 7.42 8.22 8.89 16.65 14.44 14.58 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 69.75 68.96 69.26 75.05 73.60 73.63 10.72 10.42 10.39 16.02 15.06 14.77 Papiers et cartons

Wood pellets 1.13 0.69 0.33 13.37 13.57 13.78 0.23 0.23 0.21 12.47 13.11 13.66 Granulés de bois


North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024

Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques) Apparent Consumption

Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations

forecasts forecasts forecasts forecasts prévisions prévisions prévisions prévisions

  • List of tables
  • Table1
  • Table2
  • Table 2a
  • Table 2b
  • Table 3
  • Table 4
  • Table 5
  • Table 5a
  • Table 6
  • Table 6a
  • Table 6b
  • Table 6c
  • Table 7
  • Table 8
  • Table 9
  • Table 9a
  • Table 9b
  • Table 10
  • Table 11
  • Table 11a
  • Table 11b
  • Table12
  • Table 12a
  • Table 12b
  • Table 12c
  • Table 13
  • Table 14
  • Table 15


JFSQ2022 Country Replies France

Languages and translations


Dear Correspondent, Thank you for contributing to the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ). Before filling in the worksheets, please read these guidelines. Please use only this questionnaire to report your data. Use this questionnaire also to revise any historical data - fill in the correct year and your name on the cover page. The worksheet 'LAM & CHIPS' covers data on Glulam and X-lam. This sheet has a yellow drop-down cell where you can choose your unit of measurement. The total number of sheets to be filled in is eight core sheets (green tabs - to be validated by Eurostat) plus three for ITTO (brown tabs - not validated by Eurostat). Four sheets containing cross-references are included at the end. The flat file is for Eurostat for validation purposes, please do not change any cells here. Also, please do not add / delete rows in any of the sheets, because this will affect the functioning of the flatfile. Put all your data into one Excel file. 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If you already sent the quality report to Eurostat before, please fill it in only if major changes had happened to its content. A.3 The cover page is for your contact details, which are automatically copied to the other worksheets • Check your country code • If necessary change the reference year [red cell] as appropriate - the previous year will appear automatically If you distribute worksheets to various experts, they can each put their contact details into the sheets. It will then be your job to put all the information together again and to verify the checking tables, since some of them will not work as designed in isolation. A.4 Look at the unit of measurement to be used for each item and report in this unit if possible, using the conversion factors on the last page of the JFSQ definitions. Please report the monetary values in the same unit for both reporting years. Only report data or modify cells in the working areas. Please do not delete checking areas or checking sheets. • Look at the checking areas and make the necessary corrections to your data to remove all warnings (see the specific recommendations) before sending in your data. Fill in real zeros '0' in the worksheets if there is no production or trade. Empty cells will be interpreted as 'Data not available'. • There are counters at the bottom of the tables to indicate the number of cells left to be filled in and the number of cells filled with text. Report all data with at least three decimals. Do not use a separator for thousands; for the decimal point, please use the one set up by default. A.5 Report numbers only. If data are confidential, please provide them if possible, appropriately flagged (see A.6). • Eurostat has a right to all confidential data necessary for its work. It has an obligation to use such data only in aggregates and to respect all the legal obligations. • If you cannot provide confidential data, a good option is to send in your own estimate flagged as a national estimate '9'. • As a last resort, leave the cell empty, flag it and write a note indicating data sources and links. Checking tables contain formulae to sum up the totals for sub-items. A.6 Flag cells and write notes as appropriate. Flags should be entered in the 'Flag' columns and notes in the 'Note' columns for the appropriate year and item. The flags to use are: • 5 for repeating the data of a previous year • 6 for confidential data • 7 for provisional data • 9 for national estimate B Specific recommendations B.1 Sheet 'Removals over bark' is for volumes of wood products measured over bark. General over bark/under bark conversion factors are calculated automatically. • Should you use different conversion factor(s) please delete the ones provided and insert your own • If you only have under bark data, please leave this worksheet empty, but revise the table with the conversion factors. • Unchanged conversion factors will be considered revised. A checking table verifies that sums of sub-items agree with the totals. B.2 Checking tables on worksheets improve data quality, verifying that: • The sum of the sub-items equals the total. • The sum of 'of which' items is not larger than the total. All cells in a checking table should be zero or empty. If this is not the case, please check your numbers for the sub-items and totals. The checking table indicates the difference, so if you see a negative value, you will have to decide which number should be increased by that amount. The only exception is when no data are entered due to confidentiality. B.3 Worksheets 'JQ2' and 'EU1' contain a checking table for apparent consumption and for unit values. Apparent consumption = Production + Imports – Exports. It should be positive or nil. If this is not the case, the cell will change colour and indicate the difference. • Please correct the data in the sheets until checking results are positive or nil. One solution is to increase production. • If the data are correct but apparent consumption is still negative, please explain why in the 'Note' column provided in the apparent consumption checking table. B.4 Sheets 'JQ2', 'ECE-EU Species' and 'EU1' on trade have checking tables to verify data consistency. Both quantity and value must be present. When something is missing, messages or coloured cells appear in the checking tables. Please correct your data until all warnings disappear. The meaning of the messages is: • 0: both value and quantity are zero – all is well, there is no trade • ZERO Q: value is reported, quantity is zero - please correct • ZERO V: quantity is reported, value is zero - please correct • REPORT: both quantity and value are blank - please fill in • NO Q: blank cell for quantity – please fill in • NO V: blank cell for value – please fill in Please enter even very small numbers to resolve problems, using as many decimal places as necessary. If there is no way to correct the problem, please write an explanation in the 'Note' column. If there is no trade for a product, please enter 0 for both quantity and value. Thank you for collecting data for the JFSQ, Eurostat's Forestry Team

JFSQ quality report

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire Quality Report
Quality information Country reply
1 Contact
Country name Country name
Contact organisation Contact organisation
Contact name Contact name
Contact email address Contact email address
2 Changes to previous year
Necessity of update Are there any changes to the quality report of the last data collection? NO
If yes, please provide details below.
3 Statistical processing
Overview of the source data Please provide an overview of the sources used to produce JFSQ data.
Do you use a dedicated survey (of the industry, of households, of forest owners, etc.)? YES
If yes, please provide details (e.g., who are the respondents, what is its frequency?).
Do you use forestry statistics? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use national forest inventory? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use national PRODCOM data compiled according to the CPA classification? NO
If yes, please provide details (which products, units, etc.). Our data for sawn are used for PRODCOM data
Do you use any other national production statistics? YES
If yes, please provide details. To estimate removals production for energie by citizen (owners)
Do you use data collected by associations of industry? YES
If yes, please provide details. for wood charcoal, pellets, veneer shits, wood based panels, wood pulp and papers
Do you collect data from direct contacts with manufacturing companies? YES
If yes, please provide details. sometimes for removals and sawmill if they don't answer the survey
Do you use estimates of roundwood use (in manufacturing)? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use national trade data? YES
If yes, please provide details. custom data
Do you use felling reports? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use forestry companies' accounting network? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use administrative data (e.g. tax records, business registers)? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use data from national accounts? NO
If yes, please provide details (e.g. for which data, from which account tables?).
Do you use SBS (Structural business statistics)? NO
If yes, please provide details (e.g. for which data?).
Do you use other environmental accounts? NO
If yes, please provide details.
Do you use other statistics (e.g. agriculture statistics)? NO
If yes, please specify them.
Do you use any other sources? NO
If yes, please specify them.
Methodological issues Are there any pending classification or measurement issues? YES
If yes, please specify them. the year 2020 is a break in the series of data on wood harvests and sawn timber due to a change in the method of treating non-response
Data validation Do you check the quality of the data collected to compile JFSQ? NO
If yes, please explain the quality assurance procedure.
Do you compare JFSQ data with different data sources or do you perform other cross-checks? YES
If yes, please explain your approach. compare with forest inventory statistics for removals
Do you have validation rules and other plausibility checks for the outputs of your JFSQ data compilation process? NO
If yes, please briefly describe them.
4 Relevance
User needs Please provide references to the relevance of JFSQ at national level e.g. main users, national indicator sets, quantitative policy targets etc.
5 Coherence and comparability
Coherence - cross domain Do you compare the JFSQ results with business, energy and agricultural and foreign trade statistics? NO
It not, please explain.
Do you compare the JFSQ results with business, energy and agricultural and foreign trade statistics? NO
It not, please explain.
Do you cross-check the JFSQ data with the results of European Forest Accounts? YES
If yes, please indicate for which reporting items, and comments on the discrepancies observed, if any. It not, please explain. our data for removals are used for EFA
Coherence - internal Are there any other consistency issues related to your JFSQ data? YES
If yes, please explain them. Computer's programs consistency
6 Accessibility and clarity
Publications Do you disseminate JFSQ data nationally (e.g. in news releases or other documents)? NO
If yes, please provide URLs and/or the reference to the relevant publications.
Online database Do you publish your JFSQ accounts in an online data base? NO
If yes, please provide URLs.
Documentation on methodology Did you prepare a description of your national JFSQ methodology or metadata? NO
If yes, please provide URLs.
Quality documentation Do you have national quality documentation? NO
If yes, please provide URLs.
7 Other comments
Other comments Please provide any further feedback you might have on the quality of the reported data, sources and methods used and/or Eurostat's validation and quality report templates.


Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire
Correspondent country: FR
Reference year: 2021 Fill in the year
Name of person responsible for reply:
Official address (in full): Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire

Removals over bark

Country: FR Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0
Check Table
Official Address (in full):
EU JQ1 OB Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE Telephone: 0 0 Discrepancies
Removals E-mail: 0 Please verify, if there's an error!
Year 1 Year 2 Flag Flag Note Note
Product Product Unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 Product Product Unit 2020 2021
Code Quantity Quantity Code Quantity Quantity
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ob 52861 59263 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob 2438 2828 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob 21938 25456 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ob 28485 30979 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob 19630 21927 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob 8855 9052 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ob 78 82 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1000 m3ob 18463 20854 1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.2.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob 13712 15839 1.2.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob 4751 5015 1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT 1000 m3ob 9476 9469 1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT 1000 m3ob OK OK
1.2.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob 5680 5745 1.2.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob 3796 3724 1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.2.3.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob 238 343 1.2.3.C Coniferous 1000 m3ob
1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob 308 313 1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ob
To fill: 0 0
Product Product Unit 2020 2021
Code CF CF
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) m3/m3 1.115 1.115
1.1.C Coniferous m3/m3 1.045 1.049
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous m3/m3 1.045 1.050
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD m3/m3 1.100 1.100
1.2.C Coniferous m3/m3 1.200 1.200
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous m3/m3 1.144 1.143
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical m3/m3 1.360 1.360
1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS m3/m3 1.164 1.165
1.2.1.C Coniferous m3/m3 1.178 1.178
1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous m3/m3 1.100 1.100
1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT m3/m3 1.200 1.200
1.2.2.C Coniferous m3/m3 1.270 1.270
1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous m3/m3 1.100 1.100
1.2.3 OTHER INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD m3/m3 1.200 1.200
1.2.3.C Coniferous m3/m3 1.163 1.163
1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous m3/m3 1.100 1.100

JQ1 Production

Country: FR Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0
Official Address (in full):
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE JQ1 Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire
Industrial Roundwood Balance
PRIMARY PRODUCTS Telephone: 0 0 This table highlights discrepancies between items and sub-items. Please verify your data if there's an error! Discrepancies
Removals and Production E-mail: 0 test for good numbers, missing number, bad number, negative number
Year 1 Year 2 Flag Flag Note Note
Product Product Unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 Product Product Unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 % change Conversion factors
Code Quantity Quantity Code Quantity Quantity Roundwood Industrial roundwood availability
McCusker 14/6/07: McCusker 14/6/07: minus 1.2.3 (other ind. RW) production
20,955 -196,405 -1037% m3 of wood in m3 or t of product
ALL REMOVALS OF ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) ALL REMOVALS OF ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) Recovered wood used in particle board 910 910 0% Solid wood equivalent
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 47388 53139 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub OK OK Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 1,760 1,930 10% 2.4
1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 23324 26950 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub OK OK Sawnwood production 7,575 8,581 13% 1
1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 2332 2695 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub veneer production 157 157 0% 1
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 20991 24255 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub plywood production 234 270 15% 1
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 24,064 26,189 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub OK OK particle board production (incl OSB) 2,600 2,600 0% 1.58
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 16,323 18,271 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub OK OK fibreboard production 900 900 0% 1.8
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 7,741 7,918 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub OK OK mechanical/semi-chemical pulp production 264 300 14% 2.5
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 57 60 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub OK OK chemical pulp production 1,351 1,310 -3% 4.9
1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1000 m3ub 15857 17897 1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1000 m3ub OK OK dissolving pulp production 0 0 missing data 5.7
1.2.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 11645 13451 1.2.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub Availability Solid Wood Demand 25,198 26,537 5%
1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 4212 4446 1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub Difference (roundwood-demand) -24,288 -25,627 6% positive = surplus
1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT (INCLUDING WOOD FOR PARTICLE BOARD, OSB AND FIBREBOARD) 1000 m3ub 7738 7727 1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT (INCLUDING WOOD FOR PARTICLE BOARD, OSB AND FIBREBOARD) 1000 m3ub OK OK gap (demand/availability) -20% 114% Negative number means not enough roundwood available
1.2.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 4474 4525 1.2.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub Positive number means more roundwood available than demanded
1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 3265 3203 1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub
1.2.3.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 205 295 1.2.3.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub % of particle board that is from recovered wood 35%
1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 265 269 1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub share of agglomerates produced from industrial roundwood residues 100%
PRODUCTION PRODUCTION usable industrial roundwood - amount of roundwood that is used, remainder leaves industry 98.5%
2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 50 50 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 1700 1850 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t
6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 6442 7268 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3
6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 1133 1313 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3
6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 10 25 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK
7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 157 157 7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 OK OK
7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 2 2 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3
7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 155 155 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 3734 3770 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 OK OK
8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 234 270 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 OK OK
8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 94 120 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 140 150 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 105 105 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 OK OK
8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 900 900 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 OK OK
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3
9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 1,620 1,615 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t OK OK
9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 1,351 1,310 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t OK OK
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 1,237 1,199 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t of which: BLEACHED 1000 t 0 0 of which: BLEACHED 1000 t OK OK
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 114 111 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t
10 OTHER PULP 1000 t 4,305 4,573 10 OTHER PULP 1000 t OK OK
10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t 4,300 4,567 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t
11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 6,317 6,885 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 1,198 1,314 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t OK OK
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 479 508 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t 42 43 12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t 506 552 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 171 211 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 4,422 4,840 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t OK OK
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 3,576 3,933 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 647 682 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 199 225 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t
To fill: 4 4
m3ub = cubic metres solid volume underbark (i.e. excluding bark)
m3 = cubic metres solid volume
t = metric tonnes

JQ2 Trade

61 62 61 62 91 92 91 92
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE JQ2 Country: FR Date: 0 both VALUE and quantity reported ZERO
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0 ZERO Q quantity ZERO when VALUE is reported INTRA-EU The difference might be caused by Intra-EU trade
PRIMARY PRODUCTS Official Address (in full): Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire This table highlights discrepancies between production and trade. For any negative number, indicating greater net exports than production, please verify your data! ZERO V Value ZERO when quantity is reported CHECK
Trade Telephone: 0 Fax: 0 This table highlights discrepancies between items and sub-items. Please verify your data if there's an error! ZERO CHECK 1 - if no value please CHECK NO Q no quantity reported ZERO CHECK 2 - if no value in Zero Check 1
Value must always be in 1000 NAC (national currency) E-mail: 0 Country: FR NO V no value reported Treshold: 2 verifies whether the JQ2 figures refers only to intra-EU trade
Specify Currency and Unit of Value (e.g.:1000 USD): 1000 NAC Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Trade Discrepancies REPORT no figures reported
Product Unit of I M P O R T E X P O R T Import Export Import Export Product I M P O R T E X P O R T Product Apparent Consumption Related Notes Product Value per I M P O R T E X P O R T Column1 Column2 Product Value per I M P O R T E X P O R T
code Product quantity 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 code 2020 2021 2020 2021 code 2020 2021 2020 2021 code Product unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 IMPORT EXPORT code Product unit 2020 2021 2020 2021
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 1125.67135 144711.575 1182.850775 174216.045 4032.24893 369012.92 4546.654125 488442.5 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 44,481 -171,163 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) NAC/m3 129 147 92 107 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) NAC/m3
1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 182.19013 18992.55 197.68982 17393.93 449.48352 21264.3 435.13554 24033.4 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 23,056 24,678 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) NAC/m3 104 88 47 55 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) NAC/m3
1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 158.9655 14529 177.7995 13876.5 353.751 16228.5 299.9145 16665 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 2,138 996 1.1.C Coniferous NAC/m3 91 78 46 56 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.1.C Coniferous NAC/m3
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 23.22463 4463.55 19.89032 3517.43 95.73252 5035.8 135.22104 7368.4 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 20,919 23,683 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 192 177 53 54 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 943.48122 125719.025 985.160955 156822.115 3582.76541 347748.62 4111.518585 464409.1 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 21,425 -195,841 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD NAC/m3 133 159 97 113 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD NAC/m3
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 718.7168 83022.4 794.4816 108792 1436.4016 109099.2 1617.3616 163259.2 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 15,605 -7,806 1.2.C Coniferous NAC/m3 116 137 76 101 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.2.C Coniferous NAC/m3
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 224.76442 42696.625 190.679355 48030.115 2146.36381 238649.42 2494.156985 301149.9 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 5,820 -188,035 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/mt 190 252 111 121 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/mt
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 36.08472 17342.425 46.396055 24048.815 3.06231 614.72 1.913785 560.1 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 90 16,788 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 481 518 201 293 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3
2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 106.029 61977 80.945 54658 9.192 7796 6.912 6952 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 147 54,231 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 m3 585 675 848 1006 ACCEPT ACCEPT 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 m3
3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 2509.72788 143600.7 2185.52254 117701.72 699.2563 58678.04 631.02238 36015.1 3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 15,215 101,289 3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 57 54 84 57 ACCEPT ACCEPT 3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3
3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 652.81428 48736.9 513.55254 33751.12 451.2223 42730.24 311.45418 16724.5 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 5,954 12,948 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 mt 75 66 95 54 ACCEPT ACCEPT 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 mt
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 412.381 86007 660.949 127444 96.539 20703 121.64 25701 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 2,016 67,154 5.1 WOOD PELLETS NAC/m3 209 193 214 211 ACCEPT ACCEPT 5.1 WOOD PELLETS NAC/m3
5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 135.963 13119 146.907 15361 189.566 4827 220.699 8691 5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 6 8,372 5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES NAC/m3 96 105 25 39 ACCEPT ACCEPT 5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES NAC/m3
6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 2714.582 1395705.1 3132.4063 2218546 1517.7849 594802.6 1646.4064 807830.7 6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 8,772 809,484 6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) NAC/m3 514 708 392 491 ACCEPT ACCEPT 6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) NAC/m3
6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 2437.9542 1129098.6 2846.07 1915698.6 1047.8826 322027.2 1055.3076 438489 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 7,832 814,339 6.C Coniferous NAC/m3 463 673 307 416 ACCEPT ACCEPT 6.C Coniferous NAC/m3
6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 276.6278 266606.5 286.3363 302847.4 469.9023 272775.4 591.0988 369341.7 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 940 -4,856 6.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 964 1058 580 625 ACCEPT ACCEPT 6.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3
6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 129.1808 120276.8 135.128 137781 2.933 3927 4.9252 6273.4 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 136 116,375 6.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 931 1020 1339 1274 ACCEPT ACCEPT 6.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3
7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 311.22133 296963.73 308.50281 360703.98 68.28353 128978.08 71.28401 141373.68 7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 400 168,143 7 VENEER SHEETS NAC/m3 954 1169 1889 1983 ACCEPT ACCEPT 7 VENEER SHEETS NAC/m3
7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 17.48551 13907.81 14.67256 13269.41 0.25802 603.82 0.5586 809.97 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 19 13,306 7.C Coniferous NAC/m3 795 904 2340 1450 ACCEPT ACCEPT 7.C Coniferous NAC/m3
7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 293.73582 283055.92 293.83025 347434.57 68.02551 128374.26 70.72541 140563.71 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 381 154,837 7.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 964 1182 1887 1987 ACCEPT ACCEPT 7.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 78.65354 92392.44 86.10154 105934.5 53.54181 105910.56 54.0778 110759.74 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 25 -13,518 7.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 1175 1230 1978 2048 ACCEPT ACCEPT 7.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 1350.29964 944721.2 1298.93177 1237733.81 1048.06319 547327.36 1056.5873 559393.1 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 4,036 401,164 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS NAC/m3 700 953 522 529 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS NAC/m3
8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 443.77102 442465.1 469.58142 563693.9 158.7894 230145.3 154.9394 215553.8 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 519 212,590 8.1 PLYWOOD NAC/m3 997 1200 1449 1391 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.1 PLYWOOD NAC/m3
8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 103.65586 114716.14 129.35692 161401.24 80.02302 81501.42 73.04682 52795.82 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 118 33,335 8.1.C Coniferous NAC/m3 1107 1248 1018 723 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.1.C Coniferous NAC/m3
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 340.11516 327748.96 340.2245 402292.66 78.76638 148643.88 81.89258 162757.98 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 401 179,255 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 964 1182 1887 1987 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 91.07252 106980.72 99.69652 122661 61.99578 122633.28 62.6164 128248.12 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 134 -15,548 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 1175 1230 1978 2048 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3
8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 788.4767 444142.28 681.29221 544241.09 854.41423 302468.64 872.83348 325958.76 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 834 142,574 8.3 FIBREBOARD NAC/m3 563 799 354 373 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.3 FIBREBOARD NAC/m3
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 235.48761 107675.55 211.98669 144493.14 449.40348 139046.37 443.30625 131170.92 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 -214 -31,371 8.3.1 HARDBOARD NAC/mt 457 682 309 296 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.3.1 HARDBOARD NAC/mt
8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 1000 m3 481.14736 276418.54 388.1669 321553.54 312.43096 108678 344.64614 144664.46 8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 1000 m3 8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 1000 m3 920 168,492 8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) NAC/mt 574 828 348 420 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) NAC/mt
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 71.84173 60048.19 81.13862 78194.41 92.57979 54744.27 84.88109 50123.38 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 -21 5,304 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD NAC/mt 836 964 591 591 ACCEPT ACCEPT 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD NAC/mt
9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 1757.856 796995 1603.663 951410 447.092 203655 412.901 227432 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 2,931 594,955 9 WOOD PULP NAC/mt 453 593 456 551 ACCEPT ACCEPT 9 WOOD PULP NAC/mt
9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 1668.806 763232 1521.149 908847 442.449 202402 380.599 220953 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 2,577 562,140 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP NAC/mt 457 597 457 581 ACCEPT ACCEPT 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP NAC/mt
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 1645.881 745962 1510.177 896474 436.7 199023 379.414 219787 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 2,446 548,138 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP NAC/mt 453 594 456 579 ACCEPT ACCEPT 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP NAC/mt of which: BLEACHED 1000 t 1645.881 745962 1510.177 896474 436.7 199023 379.414 219787 of which: BLEACHED 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK of which: BLEACHED 1000 t 1,209 546,939 of which: BLEACHED NAC/mt 453 594 456 579 ACCEPT ACCEPT of which: BLEACHED NAC/mt
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 22.925 17270 10.972 12373 5.749 3379 1.185 1166 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 131 14,002 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP NAC/mt 753 1128 588 984 ACCEPT ACCEPT 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP NAC/mt
10 OTHER PULP 1000 t 23.131 30360 23.497 32037 70.485 44499 83.456 56220 10 OTHER PULP 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 10 OTHER PULP 1000 t 4,258 -9,566 10 OTHER PULP NAC/mt 1313 1363 631 674 ACCEPT ACCEPT 10 OTHER PULP NAC/mt
10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 1000 t 16.325 26045 19.152 29028 2.343 4471 2.01 4738 10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 1000 t 10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 1000 t 19 21,580 10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD NAC/mt 1595 1516 1908 2357 ACCEPT ACCEPT 10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD NAC/mt
10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t 6.806 4315 4.345 3009 68.142 40028 81.446 51482 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t 4,239 -31,146 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP NAC/mt 634 693 587 632 ACCEPT ACCEPT 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP NAC/mt
11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 1859.992 3716226 1895.719 4027706 921.811 2100841 955.364 2280836 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 7,255 1,622,270 11 RECOVERED PAPER NAC/mt 1998 2125 2279 2387 ACCEPT ACCEPT 11 RECOVERED PAPER NAC/mt
12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 1000 t 4502.25 3386847 4740.495 3838835 3464.735 2649898 3806.804 3433153 12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 1000 t 7,911 744,308 12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD NAC/mt 752 810 765 902 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD NAC/mt
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 2131.837 1618320 2126.105 1643723 895.994 715201 1008.647 834097 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 2,434 904,433 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS NAC/mt 759 773 798 827 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS NAC/mt
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 479 508 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT NAC/mt 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT NAC/mt
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t 506 552 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE NAC/mt 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE NAC/mt
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 171 211 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS NAC/mt 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS NAC/mt
12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 1000 t 90.586 108249 89.624 105394 79.583 92484 67.563 91041 12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 1000 t 12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 1000 t 843 16,582 12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS NAC/mt 1195 1176 1162 1347 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS NAC/mt
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 2249.687 1587681 2483.641 2007051 2478.484 1698501 2672.381 2194104 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 4,193 -105,980 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS NAC/mt 706 808 685 821 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS NAC/mt
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 3,576 3,933 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS NAC/mt 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS NAC/mt
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 647 682 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD NAC/mt 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD NAC/mt
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 199 225 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS NAC/mt 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS NAC/mt
To fill: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
m3 = cubic metres solid volume
m3ub = cubic metres solid volume underbark (i.e. excluding bark)
t = metric tonnes

JQ3 Secondary PP Trade

62 91 91
Country: FR Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0 Specify Currency and Unit of Value (e.g.:1000 US $): _____________________
Official Address (in full):
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE JQ3 Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire
Trade E-mail: 0
This table highlights discrepancies between items and sub-items. Please verify your data if there's an error!
Value must always be in 1000 NAC (national currency) Discrepancies
Eurozone countries may use the old national currency, but only in both years Flag Flag Flag Flag Note Note Note Note
Product Product I M P O R T V A L U E E X P O R T V A L U E Import Export Import Export Product Product I M P O R T V A L U E E X P O R T V A L U E
code 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 Code 2020 2021 2020 2021
13.1.C Coniferous 87166 114718 23814 31666 13.1.C Coniferous
13.1.NC Non-coniferous 153987 181923 16716 16834 13.1.NC Non-coniferous
13.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 77809 91925 1597 1608 13.1.NC.T of which: Tropical OK OK OK OK
13.5 WOODEN FURNITURE 3480344 4370059 815749 990390 13.5 WOODEN FURNITURE
To fill: 8 8 8 8


Unit of quantity: 1000 m3
Year Product Flow Year App. Cons. Unit price
Production Total Export Total Import Extra-EU Export Extra-EU Import TOT EXP TOT IMP X-EU EXP X-EU IMP
1000 m3 1000 m3 1000 NAC 1000 m3 1000 NAC 1000 m3 1000 NAC 1000 m3 1000 NAC 1000 m3
2020 Glulam 200 2020 200 ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!
2021 200 2021 200 ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!
2020 X-lam 100 2020 100 ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!
2021 100 2021 100 ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0!

Definitions: Glulam: Builders' carpentry also includes glue-laminated timber (glulam), which is a structural timber product obtained by gluing together a number of wood laminations having their grain essentially parallel. Laminations of curved members are arranged so that the plane of each lamination is at 90 degrees to the plane of the applied load; thus, laminations of a straight gluman beam are laid flat. [from HS 4418, Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled flooring panels, shingles and shakes] X-lam: Panels consisting of laths of roughly sawn wood, assembled with glue in order to facilitate transport or later working. [from HS4421, Other articles of wood]

ECE-EU Species

Country: FR Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0 DISCREPANCIES
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE ECE/EU Species Trade Official Address (in full): Checks Check Table
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire 0 both VALUE and quantity reported ZERO
Trade in Roundwood and Sawnwood by species Telephone: 0 Fax: 0 - checks whether the sum of subitems is bigger than the total ZERO Q quantity ZERO when VALUE is reported
E-mail: 0 ZERO V Value ZERO when quantity is reported
Zero check - if no value please CHECK NO Q no quantity reported
Value must always be in 1000 NAC ( national currency) NO V no value reported Treshold: 2
Eurozone countries may use the old national currency, but only in both years 1000NAC Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note REPORT no figures reported
I M P O R T E X P O R T Import Export Import Export I M P O R T E X P O R T Value per I M P O R T E X P O R T Unit price check
Product Classification Classification Unit of 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 Classification Classification unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 IMPORT EXPORT
Code HS2017 CN2017 Product Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value HS2007 CN2007 Product
1.2.C 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Industrial Roundwood, Coniferous 1000 m3ub 719 83022 794 108792 1436 109099 1617 163259 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Industrial Roundwood, Coniferous NAC/m3 116 137 76 101 ACCEPT ACCEPT PRODUCTION I M P O R T E X P O R T
4403.23/24 Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 m3ub 246 20699 272 27123 697 57489 785 86029 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4403.23/24 Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) NAC/m3 84 100 82 110 ACCEPT ACCEPT Product Classification Classification Unit of 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021
4403 23 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub 75 6236 83 8171 394 27661 444 41392 4403 23 10 sawlogs and veneer logs (Abies alba, Picea abies) NAC/m3 84 99 70 93 ACCEPT ACCEPT Code HS2007 CN2007 Product Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
4403 23 90 4403 24 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub 171 14463 189 18952 303 29829 341 44637 4403 23 90 4403 24 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood (Abies alba, Picea abies) NAC/m3 85 100 98 131 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1 4401.11/12 44.03 Roundwood production 1000 m3 JQ1 47,388 53,139
4403.21/22 Pine (Pinus spp.) 1000 m3ub 171 25336 190 33200 306 17332 345 25936 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4403.21/22 Pine (Pinus spp.) NAC/m3 148 175 57 75 ACCEPT ACCEPT EU2 47387 52915
4403 21 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub 148 17371 164 22763 278 14791 313 22134 4403 21 10 sawlogs and veneer logs (Pinus sylvestris) NAC/m3 117 139 53 71 ACCEPT ACCEPT dif 1 224
4403 21 90 4403 22 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub 23 7965 26 10437 29 2540 32 3802 4403 21 90 4403 22 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood (Pinus sylvestris) NAC/m3 344 408 89 118 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.2.C 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Industrial Roundwood (wood in the rough), Coniferous 1000 m3 JQ2 719 83,022 794 108,792 1,436 109,099 1,617 163,259
1.2.NC 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94 4403.95/96/97/98/99 Industrial Roundwood, Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 225 42697 191 48030 2146 238649 2494 301150 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94 4403.95/96/97/98/99 Industrial Roundwood, Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 190 252 111 121 ACCEPT ACCEPT ECE/EU 719 83,022 794 108,792 1,436 109,099 1,617 163,259
4403.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) 1000 m3ub 45 13982 44 14689 514 104014 605 142711 4403.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) NAC/m3 307 337 202 236 ACCEPT ACCEPT dif 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4403.93/94 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) 1000 m3ub 44 2934 35 2576 235 18110 260 24840 4403.93/94 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) NAC/m3 67 73 77 96 ACCEPT ACCEPT 1.2.NC 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94/95/96/97/98/99 Industrial Roundwood (wood in the rough), Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 JQ2 225 42,697 191 48,030 2,146 238,649 2,494 301,150
4403.95/96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) 1000 m3ub 48 1749 46 2315 276 25193 299 29720 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4403.95/96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) NAC/m3 37 51 91 99 ACCEPT ACCEPT ECE/EU 225 42,697 191 48,030 2,146 238,649 2,494 301,150
4403 95 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub 6 192 6 192 8 827 10 1099 4403 95 10 sawlogs and veneer logs NAC/m3 31 30 104 111 ACCEPT ACCEPT dif 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4403 95 90 4403 96 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub 42 1557 39 2123 269 24366 290 28621 4403 95 90 4403 96 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood NAC/m3 38 54 91 99 ACCEPT ACCEPT 6.C 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Sawnwood, Coniferous 1000 m3 JQ2 2,438 1,129,099 2,846 1,915,699 1,048 322,027 1,055 438,489
4403.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) 1000 m3ub 42 1557 39 2123 269 24366 290 28621 4403.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) NAC/m3 38 54 91 99 ACCEPT ACCEPT ECE/EU 2,438 1,129,099 2,846 1,915,699 1,048 322,027 1,055 438,489
4403.98 of which: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) 1000 m3ub 20 1257 3 342 0 0 0 66 4403.98 of which: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) NAC/m3 64 101 0 9400 ACCEPT CHECK dif 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6.C 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Sawnwood, Coniferous 1000 m3 2438 1129099 2846 1915699 1048 322027 1055 438489 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Sawnwood, Coniferous NAC/m3 463 673 307 416 ACCEPT ACCEPT 6.NC 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Sawnwood, Non-coniferous 1000 m3 JQ2 277 266,607 286 302,847 470 272,775 591 369,342
4407.12 of which: Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 m3 1582 689184 1703 1157708 421 129010 420 187526 4407.12 of which: Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) NAC/m3 436 680 307 447 ACCEPT ACCEPT ECE/EU 277 266,607 286 302,847 470 272,775 591 369,342
4407.11 of which: Pine (Pinus spp.) 1000 m3 708 323141 827 548260 206 43446 207 59159 4407.11 of which: Pine (Pinus spp.) NAC/m3 456 663 211 285 ACCEPT ACCEPT dif 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6.NC 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/ 91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Sawnwood, Non-coniferous 1000 m3 277 266607 286 302847 470 272775 591 369342 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/ 91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Sawnwood, Non-coniferous NAC/m3 964 1058 580 625 ACCEPT ACCEPT
4407.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) 1000 m3 63 80048 58 78080 262 200109 356 278727 4407.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) NAC/m3 1267 1350 763 782 ACCEPT ACCEPT
4407.92 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) 1000 m3 31 30677 38 40589 132 44037 153 53187 4407.92 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) NAC/m3 1000 1062 335 348 ACCEPT ACCEPT WRONG WRONG
4407.93 of which: Maple (Acer spp.) 1000 m3 0 384 0 454 2 546 3 1078 4407.93 of which: Maple (Acer spp.) NAC/m3 1034 1620 336 364 ACCEPT ACCEPT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
4407.94 of which: Cherry (Prunus spp.) 1000 m3 0 27 0 43 0 13 0 6 4407.94 of which: Cherry (Prunus spp.) NAC/m3 2375 2583 474 267 ACCEPT ACCEPT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
4407.95 of which: Ash (Fraxinus spp.) 1000 m3 1 1379 2 2436 21 7990 31 10983 4407.95 of which: Ash (Fraxinus spp.) NAC/m3 992 1157 379 358 ACCEPT ACCEPT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
4407.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) 1000 m3 0 283 1 317 4 1069 4 1220 4407.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) NAC/m3 616 564 277 323 ACCEPT ACCEPT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
4407.96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) 1000 m3 0 204 0 315 0 148 0 165 4407.96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) NAC/m3 1570 1278 1860 2034 ACCEPT ACCEPT
Light blue cells are requested only for EU members using the Combined Nomenclature to fill in - other countries are welcome to do so if their trade classification nomenclature permits
Please note that information on tropical species trade is requested in questionnaire ITTO2 for ITTO member countries
"ex" codes indicate that only part of that trade classication code is used To fill: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
m3ub = cubic metres underbark (i.e. excluding bark)
Please complete each cell if possible with
data (numerical value)
or "…" for not available
or "0" for zero data

EU1 ExtraEU Trade

EU1 Country: FR Date: JQ2/EU1 comparison 0 both VALUE and quantity reported ZERO
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0 ZERO Q quantity ZERO when VALUE is reported
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE Official Address (in full): Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire JQ2>=EU1 ZERO V Value ZERO when quantity is reported
Trade with countries outside EU Telephone: 0 Fax: 0 Please verify if there's an error! Zero check - if no value please CHECK NO Q no quantity reported
Value must always be in 1000 NAC (national currency) E-mail: 0 NO V no value reported Treshold: 2
Eurozone countries may use the old national currency, but only in both years 1000NAC Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Trade Discrepancies REPORT no figures reported
Product Unit of I M P O R T E X P O R T Import Export Import Export I M P O R T E X P O R T Product I M P O R T E X P O R T Product Value per I M P O R T E X P O R T Column1 Column2
code Product quantity 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 code 2020 2021 2020 2021 code Product unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 IMPORT EXPORT
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 159 15 178 14 354 16 300 17 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.1.C Coniferous NAC/m3 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 23 4 20 4 96 5 135 7 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 0 0 0 0 CHECK ACCEPT
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 719 83 794 109 1436 109 1617 163 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.C Coniferous NAC/m3 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 225 43 191 48 2146 239 2494 301 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 0 0 0 0 CHECK ACCEPT
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 36 17 46 24 3 1 2 1 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 0 1 0 0 CHECK ACCEPT
2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 106 62 81 55 9 8 7 7 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 2 WOOD CHARCOAL NAC/t 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 412 86 661 127 97 21 122 26 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 5.1 WOOD PELLETS NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 2438 1129 2846 1916 1048 322 1055 438 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 6.C Coniferous NAC/m3 0 1 0 0 CHECK ACCEPT
6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 277 267 286 303 470 273 591 369 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 6.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 129 120 135 138 3 4 5 6 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 6.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 311 297 309 361 68 129 71 141 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7 VENEER SHEETS NAC/m3 1 1 2 2 ACCEPT ACCEPT
7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 17 14 15 13 0 1 1 1 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 7.C Coniferous NAC/m3 1 1 2 1 CHECK ACCEPT
7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 294 283 294 347 68 128 71 141 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 7.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 1 1 2 2 ACCEPT ACCEPT
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 79 92 86 106 54 106 54 111 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 7.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 1 1 2 2 ACCEPT CHECK
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 1232 887 1151 1108 1013 533 1028 542 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS NAC/m3 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 444 442 470 564 159 230 155 216 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1 PLYWOOD NAC/m3 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 104 115 129 161 80 82 73 53 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 8.1.C Coniferous NAC/m3 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 340 328 340 402 79 149 82 163 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous NAC/m3 1 1 2 2 ACCEPT ACCEPT
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 91 107 100 123 62 123 63 128 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical NAC/m3 1 1 2 2 ACCEPT CHECK
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRANDBOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 118 58 148 130 35 15 29 18 WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG 8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRANDBOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRANDBOARD (OSB) NAC/m3 0 1 0 1 CHECK ACCEPT
8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 788 444 681 544 854 302 873 326 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.3 FIBREBOARD NAC/m3 1 1 0 0 CHECK ACCEPT
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 235 108 212 144 449 139 443 131 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.1 HARDBOARD NAC/m3 0 1 0 0 CHECK ACCEPT
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 72 60 81 78 93 55 85 50 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD NAC/m3 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 112 51 93 55 10 5 33 8 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 9 WOOD PULP NAC/t 0 1 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT of which: BLEACHED 1000 t 1646 746 1510 896 437 199 379 220 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK of which: BLEACHED 1000 t Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error of which: BLEACHED NAC/t 0 1 0 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 23 17 11 12 6 3 1 1 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP NAC/t 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
10 OTHER PULP 1000 t 23 30 23 32 70 44 83 56 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 10 OTHER PULP 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 10 OTHER PULP NAC/t 1 1 1 1 CHECK ACCEPT
11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 1860 3716 1896 4028 922 2101 955 2281 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 11 RECOVERED PAPER NAC/t 2 2 2 2 ACCEPT CHECK
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 2132 1618 2126 1644 896 715 1009 834 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS NAC/t 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 2250 1588 2484 2007 2478 1699 2672 2194 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS NAC/t 1 1 1 1 ACCEPT ACCEPT
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS NAC/t 0 0 0 0 ACCEPT ACCEPT
To fill: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

EU2 Removals

Country: FR Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0
Official Address (in full): Check Table
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire
Phone/Fax: 0 0
E-mail: 0
Please verify if there's an error!
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE Removals by type of ownership
Product code Ownership Flag Flag Note Note Product code Ownership
Unit 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 Unit 2020 2021
Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
1 ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3 47387 52915 1 ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3 OK OK
1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 18655 20944 1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 OK OK
1.NC Non-coniferous 1000 m3 28732 31971 1.NC Non-coniferous 1000 m3 OK OK
State forests 1000 m3 4244 4557 State forests 1000 m3 OK OK
Coniferous 1000 m3 2224 2271 Coniferous 1000 m3
Non-coniferous 1000 m3 2020 2286 Non-coniferous 1000 m3
Other publicly owned forests 1000 m3 5907 7983 Other publicly owned forests 1000 m3 OK OK
Coniferous 1000 m3 2908 4129 Coniferous 1000 m3
Non-coniferous 1000 m3 2998 3854 Non-coniferous 1000 m3
Private forest 1000 m3 37236 40375 Private forest 1000 m3 OK OK
Coniferous 1000 m3 13522 14544 Coniferous 1000 m3
Non-coniferous 1000 m3 23714 25831 Non-coniferous 1000 m3
To fill: 0 0
Ownership categories correspond to those of the TBFRA.
State forests: Forests owned by national, state and regional governments, or government-owned corporations; Crown forests.
Other publicly owned forests: Forests belonging to cities, municipalities, villages and communes.
Private forests: Forests owned by individuals, co-operatives, enterprises and industries and other private institutions.
The unit should be solid cubic metres, under bark.


Country: FR Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply: 0
Official Address (in full): Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire
Telephone: 0 Fax: 0
Production and Trade Estimates for 2022
Value must always be in 1000 NAC (national currency) 1000 NAC
Product Unit of Production Imports Exports
Code Product quantity Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 26,189 985 156,822 4,112 464,409
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 18,271 794 108,792 1,617 163,259
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 7,918 191 48,030 2,494 301,150
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 60 46 24,049 2 560
6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 8,581 3,132 2,218,546 1,646 807,831
6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 7,268 2,846 1,915,699 1,055 438,489
6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 1,313 286 302,847 591 369,342
6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 25 135 137,781 5 6,273
7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 157 309 360,704 71 141,374
7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 2 15 13,269 1 810
7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 155 294 347,435 71 140,564
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 86 105,935 54 110,760
8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 270 470 563,694 155 215,554
8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 120 129 161,401 73 52,796
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 150 340 402,293 82 162,758
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 105 100 122,661 63 128,248
m3 = cubic metres solid volume
m3ub = cubic metres solid volume underbark (i.e. excluding bark)


Country: FR Date:
ITTO2 Name of Official responsible for reply: 0
Official Address (in full): Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire
Trade in Tropical Species Telephone: 0 Fax: 0
E-mail: 0
Value must always be in 1000 NAC (national currency) 1000 NAC
Product Classifications 2020 2021 2020 2021
HS2007/HS2002/HS96 Scientific Name Local/Trade Name Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
(1000 m3) (1000 m3) (1000 m3) (1000 m3)
1.2.NC.T HS2017: 36 17,342 46 24,049 3 615 2 560
Industrial Roundwood, Tropical ex4403.12 4403.41/49 Dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
HS2012/2007: Sapelli, acajou d'Afrique, iroko 7 3,574 13 6,603 0 61 0 26
ex4403.10 4403.41/49 ex4403.99 Okoumé et sipo 12 6,735 13 7,428 1 280 0 316
Autres tropicaux 17 7,021 21 10,019 2 274 2 218
6.NC.T HS2017: 129 120,277 135 137,781 3 3,927 5 6,273
Sawnwood, Tropical ex4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 Sciages de mahogany 129 120,277 135 137,781 3 3,927 5 6,273
ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/30
7.NC.T HS2017: 79 92,392 86 105,935 54 105,911 54 110,760
Veneer Sheets, Tropical 4408.31/39 Dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau 79 92,392 86 105,935 54 105,911 54 110,760
4408.31/39 ex4408.90
8.1.NC.T HS2017: 91 106,981 100 122,661 62 122,633 63 128,248
Plywood, Tropical 4412.31 ex4412.94/99 All species 91 106,981 100 122,661 62 122,633 63 128,248
4412.31 ex4412.32/94/99
Note: List the major species traded in each category. Use additional sheet if more species are to be explicitly reported. For tropical plywood, identify by face veneer if composed of more than one species.


Country: Date:
Name of Official responsible for reply:
Official Address (in full):
Miscellaneous Items Telephone: Fax:
(use additional paper if necessary) E-mail:
1 Please enter current import tariff rates applied to tropical and non-tropical timber products. If available, please provide tariffs by the relevant customs classification category. If tariff levels have been reported in previous years, enter changes only. (Logs = JQ code 1.2, Sawn = JQ code 6, Veneer = JQ code 7, and Plywood = JQ code 8.1)
Current import tariff Logs Tropical: Sawn Tropical: Veneer Tropical: Plywood Tropical:
Non-Tropical: Non-Tropical: Non-Tropical: Non-Tropical:
Comments (if any):
2 Please comment on any quotas, incentives, disincentives, tariff/non-tariff barriers or other related factors which now or in future will significantly affect your production and trade of tropical timber products.
3 Please elaborate on any short or medium term plans for expanding capacity for (further) processing of tropical timber products in your country.
4 Please indicate any trends or changes expected in the species composition of your trade. How important are lesser-used tropical timber species and/or minor tropical forest products?
5 Please indicate trends in domestic building activity, housing starts, mortgage/interest rates, substitution of non-tropical wood and/or non-wood products for tropical timbers, and any other domestic factors having a significant impact on tropical timber consumption in your country.
6 Please indicate the extent of foreign involvement in your timber sector (e.g. number and nationalities of concessionaires/mill (joint) owners, area of forest allocated, scale of investment, etc.).
7 Please provide details of any relevant forest law enforcement activities (e.g. legislation, fines, arrests, etc.) in your country in the past year.
8 Please indicate the current extent of forest plantations in your country (ha), annual establishment rate (ha/yr) and proportion of industrial roundwood production from plantations.


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
JQ1 Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 52860.723 59263.000 !! !! !! !! !! 112.11%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 24375.723 28284.000 !! !! !! !! !! 116.03%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2437.572 2828.000 !! !! !! !! !! 116.02%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 21938.151 25456.000 !! !! !! !! !! 116.04%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 28485.000 30979.000 !! !! !! !! !! 108.76%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 19630.000 21927.000 !! !! !! !! !! 111.70%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 8855.000 9052.000 !! !! !! !! !! 102.22%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 78.000 81.900 !! !! !! !! !! 105.00%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 18463.000 20854.000 !! !! !! !! !! 112.95%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13712.000 15839.000 !! !! !! !! !! 115.51%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4751.000 5015.000 !! !! !! !! !! 105.56%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 9476.000 9469.000 !! !! !! !! !! 99.93%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5680.000 5745.000 !! !! !! !! !! 101.14%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3796.000 3724.000 !! !! !! !! !! 98.10%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 546.000 656.000 !! !! !! !! !! 120.15%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 238.000 343.000 !! !! !! !! !! 144.12%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_3_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 308.000 313.000 !! !! !! !! !! 101.62%
FR P.OB 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
JQ1 Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
FR P 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 47388.045 53138.525 !! !! !! !! !! 112.13%
FR P 1000 m3 1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23323.765 26950.000 !! !! !! !! !! 115.55%
FR P 1000 m3 1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2332.376 2695.000 !! !! !! !! !! 115.55%
FR P 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 20991.388 24255.000 !! !! !! !! !! 115.55%
FR P 1000 m3 1_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 24064.280 26188.525 !! !! !! !! !! 108.83%
FR P 1000 m3 1_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 16323.088 18270.917 !! !! !! !! !! 111.93%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7741.193 7917.608 !! !! !! !! !! 102.28%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 57.353 60.221 !! !! !! !! !! 105.00%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 15856.540 17896.911 !! !! !! !! !! 112.87%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 11644.787 13451.122 !! !! !! !! !! 115.51%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4211.753 4445.788 !! !! !! !! !! 105.56%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7738.180 7727.455 !! !! !! !! !! 99.86%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4473.620 4524.815 !! !! !! !! !! 101.14%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3264.560 3202.640 !! !! !! !! !! 98.10%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 469.560 564.160 !! !! !! !! !! 120.15%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 204.680 294.980 !! !! !! !! !! 144.12%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_3_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 264.880 269.180 !! !! !! !! !! 101.62%
FR P 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13404.115 16366.217 !! !! !! !! !! 122.10%
FR P 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5752.055 6941.291 !! !! !! !! !! 120.67%
FR P 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7652.060 9424.926 !! !! !! !! !! 123.17%
FR P 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6382.000 6382.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1760.000 1930.000 !! !! !! !! !! 109.66%
FR P 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1700.000 1850.000 !! !! !! !! !! 108.82%
FR P 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 60.000 80.000 !! !! !! !! !! 133.33%
FR P 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7575.000 8581.000 !! !! !! !! !! 113.28%
FR P 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6442.000 7268.000 !! !! !! !! !! 112.82%
FR P 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1133.000 1313.000 !! !! !! !! !! 115.89%
FR P 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 10.000 25.000 !! !! !! !! !! 250.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 157.000 157.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.000 2.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 155.000 155.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3734.000 3770.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.96%
FR P 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 234.000 270.000 !! !! !! !! !! 115.38%
FR P 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 94.000 120.000 !! !! !! !! !! 127.66%
FR P 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 140.000 150.000 !! !! !! !! !! 107.14%
FR P 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 105.000 105.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2600.000 2600.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 900.000 900.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 751.000 751.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
FR P 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1620.000 1615.000 !! !! !! !! !! 99.69%
FR P 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 264.000 300.000 !! !! !! !! !! 113.64%
FR P 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1351.000 1310.000 !! !! !! !! !! 96.97%
FR P 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1237.000 1199.000 !! !! !! !! !! 96.93%
FR P 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 114.000 111.000 !! !! !! !! !! 97.37%
FR P 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4305.000 4573.000 !! !! !! !! !! 106.23%
FR P 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5.000 6.000 !! !! !! !! !! 120.00%
FR P 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4300.000 4567.000 !! !! !! !! !! 106.21%
FR P 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6317.000 6885.000 !! !! !! !! !! 108.99%
FR P 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6873.000 7359.000 !! !! !! !! !! 107.07%
FR P 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1198.000 1314.000 !! !! !! !! !! 109.68%
FR P 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 479.000 508.000 !! !! !! !! !! 106.05%
FR P 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 42.000 43.000 !! !! !! !! !! 102.38%
FR P 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 506.000 552.000 !! !! !! !! !! 109.09%
FR P 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 171.000 211.000 !! !! !! !! !! 123.39%
FR P 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 832.000 817.000 !! !! !! !! !! 98.20%
FR P 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4422.000 4840.000 !! !! !! !! !! 109.45%
FR P 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3576.000 3933.000 !! !! !! !! !! 109.98%
FR P 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 647.000 682.000 !! !! !! !! !! 105.41%
FR P 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 199.000 225.000 !! !! !! !! !! 113.07%
FR P 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 421.000 388.000 !! !! !! !! !! 92.16%
FR P 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR P 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
JQ2 Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
Q FR M 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1125.671 1182.851 !! !! !! !! !! 105.08%
FR M 1000 NAC 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 144711.575 174216.045 !! !! !! !! !! 120.39%
UV FR M 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 128.556 147.285 !! !! !! !! !! 114.57%
Q FR X 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4032.249 4546.654 !! !! !! !! !! 112.76%
FR X 1000 NAC 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 369012.920 488442.500 !! !! !! !! !! 132.36%
UV FR X 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 91.515 107.429 !! !! !! !! !! 117.39%
Q FR M 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 182.190 197.690 !! !! !! !! !! 108.51%
FR M 1000 NAC 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 18992.550 17393.930 !! !! !! !! !! 91.58%
UV FR M 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 104.246 87.986 !! !! !! !! !! 84.40%
Q FR X 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 449.484 435.136 !! !! !! !! !! 96.81%
FR X 1000 NAC 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 21264.300 24033.400 !! !! !! !! !! 113.02%
UV FR X 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 47.308 55.232 !! !! !! !! !! 116.75%
Q FR M 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 158.966 177.800 !! !! !! !! !! 111.85%
FR M 1000 NAC 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 14529.000 13876.500 !! !! !! !! !! 95.51%
UV FR M 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 91.397 78.046 !! !! !! !! !! 85.39%
Q FR X 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 353.751 299.915 !! !! !! !! !! 84.78%
FR X 1000 NAC 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 16228.500 16665.000 !! !! !! !! !! 102.69%
UV FR X 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 45.875 55.566 !! !! !! !! !! 121.12%
Q FR M 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23.225 19.890 !! !! !! !! !! 85.64%
FR M 1000 NAC 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4463.550 3517.430 !! !! !! !! !! 78.80%
UV FR M 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 192.190 176.841 !! !! !! !! !! 92.01%
Q FR X 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 95.733 135.221 !! !! !! !! !! 141.25%
FR X 1000 NAC 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5035.800 7368.400 !! !! !! !! !! 146.32%
UV FR X 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 52.603 54.492 !! !! !! !! !! 103.59%
Q FR M 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 943.481 985.161 !! !! !! !! !! 104.42%
FR M 1000 NAC 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 125719.025 156822.115 !! !! !! !! !! 124.74%
UV FR M 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 133.250 159.184 !! !! !! !! !! 119.46%
Q FR X 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3582.765 4111.519 !! !! !! !! !! 114.76%
FR X 1000 NAC 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 347748.620 464409.100 !! !! !! !! !! 133.55%
UV FR X 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 97.062 112.953 !! !! !! !! !! 116.37%
Q FR M 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 718.717 794.482 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 83022.400 108792.000 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 115.515 136.935 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1436.402 1617.362 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 109099.200 163259.200 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 75.953 100.942 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 224.764 190.679 !! !! !! !! !! 84.84%
FR M 1000 NAC 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 42696.625 48030.115 !! !! !! !! !! 112.49%
UV FR M 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 189.962 251.889 !! !! !! !! !! 132.60%
Q FR X 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2146.364 2494.157 !! !! !! !! !! 116.20%
FR X 1000 NAC 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 238649.420 301149.900 !! !! !! !! !! 126.19%
UV FR X 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 111.188 120.742 !! !! !! !! !! 108.59%
Q FR M 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 36.085 46.396 !! !! !! !! !! 128.58%
FR M 1000 NAC 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17342.425 24048.815 !! !! !! !! !! 138.67%
UV FR M 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 480.603 518.337 !! !! !! !! !! 107.85%
Q FR X 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3.062 1.914 !! !! !! !! !! 62.49%
FR X 1000 NAC 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 614.720 560.100 !! !! !! !! !! 91.11%
UV FR X 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 200.737 292.666 !! !! !! !! !! 145.80%
Q FR M 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 106.029 80.945 !! !! !! !! !! 76.34%
FR M 1000 NAC 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 61977.000 54658.000 !! !! !! !! !! 88.19%
UV FR M 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 584.529 675.249 !! !! !! !! !! 115.52%
Q FR X 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 9.192 6.912 !! !! !! !! !! 75.20%
FR X 1000 NAC 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7796.000 6952.000 !! !! !! !! !! 89.17%
UV FR X 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 848.129 1005.787 !! !! !! !! !! 118.59%
Q FR M 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2509.728 2185.523 !! !! !! !! !! 87.08%
FR M 1000 NAC 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 143600.700 117701.720 !! !! !! !! !! 81.96%
UV FR M 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 57.218 53.855 !! !! !! !! !! 94.12%
Q FR X 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 699.256 631.022 !! !! !! !! !! 90.24%
FR X 1000 NAC 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 58678.040 36015.100 !! !! !! !! !! 61.38%
UV FR X 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 83.915 57.074 !! !! !! !! !! 68.01%
Q FR M 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 652.814 513.553 !! !! !! !! !! 78.67%
FR M 1000 NAC 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 48736.900 33751.120 !! !! !! !! !! 69.25%
UV FR M 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 74.657 65.721 !! !! !! !! !! 88.03%
Q FR X 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 451.222 311.454 !! !! !! !! !! 69.02%
FR X 1000 NAC 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 42730.240 16724.500 !! !! !! !! !! 39.14%
UV FR X 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 94.699 53.698 !! !! !! !! !! 56.70%
Q FR M 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1856.914 1671.970 !! !! !! !! !! 90.04%
FR M 1000 NAC 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 94863.800 83950.600 !! !! !! !! !! 88.50%
UV FR M 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 51.087 50.211 !! !! !! !! !! 98.28%
Q FR X 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 248.034 319.568 !! !! !! !! !! 128.84%
FR X 1000 NAC 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 15947.800 19290.600 !! !! !! !! !! 120.96%
UV FR X 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 64.297 60.365 !! !! !! !! !! 93.88%
Q FR M 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 548.344 807.856 !! !! !! !! !! 147.33%
FR M 1000 NAC 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 99126.000 142805.000 !! !! !! !! !! 144.06%
UV FR M 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 180.773 176.770 !! !! !! !! !! 97.79%
Q FR X 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 286.105 342.339 !! !! !! !! !! 119.66%
FR X 1000 NAC 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 25530.000 34392.000 !! !! !! !! !! 134.71%
UV FR X 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 89.233 100.462 !! !! !! !! !! 112.58%
Q FR M 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 412.381 660.949 !! !! !! !! !! 160.28%
FR M 1000 NAC 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 86007.000 127444.000 !! !! !! !! !! 148.18%
UV FR M 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 208.562 192.820 !! !! !! !! !! 92.45%
Q FR X 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 96.539 121.640 !! !! !! !! !! 126.00%
FR X 1000 NAC 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 20703.000 25701.000 !! !! !! !! !! 124.14%
UV FR X 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 214.452 211.287 !! !! !! !! !! 98.52%
Q FR M 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 135.963 146.907 !! !! !! !! !! 108.05%
FR M 1000 NAC 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13119.000 15361.000 !! !! !! !! !! 117.09%
UV FR M 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 96.489 104.563 !! !! !! !! !! 108.37%
Q FR X 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 189.566 220.699 !! !! !! !! !! 116.42%
FR X 1000 NAC 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4827.000 8691.000 !! !! !! !! !! 180.05%
UV FR X 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 25.463 39.379 !! !! !! !! !! 154.65%
Q FR M 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2714.582 3132.406 !! !! !! !! !! 115.39%
FR M 1000 NAC 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1395705.100 2218546.000 !! !! !! !! !! 158.96%
UV FR M 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 514.151 708.256 !! !! !! !! !! 137.75%
Q FR X 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1517.785 1646.406 !! !! !! !! !! 108.47%
FR X 1000 NAC 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 594802.600 807830.700 !! !! !! !! !! 135.81%
UV FR X 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 391.889 490.663 !! !! !! !! !! 125.20%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2437.954 2846.070 !! !! !! !! !! 116.74%
FR M 1000 NAC 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1129098.600 1915698.600 !! !! !! !! !! 169.67%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 463.134 673.103 !! !! !! !! !! 145.34%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1047.883 1055.308 !! !! !! !! !! 100.71%
FR X 1000 NAC 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 322027.200 438489.000 !! !! !! !! !! 136.17%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 307.312 415.508 !! !! !! !! !! 135.21%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276.628 286.336 !! !! !! !! !! 103.51%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 266606.500 302847.400 !! !! !! !! !! 113.59%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 963.773 1057.663 !! !! !! !! !! 109.74%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 469.902 591.099 !! !! !! !! !! 125.79%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 272775.400 369341.700 !! !! !! !! !! 135.40%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 580.494 624.839 !! !! !! !! !! 107.64%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 129.181 135.128 !! !! !! !! !! 104.60%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 120276.800 137781.000 !! !! !! !! !! 114.55%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 931.073 1019.633 !! !! !! !! !! 109.51%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.933 4.925 !! !! !! !! !! 167.92%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3927.000 6273.400 !! !! !! !! !! 159.75%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1338.902 1273.735 !! !! !! !! !! 95.13%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 311.221 308.503 !! !! !! !! !! 99.13%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 296963.730 360703.980 !! !! !! !! !! 121.46%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 954.188 1169.208 !! !! !! !! !! 122.53%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 68.284 71.284 !! !! !! !! !! 104.39%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 128978.080 141373.680 !! !! !! !! !! 109.61%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1888.861 1983.245 !! !! !! !! !! 105.00%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17.486 14.673 !! !! !! !! !! 83.91%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13907.810 13269.410 !! !! !! !! !! 95.41%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 795.391 904.369 !! !! !! !! !! 113.70%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.258 0.559 !! !! !! !! !! 216.49%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 603.820 809.970 !! !! !! !! !! 134.14%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2340.206 1450.000 !! !! !! !! !! 61.96%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 293.736 293.830 !! !! !! !! !! 100.03%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 283055.920 347434.570 !! !! !! !! !! 122.74%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 963.641 1182.433 !! !! !! !! !! 122.70%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 68.026 70.725 !! !! !! !! !! 103.97%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 128374.260 140563.710 !! !! !! !! !! 109.50%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1887.149 1987.457 !! !! !! !! !! 105.32%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 78.654 86.102 !! !! !! !! !! 109.47%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 92392.440 105934.500 !! !! !! !! !! 114.66%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1174.676 1230.344 !! !! !! !! !! 104.74%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 53.542 54.078 !! !! !! !! !! 101.00%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 105910.560 110759.740 !! !! !! !! !! 104.58%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1978.091 2048.155 !! !! !! !! !! 103.54%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1350.300 1298.932 !! !! !! !! !! 96.20%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 944721.200 1237733.810 !! !! !! !! !! 131.02%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 699.638 952.886 !! !! !! !! !! 136.20%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1048.063 1056.587 !! !! !! !! !! 100.81%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 547327.360 559393.100 !! !! !! !! !! 102.20%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 522.227 529.434 !! !! !! !! !! 101.38%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 443.771 469.581 !! !! !! !! !! 105.82%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 442465.100 563693.900 !! !! !! !! !! 127.40%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 997.057 1200.418 !! !! !! !! !! 120.40%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 158.789 154.939 !! !! !! !! !! 97.58%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 230145.300 215553.800 !! !! !! !! !! 93.66%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1449.374 1391.214 !! !! !! !! !! 95.99%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 103.656 129.357 !! !! !! !! !! 124.79%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 114716.140 161401.240 !! !! !! !! !! 140.70%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1106.702 1247.720 !! !! !! !! !! 112.74%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 80.023 73.047 !! !! !! !! !! 91.28%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 81501.420 52795.820 !! !! !! !! !! 64.78%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1018.475 722.767 !! !! !! !! !! 70.97%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 340.115 340.225 !! !! !! !! !! 100.03%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 327748.960 402292.660 !! !! !! !! !! 122.74%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 963.641 1182.433 !! !! !! !! !! 122.70%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 78.766 81.893 !! !! !! !! !! 103.97%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 148643.880 162757.980 !! !! !! !! !! 109.50%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1887.149 1987.457 !! !! !! !! !! 105.32%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 91.073 99.697 !! !! !! !! !! 109.47%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 106980.720 122661.000 !! !! !! !! !! 114.66%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1174.676 1230.344 !! !! !! !! !! 104.74%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 61.996 62.616 !! !! !! !! !! 101.00%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 122633.280 128248.120 !! !! !! !! !! 104.58%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1978.091 2048.155 !! !! !! !! !! 103.54%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 118.052 148.058 !! !! !! !! !! 125.42%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 58113.820 129798.820 !! !! !! !! !! 223.35%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 492.273 876.675 !! !! !! !! !! 178.09%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 34.860 28.814 !! !! !! !! !! 82.66%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 14713.420 17880.540 !! !! !! !! !! 121.53%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 422.077 620.541 !! !! !! !! !! 147.02%
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 788.477 681.292 !! !! !! !! !! 86.41%
FR M 1000 NAC 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 444142.280 544241.090 !! !! !! !! !! 122.54%
UV FR M 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 563.292 798.837 !! !! !! !! !! 141.82%
Q FR X 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 854.414 872.833 !! !! !! !! !! 102.16%
FR X 1000 NAC 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 302468.640 325958.760 !! !! !! !! !! 107.77%
UV FR X 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 354.007 373.449 !! !! !! !! !! 105.49%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 235.488 211.987 !! !! !! !! !! 90.02%
FR M 1000 NAC 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 107675.550 144493.140 !! !! !! !! !! 134.19%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 457.245 681.614 !! !! !! !! !! 149.07%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 449.403 443.306 !! !! !! !! !! 98.64%
FR X 1000 NAC 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 139046.370 131170.920 !! !! !! !! !! 94.34%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 309.402 295.892 !! !! !! !! !! 95.63%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 481.147 388.167 !! !! !! !! !! 80.68%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276418.540 321553.540 !! !! !! !! !! 116.33%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 574.499 828.390 !! !! !! !! !! 144.19%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 312.431 344.646 !! !! !! !! !! 110.31%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 108678.000 144664.460 !! !! !! !! !! 133.11%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 347.846 419.748 !! !! !! !! !! 120.67%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 71.842 81.139 !! !! !! !! !! 112.94%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 60048.190 78194.410 !! !! !! !! !! 130.22%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 835.840 963.714 !! !! !! !! !! 115.30%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 92.580 84.881 !! !! !! !! !! 91.68%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 54744.270 50123.380 !! !! !! !! !! 91.56%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 591.320 590.513 !! !! !! !! !! 99.86%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1757.856 1603.663 !! !! !! !! !! 91.23%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 796995.000 951410.000 !! !! !! !! !! 119.37%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 453.390 593.273 !! !! !! !! !! 130.85%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 447.092 412.901 !! !! !! !! !! 92.35%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 203655.000 227432.000 !! !! !! !! !! 111.68%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 455.510 550.815 !! !! !! !! !! 120.92%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 75.740 82.514 !! !! !! !! !! 108.94%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 33763.000 42563.000 !! !! !! !! !! 126.06%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 445.775 515.828 !! !! !! !! !! 115.71%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.643 32.302 !! !! !! !! !! 695.71%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1253.000 6479.000 !! !! !! !! !! 517.08%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 269.869 200.576 !! !! !! !! !! 74.32%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1668.806 1521.149 !! !! !! !! !! 91.15%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 763232.000 908847.000 !! !! !! !! !! 119.08%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 457.352 597.474 !! !! !! !! !! 130.64%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 442.449 380.599 !! !! !! !! !! 86.02%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 202402.000 220953.000 !! !! !! !! !! 109.17%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 457.458 580.540 !! !! !! !! !! 126.91%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1645.881 1510.177 !! !! !! !! !! 91.75%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 745962.000 896474.000 !! !! !! !! !! 120.18%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 453.230 593.622 !! !! !! !! !! 130.98%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 436.700 379.414 !! !! !! !! !! 86.88%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 199023.000 219787.000 !! !! !! !! !! 110.43%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 455.743 579.280 !! !! !! !! !! 127.11%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1645.881 1510.177 !! !! !! !! !! 91.75%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 745962.000 896474.000 !! !! !! !! !! 120.18%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 453.230 593.622 !! !! !! !! !! 130.98%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 436.700 379.414 !! !! !! !! !! 86.88%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 199023.000 219787.000 !! !! !! !! !! 110.43%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 455.743 579.280 !! !! !! !! !! 127.11%
Q FR M 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 22.925 10.972 !! !! !! !! !! 47.86%
FR M 1000 NAC 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17270.000 12373.000 !! !! !! !! !! 71.64%
UV FR M 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 753.326 1127.689 !! !! !! !! !! 149.69%
Q FR X 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5.749 1.185 !! !! !! !! !! 20.61%
FR X 1000 NAC 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3379.000 1166.000 !! !! !! !! !! 34.51%
UV FR X 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 587.754 983.966 !! !! !! !! !! 167.41%
Q FR M 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13.310 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! 0.00%
FR M 1000 NAC 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23.131 23.497 !! !! !! !! !! 101.58%
FR M 1000 NAC 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 30360.000 32037.000 !! !! !! !! !! 105.52%
UV FR M 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1312.524 1363.451 !! !! !! !! !! 103.88%
Q FR X 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 70.485 83.456 !! !! !! !! !! 118.40%
FR X 1000 NAC 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 44499.000 56220.000 !! !! !! !! !! 126.34%
UV FR X 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 631.326 673.648 !! !! !! !! !! 106.70%
Q FR M 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 16.325 19.152 !! !! !! !! !! 117.32%
FR M 1000 NAC 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 26045.000 29028.000 !! !! !! !! !! 111.45%
UV FR M 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1595.406 1515.664 !! !! !! !! !! 95.00%
Q FR X 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.343 2.010 !! !! !! !! !! 85.79%
FR X 1000 NAC 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4471.000 4738.000 !! !! !! !! !! 105.97%
UV FR X 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1908.237 2357.214 !! !! !! !! !! 123.53%
Q FR M 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6.806 4.345 !! !! !! !! !! 63.84%
FR M 1000 NAC 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4315.000 3009.000 !! !! !! !! !! 69.73%
UV FR M 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 633.999 692.520 !! !! !! !! !! 109.23%
Q FR X 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 68.142 81.446 !! !! !! !! !! 119.52%
FR X 1000 NAC 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 40028.000 51482.000 !! !! !! !! !! 128.61%
UV FR X 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 587.420 632.100 !! !! !! !! !! 107.61%
Q FR M 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1859.992 1895.719 !! !! !! !! !! 101.92%
FR M 1000 NAC 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3716226.000 4027706.000 !! !! !! !! !! 108.38%
UV FR M 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1997.980 2124.632 !! !! !! !! !! 106.34%
Q FR X 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 921.811 955.364 !! !! !! !! !! 103.64%
FR X 1000 NAC 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2100841.000 2280836.000 !! !! !! !! !! 108.57%
UV FR X 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2279.037 2387.400 !! !! !! !! !! 104.75%
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4502.250 4740.495 !! !! !! !! !! 105.29%
FR M 1000 NAC 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3386847.000 3838835.000 !! !! !! !! !! 113.35%
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 752.257 809.796 !! !! !! !! !! 107.65%
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3464.735 3806.804 !! !! !! !! !! 109.87%
FR X 1000 NAC 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2649898.000 3433153.000 !! !! !! !! !! 129.56%
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 764.820 901.847 !! !! !! !! !! 117.92%
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2131.837 2126.105 !! !! !! !! !! 99.73%
FR M 1000 NAC 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1618320.000 1643723.000 !! !! !! !! !! 101.57%
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 759.120 773.115 !! !! !! !! !! 101.84%
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 895.994 1008.647 !! !! !! !! !! 112.57%
FR X 1000 NAC 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 715201.000 834097.000 !! !! !! !! !! 116.62%
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 798.221 826.946 !! !! !! !! !! 103.60%
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 90.586 89.624 !! !! !! !! !! 98.94%
FR M 1000 NAC 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 108249.000 105394.000 !! !! !! !! !! 97.36%
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1194.986 1175.957 !! !! !! !! !! 98.41%
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 79.583 67.563 !! !! !! !! !! 84.90%
FR X 1000 NAC 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 92484.000 91041.000 !! !! !! !! !! 98.44%
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1162.107 1347.498 !! !! !! !! !! 115.95%
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2249.687 2483.641 !! !! !! !! !! 110.40%
FR M 1000 NAC 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1587681.000 2007051.000 !! !! !! !! !! 126.41%
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 705.734 808.108 !! !! !! !! !! 114.51%
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2478.484 2672.381 !! !! !! !! !! 107.82%
FR X 1000 NAC 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1698501.000 2194104.000 !! !! !! !! !! 129.18%
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 685.298 821.030 !! !! !! !! !! 119.81%
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
JQ3 Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
FR M 1000 NAC 11_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 11_7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC 12_7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 11_7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC 12_6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A !! !! !! !! !! !!


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
ECEEU Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 718.717 794.482 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 83022.400 108792.000 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 115.515 136.935 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1436.402 1617.362 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 109099.200 163259.200 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 75.953 100.942 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 245.675 271.573 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 20698.518 27123.200 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 84.252 99.875 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 697.248 785.088 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 57489.399 86028.800 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 82.452 109.579 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 74.643 82.512 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6235.685 8171.200 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 83.540 99.030 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 394.405 444.093 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 27660.518 41392.000 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 70.132 93.206 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 148.328 163.965 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17371.273 22763.200 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 117.114 138.830 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 277.930 312.944 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 14791.481 22134.400 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 53.220 70.730 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 171.470 189.546 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 25335.904 33200.000 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 147.757 175.156 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 306.442 345.048 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17331.929 25936.000 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 56.559 75.166 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 171.031 189.061 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 14462.833 18952.000 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 84.563 100.243 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 302.843 340.995 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 29828.881 44636.800 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 98.496 130.902 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23.141 25.581 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7964.631 10436.800 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 344.174 407.993 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 28.512 32.104 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2540.448 3801.600 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 89.101 118.415 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 224.764 190.679 !! !! !! !! !! 84.84%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 42696.625 48030.115 !! !! !! !! !! 112.49%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 189.962 251.889 !! !! !! !! !! 132.60%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2146.364 2494.157 !! !! !! !! !! 116.20%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 238649.420 301149.900 !! !! !! !! !! 126.19%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 111.188 120.742 !! !! !! !! !! 108.59%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 45.480 43.528 !! !! !! !! !! 95.71%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13982.400 14689.200 !! !! !! !! !! 105.05%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 307.441 337.469 !! !! !! !! !! 109.77%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 513.890 604.981 !! !! !! !! !! 117.73%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 104013.600 142711.200 !! !! !! !! !! 137.20%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 202.404 235.894 !! !! !! !! !! 116.55%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 43.656 35.112 !! !! !! !! !! 80.43%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2934.000 2576.000 !! !! !! !! !! 87.80%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 67.207 73.365 !! !! !! !! !! 109.16%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 235.097 260.070 !! !! !! !! !! 110.62%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 18110.000 24840.000 !! !! !! !! !! 137.16%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 77.032 95.513 !! !! !! !! !! 123.99%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 41.510 39.225 !! !! !! !! !! 94.49%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1557.400 2122.900 !! !! !! !! !! 136.31%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 37.518 54.121 !! !! !! !! !! 144.25%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 268.501 289.583 !! !! !! !! !! 107.85%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 24365.900 28620.800 !! !! !! !! !! 117.46%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 90.748 98.835 !! !! !! !! !! 108.91%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2437.954 2846.070 !! !! !! !! !! 116.74%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1129098.600 1915698.600 !! !! !! !! !! 169.67%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 463.134 673.103 !! !! !! !! !! 145.34%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1047.883 1055.308 !! !! !! !! !! 100.71%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 322027.200 438489.000 !! !! !! !! !! 136.17%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 307.312 415.508 !! !! !! !! !! 135.21%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6.103 6.360 !! !! !! !! !! 104.21%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 192.000 192.000 !! !! !! !! !! 100.00%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 31.460 30.189 !! !! !! !! !! 95.96%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7.927 9.881 !! !! !! !! !! 124.65%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 827.000 1099.000 !! !! !! !! !! 132.89%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 104.327 111.224 !! !! !! !! !! 106.61%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 47.613 45.585 !! !! !! !! !! 95.74%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1749.400 2314.900 !! !! !! !! !! 132.33%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 36.742 50.782 !! !! !! !! !! 138.21%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276.428 299.464 !! !! !! !! !! 108.33%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 25192.900 29719.800 !! !! !! !! !! 117.97%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 91.137 99.243 !! !! !! !! !! 108.89%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 41.510 39.225 !! !! !! !! !! 94.49%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1557.400 2122.900 !! !! !! !! !! 136.31%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 37.518 54.121 !! !! !! !! !! 144.25%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 268.501 289.583 !! !! !! !! !! 107.85%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 24365.900 28620.800 !! !! !! !! !! 117.46%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 90.748 98.835 !! !! !! !! !! 108.91%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1581.590 1702.782 !! !! !! !! !! 107.66%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 689184.000 1157707.800 !! !! !! !! !! 167.98%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 435.754 679.892 !! !! !! !! !! 156.03%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 420.563 419.737 !! !! !! !! !! 99.80%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 129009.600 187525.800 !! !! !! !! !! 145.36%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 306.755 446.770 !! !! !! !! !! 145.64%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 19.530 3.377 !! !! !! !! !! 17.29%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1257.200 341.600 !! !! !! !! !! 27.17%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 64.373 101.161 !! !! !! !! !! 157.15%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.007 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 65.800 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! 9400.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 707.988 826.506 !! !! !! !! !! 116.74%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 323140.511 548260.200 !! !! !! !! !! 169.67%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 456.421 663.347 !! !! !! !! !! 145.34%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 206.015 207.475 !! !! !! !! !! 100.71%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 43446.341 59158.800 !! !! !! !! !! 136.17%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 210.889 285.137 !! !! !! !! !! 135.21%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276.628 286.336 !! !! !! !! !! 103.51%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 266606.500 302847.400 !! !! !! !! !! 113.59%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 963.773 1057.663 !! !! !! !! !! 109.74%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 469.902 591.099 !! !! !! !! !! 125.79%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 272775.400 369341.700 !! !! !! !! !! 135.40%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 580.494 624.839 !! !! !! !! !! 107.64%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 63.163 57.834 !! !! !! !! !! 91.56%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 80048.300 78079.800 !! !! !! !! !! 97.54%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1267.329 1350.074 !! !! !! !! !! 106.53%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 262.341 356.342 !! !! !! !! !! 135.83%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 200108.800 278727.100 !! !! !! !! !! 139.29%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 762.783 782.191 !! !! !! !! !! 102.54%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 30.663 38.237 !! !! !! !! !! 124.70%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 30676.800 40588.800 !! !! !! !! !! 132.31%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1000.457 1061.511 !! !! !! !! !! 106.10%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 131.590 152.870 !! !! !! !! !! 116.17%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 44037.000 53187.400 !! !! !! !! !! 120.78%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 334.653 347.925 !! !! !! !! !! 103.97%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.371 0.280 !! !! !! !! !! 75.47%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 383.600 453.600 !! !! !! !! !! 118.25%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1033.962 1620.000 !! !! !! !! !! 156.68%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.625 2.961 !! !! !! !! !! 182.17%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 546.000 1078.000 !! !! !! !! !! 197.44%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 335.917 364.066 !! !! !! !! !! 108.38%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.011 0.017 !! !! !! !! !! 150.00%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 26.600 43.400 !! !! !! !! !! 163.16%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2375.000 2583.333 !! !! !! !! !! 108.77%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.027 0.021 !! !! !! !! !! 78.95%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 12.600 5.600 !! !! !! !! !! 44.44%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 473.684 266.667 !! !! !! !! !! 56.30%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.390 2.106 !! !! !! !! !! 151.46%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1379.000 2436.000 !! !! !! !! !! 176.65%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 991.944 1156.915 !! !! !! !! !! 116.63%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 21.059 30.654 !! !! !! !! !! 145.57%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7989.800 10983.000 !! !! !! !! !! 137.46%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 379.404 358.285 !! !! !! !! !! 94.43%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.459 0.562 !! !! !! !! !! 122.35%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 282.600 316.800 !! !! !! !! !! 112.10%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 615.686 564.103 !! !! !! !! !! 91.62%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3.865 3.778 !! !! !! !! !! 97.76%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1069.200 1220.400 !! !! !! !! !! 114.14%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276.665 323.011 !! !! !! !! !! 116.75%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.130 0.246 !! !! !! !! !! 189.25%
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 204.400 315.000 !! !! !! !! !! 154.11%
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1569.892 1278.409 !! !! !! !! !! 81.43%
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.080 0.081 !! !! !! !! !! 101.75%
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 148.400 165.200 !! !! !! !! !! 111.32%
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1859.649 2034.483 !! !! !! !! !! 109.40%
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR M 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR X 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR M 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR X 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! !! !! !! !! !! !!


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
EU1 Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1125.671 1182.851 !! !! !! !! !! 105.08%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 144.712 174.216 !! !! !! !! !! 120.39%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.129 0.147 !! !! !! !! !! 114.57%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4032.249 4546.654 !! !! !! !! !! 112.76%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 369.013 488.443 !! !! !! !! !! 132.36%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.092 0.107 !! !! !! !! !! 117.39%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 182.190 197.690 !! !! !! !! !! 108.51%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 18.993 17.394 !! !! !! !! !! 91.58%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.104 0.088 !! !! !! !! !! 84.40%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 449.484 435.136 !! !! !! !! !! 96.81%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 21.264 24.033 !! !! !! !! !! 113.02%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.047 0.055 !! !! !! !! !! 116.75%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 158.966 177.800 !! !! !! !! !! 111.85%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 14.529 13.877 !! !! !! !! !! 95.51%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.091 0.078 !! !! !! !! !! 85.39%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 353.751 299.915 !! !! !! !! !! 84.78%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 16.229 16.665 !! !! !! !! !! 102.69%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.046 0.056 !! !! !! !! !! 121.12%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23.225 19.890 !! !! !! !! !! 85.64%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.464 3.517 !! !! !! !! !! 78.80%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.192 0.177 !! !! !! !! !! 92.01%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 95.733 135.221 !! !! !! !! !! 141.25%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5.036 7.368 !! !! !! !! !! 146.32%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.053 0.054 !! !! !! !! !! 103.59%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 943.481 985.161 !! !! !! !! !! 104.42%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 125.719 156.822 !! !! !! !! !! 124.74%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.133 0.159 !! !! !! !! !! 119.46%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3582.765 4111.519 !! !! !! !! !! 114.76%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 347.749 464.409 !! !! !! !! !! 133.55%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.097 0.113 !! !! !! !! !! 116.37%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 718.717 794.482 !! !! !! !! !! 110.54%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 83.022 108.792 !! !! !! !! !! 131.04%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.116 0.137 !! !! !! !! !! 118.54%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1436.402 1617.362 !! !! !! !! !! 112.60%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 109.099 163.259 !! !! !! !! !! 149.64%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.076 0.101 !! !! !! !! !! 132.90%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 224.764 190.679 !! !! !! !! !! 84.84%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 42.697 48.030 !! !! !! !! !! 112.49%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.190 0.252 !! !! !! !! !! 132.60%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2146.364 2494.157 !! !! !! !! !! 116.20%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 238.649 301.150 !! !! !! !! !! 126.19%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.111 0.121 !! !! !! !! !! 108.59%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 36.085 46.396 !! !! !! !! !! 128.58%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17.342 24.049 !! !! !! !! !! 138.67%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.481 0.518 !! !! !! !! !! 107.85%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3.062 1.914 !! !! !! !! !! 62.49%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.615 0.560 !! !! !! !! !! 91.11%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.201 0.293 !! !! !! !! !! 145.80%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 106.029 80.945 !! !! !! !! !! 76.34%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 61.977 54.658 !! !! !! !! !! 88.19%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.585 0.675 !! !! !! !! !! 115.52%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 9.192 6.912 !! !! !! !! !! 75.20%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 7.796 6.952 !! !! !! !! !! 89.17%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.848 1.006 !! !! !! !! !! 118.59%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2509.728 2185.523 !! !! !! !! !! 87.08%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 143.601 117.702 !! !! !! !! !! 81.96%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.057 0.054 !! !! !! !! !! 94.12%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 699.256 631.022 !! !! !! !! !! 90.24%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 58.678 36.015 !! !! !! !! !! 61.38%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.084 0.057 !! !! !! !! !! 68.01%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 652.814 513.553 !! !! !! !! !! 78.67%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 48.737 33.751 !! !! !! !! !! 69.25%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.075 0.066 !! !! !! !! !! 88.03%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 451.222 311.454 !! !! !! !! !! 69.02%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 42.730 16.725 !! !! !! !! !! 39.14%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.095 0.054 !! !! !! !! !! 56.70%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1856.914 1671.970 !! !! !! !! !! 90.04%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 94.864 83.951 !! !! !! !! !! 88.50%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.051 0.050 !! !! !! !! !! 98.28%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 248.034 319.568 !! !! !! !! !! 128.84%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 15.948 19.291 !! !! !! !! !! 120.96%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.064 0.060 !! !! !! !! !! 93.88%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 548.344 807.856 !! !! !! !! !! 147.33%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 99.126 142.805 !! !! !! !! !! 144.06%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.181 0.177 !! !! !! !! !! 97.79%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 286.105 342.339 !! !! !! !! !! 119.66%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 25.530 34.392 !! !! !! !! !! 134.71%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 5 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.089 0.100 !! !! !! !! !! 112.58%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 412.381 660.949 !! !! !! !! !! 160.28%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 86.007 127.444 !! !! !! !! !! 148.18%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.209 0.193 !! !! !! !! !! 92.45%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 96.539 121.640 !! !! !! !! !! 126.00%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 20.703 25.701 !! !! !! !! !! 124.14%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 5_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.214 0.211 !! !! !! !! !! 98.52%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 135.963 146.907 !! !! !! !! !! 108.05%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13.119 15.361 !! !! !! !! !! 117.09%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.096 0.105 !! !! !! !! !! 108.37%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 189.566 220.699 !! !! !! !! !! 116.42%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.827 8.691 !! !! !! !! !! 180.05%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 5_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.025 0.039 !! !! !! !! !! 154.65%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2714.582 3132.406 !! !! !! !! !! 115.39%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1395.705 2218.546 !! !! !! !! !! 158.96%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.514 0.708 !! !! !! !! !! 137.75%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1517.785 1646.406 !! !! !! !! !! 108.47%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 594.803 807.831 !! !! !! !! !! 135.81%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 5_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.392 0.491 !! !! !! !! !! 125.20%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2437.954 2846.070 !! !! !! !! !! 116.74%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1129.099 1915.699 !! !! !! !! !! 169.67%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.463 0.673 !! !! !! !! !! 145.34%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1047.883 1055.308 !! !! !! !! !! 100.71%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 322.027 438.489 !! !! !! !! !! 136.17%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.307 0.416 !! !! !! !! !! 135.21%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276.628 286.336 !! !! !! !! !! 103.51%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 266.607 302.847 !! !! !! !! !! 113.59%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.964 1.058 !! !! !! !! !! 109.74%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 469.902 591.099 !! !! !! !! !! 125.79%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 272.775 369.342 !! !! !! !! !! 135.40%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.580 0.625 !! !! !! !! !! 107.64%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 129.181 135.128 !! !! !! !! !! 104.60%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 120.277 137.781 !! !! !! !! !! 114.55%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.931 1.020 !! !! !! !! !! 109.51%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.933 4.925 !! !! !! !! !! 167.92%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3.927 6.273 !! !! !! !! !! 159.75%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.339 1.274 !! !! !! !! !! 95.13%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 311.221 308.503 !! !! !! !! !! 99.13%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 296.964 360.704 !! !! !! !! !! 121.46%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.954 1.169 !! !! !! !! !! 122.53%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 68.284 71.284 !! !! !! !! !! 104.39%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 128.978 141.374 !! !! !! !! !! 109.61%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.889 1.983 !! !! !! !! !! 105.00%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17.486 14.673 !! !! !! !! !! 83.91%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13.908 13.269 !! !! !! !! !! 95.41%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.795 0.904 !! !! !! !! !! 113.70%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.258 0.559 !! !! !! !! !! 216.49%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.604 0.810 !! !! !! !! !! 134.14%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.340 1.450 !! !! !! !! !! 61.96%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 293.736 293.830 !! !! !! !! !! 100.03%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 283.056 347.435 !! !! !! !! !! 122.74%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.964 1.182 !! !! !! !! !! 122.70%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 68.026 70.725 !! !! !! !! !! 103.97%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 128.374 140.564 !! !! !! !! !! 109.50%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.887 1.987 !! !! !! !! !! 105.32%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 78.654 86.102 !! !! !! !! !! 109.47%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 92.392 105.935 !! !! !! !! !! 114.66%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.175 1.230 !! !! !! !! !! 104.74%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 53.542 54.078 !! !! !! !! !! 101.00%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 105.911 110.760 !! !! !! !! !! 104.58%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.978 2.048 !! !! !! !! !! 103.54%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1232.248 1150.874 !! !! !! !! !! 93.40%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 886.607 1107.935 !! !! !! !! !! 124.96%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.720 0.963 !! !! !! !! !! 133.80%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1013.204 1027.773 !! !! !! !! !! 101.44%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 532.614 541.513 !! !! !! !! !! 101.67%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.526 0.527 !! !! !! !! !! 100.23%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 443.771 469.581 !! !! !! !! !! 105.82%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 442.465 563.694 !! !! !! !! !! 127.40%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.997 1.200 !! !! !! !! !! 120.40%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 158.789 154.939 !! !! !! !! !! 97.58%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 230.145 215.554 !! !! !! !! !! 93.66%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.449 1.391 !! !! !! !! !! 95.99%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 103.656 129.357 !! !! !! !! !! 124.79%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 114.716 161.401 !! !! !! !! !! 140.70%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.107 1.248 !! !! !! !! !! 112.74%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 80.023 73.047 !! !! !! !! !! 91.28%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 81.501 52.796 !! !! !! !! !! 64.78%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.018 0.723 !! !! !! !! !! 70.97%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 340.115 340.225 !! !! !! !! !! 100.03%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 327.749 402.293 !! !! !! !! !! 122.74%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.964 1.182 !! !! !! !! !! 122.70%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 78.766 81.893 !! !! !! !! !! 103.97%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 148.644 162.758 !! !! !! !! !! 109.50%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.887 1.987 !! !! !! !! !! 105.32%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 91.073 99.697 !! !! !! !! !! 109.47%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 106.981 122.661 !! !! !! !! !! 114.66%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.175 1.230 !! !! !! !! !! 104.74%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 61.996 62.616 !! !! !! !! !! 101.00%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 122.633 128.248 !! !! !! !! !! 104.58%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.978 2.048 !! !! !! !! !! 103.54%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 118.052 148.058 !! !! !! !! !! 125.42%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 58.114 129.799 !! !! !! !! !! 223.35%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.492 0.877 !! !! !! !! !! 178.09%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 34.860 28.814 !! !! !! !! !! 82.66%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 14.713 17.881 !! !! !! !! !! 121.53%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.422 0.621 !! !! !! !! !! 147.02%
Q FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 788.477 681.292 !! !! !! !! !! 86.41%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 444.142 544.241 !! !! !! !! !! 122.54%
UV FR EX_M 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.563 0.799 !! !! !! !! !! 141.82%
Q FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 854.414 872.833 !! !! !! !! !! 102.16%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 302.469 325.959 !! !! !! !! !! 107.77%
UV FR EX_X 1000 m3 6_4_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.354 0.373 !! !! !! !! !! 105.49%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 235.488 211.987 !! !! !! !! !! 90.02%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 107.676 144.493 !! !! !! !! !! 134.19%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.457 0.682 !! !! !! !! !! 149.07%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 449.403 443.306 !! !! !! !! !! 98.64%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 139.046 131.171 !! !! !! !! !! 94.34%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.309 0.296 !! !! !! !! !! 95.63%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 481.147 388.167 !! !! !! !! !! 80.68%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 276.419 321.554 !! !! !! !! !! 116.33%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.574 0.828 !! !! !! !! !! 144.19%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 312.431 344.646 !! !! !! !! !! 110.31%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 108.678 144.664 !! !! !! !! !! 133.11%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.348 0.420 !! !! !! !! !! 120.67%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 71.842 81.139 !! !! !! !! !! 112.94%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 60.048 78.194 !! !! !! !! !! 130.22%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.836 0.964 !! !! !! !! !! 115.30%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 92.580 84.881 !! !! !! !! !! 91.68%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 54.744 50.123 !! !! !! !! !! 91.56%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.591 0.591 !! !! !! !! !! 99.86%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 111.975 93.486 !! !! !! !! !! 83.49%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 51.033 54.936 !! !! !! !! !! 107.65%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.456 0.588 !! !! !! !! !! 128.94%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 10.392 33.487 !! !! !! !! !! 322.24%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.632 7.645 !! !! !! !! !! 165.05%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.446 0.228 !! !! !! !! !! 51.22%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 75.740 82.514 !! !! !! !! !! 108.94%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 33.763 42.563 !! !! !! !! !! 126.06%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.446 0.516 !! !! !! !! !! 115.71%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.643 32.302 !! !! !! !! !! 695.71%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.253 6.479 !! !! !! !! !! 517.08%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.270 0.201 !! !! !! !! !! 74.32%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 22.925 10.972 !! !! !! !! !! 47.86%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17.270 12.373 !! !! !! !! !! 71.64%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.753 1.128 !! !! !! !! !! 149.69%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5.749 1.185 !! !! !! !! !! 20.61%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3.379 1.166 !! !! !! !! !! 34.51%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.588 0.984 !! !! !! !! !! 167.41%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1645.881 1510.177 !! !! !! !! !! 91.75%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 745.962 896.474 !! !! !! !! !! 120.18%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.453 0.594 !! !! !! !! !! 130.98%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 436.700 379.414 !! !! !! !! !! 86.88%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 199.023 219.787 !! !! !! !! !! 110.43%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.456 0.579 !! !! !! !! !! 127.11%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 22.925 10.972 !! !! !! !! !! 47.86%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 17.270 12.373 !! !! !! !! !! 71.64%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.753 1.128 !! !! !! !! !! 149.69%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5.749 1.185 !! !! !! !! !! 20.61%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3.379 1.166 !! !! !! !! !! 34.51%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 7_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.588 0.984 !! !! !! !! !! 167.41%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13.310 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! 0.00%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 8 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23.131 23.497 !! !! !! !! !! 101.58%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 30.360 32.037 !! !! !! !! !! 105.52%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.313 1.363 !! !! !! !! !! 103.88%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 70.485 83.456 !! !! !! !! !! 118.40%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 44.499 56.220 !! !! !! !! !! 126.34%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 8_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.631 0.674 !! !! !! !! !! 106.70%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 16.325 19.152 !! !! !! !! !! 117.32%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 26.045 29.028 !! !! !! !! !! 111.45%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.595 1.516 !! !! !! !! !! 95.00%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.343 2.010 !! !! !! !! !! 85.79%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.471 4.738 !! !! !! !! !! 105.97%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 8_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.908 2.357 !! !! !! !! !! 123.53%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 6.806 4.345 !! !! !! !! !! 63.84%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4.315 3.009 !! !! !! !! !! 69.73%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.634 0.693 !! !! !! !! !! 109.23%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 68.142 81.446 !! !! !! !! !! 119.52%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 40.028 51.482 !! !! !! !! !! 128.61%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 9 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.587 0.632 !! !! !! !! !! 107.61%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1859.992 1895.719 !! !! !! !! !! 101.92%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3716.226 4027.706 !! !! !! !! !! 108.38%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.998 2.125 !! !! !! !! !! 106.34%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 921.811 955.364 !! !! !! !! !! 103.64%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2100.841 2280.836 !! !! !! !! !! 108.57%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2.279 2.387 !! !! !! !! !! 104.75%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4502.250 4740.495 !! !! !! !! !! 105.29%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3386.847 3838.835 !! !! !! !! !! 113.35%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.752 0.810 !! !! !! !! !! 107.65%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 3464.735 3806.804 !! !! !! !! !! 109.87%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2649.898 3433.153 !! !! !! !! !! 129.56%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.765 0.902 !! !! !! !! !! 117.92%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2131.837 2126.105 !! !! !! !! !! 99.73%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1618.320 1643.723 !! !! !! !! !! 101.57%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.759 0.773 !! !! !! !! !! 101.84%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 895.994 1008.647 !! !! !! !! !! 112.57%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 715.201 834.097 !! !! !! !! !! 116.62%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.798 0.827 !! !! !! !! !! 103.60%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_1_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 90.586 89.624 !! !! !! !! !! 98.94%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 108.249 105.394 !! !! !! !! !! 97.36%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.195 1.176 !! !! !! !! !! 98.41%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 79.583 67.563 !! !! !! !! !! 84.90%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 92.484 91.041 !! !! !! !! !! 98.44%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1.162 1.347 !! !! !! !! !! 115.95%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2249.687 2483.641 !! !! !! !! !! 110.40%
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1587.681 2007.051 !! !! !! !! !! 126.41%
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.706 0.808 !! !! !! !! !! 114.51%
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2478.484 2672.381 !! !! !! !! !! 107.82%
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1698.501 2194.104 !! !! !! !! !! 129.18%
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.685 0.821 !! !! !! !! !! 119.81%
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_3_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_M 1000 NAC 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_M 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Q FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
FR EX_X 1000 NAC 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 0.000 0.000 !! !! !! !! !! !!
UV FR EX_X 1000 mt 10_4 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! !! !! !! !! !! !!


% Min: 80% Max: 120% Notes
EU2 Country Flow Unit Product 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/20 20/21 2016 2017 2018 2019
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 47387 52915 !! !! !! !! !! 111.67%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 18655 20944 !! !! !! !! !! 112.27%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 28732 31971 !! !! !! !! !! 111.27%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 4244.4802825341 4557.123304733 !! !! !! !! !! 107.37%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2224.3297372312 2271.126956543 !! !! !! !! !! 102.10%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2020.1505453029 2285.9963481899 !! !! !! !! !! 113.16%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 5906.5827642783 7982.77189 !! !! !! !! !! 135.15%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2908.3862908533 4128.624044745 !! !! !! !! !! 141.96%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 2998.196473425 3854.147845255 !! !! !! !! !! 128.55%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_3 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 37235.9369531876 40375.104805267 !! !! !! !! !! 108.43%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_C ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 13522.2839719155 14544.2489987119 !! !! !! !! !! 107.56%
FR P 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_NC ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 23713.652981272 25830.8558065551 !! !! !! !! !! 108.93%

Annex1 | JQ1-Corres.

Removals and Production
Central Product Classification Version 2.1 (CPC Ver. 2.1)
Product Product
1.1.C Coniferous 03131
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 03132
1.2.C Coniferous 0311
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 0312
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical ex0312
1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS ex03110 ex03120
1.2.1.C Coniferous ex03110
1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous ex03120
1.2.2.C Coniferous ex03110
1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous ex03120
1.2.3 OTHER INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD ex03110 ex03120
1.2.3.C Coniferous ex03110
1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous ex03120
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 39281
6.C Coniferous 31101 ex31109 ex3132
6.NC Non-Coniferous 31102 ex31109 ex3132
6.NC.T of which: Tropical ex31102 ex31109 ex3132
7.C Coniferous 31511
7.NC Non-Coniferous 31512
7.NC.T of which: Tropical ex31512
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 3141 3142 3143 3144
8.1 PLYWOOD 3141 3142
8.1.C Coniferous 31411 31421
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 31412 31422
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical ex31412 ex31422
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 31432
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 31442
9 WOOD PULP 32111 32112 ex32113
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP ex32112 of which: BLEACHED ex32112
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP ex32112
10 OTHER PULP ex32113
12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 3212 3213 32142 32143 ex32149 32151 32198 ex32199
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 3212 ex32143 ex32149
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 32121
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL ex32122 ex32129
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 32122 ex32129
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS ex32143 ex32149
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 32132 ex32133 32134 32135 ex32136 ex32137 32142 32151 ex32143 ex32149
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 32132 32134 32135 ex32136
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD ex32133 ex32136 ex32143 ex32149
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS ex32133 ex32136 ex32137 32142 32151
12.4 OTHER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD N.E.S. ex32149 ex32133 ex32136 ex32137 32198 ex32199
The term "ex" means that there is not a complete correlation between the two codes and that only a part of the CPC Ver.2.1 code is applicable.
For instance "ex31512" under product 7.NC.T means that only a part of CPC Ver.2.1 code 31512 refers to non-coniferous tropical veneer sheets.
In CPC, if only 3 or 4 digits are shown, then all sub-codes at lower degrees of aggregation are included (for example, 0313 includes 03131 and 03132).

Annex2 | JQ2-Corres.

CORRESPONDENCES to HS2017, HS2012 and SITC Rev.4
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s
Product Product
Code HS2017 HS2012 SITC Rev.4
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 4401.11/12 44.03 4401.10 44.03 245.01 247
1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 4401.11/12 4401.10 245.01
1.1.C Coniferous 4401.11 ex4401.10 ex245.01
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 4401.12 ex4401.10 ex245.01
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 44.03 44.03 247
1.2.C Coniferous 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 ex4403.10 4403.20 ex247.3 247.4
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94/95/96/97/98/99 ex4403.10 4403.41/49/91/92/99 ex247.3 247.5 247.9
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical ex4403.12 4403.41/49 ex4403.10 4403.41/49 ex4403.99 ex247.3 247.5 ex247.9
2 WOOD CHARCOAL 4402.90 4402.90 ex245.02
3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 4401.21/22 ex4401.40 4401.21/22 ex4401.39 246.1 ex246.2
3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 4401.21/22 4401.21/22 246.1
4 RECOVERED POST-CONSUMER WOOD ex4401.40 ex4401.39 ex246.2
5 WOOD PELLETS AND OTHER AGGLOMERATES 4401.31/39 4401.31 ex4401.39 ex246.2
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 4401.31 4401.31 ex246.2
5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 4401.39 ex4401.39 ex246.2
6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 44.06 44.07 44.06 44.07 248.1 248.2 248.4
6.C Coniferous 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 ex4406.10/90 4407.10 ex248.11 ex248.19 248.2
6.NC Non-Coniferous 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/99 ex248.11 ex248.19 248.4
6.NC.T of which: Tropical ex4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 ex4407.99 ex248.11 ex248.19 ex248.4
7 VENEER SHEETS 44.08 44.08 634.1
7.C Coniferous 4408.10 4408.10 634.11
7.NC Non-Coniferous 4408.31/39/90 4408.31/39/90 634.12
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 4408.31/39 4408.31/39 ex4408.90 ex634.12
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 44.10 44.11 4412.31/33/34/39/94/99 44.10 44.11 4412.31/32/39/94/99 634.22/23/31/33/39 634.5
8.1 PLYWOOD 4412.31/33/34/39/94/99 4412.31/32/39/94/99 634.31/33/39
8.1.C Coniferous 4412.39 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.39 ex4412.94 ex.4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 4412.31/33/34 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.31/32 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 4412.31 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.31 ex4412.32 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 4410.12 4410.12 ex634.22
8.3 FIBREBOARD 44.11 44.11 634.5
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 4411.92 4411.92 ex634.54 ex634.55
8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 4411.12/13 ex4411.14* 4411.12/13 ex4411.14* ex634.54 ex634.55
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD ex4411.14 4411.93/94 ex4411.14 4411.93/94 ex634.54 ex634.55
9 WOOD PULP 47.01/02/03/04/05 47.01/02/03/04/05 251.2 251.3 251.4 251.5 251.6 251.91
9.1 MECHANICAL AND SEMI-CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 47.01 47.05 47.01 47.05 251.2 251.91
9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 47.03 47.04 47.03 47.04 251.4 251.5 251.6
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 47.03 47.03 251.4 251.5 of which: BLEACHED 4703.21/29 4703.21/29 251.5
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 47.04 47.04 251.6
9.3 DISSOLVING GRADES 47.02 47.02 251.3
10 OTHER PULP 47.06 47.06 251.92
10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 4706.10/30/91/92/93 4706.10/30/91/92/93 ex251.92
10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 4706.20 4706.20 ex251.92
11 RECOVERED PAPER 47.07 47.07 251.1
12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 48.08 48.09 48.10 4811.51/59 48.12 48.13 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 48.08 48.09 48.10 4811.51/59 48.12 48.13 641.1 641.2 641.3 641.4 641.5 641.62/63/64/69/71/72/74/75/76/77/93 642.41
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 48.01 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58/61/62/69 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 48.01 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58/61/62/69 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 641.1 641.21/22/26/29 641.3
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 48.01 48.01 641.1
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 4802.61/62/69 4802.61/62/69 641.29
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58 641.21/22/26
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 641.3
12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 48.03 48.03 641.63
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 4804.11/19/21/29/31/39/42/49/51/52/59 4805.11/12/19/24/25/30/91/92/93 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/32/39/92/99 4811.51/59 4804.11/19/21/29/31/39/42/49/51/52/59 4805.11/12/19/24/25/30/91/92/93 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/32/39/92/99 4811.51/59 641.41/42/46 ex641.47 641.48/51/52 ex641.53 641.54/59/62/64/69/71/72/74/75/76/77
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 4804.11/19 4805.11/12/19/24/25/91 4804.11/19 4805.11/12/19/24/25/91 641.41/51/54 ex641.59
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 4804.42/49/51/52/59 4805.92 4810.32/39/92 4811.51/59 4804.42/49/51/52/59 4805.92 4810.32/39/92 4811.51/59 ex641.47 641.48 ex641.59 641.75/76 ex641.77 641.71/72
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 4804.21/29/31/39 4805.30 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/99 4804.21/29/31/39 4805.30 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/99 641.42/46/52 ex641.53 641.62/64/69/74 ex641.77
12.3.4 OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 4805.93 4805.93 ex641.59
12.4 OTHER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD N.E.S. 4802.40 4804.41 4805.40/50 4806.30 48.12 48.13 4802.40 4804.41 4805.40/50 4806.30 48.12 48.13 641.24 ex641.47 641.56 ex641.53 641.55/93 642.41
The term "ex" means that there is not a complete correlation between the two codes and that only a part of the HS2012/HS2017 or SITC Rev.4 code is applicable.
For instance "ex4401.40" under product 3.2 means that only a part of HS2017 code 4401.40 refers to wood residues coming from wood processing (the other part coded under 4401.40 is recovered post-consumer wood).
In SITC Rev.4, if only 4 digits are shown, then all sub-headings at lower degrees of aggregation are included (for example, 634.1 includes 634.11 and 634.12).
* - Please assign the trade data for HS code 4411.14 to product 8.3.2 (MDF/HDF) and 8.3.3 (other fibreboard) if it is possible to do this in national statistics. If not, please assign all the trade data to item 8.3.2 as in most cases MDF/HDF will represent the large majority of trade.

Annex3 | JQ3-Corres.

CORRESPONDENCES to HS2017, HS2012 and SITC Rev.4
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s
Product Product
Code HS2017 HS2012 SITC Rev.4
13.1 FURTHER PROCESSED SAWNWOOD 4409.10/22/29 4409.10/29 248.3 248.5
13.1.C Coniferous 4409.10 4409.10 248.3
13.1.NC Non-coniferous 4409.22/29 4409.29 248.5
13.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 4409.22 ex4409.29 ex248.5
13.2 WOODEN WRAPPING AND PACKAGING MATERIAL 44.15/16 44.15/16 635.1 635.2
13.3 WOOD PRODUCTS FOR DOMESTIC/DECORATIVE USE 44.14 4419.90 44.20 44.14 ex4419.00 44.20 635.41 ex635.42 635.49
13.4 BUILDER’S JOINERY AND CARPENTRY OF WOOD 4418.10/20/40/50/60/74/75/79/99 4418.10/20/40/50/60 ex4418.71 ex4418.72 ex4418.79 ex4418.90 635.31/32/33 ex635.34 ex635.39
13.5 WOODEN FURNITURE 9401.61/69 ex9401.90 9403.30/40/50/60 ex9403.90 9401.61/69 ex9401.90 9403.30/40/50/60 ex9403.90 821.16 ex821.19 821.51/53/55/59 ex821.8
13.6 PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS OF WOOD 9406.10 ex94.06 ex811.0
13.7 OTHER MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS 44.04/05/13/17 4421.10/99 44.04/05/13/17 4421.10 ex4421.90 634.21/91/93 635.91 ex635.99
14.1 COMPOSITE PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 48.07 48.07 641.92
14.2 SPECIAL COATED PAPER AND PULP PRODUCTS 4811.10/41/49/60/90 4811.10/41/49/60/90 641.73/78/79
14.4 PACKAGING CARTONS, BOXES ETC. 48.19 48.19 642.1
14.5 OTHER ARTICLES OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE 48.14/16/17/20/21/22/23 48.14/16/17/20/21/22/23 641.94 642.2 642.3 642.42/45/91/93/99 892.81
14.5.1 of which: PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER, READY FOR USE ex4823.90 ex4823.90 ex642.99
14.5.2 of which: ARTICLES, MOULDED OR PRESSED FROM PULP 4823.70 4823.70 ex642.99
14.5.3 of which: FILTER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE 4823.20 4823.20 642.45
The term "ex" means that there is not a complete correlation between the two codes and that only a part of the HS2012/HS2017 or SITC Rev.4 code is applicable.
For instance "ex811.00" under "Prefabricated buildings of wood" means that only a part of SITC code 811.00 refers to buildings prefabricated from wood, as that code does not distinguish between the materials buildings were prefabricated from.
In SITC Rev.4, if only 4 digits are shown, then all subheadings at lower degrees of aggregation are included (for example, 892.2 includes 892.21 and 892.29).


Country Flow Year Unit Product Conc Data value
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1 47388.0450260872 JQ1
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_C 23323.76455
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_NC 2332.376455
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_1 20991.388095
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_1_C 24064.2804760872
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_1_NC 16323.0876374444
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2 7741.1928386428
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_C 57.3529411765
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC 15856.5402671983
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_1 11644.7874285555
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_1_C 4211.7528386429
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC 7738.1802088889
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_2 4473.6202088889
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_2_C 3264.56
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC 469.56
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_3 204.68
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_3_C 264.88
FR P 2020 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC 0
FR P 2020 1000 mt 2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_2 13404.1152270974
FR P 2020 1000 m3 3 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_3 5752.0552168567
FR P 2020 1000 m3 3_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_3_1 7652.0600102407
FR P 2020 1000 m3 3_2 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_3_2 6382
FR P 2020 1000 mt 4 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_4 1760
FR P 2020 1000 mt 4_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_4_1 1700
FR P 2020 1000 mt 4_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_4_2 60
FR P 2020 1000 m3 5 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_5 7575
FR P 2020 1000 m3 5_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_5_C 6442
FR P 2020 1000 m3 5_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_5_NC 1133
FR P 2020 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_P_2020_1000 m3_5_NC_T 10
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6 157
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_1 2
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_1_C 155
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC 0
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 3734
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_2 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_2 234
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_2_C 94
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC 140
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 105
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_3 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_3 2600
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_3_1 0
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_4 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_4 900
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_4_1 0
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_4_2 751
FR P 2020 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_6_4_3 0
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7 1620
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_1 264
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_2 1351
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_3 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_3 1237
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_3_1 0
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_3_2 114
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_3_3 0
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_3_4 4305
FR P 2020 1000 mt 7_4 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_7_4 5
FR P 2020 1000 mt 8 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_8 4300
FR P 2020 1000 mt 8_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_8_1 6317
FR P 2020 1000 mt 8_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_8_2 6873
FR P 2020 1000 mt 9 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_9 1198
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10 479
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_1 42
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_1_1 506
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_1_2 171
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_1_3 832
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_1_4 4422
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_2 3576
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_3 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_3 647
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_3_1 199
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_3_3 421
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR P 2020 1000 mt 10_4 FR_P_2020_1000 mt_10_4 ERROR:#REF!
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1 53138.5253983089
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_C 26950
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_NC 2695
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_1 24255
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_1_C 26188.5253983089
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_1_NC 18270.9170409538
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2 7917.6083573551
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_C 60.2205882353
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC 17896.9105919591
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_1 13451.122234604
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_1_C 4445.7883573551
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC 7727.4548063498
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_2 4524.8148063498
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_2_C 3202.64
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC 564.16
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_3 294.98
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_3_C 269.18
FR P 2021 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC 0
FR P 2021 1000 mt 2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_2 16366.2173858924
FR P 2021 1000 m3 3 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_3 6941.2914386318
FR P 2021 1000 m3 3_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_3_1 9424.9259472606
FR P 2021 1000 m3 3_2 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_3_2 6382
FR P 2021 1000 mt 4 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_4 1930
FR P 2021 1000 mt 4_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_4_1 1850
FR P 2021 1000 mt 4_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_4_2 80
FR P 2021 1000 m3 5 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_5 8581
FR P 2021 1000 m3 5_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_5_C 7268
FR P 2021 1000 m3 5_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_5_NC 1313
FR P 2021 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_P_2021_1000 m3_5_NC_T 25
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6 157
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_1 2
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_1_C 155
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC 0
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 3770
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_2 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_2 270
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_2_C 120
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC 150
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 105
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_3 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_3 2600
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_3_1 0
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_4 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_4 900
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_4_1 0
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_4_2 751
FR P 2021 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_6_4_3 0
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7 1615
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_1 300
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_2 1310
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_3 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_3 1199
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_3_1 0
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_3_2 111
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_3_3 0
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_3_4 4573
FR P 2021 1000 mt 7_4 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_7_4 6
FR P 2021 1000 mt 8 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_8 4567
FR P 2021 1000 mt 8_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_8_1 6885
FR P 2021 1000 mt 8_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_8_2 7359
FR P 2021 1000 mt 9 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_9 1314
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10 508
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_1 43
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_1_1 552
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_1_2 211
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_1_3 817
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_1_4 4840
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_2 3933
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_3 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_3 682
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_3_1 225
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_3_3 388
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR P 2021 1000 mt 10_4 FR_P_2021_1000 mt_10_4 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 m3 1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_1 1125.67135 JQ2
FR M 2020 1000 m3 1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_1_1 182.19013
FR M 2020 1000 m3 1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2 158.9655
FR M 2020 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2_C 23.22463
FR M 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC 943.48122
FR M 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 718.7168
FR M 2020 1000 mt 2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_2 224.76442
FR M 2020 1000 m3 3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_3 36.08472
FR M 2020 1000 m3 3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_3_1 106.029
FR M 2020 1000 m3 3_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_3_2 2509.72788
FR M 2020 1000 mt 4 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_4 652.81428
FR M 2020 1000 mt 4_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_4_1 1856.9136
FR M 2020 1000 mt 4_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 m3 5 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_5 548.344
FR M 2020 1000 m3 5_C FR_M_2020_1000 m3_5_C 412.381
FR M 2020 1000 m3 5_NC FR_M_2020_1000 m3_5_NC 135.963
FR M 2020 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 m3_5_NC_T 2714.582
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6 2437.9542
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1 276.6278
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1_C 129.1808
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC 311.22133
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 17.48551
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2 293.73582
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2_C 78.65354
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1350.29964
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 443.77102
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_3 103.65586
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_3_1 340.11516
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_4 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4 91.07252
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4_1 118.05192
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4_3 788.4767
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7 235.48761
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_1 481.14736
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_2 71.84173
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_3 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3 1757.856
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_1 75.74
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_2 1668.806
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_3 1645.881
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_4 1645.881
FR M 2020 1000 mt 7_4 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_7_4 22.925
FR M 2020 1000 mt 8 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_8 13.31
FR M 2020 1000 mt 8_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_8_1 23.131
FR M 2020 1000 mt 8_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_8_2 16.325
FR M 2020 1000 mt 9 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_9 6.806
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10 1859.992
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1 4502.25
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_1 2131.837
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_3 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3 90.586
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_1 2249.687
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 mt 10_4 FR_M_2020_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_1 144711.575
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_1 18992.55
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2 14529
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_C 4463.55
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 125719.025
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 83022.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_2 42696.625
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_3 17342.425
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_3_1 61977
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_3_2 143600.7
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_4 48736.9
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_4_1 94863.8
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 5 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_5 99126
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 5_C FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_5_C 86007
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC 13119
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 1395705.1
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6 1129098.6
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1 266606.5
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_C 120276.8
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 296963.73
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 13907.81
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2 283055.92
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_C 92392.44
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 944721.2
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 442465.1
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_3 114716.14
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_3_1 327748.96
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4 106980.72
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_1 58113.82
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_3 444142.28
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7 107675.55
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_1 276418.54
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_2 60048.19
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3 796995
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_1 33763
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_2 763232
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_3 745962
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_4 745962
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_4 17270
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 8 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_8 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_8_1 30360
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_8_2 26045
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 9 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_9 4315
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10 3716226
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1 3386847
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_1 1618320
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3 108249
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_1 1587681
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 m3 1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_1 1182.850775
FR M 2021 1000 m3 1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_1_1 197.68982
FR M 2021 1000 m3 1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2 177.7995
FR M 2021 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2_C 19.89032
FR M 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC 985.160955
FR M 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 794.4816
FR M 2021 1000 mt 2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_2 190.679355
FR M 2021 1000 m3 3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_3 46.396055
FR M 2021 1000 m3 3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_3_1 80.945
FR M 2021 1000 m3 3_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_3_2 2185.52254
FR M 2021 1000 mt 4 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_4 513.55254
FR M 2021 1000 mt 4_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_4_1 1671.97
FR M 2021 1000 mt 4_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 m3 5 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_5 807.856
FR M 2021 1000 m3 5_C FR_M_2021_1000 m3_5_C 660.949
FR M 2021 1000 m3 5_NC FR_M_2021_1000 m3_5_NC 146.907
FR M 2021 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 m3_5_NC_T 3132.4063
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6 2846.07
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1 286.3363
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1_C 135.128
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC 308.50281
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 14.67256
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2 293.83025
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2_C 86.10154
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1298.93177
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 469.58142
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_3 129.35692
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_3_1 340.2245
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_4 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4 99.69652
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4_1 148.05814
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4_3 681.29221
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7 211.98669
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_1 388.1669
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_2 81.13862
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_3 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3 1603.663
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_1 82.514
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_2 1521.149
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_3 1510.177
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_4 1510.177
FR M 2021 1000 mt 7_4 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_7_4 10.972
FR M 2021 1000 mt 8 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_8 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 8_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_8_1 23.497
FR M 2021 1000 mt 8_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_8_2 19.152
FR M 2021 1000 mt 9 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_9 4.345
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10 1895.719
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1 4740.495
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_1 2126.105
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_3 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3 89.624
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_1 2483.641
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 mt 10_4 FR_M_2021_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_1 174216.045
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_1 17393.93
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2 13876.5
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_C 3517.43
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 156822.115
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 108792
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_2 48030.115
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_3 24048.815
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_3_1 54658
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_3_2 117701.72
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_4 33751.12
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_4_1 83950.6
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 5 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_5 142805
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 5_C FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_5_C 127444
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC 15361
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 2218546
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6 1915698.6
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1 302847.4
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_C 137781
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 360703.98
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 13269.41
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2 347434.57
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_C 105934.5
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 1237733.81
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 563693.9
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_3 161401.24
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_3_1 402292.66
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4 122661
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_1 129798.82
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_3 544241.09
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7 144493.14
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_1 321553.54
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_2 78194.41
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3 951410
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_1 42563
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_2 908847
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_3 896474
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_4 896474
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_4 12373
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 8 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_8 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_8_1 32037
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_8_2 29028
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 9 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_9 3009
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10 4027706
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1 3838835
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_1 1643723
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3 105394
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_1 2007051
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_1 4032.24893
FR X 2020 1000 m3 1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_1_1 449.48352
FR X 2020 1000 m3 1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2 353.751
FR X 2020 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2_C 95.73252
FR X 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC 3582.76541
FR X 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 1436.4016
FR X 2020 1000 mt 2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_2 2146.36381
FR X 2020 1000 m3 3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_3 3.06231
FR X 2020 1000 m3 3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_3_1 9.192
FR X 2020 1000 m3 3_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_3_2 699.2563
FR X 2020 1000 mt 4 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_4 451.2223
FR X 2020 1000 mt 4_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_4_1 248.034
FR X 2020 1000 mt 4_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 5 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_5 286.105
FR X 2020 1000 m3 5_C FR_X_2020_1000 m3_5_C 96.539
FR X 2020 1000 m3 5_NC FR_X_2020_1000 m3_5_NC 189.566
FR X 2020 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 m3_5_NC_T 1517.7849
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6 1047.8826
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1 469.9023
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1_C 2.933
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC 68.28353
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 0.25802
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2 68.02551
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2_C 53.54181
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1048.06319
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 158.7894
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_3 80.02302
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_3_1 78.76638
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_4 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4 61.99578
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4_1 34.85956
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4_3 854.41423
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7 449.40348
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_1 312.43096
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_2 92.57979
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_3 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3 447.092
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_1 4.643
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_2 442.449
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_3 436.7
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_4 436.7
FR X 2020 1000 mt 7_4 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_7_4 5.749
FR X 2020 1000 mt 8 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_8 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 8_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_8_1 70.485
FR X 2020 1000 mt 8_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_8_2 2.343
FR X 2020 1000 mt 9 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_9 68.142
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10 921.811
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1 3464.735
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_1 895.994
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_3 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3 79.583
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_1 2478.484
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 mt 10_4 FR_X_2020_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_1 369012.92
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_1 21264.3
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2 16228.5
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_C 5035.8
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 347748.62
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 109099.2
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_2 238649.42
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_3 614.72
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_3_1 7796
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_3_2 58678.04
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_4 42730.24
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_4_1 15947.8
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 5 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_5 25530
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 5_C FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_5_C 20703
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC 4827
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 594802.6
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6 322027.2
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1 272775.4
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_C 3927
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 128978.08
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 603.82
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2 128374.26
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_C 105910.56
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 547327.36
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 230145.3
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_3 81501.42
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_3_1 148643.88
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4 122633.28
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_1 14713.42
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_3 302468.64
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7 139046.37
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_1 108678
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_2 54744.27
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3 203655
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_1 1253
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_2 202402
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_3 199023
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_4 199023
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_4 3379
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 8 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_8 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_8_1 44499
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_8_2 4471
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 9 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_9 40028
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10 2100841
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1 2649898
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_1 715201
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3 92484
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_1 1698501
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 m3 1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_1 4546.654125
FR X 2021 1000 m3 1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_1_1 435.13554
FR X 2021 1000 m3 1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2 299.9145
FR X 2021 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2_C 135.22104
FR X 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC 4111.518585
FR X 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 1617.3616
FR X 2021 1000 mt 2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_2 2494.156985
FR X 2021 1000 m3 3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_3 1.913785
FR X 2021 1000 m3 3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_3_1 6.912
FR X 2021 1000 m3 3_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_3_2 631.02238
FR X 2021 1000 mt 4 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_4 311.45418
FR X 2021 1000 mt 4_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_4_1 319.5682
FR X 2021 1000 mt 4_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 m3 5 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_5 342.339
FR X 2021 1000 m3 5_C FR_X_2021_1000 m3_5_C 121.64
FR X 2021 1000 m3 5_NC FR_X_2021_1000 m3_5_NC 220.699
FR X 2021 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 m3_5_NC_T 1646.4064
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6 1055.3076
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1 591.0988
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1_C 4.9252
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC 71.28401
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 0.5586
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2 70.72541
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2_C 54.0778
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1056.5873
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 154.9394
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_3 73.04682
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_3_1 81.89258
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_4 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4 62.6164
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4_1 28.81442
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4_3 872.83348
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7 443.30625
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_1 344.64614
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_2 84.88109
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_3 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3 412.901
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_1 32.302
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_2 380.599
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_3 379.414
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_4 379.414
FR X 2021 1000 mt 7_4 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_7_4 1.185
FR X 2021 1000 mt 8 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_8 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 8_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_8_1 83.456
FR X 2021 1000 mt 8_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_8_2 2.01
FR X 2021 1000 mt 9 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_9 81.446
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10 955.364
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1 3806.804
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_1 1008.647
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_3 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3 67.563
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_1 2672.381
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 mt 10_4 FR_X_2021_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_1 488442.5
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_1 24033.4
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2 16665
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_C 7368.4
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 464409.1
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 163259.2
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_2 301149.9
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_3 560.1
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_3_1 6952
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_3_2 36015.1
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_4 16724.5
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_4_1 19290.6
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 5 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_5 34392
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 5_C FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_5_C 25701
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC 8691
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 807830.7
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6 438489
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1 369341.7
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_C 6273.4
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 141373.68
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 809.97
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2 140563.71
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_C 110759.74
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 559393.1
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 215553.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_3 52795.82
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_3_1 162757.98
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4 128248.12
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_1 17880.54
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_3 325958.76
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7 131170.92
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_1 144664.46
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_2 50123.38
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3 227432
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_1 6479
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_2 220953
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_3 219787
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_4 219787
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_4 1166
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 8 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_8 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_8_1 56220
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_8_2 4738
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 9 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_9 51482
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10 2280836
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1 3433153
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_1 834097
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3 91041
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_1 2194104
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1 87166 JQ3
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1_C 153987
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1_NC 77809.0454477993
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T 260380
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_2 152042
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_3 502348
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_4 3480344
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_5 87771
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_6 419318
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_7 3716226
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_11_7_1 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_1 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_2 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_3 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_4 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_5 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6_1 0
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6_2 8
FR M 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_M_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1 114718
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1_C 181923
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1_NC 91925
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T 377370
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_2 206172
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_3 685375
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_4 4370059
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_5 94449
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_6 525658
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_7 4027706
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_11_7_1 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_1 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_2 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_3 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_4 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_5 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6_1 0
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6_2 8
FR M 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_M_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1 23814
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1_C 16716
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1_NC 1596.7285256029
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T 492085
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_2 52987
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_3 96924
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_4 815749
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_5 8252
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_6 85252
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_7 2100841
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_11_7_1 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_1 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_2 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_3 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_4 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_5 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6_1 0
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6_2 8
FR X 5143356 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_X_5143356_1000 NAC_12_6_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1 31666
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1_C 16834
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1_NC 1608
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T 532513
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_2 68432
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_3 138891
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_4 990390
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_5 12903
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_6 105873
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_7 2280836
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_11_7_1 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_1 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_2 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_3 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_4 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_5 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6_1 0
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6_2 8
FR X 6555724 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_X_6555724_1000 NAC_12_6_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C 718.7168 ECEEU
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1 245.674580485
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1 74.6433405149
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1 171.0312399701
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2 171.4698075904
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2 148.3284903875
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2 23.1413172029
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC 224.76442
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1 45.48
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 43.656
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 47.6133
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2 6.103
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 41.5103
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 41.5103
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3 19.53
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 2437.9542
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 1581.5898
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4 707.9881289024
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5 276.6278
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_C 63.163
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1 30.6628
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2 0.371
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC 0.0112
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1 1.3902
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2 0.459
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3 0.1302
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR M 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C 83022.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1 20698.517902787
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1 6235.6849297743
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1 14462.8329730127
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2 25335.9041105964
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2 17371.2726641665
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2 7964.6314464299
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC 42696.625
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1 13982.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 2934
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 1749.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2 192
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 1557.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 1557.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3 1257.2
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 1129098.6
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 689184
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4 323140.510858921
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5 266606.5
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_C 80048.3
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1 30676.8
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2 383.6
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC 26.6
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1 1379
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2 282.6
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3 204.4
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR M 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C 794.4816
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1 271.5728
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1 82.512
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1 189.0608
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2 189.5456
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2 163.9648
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2 25.5808
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC 190.679355
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1 43.5276
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 35.112
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 45.5849
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2 6.36
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 39.2249
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 39.2249
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3 3.3768
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 2846.07
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 1702.782
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4 826.506
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5 286.3363
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_C 57.8337
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1 38.2368
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2 0.28
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC 0.0168
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1 2.1056
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2 0.5616
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3 0.2464
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR M 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C 108792
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1 27123.2
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1 8171.2
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1 18952
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2 33200
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2 22763.2
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2 10436.8
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC 48030.115
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1 14689.2
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 2576
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 2314.9
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2 192
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 2122.9
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 2122.9
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3 341.6
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 1915698.6
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 1157707.8
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4 548260.2
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5 302847.4
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_C 78079.8
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1 40588.8
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2 453.6
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC 43.4
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1 2436
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2 316.8
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3 315
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR M 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C 1436.4016
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1 697.2477022707
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1 394.4050659225
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1 302.8426363482
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2 306.441985068
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2 277.9299708305
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2 28.5120142375
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC 2146.36381
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1 513.8904
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 235.097
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 276.4277
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2 7.927
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 268.5007
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 268.5007
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 1047.8826
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 420.5628
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4 206.0154328572
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5 469.9023
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_C 262.3405
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1 131.5902
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2 1.6254
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC 0.0266
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1 21.0588
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2 3.8646
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3 0.0798
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR X 2020 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2020_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C 109099.2
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1 57489.3988023952
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1 27660.5182825838
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1 29828.8805198114
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2 17331.9289277419
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2 14791.4808628243
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2 2540.4480649176
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC 238649.42
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1 104013.6
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 18110
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 25192.9
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2 827
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 24365.9
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 24365.9
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 322027.2
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 129009.6
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4 43446.3412294493
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5 272775.4
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_C 200108.8
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1 44037
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2 546
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC 12.6
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1 7989.8
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2 1069.2
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3 148.4
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR X 2020 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2020_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C 1617.3616
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1 785.088
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1 444.0928
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1 340.9952
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2 345.048
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2 312.944
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2 32.104
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC 2494.156985
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1 604.9812
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 260.07
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 299.4638
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2 9.881
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 289.5828
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 289.5828
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3 0.007
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 1055.3076
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 419.7366
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4 207.4752
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5 591.0988
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_C 356.3416
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1 152.8702
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2 2.961
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC 0.021
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1 30.6544
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2 3.7782
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3 0.0812
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR X 2021 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2021_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C 163259.2
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1 86028.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1 41392
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1 44636.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2 25936
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2 22134.4
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2 3801.6
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3 ERROR:#REF!
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC 301149.9
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1 142711.2
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1 24840
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1 29719.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2 1099
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2 28620.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2 28620.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3 65.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3 438489
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3 187525.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4 59158.8
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5 369341.7
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_C 278727.1
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1 53187.4
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2 1078
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC 5.6
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1 10983
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2 1220.4
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3 165.2
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6 0
FR X 2021 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2021_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7 ERROR:#REF!
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_1 1125.67135 EU1
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_1_1 182.19013
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2 158.9655
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2_C 23.22463
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC 943.48122
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 718.7168
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_2 224.76442
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_3 36.08472
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_3_1 106.029
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_3_2 2509.72788
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_4 652.81428
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_4_1 1856.9136
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_5 548.344
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_5_C 412.381
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_5_NC 135.963
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_5_NC_T 2714.582
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6 2437.9542
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1 276.6278
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1_C 129.1808
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC 311.22133
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 17.48551
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2 293.73582
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2_C 78.65354
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1232.24772
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 443.77102
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_3 103.65586
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_3_1 340.11516
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4 91.07252
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4_1 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4_2 118.05192
FR EX_M 2020 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 m3_6_4_3 788.4767
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7 235.48761
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_1 481.14736
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_2 71.84173
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3 111.975
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_1 75.74
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_2 22.925
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_3_4 1645.881
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_7_4 22.925
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_8 13.31
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_8_1 23.131
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_8_2 16.325
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_9 6.806
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10 1859.992
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1 4502.25
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_1 2131.837
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3 90.586
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_1 2249.687
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_1 144.711575
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_1 18.99255
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2 14.529
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_C 4.46355
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 125.719025
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 83.0224
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_2 42.696625
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_3 17.342425
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_3_1 61.977
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_3_2 143.6007
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_4 48.7369
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_4_1 94.8638
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_5 99.126
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_5_C 86.007
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC 13.119
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 1395.7051
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6 1129.0986
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1 266.6065
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_C 120.2768
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 296.96373
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 13.90781
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2 283.05592
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_C 92.39244
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 886.60738
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 442.4651
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_3 114.71614
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_3_1 327.74896
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4 106.98072
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_1 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_2 58.11382
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_3 444.14228
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7 107.67555
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_1 276.41854
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_2 60.04819
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3 51.033
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_1 33.763
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_2 17.27
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_4 745.962
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_7_4 17.27
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_8 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_8_1 30.36
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_8_2 26.045
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_9 4.315
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10 3716.226
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1 3386.847
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_1 1618.32
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3 108.249
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_1 1587.681
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR EX_M 2020 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_M_2020_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_1 1182.850775
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_1_1 197.68982
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2 177.7995
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2_C 19.89032
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC 985.160955
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 794.4816
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_2 190.679355
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_3 46.396055
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_3_1 80.945
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_3_2 2185.52254
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_4 513.55254
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_4_1 1671.97
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_5 807.856
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_5_C 660.949
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_5_NC 146.907
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_5_NC_T 3132.4063
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6 2846.07
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1 286.3363
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1_C 135.128
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC 308.50281
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 14.67256
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2 293.83025
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2_C 86.10154
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1150.87363
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 469.58142
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_3 129.35692
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_3_1 340.2245
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4 99.69652
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4_1 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4_2 148.05814
FR EX_M 2021 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 m3_6_4_3 681.29221
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7 211.98669
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_1 388.1669
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_2 81.13862
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3 93.486
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_1 82.514
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_2 10.972
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_3_4 1510.177
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_7_4 10.972
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_8 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_8_1 23.497
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_8_2 19.152
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_9 4.345
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10 1895.719
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1 4740.495
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_1 2126.105
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3 89.624
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_1 2483.641
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_1 174.216045
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_1 17.39393
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2 13.8765
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_C 3.51743
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 156.822115
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 108.792
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_2 48.030115
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_3 24.048815
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_3_1 54.658
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_3_2 117.70172
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_4 33.75112
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_4_1 83.9506
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_5 142.805
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_5_C 127.444
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC 15.361
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 2218.546
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6 1915.6986
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1 302.8474
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_C 137.781
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 360.70398
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 13.26941
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2 347.43457
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_C 105.9345
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 1107.93499
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 563.6939
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_3 161.40124
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_3_1 402.29266
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4 122.661
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_1 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_2 129.79882
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_3 544.24109
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7 144.49314
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_1 321.55354
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_2 78.19441
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3 54.936
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_1 42.563
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_2 12.373
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_4 896.474
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_7_4 12.373
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_8 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_8_1 32.037
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_8_2 29.028
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_9 3.009
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10 4027.706
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1 3838.835
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_1 1643.723
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3 105.394
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_1 2007.051
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR EX_M 2021 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_M_2021_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_1 4032.24893
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_1_1 449.48352
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2 353.751
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2_C 95.73252
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC 3582.76541
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 1436.4016
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_2 2146.36381
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_3 3.06231
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_3_1 9.192
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_3_2 699.2563
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_4 451.2223
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_4_1 248.034
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_5 286.105
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_5_C 96.539
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_5_NC 189.566
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_5_NC_T 1517.7849
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6 1047.8826
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1 469.9023
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1_C 2.933
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC 68.28353
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 0.25802
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2 68.02551
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2_C 53.54181
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1013.20363
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 158.7894
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_3 80.02302
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_3_1 78.76638
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4 61.99578
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4_1 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4_2 34.85956
FR EX_X 2020 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 m3_6_4_3 854.41423
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7 449.40348
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_1 312.43096
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_2 92.57979
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3 10.392
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_1 4.643
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_2 5.749
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_3_4 436.7
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_7_4 5.749
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_8 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_8_1 70.485
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_8_2 2.343
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_9 68.142
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10 921.811
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1 3464.735
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_1 895.994
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3 79.583
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_1 2478.484
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_1 369.01292
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_1 21.2643
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2 16.2285
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_C 5.0358
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 347.74862
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 109.0992
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_2 238.64942
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_3 0.61472
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_3_1 7.796
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_3_2 58.67804
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_4 42.73024
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_4_1 15.9478
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_5 25.53
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_5_C 20.703
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC 4.827
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 594.8026
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6 322.0272
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1 272.7754
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_C 3.927
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 128.97808
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 0.60382
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2 128.37426
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_C 105.91056
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 532.61394
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 230.1453
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_3 81.50142
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_3_1 148.64388
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4 122.63328
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_1 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_2 14.71342
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_6_4_3 302.46864
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7 139.04637
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_1 108.678
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_2 54.74427
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3 4.632
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_1 1.253
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_2 3.379
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_3_4 199.023
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_7_4 3.379
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_8 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_8_1 44.499
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_8_2 4.471
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_9 40.028
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10 2100.841
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1 2649.898
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_1 715.201
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3 92.484
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_1 1698.501
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR EX_X 2020 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_X_2020_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_1 4546.654125
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_1_1 435.13554
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2 299.9145
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2_C 135.22104
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC 4111.518585
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T 1617.3616
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_2 2494.156985
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_3 1.913785
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_3_1 6.912
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_3_2 631.02238
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_4 311.45418
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_4_1 319.5682
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_4_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_5 342.339
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_5_C 121.64
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_5_NC 220.699
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_5_NC_T 1646.4064
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6 1055.3076
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1 591.0988
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1_C 4.9252
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC 71.28401
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T 0.5586
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2 70.72541
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2_C 54.0778
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC 1027.77288
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T 154.9394
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_3 73.04682
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_3_1 81.89258
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4 62.6164
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4_1 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4_2 28.81442
FR EX_X 2021 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 m3_6_4_3 872.83348
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7 443.30625
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_1 344.64614
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_2 84.88109
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3 33.487
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_1 32.302
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_2 1.185
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_3_4 379.414
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_7_4 1.185
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_8 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_8_1 83.456
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_8_2 2.01
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_9 81.446
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10 955.364
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1 3806.804
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_1 1008.647
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_3 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_1_4 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3 67.563
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_1 2672.381
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_3_4 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 mt_10_4 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_1 488.4425
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_1 24.0334
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2 16.665
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_C 7.3684
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC 464.4091
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T 163.2592
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_2 301.1499
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_3 0.5601
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_3_1 6.952
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_3_2 36.0151
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_4 16.7245
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_4_1 19.2906
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_4_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_5 34.392
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_5_C 25.701
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC 8.691
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_5_NC_T 807.8307
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6 438.489
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1 369.3417
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_C 6.2734
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC 141.37368
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T 0.80997
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2 140.56371
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_C 110.75974
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC 541.51256
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T 215.5538
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_3 52.79582
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_3_1 162.75798
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4 128.24812
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_1 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_2 17.88054
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_6_4_3 325.95876
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7 131.17092
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_1 144.66446
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_2 50.12338
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3 7.645
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_1 6.479
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_2 1.166
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_3_4 219.787
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_7_4 1.166
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_8 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_8_1 56.22
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_8_2 4.738
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_9 51.482
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10 2280.836
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1 3433.153
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_1 834.097
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_3 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_1_4 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3 91.041
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_1 2194.104
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_2 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_3 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_3_4 0
FR EX_X 2021 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_X_2021_1000 NAC_10_4 0
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1 47387 EU2
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_C 18655
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_NC 28732
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_1 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_1 4244.4802825341
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_C 2224.3297372312
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_NC 2020.1505453029
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_2 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_2 5906.5827642783
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_C 2908.3862908533
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_NC 2998.196473425
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_3 FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_3 37235.9369531876
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_C FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_C 13522.2839719155
FR P 2020 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_NC FR_P_2020_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_NC 23713.652981272
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1 52915
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_C 20944
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_NC 31971
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_1 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_1 4557.123304733
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_C 2271.126956543
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_NC 2285.9963481899
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_2 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_2 7982.77189
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_C 4128.624044745
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_NC 3854.147845255
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_3 FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_3 40375.104805267
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_C FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_C 14544.2489987119
FR P 2021 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_NC FR_P_2021_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_NC 25830.8558065551
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1 FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1 52860.723 OB
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_C FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_C 24375.723
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_NC 2437.5723
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_1 21938.1507
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_1_C 28485
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_1_NC 19630
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2 8855
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_C 78
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_NC 18463
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_1 13712
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_1_C 4751
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC 9476
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_2 5680
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_2_C 3796
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC 546
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_3 238
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_3_C 308
FR P.OB 2020 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P.OB_2020_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC ERROR:#REF!
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1 FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1 59263
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_C FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_C 28284
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_NC 2828
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_1 25456
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_1_C 30979
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_1_NC 21927
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2 9052
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_C 81.9
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_NC 20854
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_1 15839
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_1_C 5015
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC 9469
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_2 5745
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_2_C 3724
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC 656
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_3 343
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_3_C 313
FR P.OB 2021 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P.OB_2021_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC ERROR:#REF!


Country Flow Year Unit Product conc
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2015 1000 mt 2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 3 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_3
FR P 2015 1000 m3 3_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_3_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 3_2 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_3_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 4 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_4
FR P 2015 1000 mt 4_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_4_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 4_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_4_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 5 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_5
FR P 2015 1000 m3 5_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_5_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 5_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_5_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_P_2015_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_2 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_3 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_3
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_4 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_4
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_3 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_3
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR P 2015 1000 mt 7_4 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_7_4
FR P 2015 1000 mt 8 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_8
FR P 2015 1000 mt 8_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_8_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 8_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_8_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 9 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_9
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_3 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_3
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR P 2015 1000 mt 10_4 FR_P_2015_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2015 1000 m3 1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR M 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR M 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 mt 2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 3_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_3_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 4 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_4
FR M 2015 1000 mt 4_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_4_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 4_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_4_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 5 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_5
FR M 2015 1000 m3 5_C FR_M_2015_1000 m3_5_C
FR M 2015 1000 m3 5_NC FR_M_2015_1000 m3_5_NC
FR M 2015 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_4 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_3 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR M 2015 1000 mt 7_4 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_7_4
FR M 2015 1000 mt 8 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_8
FR M 2015 1000 mt 8_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_8_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 8_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_8_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 9 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_9
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_3 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR M 2015 1000 mt 10_4 FR_M_2015_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_3_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_4_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_4_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 5 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_5
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 5_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_5_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 8 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_8
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_8_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_8_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 9 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_9
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_4
FR X 2015 1000 m3 1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR X 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR X 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 mt 2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 3_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_3_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 4 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_4
FR X 2015 1000 mt 4_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_4_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 4_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_4_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 5 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_5
FR X 2015 1000 m3 5_C FR_X_2015_1000 m3_5_C
FR X 2015 1000 m3 5_NC FR_X_2015_1000 m3_5_NC
FR X 2015 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_4 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_3 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR X 2015 1000 mt 7_4 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_7_4
FR X 2015 1000 mt 8 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_8
FR X 2015 1000 mt 8_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_8_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 8_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_8_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 9 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_9
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_3 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR X 2015 1000 mt 10_4 FR_X_2015_1000 mt_10_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_3_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_4_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_4_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 5 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_5
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 5_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_5_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 8 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_8
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_8_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_8_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 9 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_9
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_5
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_6
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_7
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_5
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_6
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_7
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_5
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_6
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_7
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_5
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_6
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_7
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2015 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2015_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2015 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2015_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_5
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_8
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_8_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_8_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_9
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 mt_10_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_3_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_4_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_4_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_5
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_5_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_7_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_8
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_8_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_8_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_9
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR EX_M 2015 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_M_2015_1000 NAC_10_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_5
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_8
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_8_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_8_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_9
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 mt_10_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_3_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_4_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_4_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_5
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_5_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_7_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_8
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_8_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_8_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_9
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR EX_X 2015 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_X_2015_1000 NAC_10_4
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_1 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_1
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_2 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_2
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_NC
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_3 FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_3
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_C FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_C
FR P 2015 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_NC FR_P_2015_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_NC
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1 FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_C FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_C
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_1
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P.OB 2015 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P.OB_2015_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2014 1000 mt 2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 3 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_3
FR P 2014 1000 m3 3_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_3_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 3_2 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_3_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 4 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_4
FR P 2014 1000 mt 4_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_4_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 4_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_4_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 5 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_5
FR P 2014 1000 m3 5_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_5_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 5_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_5_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_P_2014_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_2 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_3 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_3
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_4 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_4
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_3 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_3
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR P 2014 1000 mt 7_4 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_7_4
FR P 2014 1000 mt 8 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_8
FR P 2014 1000 mt 8_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_8_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 8_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_8_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 9 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_9
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_3 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_3
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR P 2014 1000 mt 10_4 FR_P_2014_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2014 1000 m3 1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR M 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR M 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 mt 2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 3_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_3_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 4 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_4
FR M 2014 1000 mt 4_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_4_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 4_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_4_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 5 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_5
FR M 2014 1000 m3 5_C FR_M_2014_1000 m3_5_C
FR M 2014 1000 m3 5_NC FR_M_2014_1000 m3_5_NC
FR M 2014 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_4 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_3 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR M 2014 1000 mt 7_4 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_7_4
FR M 2014 1000 mt 8 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_8
FR M 2014 1000 mt 8_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_8_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 8_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_8_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 9 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_9
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_3 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR M 2014 1000 mt 10_4 FR_M_2014_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_3_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_4_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_4_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 5 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_5
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 5_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_5_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 8 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_8
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_8_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_8_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 9 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_9
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_4
FR X 2014 1000 m3 1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR X 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR X 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 mt 2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 3_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_3_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 4 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_4
FR X 2014 1000 mt 4_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_4_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 4_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_4_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 5 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_5
FR X 2014 1000 m3 5_C FR_X_2014_1000 m3_5_C
FR X 2014 1000 m3 5_NC FR_X_2014_1000 m3_5_NC
FR X 2014 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_4 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_3 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR X 2014 1000 mt 7_4 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_7_4
FR X 2014 1000 mt 8 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_8
FR X 2014 1000 mt 8_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_8_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 8_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_8_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 9 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_9
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_3 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR X 2014 1000 mt 10_4 FR_X_2014_1000 mt_10_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_3_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_4_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_4_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 5 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_5
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 5_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_5_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 8 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_8
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_8_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_8_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 9 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_9
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_5
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_6
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_7
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_5
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_6
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_7
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_5
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_6
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_7
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_5
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_6
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_7
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2014 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2014_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2014 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2014_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_5
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_8
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_8_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_8_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_9
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 mt_10_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_3_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_4_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_4_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_5
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_5_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_7_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_8
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_8_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_8_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_9
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR EX_M 2014 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_M_2014_1000 NAC_10_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_5
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_8
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_8_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_8_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_9
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 mt_10_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_3_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_4_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_4_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_5
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_5_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_7_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_8
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_8_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_8_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_9
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR EX_X 2014 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_X_2014_1000 NAC_10_4
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_1 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_1
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_2 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_2
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_NC
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_3 FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_3
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_C FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_C
FR P 2014 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_NC FR_P_2014_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_NC
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1 FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_C FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_C
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_1
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P.OB 2014 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P.OB_2014_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2013 1000 mt 2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 3 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_3
FR P 2013 1000 m3 3_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_3_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 3_2 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_3_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 4 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_4
FR P 2013 1000 mt 4_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_4_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 4_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_4_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 5 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_5
FR P 2013 1000 m3 5_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_5_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 5_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_5_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_P_2013_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_2 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_3 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_3
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_4 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_4
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_3 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_3
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR P 2013 1000 mt 7_4 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_7_4
FR P 2013 1000 mt 8 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_8
FR P 2013 1000 mt 8_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_8_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 8_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_8_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 9 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_9
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_3 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_3
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR P 2013 1000 mt 10_4 FR_P_2013_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2013 1000 m3 1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR M 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR M 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 mt 2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 3_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_3_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 4 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_4
FR M 2013 1000 mt 4_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_4_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 4_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_4_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 5 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_5
FR M 2013 1000 m3 5_C FR_M_2013_1000 m3_5_C
FR M 2013 1000 m3 5_NC FR_M_2013_1000 m3_5_NC
FR M 2013 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_4 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_3 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR M 2013 1000 mt 7_4 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_7_4
FR M 2013 1000 mt 8 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_8
FR M 2013 1000 mt 8_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_8_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 8_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_8_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 9 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_9
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_3 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR M 2013 1000 mt 10_4 FR_M_2013_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_3_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_4_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_4_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 5 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_5
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 5_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_5_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 8 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_8
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_8_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_8_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 9 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_9
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_4
FR X 2013 1000 m3 1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR X 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR X 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 mt 2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 3_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_3_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 4 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_4
FR X 2013 1000 mt 4_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_4_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 4_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_4_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 5 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_5
FR X 2013 1000 m3 5_C FR_X_2013_1000 m3_5_C
FR X 2013 1000 m3 5_NC FR_X_2013_1000 m3_5_NC
FR X 2013 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_4 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_3 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR X 2013 1000 mt 7_4 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_7_4
FR X 2013 1000 mt 8 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_8
FR X 2013 1000 mt 8_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_8_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 8_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_8_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 9 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_9
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_3 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR X 2013 1000 mt 10_4 FR_X_2013_1000 mt_10_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_3_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_4_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_4_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 5 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_5
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 5_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_5_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 8 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_8
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_8_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_8_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 9 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_9
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_5
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_6
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_7
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_5
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_6
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_7
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_5
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_6
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_7
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_5
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_6
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_7
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2013 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2013_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2013 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2013_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_5
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_8
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_8_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_8_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_9
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 mt_10_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_3_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_4_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_4_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_5
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_5_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_7_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_8
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_8_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_8_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_9
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR EX_M 2013 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_M_2013_1000 NAC_10_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_5
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 8 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_8
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 8_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_8_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 8_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_8_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 9 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_9
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 mt 10_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 mt_10_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_3_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_4_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_4_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 5 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_5
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 5_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_5_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_7_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 8 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_8
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_8_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_8_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 9 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_9
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR EX_X 2013 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_EX_X_2013_1000 NAC_10_4
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_1 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_1
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_1_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_1_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_2 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_2
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_2_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_2_NC
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_3 FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_3
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_C FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_C
FR P 2013 1000 m3 EU2_1_3_NC FR_P_2013_1000 m3_EU2_1_3_NC
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1 FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_C FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_C
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_1
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P.OB 2013 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P.OB_2013_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_1_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_1_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_1_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_1_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_1_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_1_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_1_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_1_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_2 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_2
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_2_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_2_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_2_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_2_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_3 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_3
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_3_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_3_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 1_2_3_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_1_2_3_NC
FR P 2012 1000 mt 2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_2
FR P 2012 1000 m3 3 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_3
FR P 2012 1000 m3 3_1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_3_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 3_2 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_3_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 4 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_4
FR P 2012 1000 mt 4_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_4_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 4_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_4_2
FR P 2012 1000 m3 5 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_5
FR P 2012 1000 m3 5_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_5_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 5_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_5_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_P_2012_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_2 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_2
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_3 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_3
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_4 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_4
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR P 2012 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_P_2012_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_3 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_3
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR P 2012 1000 mt 7_4 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_7_4
FR P 2012 1000 mt 8 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_8
FR P 2012 1000 mt 8_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_8_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 8_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_8_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 9 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_9
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_3 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_3
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR P 2012 1000 mt 10_4 FR_P_2012_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2012 1000 m3 1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR M 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR M 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 mt 2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 3_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_3_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 4 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_4
FR M 2012 1000 mt 4_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_4_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 4_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_4_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 5 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_5
FR M 2012 1000 m3 5_C FR_M_2012_1000 m3_5_C
FR M 2012 1000 m3 5_NC FR_M_2012_1000 m3_5_NC
FR M 2012 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_4 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_3 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR M 2012 1000 mt 7_4 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_7_4
FR M 2012 1000 mt 8 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_8
FR M 2012 1000 mt 8_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_8_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 8_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_8_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 9 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_9
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_3 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_3
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR M 2012 1000 mt 10_4 FR_M_2012_1000 mt_10_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_3_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_4_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_4_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 5 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_5
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 5_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_5_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_7_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 8 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_8
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_8_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_8_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 9 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_9
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_10_4
FR X 2012 1000 m3 1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_X_2012_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR X 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_X_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR X 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 mt 2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 3_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_3_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 4 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_4
FR X 2012 1000 mt 4_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_4_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 4_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_4_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 5 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_5
FR X 2012 1000 m3 5_C FR_X_2012_1000 m3_5_C
FR X 2012 1000 m3 5_NC FR_X_2012_1000 m3_5_NC
FR X 2012 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_4 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_4
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_3 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_3
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR X 2012 1000 mt 7_4 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_7_4
FR X 2012 1000 mt 8 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_8
FR X 2012 1000 mt 8_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_8_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 8_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_8_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 9 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_9
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_1_3 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_1_3
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_1_4 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_1_4
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_3 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_3
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_3_2 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_3_2
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_3_3 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_3_3
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_3_4 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_3_4
FR X 2012 1000 mt 10_4 FR_X_2012_1000 mt_10_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 1_2_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_1_2_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 1_2_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_1_2_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 1_2_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_1_2_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 3_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_3_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 4_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_4_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 4_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_4_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 5 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_5
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 5_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_5_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 5_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_5_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 5_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_5_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_1_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_1_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_1_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_1_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_1_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_1_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_2_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_2_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_2_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_2_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_2_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_2_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_4_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_4_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_4_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_4_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 6_4_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_6_4_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_3_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_3_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 7_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_7_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 8 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_8
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 8_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_8_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 8_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_8_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 9 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_9
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_1_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_1_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_3_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_3_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 10_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_10_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_5
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_6
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_7
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_5
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_6
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_7
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_1_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_1_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_1_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_1_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_1_NC_T FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_1_NC_T
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_5 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_5
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_6 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_6
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_7 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_7
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 11_7_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_11_7_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_5 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_5
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_6 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_6
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_6_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_6_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_6_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_6_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_6_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_6_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_7 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_7
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_7_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_7_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_7_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_7_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC 12_7_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_12_7_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR M 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_M_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_C FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_C
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2012 1000 m3 ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2012_1000 m3_ST_5_NC_7
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_1_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_1_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_C_2_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_C_2_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_1_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_1_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_2_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_2_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_1_2_NC_5 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_1_2_NC_5
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_C FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_C
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_C_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_C_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_C_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_1 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_1
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_2 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_2
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_3 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_3
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_4 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_4
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_5 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_5
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_6 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_6
FR X 2012 1000 NAC ST_5_NC_7 FR_X_2012_1000 NAC_ST_5_NC_7
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 1_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_1_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 1_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 1_2_C FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2_C
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 1_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_1_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 3 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_3
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 3_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_3_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 3_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_3_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 4 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_4
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 4_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_4_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 4_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_4_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 5 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_5
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 5_C FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_5_C
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 5_NC FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_5_NC
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 5_NC_T FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_5_NC_T
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_1_C FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1_C
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_1_NC_T FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_1_NC_T
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_2_C FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2_C
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_2_NC_T FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_2_NC_T
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_3 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_3
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_3_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_3_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_4 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_4_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_4_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 m3 6_4_3 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 m3_6_4_3
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_3 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_1 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_1
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_2 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_2
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_3 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_3
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_3_4 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_3_4
FR EX_M 2012 1000 mt 7_4 FR_EX_M_2012_1000 mt_7_4
FR EX_M 201

Presentation, Thomas Lellouch, INSEE, (France)

Better understanding and measurement of extreme poverty in France, Thomas Lellouch, INSEE, France

Languages and translations

Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality – UNECE

Better understanding and measurement of extreme poverty in France






− Monetary approach unavoidable…

⚫ Traditional indicators has many advantages :

− Based on objective criteria, statistically observable

− Allowing for international comparisons

− … but probably incomplete

⚫ Coverage problems of the indicators

− Indicators based on general population surverys

⚫ Other dimensions exist

− The Hidden dimensions of poverty (ATD, Oxford University…)

− … remain very complex to measure




− Objectives : compare the tools used by Insee to measure poverty

and the experiences of people that are actually living poverty

− Methodology : « croisement des savoirs »

⚫ Locals groups of people experiencing extreme proverty

⚫ Animation techniques by the associations

− Two phases :

⚫ Phase 1 : build a base of knowledge and common benchmarks to define


⚫ Phase 2 : specific work on two dimensions : “social isolation” and

“institutional mistreatment”


− Poverty, a multitude of representations

− Experiences and feelings

⚫ Important of non monetary determinants

− Entries into and exits from great poverty

⚫ Negative and positive spirals

⚫ Importance of being part of a social network

− Systemic approach, with very close links and interactions between the

different dimensions of poverty


− On conception of Insee questionnaires :

⚫ Questionnaires are :

− relevant on many issues…

− … but does not cover exactly all the elements identified by the local groups

⚫ Some avenues for reflection to develop the module « Administrative

Difficulties » of French EU-SILC

− In the long run, avenues for resarch work :

⚫ How to operationalise statistically non monetary dimensions ?

⚫ Partnership with a research Lab in France


… in French

⚫ Document de Travail de l’Insee n°2023-21, Octobre 2023,

« Rapport du Groupe de travail sur le thème “Mieux comprendre

et mesurer la grande pauvreté », ATD Quart Monde, Secours

Catholique - Caritas France, Insee


Retrouvez-nous sur

Thomas Lellouch

Directeur de Projet Statistiques de la Grande Pauvreté

Département des ressources et des conditions de vie des ménages

01 87 69 63 86

[email protected]



− Exclusion mechanisms

⚫ Self-exclusion

⚫ From others

− Reject and judgment

− Words and looks

− Characteristics

⚫ Losses and ruptures of social ties

⚫ Lack of networks

⚫ Rupture of trust

− Adaptation strategies

⚫ Violence to « survive »

⚫ Addictions


− Strong link with all the other dimensions

− Lack of recognition of competencies

⚫ Volunteering and other competencies acquired in daily life

− Judgment and disregard

− Dependancy to other people’s decisions

− Difficulty of access

⚫ Digitalization

  • Slide 1: Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality – UNECE
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3: Multidimensional poverty
  • Slide 4: Monetary and non-monetary dimensions
  • Slide 5: a project with atd and secours catholique
  • Slide 6: The project
  • Slide 7: A complex and multiple phenonemon
  • Slide 8: Conclusions and follow-up
  • Slide 9: More details available...
  • Slide 10: Retrouvez-nous sur
  • Slide 11: Annexe 1 : social isolation
  • Slide 12: Annexe 2 : institutionnal abuse

Группа экспертов по измерению бедности и неравенства - ЕЭК


Более глубокое понимание и измерение крайней бедности во Франции







− Монетарный подход неизбежен…

⚫ Традиционные индикаторы имеют много преимуществ:

− На основе объективных критериев, статистически наблюдаемых

− Возможность проведения международных сравнений

− … но, вероятно, неполный

⚫ Проблемы охвата индикаторов

− Показатели, основанные на обследованиях населения

⚫ Существуют и другие измерения

− Скрытые аспекты бедности (ATD, Оксфордский университет…)

− … остаются весьма сложными для измерения




− Задачи: сравнить инструменты, используемые Insee для измерения бедности, и опыт людей, которые действительно живут в бедности

− Методология: „взаимообогащение знаний”

⚫ Местные группы людей, испытывающих крайнюю бедность

⚫ Анимационные приемы по ассоциациям

− Два этапа:

⚫ Этап 1: создание базы знаний и общих ориентиров для определения бедности

⚫ Этап 2: конкретная работа по двум измерениям: "социальная изоляция" и "жестокое обращение в учреждениях"


− Бедность, множество представлений

− Переживания и чувства

⚫ Важность неденежных детерминант

− Вход в большую бедность и выход из нее

⚫ Негативные и позитивные спирали

⚫ Важность принадлежности к социальной сети

− Системный подход, предусматривающий очень тесную связь и взаимодействие между различными аспектами бедности


− О концепции анкет Insee:

⚫ Анкеты являются:

− актуальны по многим вопросам …

− … но не охватывают в точности все элементы, определенные местными группами

⚫ Некоторые направления анализа для развития модуля "Административные трудности" французской программы EU-SILC

− В долгосрочной перспективе направления исследовательской работы:

⚫ Как операционализировать статистические неденежные измерения?

⚫ Партнерство с исследовательской лабораторией во Франции


… на французском языке

⚫ Document de Travail de l’Insee n°2023-21, Octobre 2023,

« Rapport du Groupe de travail sur le thème “Mieux comprendre

et mesurer la grande pauvreté », ATD Quart Monde, Secours

Catholique - Caritas France, Insee


Retrouvez-nous sur

Thomas Lellouch

Directeur de Projet Statistiques de la Grande Pauvreté

Département des ressources et des conditions de vie des ménages

01 87 69 63 86

[email protected]



− Механизмы исключения

⚫ Самоисключение

⚫ От других

− Отвержение и осуждение

− Слова и взгляды

− Характеристики

⚫ Утрата и разрыв социальных связей

⚫ Отсутствие контактов

⚫ Разрыв доверия

− Стратегии адаптации

⚫ Насилие ради "выживания"

⚫ Зависимости


− Сильная связь со всеми другими измерениями

− Недостаточное признание компетенций

⚫ Волонтерство и другие компетенции, приобретенные в

повседневной жизни

− Осуждение и пренебрежение

− Зависимость от решений других людей

− Сложность доступа

⚫ Цифровизация

  • Slide 1: Группа экспертов по измерению бедности и неравенства - ЕЭК ООН
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3: Многомерная бедность
  • Slide 4: Денежные и неденежные измерения
  • Slide 5: проект совместно с atd и secours catholique
  • Slide 6: Проект
  • Slide 7: Сложный и множественный феномен
  • Slide 8: Выводы и последующие действия
  • Slide 9: Более подробная информация доступна...
  • Slide 10: Retrouvez-nous sur
  • Slide 11: Приложение 1 : социальная изоляция
  • Slide 12: Приложение 2: Институциональные злоупотребления

Paper (INSEE, France)

The project is the result of a partnership between ATD-Quart-Monde (ATD), the Secours Catholique (SCCF) and the French Statistical Office (Insee), conducted in 2022, with a view to better understand and measure great poverty and more specifically some hidden dimensions. The project is based on the active participation of people having an experience of poverty; it aims at identifying how the tools used by INSEE to measure poverty are consistent with the experiences of people that are actually living poverty day by day.

Languages and translations


Economic Commission for Europe

Conference of European Statisticians Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 November 2023

Agenda item: Disaggregation for 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Going beyond averages

To better understand and measure great poverty

Note by Insee, France


The starting point of the project is the program carried out as part of participatory

international research on « the hidden dimensions of poverty », published in 2019

and conducted by the ATD Fourth World Movement and the University of Oxford,

jointly in 6 countries1.


Working paper 1

Distr.: General

14 November 2023



Project objectives and methodological approach

The project is the result of a partnership between ATD-Quart-Monde (ATD), the Secours

Catholique (SCCF) and the French Statistical Office (Insee), conducted in 2022, with a view to

better understand and measure great poverty and more specifically some hidden dimensions.

The project is based on the active participation of people having an experience of poverty ; it aims

at identifying how the tools used by Insee to measure poverty are consistent with the experiences

of people that are actually living poverty day by day. Some local groups of people experiencing

poverty have been formed, coordinated by animators from the associations with an approach that

promotes trust and active participation of people. The project is punctuated by regular meetings of

local groups and three plenary meetings with everyone.

The project is divided in two phases:

• phase 1: build a base of knowledge and common benchmarks to define poverty. Starting

from people's experiences to look at poverty, and discovering the research on the dimensions of

poverty, always linking them to the experiences of the participants. This appropriation phase is

necessary to create a common culture and shared knowledge before entering into a constructive

and substantiated dialogue with Insee representatives.

• phase 2: specific work on two dimensions: “social isolation” and “institutional

mistreatment”, with a view to identify common points and divergences between Insee tools and

people’s experience

Phase 1: The different dimensions of poverty and its relationships

On 5th February 2022, a plenary meeting has been organised to launch the project. The objectives

was to gather all participants to the project, to begin to get to know each other, and to have a first

approach of the dimensions of poverty.

A first exercise was to ask each people to note on a post-it one word that represents for each person

the word « poverty ». Three groups of words have emerged: (i) system and domination; (ii)

privations ; (iii) ignorance and misunderstanding. Other concepts positive (solidarity, muddling

through), negative (isolation, misery) or ambiguous (surviving, struggle, fight) were also

mentioned. Then, the group watched a short video presenting the resultats of the international


study on the hidden dimensions of poverty. Finally, the representatives of Insee presented the role

and the main missions of the national statistical office.

Then, local groups came back home and worked within their respective groups on deepening their

understanding and analysis of poverty. Specific animation techniques were used, such as building

an analysis from a lived experience, identifying the characteristics of povery through a person’s

silhouette, or working on a spiral analysis to understand what brings people into or out of poverty.

Very rich discussions took place among the local groups, and a restitution was made at a plenary

meeting on 1st April 2022. In particular, mainly non-monetary determinants of poverty were

reported by the local groups : social isolation, fear, pain, the gaze of others, trust in ourselves or in

other people, institutional abuse, dependency to other’s people decision, fight, violence, fatigue,

mental and physical health, impossibility of planning. The importance of being part of a social

network has been many times identified as a key element of the positive spiral. Another important

element was the systemic approach, with very close links and interactions between the different

dimensions of poverty.

At the plenary meeting, the representatives of Insee also presented to the group the formal

indicators of the poverty, such as the monetary poverty rate, or the poverty rate in living conditions.

Phase 2: Deepening two dimensions: social isolation and institutional abuse

During the second phase, local groups have worked on two specific dimensions: social isolation

and institutional abuse. Several working sessions have taken place at the local level, with the

following objectives: (i) identifying characteristics of poverty in terms of social isolation or

institutional abuse ; (ii) comparing these results with the questions of Insee’s surveys on those

thematic, so as to identify convergences but also differences and missing points.

• The characteristics of social isolation identified by local groups were mostly about the lack

of relationships with family (in particular difficult experiences during childhood) and with friends,

the existence of social network with associations, the rejection of loved ones, the defense

mechanisms which lead to auto-exclusion, the ambiguous effects of addictions, the violence of the


• For institutional abuse, local groups considered there is a strong link with the other

dimensions, with a formation of a vicious circle. Characteristics of institutional abuse are mainly


the lack of recognition of the competencies (in particular experiencing of volunteering), the

judgment and disregard, the dependency to other people’s decisions, the difficulty of access

(digitalization), or the interference with private life.

Overall, the questionnaires of Insee have been considered as relevant on many issues, but not

sufficiently complete to cover all characteristics mentioned above.

The project has been concluded on a final day of plenary meeting on 24 June 2022 in the premises

of Insee, with all the participants of local groups, the representatives of the associations, 3 workers

from Credoc (, and around ten Insee agents from the Department of Living

Conditions of Households, including the Head of Department.

During this day, Insee has presented two recent studies on social isolation2 and administrative

procedures3, and the group of people experiencing poverty have presented the results of their work

on those two dimensions. Then, mixed workshops between Insee agents, associations and people

experiencing poverty took place to try to pool together the two approaches.

As a conclusion, some work avenues have then been identified in terms of conception of Insee

questionnaires and promising further research.



Economic Commission for Europe

Conference of European Statisticians Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 November 2023

Agenda item: Disaggregation for 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Going beyond averages

Для лучшего понимания и измерения крайней бедности

Национального института статистики и экономических

исследований (НИСЭИ), Франция


Отправной точкой проекта является программа, осуществляемая в рамках

совместного международного исследования «скрытые измерения бедности»,

опубликованного в 2019 году и проведенного Движением за оказание помощи

бедствующим группам населения «Четвертый мир» (ATD Fourth World

Movement) и Оксфордским университетом совместно в 6 странах1.

Цели проекта и методологический подход


Working paper 1

Distr.: General

17 November 2023



Проект является результатом партнерства между ATD-Quart-Monde (ATD), Secours

Catholique (SCCF) и Французским статистическим управлением (INSEE), проведенного в

2022 году, с целью лучшего понимания и измерения крайней нищеты и, более конкретно,

некоторых скрытых аспектов.

Проект основан на активном участии людей, имеющих опыт бедности; его цель -

определить, насколько инструменты, используемые INSEE для измерения бедности,

соответствуют опыту людей, которые на самом деле живут в бедности изо дня в день. Были

созданы некоторые местные группы людей, испытывающих бедность, координируемые

аниматорами из ассоциаций с подходом, способствующим доверию и активному участию

людей. В рамках проекта проводятся регулярные встречи локальных групп и три пленарных

заседания со всеми желающими.

Проект реализуется в два этапа:

• этап 1: создание базы знаний и общих ориентиров для определения бедности.

При рассмотрении проблемы бедности следует отталкиваться от опыта людей и

знакомиться с исследованиями, посвященными измерениям бедности, всегда увязывая их с

опытом участников. Эта фаза присвоения необходима для создания общей культуры и

обмена знаниями, прежде чем вступать в конструктивный и обоснованный диалог с

представителями НИСЭИ.

• этап 2: конкретная работа по двум измерениям: «социальная изоляция» и

«жестокое обращение в учреждениях» с целью выявления общих точек и расхождений

между инструментами НИСЭИ и опытом людей.

Этап 1: Различные аспекты бедности и их взаимосвязь

5 февраля 2022 года было организовано пленарное заседание, посвященное началу

реализации проекта. Задача состояла в том, чтобы собрать всех участников проекта, начать

знакомство друг с другом и получить первое представление об измерениях бедности.

Первое упражнение состояло в том, чтобы попросить каждого участника написать на

стикере одно слово, которое для каждого человека означает слово «бедность». Появились

три группы слов: (i) система и господство; (ii) лишения; (iii) невежество и непонимание.

Также упоминались другие понятия: позитивные (солидарность, преодоление трудностей),


негативные (изоляция, страдания) или неоднозначные (выживание, противостояние,

преодоление). Затем группа посмотрела короткое видео, в котором представлены

результаты международного исследования скрытых аспектов бедности. Наконец,

представители НИСЭИ рассказали о роли и основных задачах национального

статистического управления.

Затем местные группы вернулись домой и работали в рамках своих соответствующих групп

над углублением понимания и анализа проблемы бедности. Использовались специфические

приемы анимации, такие как построение анализа на основе жизненного опыта, выявление

характеристик бедности по силуэту человека или работа по спиральному анализу, чтобы

понять, что приводит людей в бедность или выводит из нее.

Между местными группами состоялись очень насыщенные дискуссии, и на пленарном

заседании 1 апреля 2022 года было принято решение о реституции. В частности, местные

группы сообщали в основном о неденежных детерминантах бедности: социальной

изоляции, страхе, боли, взгляде других, доверии к себе или другим людям,

институциональном насилии, зависимости от решения других людей, борьбе, насилии,

усталости, психическом и физическом здоровье, невозможности планирования. Важность

принадлежности к социальной сети неоднократно указывалась в качестве ключевого

элемента позитивной спирали. Другим важным элементом является системный подход,

предусматривающий очень тесную связь и взаимодействие между различными аспектами


На пленарном заседании представители НИСЭИ также представили группе официальные

показатели бедности, такие как уровень денежной бедности или уровень бедности по

условиям жизни.

Этап 2: Углубление двух аспектов: социальная изоляция и институциональное


На втором этапе локальные группы работали над двумя конкретными аспектами:

социальной изоляцией и институциональным насилием. На местном уровне было

проведено несколько рабочих сессий со следующими целями: (i) определение

характеристик бедности с точки зрения социальной изоляции или институционального

насилия; (ii) сравнение этих результатов с вопросами обследований НИСЭИ по этим темам,

с целью выявления совпадений, а также различий и недостающих моментов.


• Характеристики социальной изоляции, выявленные локальными группами, в

основном касались отсутствия отношений с семьей (в частности, с трудными

переживаниями в детстве) и с друзьями, наличия социальной сети с ассоциациями,

отвержения близких, защитных механизмов, приводящих к самоисключению,

неоднозначных последствий зависимостей, жестокости исключения.

• Что касается институционального насилия, по мнению локальных групп, существует

тесная связь с другими измерениями, что приводит к образованию замкнутого круга.

Характерными чертами институционального насилия являются, прежде всего, отсутствие

признания компетенций (в частности, опыт волонтерства), осуждение и пренебрежение,

зависимость от решений других людей, затрудненный доступ (цифровизация) или

вмешательство в личную жизнь.

В целом анкеты НИСЭИ были признаны релевантными по многим вопросам, но

недостаточно полными, чтобы охватить все характеристики, упомянутые выше.

Проект был завершен на заключительном пленарном заседании 24 июня 2022 года в

помещении НИСЭИ, со всеми участниками локальных групп, представителями

ассоциаций, тремя работниками Credoc ( и примерно десятью

представителями НИСЭИ из Департамента условий жизни домохозяйств, включая главу


В течение этого дня НИСЭИ представила два последних исследования по социальной

изоляции2 и административным процедурам3, а группа людей, испытывающих бедность,

представила результаты своей работы по этим двум направлениям. Затем были проведены

смешанные семинары с участием представителей НИСЭИ, ассоциаций и и людей,

сталкивающихся с бедностью, чтобы попытаться объединить два подхода.

В заключение были определены направления работы над концепцией опросников

INSEE и перспективные направления дальнейших исследований.

2 Insee Focus n° 265, avril 2022, «Pendant les périodes de confinement, un tiers des personnes de 18 ans ou plus, ont échangé

avec leur famille. », Мари Клерк, Амандин Нугаре

3 Insee Focus n° 267, май 2022, «Un tiers des adultes ont renoncé à effectuer une démarche administrative en ligne en 2021»,

Франсуа Глез, Амандин Нугаре, Анна Пла, Луиза Виар-Гийо

Better understanding and measurement of extreme poverty in France, Thomas Lellouch (INSEE, France)

The project is the result of a partnership between ATD-Quart-Monde (ATD), the Secours Catholique (SCCF) and the French Statistical Office (Insee), conducted in 2022, with a view to better understand and measure great poverty and more specifically some hidden dimensions.

Languages and translations

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland




Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality

28-29 November 2023

Workshop on Harmonization of Poverty Statistics to

Measure SDG 1 and 10

27 November 2023

Title of contribution To better Understand and Measure Great Poverty – a participative approach

Author Name(s) Thomas LELLLOUCH

Presenter Name Thomas LELLLOUCH

Presenter Organization INSEE

Presenter’s email [email protected]

Topic Social policies, social transfers and data

The project is the result of a partnership between ATD-Quart-Monde (ATD), the Secours Catholique (SCCF) and

the French Statistical Office (Insee), conducted in 2022, with a view to better understand and measure great

poverty and more specifically some hidden dimensions.

The project is based on the active participation of people having an experience of poverty; it aims at identifying

how the tools used by INSEE to measure poverty are consistent with the experiences of people that are actually

living poverty day by day. Some local groups of people experiencing poverty have been formed, coordinated by

animators from the associations with an approach that promotes trust and active participation of people. The

project is punctuated by regular meetings of local groups and three plenary meetings with everyone.

The project is divided in two phases :

• phase 1 : build a base of knowledge and common benchmarks to define poverty.

• phase 2 : specific work on two dimensions : “social isolation” and “institutional mistreatment”,

with a view to identify common points and divergences between Insee tools and people’s experience

The characteristics of social isolation identified by local groups were mostly about the lack of relationships with

family (in particular difficult experiences during childhood) and with friends, the existence of social network

with associations, the rejection of loved ones, the defense mechanisms which lead to auto-exclusion, the

ambiguous effects of addictions, the violence of the exclusion.

For institutional abuse, local groups considered there is a strong link with the other dimensions, with a formation

of a vicious circle. Characteristics of institutional abuse are mainly the lack of recognition of the competencies

(in particular experiencing of volunteering), the judgment and disregard, the dependency to other people’s

decisions, the difficulty of access (digitalization), or the interference with private life.

Overall, the questionnaires of Insee have been considered as relevant on many issues, but not sufficiently

complete to cover all characteristics mentioned above.

Please select your preferred contribution (you may select both options):

X Presentation

X Paper (to be submitted by 20 October)