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Steering Group on Gender statistics

Contact person: Mr. Andres Vikat
The objective of the Steering Group is to provide direction to the CES work on gender statistics, to advance methodological work, capacity development, and collaboration between users and producers of gender statistics, and to follow up the implementation of CES guidance.

The Steering Group:

  • Identifies and discusses areas where methodological work and exchange of practice would be needed and develops and submits proposals to the CES Bureau for review and approval
  • Steers the implementation of the approved proposals for methodological work and surveys of good practice in gender statistics and oversees the work of the CES task forces in this area
  • Promotes the use of CES methodological guidance and training materials related to gender statistics
  • Acts as an organizing committee for the meetings of the UNECE Group of Experts on Gender Statistics
  • Advises the Secretariat on the formulation and planning of capacity-development activities to support the integration of a gender perspective into statistical systems
  • Ensures that CES work on gender statistics is coordinated with the Global Gender Statistics Programme, activities of the United Nations Statistical Commission’s Inter-agency and Expert Groups on Gender Statistics and Sustainable Development Goals, UN Women’s “Women count” programme, and other international initiatives in gender statistics.

The Steering Group currently includes representatives from Australia, Canada, Finland, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Sweden (chair), Switzerland, United States, UN Women, Eurostat, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), CIS-Stat and the OECD Development Centre.

Terms of reference (October 2024)

Progress report (October 2024)