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12/13AB: Promoting Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development

… Promoting Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development EXCOM approval … training materials and reports can be found at  and Almaty (Kazakhstan) 3-4 …

Eija Alakangas, Convenor of WG2

… ISO/TC 238 Solid biofuels and Principal scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd , Finland 6 June 2017 I am leading … in Finland, VTT Technology 272, 222 p.+ app. 23 p. ( ) Comments …

UNECE, Eurostat and International Transport Forum improve comparability of transport statistics

… with 1.35 million people dying in road traffic accidents each year, there is much interest in comparing data on safety records across … transport-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as through indicator 3.6.1 on reducing road …

Integrated policies on air pollution, climate and biodiversity pay off, say UNECE Air Convention experts

… some of the main results of the recent review report , which assessed the effectiveness of the amended Protocol to … , experts discussed mitigation potentials for methane (CH4) as a precursor to ground-level ozone and air pollution …

Mapping Air Pollutant Emissions: UNECE Supports Clean Air Policies in Armenia 

… Spatially allocating—or gridding—emissions is technically challenging. It involves applying a gridding matrix to …

Safety net for hazardous chemicals strengthened as the scope of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention widens

… additional categories of hazardous substances and 32 more chemicals with serious health and environmental effects … The inclusion of new categories of hazardous substances, such as flammable aerosols and organic peroxides, will require … the Industrial Accidents Convention can be found at: Amended annex I to the …

Eastern and South-Eastern European countries commit to restore more than 4 million hectares of land by 2030

… (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, … Bonn Challenge: Global Partnership on FLR:   … Eastern and …

Vehicles with sliding sheets acceptable under the TIR procedure Relevant amendments to the TIR Convention, 1975 come into force

… under Customs seal provided that a number of minimum technical requirements in their construction are met. The … or can be viewed and downloaded from the TIR web site ( ). … Vehicles with sliding …

First webinar on the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Wood Energy

… on wood energy from Europe, North America and the CIS. Michael Goldsworthy, Sustainability Manager, presented the … by Drax for the purpose of calculating wood pellet supply chain GHG emissions. The ToS on Wood Energy gained insights …

Technical Guide on Harvesting and Conservation of Storm-Damaged Timber

… This guide aims to help both public institutes and wood-chain professionals to take decisions, prepare their future … to prepare and to decide, before the storm occurs, which actions will have to be taken in terms of methods to … Guide, are available at the following web address: Read more … Technical Guide on Harvesting …

UNECE discusses the role of environmental conventions in Turkmenistan

… Asia”, financed by the Government of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in … Water Process. For further information, please visit and Note to editors The …

New nexus approach the key for the sustainable management of the Syr Darya River Basin

… An intersectoral (nexus) approach to managing water, energy, land resources and ecosystems … in the Syr Darya River Basin, is available from: The nexus assessment … methodology can be found in the publication at: … New nexus approach the …

ONLINE Workshop. Grodno: Towards a Sustainable, Smart and Resilient City

… Housing and Land Management and innovative financing mechanisms Objectives of the w orkshop:   To present the … ’s evaluation as s ustainable and s mart , including a chapter about socio-economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic , and to share the key recommendations which will be reflected in the Grodno City Profile. To …

Green Growth Knowledge Platform webinar: How to strengthen mineral resource governance in 2021

… governance framework for mineral resources is needed and which practical implications should be considered. In addition, … mine tailings safety in the UNECE region and beyond , which Parties adopted at the eleventh meeting of the Conference …

Joint High-level Segment under the Meetings of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on PRTRs

… guests, and was culminated in the adoption of the Maastricht Declaration (ECE/MP.PP/2014/27 Add.1-ECE/MP.PRTR/2014/2 Add.1). The High-level Segment was chaired by Ms. Wilma Mansveld, Minister for the Environment … segment were broadcasted live from the host country website .  … Joint High-level Segment under …

New UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists will strengthen transboundary boreal forest efforts

… offer an alternative to more carbon-intensive materials such as plastics, concrete or steel. Boreal forests are … 40th session of the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC): UNECE/FAO Teams of Specialists: … New UNECE/FAO …

UNECE Working Party on Land Administration is global model for supporting regional land governance

… Party on Land Administration were presented on 24 March at the World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, which … at the World Bank conference is available at For more information, … states. More information on the WPLA is available at … UNECE Working Party on Land …

UN Regional Commissions highlight progress in cutting red tape for sustainable global trade

… around the world are moving towards seamless global supply chains. This is one of the key preliminary findings of the … trade facilitation and paperless trade measures in 2017, which stands at 61% compared to a 53% average rate in 2015. … 2017, including presentations, are available at: For more information on …

Inflation patterns vary across the region

… Source: UNECE Statistical database From September 2015 to September … Poland saw a decline of 0.6 per cent in consumer prices, which continues the development since 2015 where prices have … increases. Ukraine saw an increase of 7.8 per cent, which was nevertheless a significant reduction compared to …

Issue 2 2018

… Roundtable - Forest Landscape Restoration and the Bonn Challenge in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Astana, Kazakhstan, 17-18 September 2018: Green … States, Geneva, Palais des Nations (Room XI),  5-9 November 2018: 76th …