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Eija Alakangas, Convenor of WG2

Subject: Comments/proposals to Draft Specifications for the application of UNFC to Bioenergy Resources from Eija Alakangas, Convenor of WG2 – Fuel specification and classes, ISO/TC 238 Solid biofuels and Principal scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd , Finland

6 June 2017
I am leading the international standardization working group under ISO/TC 238 Solid biofuels, which developed international standards for solid biofuels. ISO 17225-1:2014 standard includes raw material (origin and source) of different biomass resources. It does not include manure. I hope you could add these standards in the classification, because they are  used worldwide.
This publication includes information about the international standards and classification: Alakangas, E., Hurskainen, M., Laatikainen-Luntama, J. & Korhonen, J.Properties of indigenous fuels in Finland, VTT Technology 272, 222 p.+ app. 23 p. (

Comments received from Eija Alakangas, Convenor of WG2 – Fuel specification and classes, ISO/TC 238 Solid biofuels and Principal scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd , Finland, to Draft Specifications for the application of UNFC to Bioenergy Resources.