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Displaying Results 62481 - 62500 of 62760

Europe : Solide croissance prévue, avec plusieurs risques de baisse

… Au nombre des risques : un renforcement des tensions commerciales, un changement de politique et le Brexit   L’économie mondiale va continuer de croître à un rythme constant d’environ 3 % en 2019 et 2020, sur fond …

La croissance économique mondiale a atteint un pic mais se maintiendra à 3 % en 2019-2020

… économiques  L’économie mondiale continuera de croître à un rythme régulier d’environ 3 % en 2019 et 2020, la … Toutefois, d’après le rapport de l’Organisation des Nations Unies intitulé « Situation et perspectives de l’économie mondiale 2019 », qui a été publié aujourd’hui, une combinaison inquiétante de problèmes liés au …

L'économie européenne se remet mais la reprise rencontre des risques majeurs selon le rapport des Nations unies Situation et perspectives de l'économie mondiale 2011 (WESP)

… budgétaire prévues, ou en cours, entraînent les risques d'un nouveau déclin économique Genève, 18 janvier 2011 – Le produit intérieur brut de l'Union européenne (UE-15) connut un taux de croissance de 1,7 % en 2010 et l'on s'attend à un

L’envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour la sécurité routière et la CEE-ONU appellent les gouvernements et l'industrie automobile à mettre en œuvre les instruments juridiques relatifs à la sécurité routière de l’ONU

… L’envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour la sécurité routière, Jean Todt, et le Secrétaire … relatifs à la sécurité routière prévus par les Nations Unies. Cet appel a été lancé aujourd'hui lors d'une réunion avec la presse à Genève. Chaque année, 1,25 …

La CEE-ONU lance un manuel sur la mobilité urbaine durable et l'aménagement du territoire pour aider à piloter la reprise verte des villes

… plus durable et plus efficace, la CEE-ONU publie un nouveau manuel pour guider les approches politiques … et respectueuses de l'environnement aux transports en commun surchargés. Bien que le confinement et l’état d’urgence … le passage à des formes actives de mobilité a reçu un coup de pouce dans de nombreuses villes, par exemple …


… 1. The Law of the Republic of Armenia HO-110-N of 21 June 2014 “On environmental impact assessment and expert … assessment, environmental impact assessment, transboundary impact assessment, state expert examination of … assessment and expert examination of the draft fundamental document and proposed activity having a …

Emission Reporting Guidelines 2003

… AIR POLLUTION STUDIES No. 15 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC FOR EUROPECOMMISSION �������� �� … 40 Table IVA: General recommended names of template files … adjustments related, for example, to climate variations or trade patterns of electricity etc., its national annual …

Comments from observer (Environment-People-Law) 22.07.2022 - ACCC/A/2022/3 (Ukraine)

… (Ukraine) English To: Compliance Committee of the UN ECE Convention on Access to Information, Public … Matters through the Secretary to the Aarhus Convention United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Environment …

Mobility Management - A guide of international good practices

… N A L G O O D P R A C TIC ES U N EC E U N ITED N A TIO N S UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Geneva, 2020 … and issues at the time and set out clear objectives and recommendations. Since then the College, is regularly …

Application of UNFC to Nuclear Fuel Resources - Selected Case Studies (ECE ENERGY SERIES No. 46)

UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy … 8 Observations, conclusions and recommendations … to derive maximum benefits. Observations, conclusions and recommendations The work undertaken in preparing case …

Item 3: Comparative analysis of different international reporting obligations related to annexes I, II and III of the Protocol on PRTRs

… November 2023, including: Information submitted by OECD and United States of America on the list of pollutants; … Protocol on PRTRs, Annex I - Activities Activities listed under the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED L334/51) … pending collection, onthe site where the waste is generated Trading ports, piers for loading and unloading connected to …

European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and related Installations (AGTC) - Revision 7

… Revision 7 UNECE European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and related Installations (AGTC) UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE United Nations … of goods as a consequence of growing international trade, Conscious of the adverse environmental consequences …

Guide to the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee

… Guide to the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNITED NATIONS … Preparation of draft findings 45 Adoption of findings and recommendations 46 IX. Follow-up if non-compliance found 47 …

Questions fréquemment posées sur la Convention sur l’eau de 1992

… de route pour faciliter les processus d’adhésion Nations Unies Genève, 2021 COMMISSION ÉCONOMIQUE DES NATIONS UNIES … facilitation du commerce et les transactions électroniques (CEFACT-ONU) est un autre organe de la CEE-ONU avec de vastes … sustainable renewable energy investment and deployment: Trade-offs and opportunities with water resources and the …

Guide to implementing the Water Convention

United nations economic commission for eUrope Convention on … conventiontotal.pdf. 6 See the guidelines, recommendations, background reports and studies at … the public interest and without distort- ing international trade and investment. 125. In that respect, the PPP can well …

Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water

… management and retention of firefighting water Geneva, 2019 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Safety … in recent years supported those findings. It was therefore recommended to address the issue jointly through the … xi PART A INTRODUCTION, SAFETY PRINCIPLES AND GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS

UNFC Implementation on National Level

UNFC Implementation on National Level English UNFC Implementation on National Level Zoltán Horváth Supervisory Authority for Regulatory Affairs HUNGARY KNOWLEDGE SHARING ON RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION AND …

Reply to Committee’s questions-ACCC/C/2015/132 (Ireland)

… (Ireland) English Questions to both Ireland and the Communicant 1. Questions 1, 2 and 3 are generally directed … governed by Order 99 of the Rules of the Superior Courts under which the general rule is that costs should “follow … been put in place in respect of environmental litigation under Section 50B of the Planning and Development Act 2000 …

Methodology for Tailings Management Facilities (TMFs)

… River Basin Technical Report by: Adam Kovacs, Oleksandra Lohunova International Commission for the Protection of the … updated and enhanced to evaluate TMF safety conditions and recommend measures for their improvement. Competent … of a position paper for the DRB that will provide recommendations for the Danube countries on how to improve …

Scanner Data, Product Churn and Quality Adjustment, W. Erwin Diewert and Chihiro Shimizu

… Product Churn and Quality Adjustment W. Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia and University of New South Wales; Email: [email protected] Chihiro Shimizu, Hitotsubashi University; Email: [email protected] June 8, 2023 …