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Supplementary report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by Belarus (ECE/MP.PP/2021/61)

… VI/8 of the Meeting of the Parties (ECE/MP.PP/2017/2/Add.1) and in accordance with the Committee’s mandate set … of the Party concerned requested an extension of the timeframe for the Party concerned to prepare its comment on the … him that he agreed ECE/MP.PP/2021/61 3 to extend the timeframe for the Party concerned to comment on the draft …

ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/114 - Report of the Working Party on the Standardization of Technical and Safety Requirements in Inland Navigation on its fifty-seventh session (9 October 2020)

… 1–4 3 II. Adoption of the agenda (agenda item 1) … on inland navigation and actions to be undertaken under the framework of the Economic Commission for Europe (agenda item 3) ... 9–12 4 V. Inland waterways infrastructure (agenda item 4) …

Draft pan-European master plan for cycling promotion

… master plan for cycling promotion* Submitted by Austria and France, leaders of Partnership on cycling promotion Summary At the … role in making transport systems more resilient should be added to the draft Master Plan, a new draft of which would …

Statement by Ms. Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

… 3 June 2021 (remote participation) Page 2 Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to speak at … an imperative and can be facilitated by a strong regulatory framework for environmental governance. UNECE hosts several … The structural transformation towards sectors with higher added value and a reduced environmental footprint requires …

Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation: global status of SDG indicator 6.5.2 and acceleration needs, 2021

… Organization, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France. Copyright © 2021 United Nations and UNESCO This … commit the Organizations. Cover photo: Montreal, Quebec, Canada © Simon Harvey / Unsplash - Creative Commons Graphic … monitoring water- and sanitation-related issues within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, …

Apertura Global del Convenio del Agua de 1992

… del Convenio del agua de 1992 NOTA Las denominaciones empleadas en esta publicación y la forma en que aparecen … Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Federación Rusa, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Italia, Kazajistán, Letonia, … Un Estado interesado en la gestión conjunta de la infraestructura hídrica en los ríos transfronterizos se …

Convención del Agua: Programa de trabajo para 2022-2024

… ejercida por el aumento de la población, las mayores necesidades agrícolas y energéticas y los efectos del cambio … Bug-Niemen, Chu-Talas, Comoé-Bia-Tanoé, Dniéster, Drin, Éufrates y Tigris, Gambia, Kura, Mejerda, Mono, Motagua, …

Ходьба пешком и езда на велосипеде: последние данные в поддержку формирования политики и практики

… в экспертной оценке. Концепция публикации была разработана Francesca Racioppi (Европейский центр ВОЗ по окружающей … Thomas Götschi (Орегонский университет, Юджин, США), Adrian Davis (Эдинбургский университет Нейпира, Эдинбург, … после отмены режима строгой изоляции. План под названием «strade aperte» («открытые улицы») направлен на …

Élaboration de plans nationaux d’action pour les transports, la santé et l’environnement

… Par Christian Schweizer, Francesca Racioppi et Leda Nemer Manuel pas à pas destiné … la santé et l’environnement Par Christian Schweizer, Francesca Racioppi et Leda Nemer Manuel pas à pas destiné … la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie européenne contre les maladies non transmissibles (prévention et lutte) 2012-2016. Le …

Outcomes of the 2020-2021 survey of UNECE member States “Improving Housing Affordability in the UNECE region”

… 6 3. POLICIES FOR ADDRESSING HOUSING AFFORDABILITY CHALLENGES (Q6-Q7) … of the Environment of Finland; City Government of Paris, France; Spatial Planning Department, Ministry of Economy and … up a new affordable/social housing plan. The latter is added as a suggestion to consider for further collaboration …

Données récentes à l’appui de la pratique de la marche et du vélo et des politiques en la matière

… de transport urbain ; ils sont également intégrés dans les cadres utilisés en vue de la planification et adoptés comme … s’expose seul au risque de plaintes résultant d’une infraction au droit d’auteur dont est titulaire un tiers sur … de l’usage de la voiture après le confinement. Appelé strade aperte, ou « rues ouvertes », celui-ci vise à …

Guidelines for the formalization of informal constructions

… Requests to reproduce excerpts or to photocopy should be addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center at … interest in purchasing housing due to a weak land market infrastructure. Improving this will make the sector more … place these may also include consolidation of parcels when fractionalization is a significant problem. It is …

Accord européen sur les grandes lignes de transport international combiné et les Installations connexes (AGTC) - Révision 7

… ou de photocopie, aux fins de vente, doivent être adressées au Copyright Clearance Center à l’adresse : … développement des services de transport combiné et de l’infrastructure nécessaire à l’exploitation de ces services, … C–E 65 (Břeclav –) Bernhardsthal – Wien – Semmering – Bruck a.d. Mur – Klagenfurt – Villach – Rosenbach (– Jesenice) C–E …

TIR Handbook - Tenth Revised Edition

… the Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention are advised to base their national legislation on the … countries. As a result of the expanding East-West European trade, particularly since 1989, and the corresponding … have been introduced to safeguard the system against fraudulent activities, committed in particular by …

Enhancing Environmental Assessment Systems in Selected Countries of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus in line with the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment

… Assessment (Protocol on SEA) Martin Smutny, Maia Gachechiladze-Bozhesku, and Michal Musil under the guidance of and … below) – in progressing faster towards a green economy framework. The framework aims to foster decoupling economic growth from …

Clearing the Air Issue no.1

… We welcome articles and pictures from any of our the readers, especially from those closely involved with … EB agreed to adjust the annex to the 1994 Oslo Protocol, by adding Cyprus to the list of Parties and listing its … Task Force). In addition, the Task Force heard about a new framework for mapping ozone impact on (semi-)natural …

L’eau et l’adaptation au changement climatique dans les bassins transfrontaliers : Leçons à retenir et bonnes pratiques

… UNIES POUR L’EUROPE U N E C E N ATIO N S U N IES L’eau et l’adaptation au changem ent clim atique dans les bassins … une mise en œuvre conjointe de solutions plus efficaces offrant des avantages aux parties riveraines. Par exemple, … à l’intérieur du bassin, les mesures, telles que les infrastructures de protection contre les inondations, là où …

Building forward better by transforming to new, clean, safe, healthy and inclusive mobility and transport

… congestion; injuries; physical, social and biodiversity fragmentation; socioeconomic disparities; land-take; and … emissions. • More than 110 000 people are killed on the roads every year in the UNECE and WHO European region. On … Amsterdam Declaration and broadens strategic direction by adding a new Goal 5: “to integrate transport, health and …

Déclaration de Vienne

… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 2. Améliorer le cadre réglementaire pour la promotion du cyclisme . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3. Créer une infrastructure cyclable tenant compte des besoins des usagers … parties prenantes, y compris les autorités nationales, infranationales et locales, les populations locales, les …

Annotated provisional agenda

… 1998 Agreement Sixty-fourth session Geneva, 22-23 June 2022 Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement Eighty-first … for vehicles of UN Regulations and UN GTRs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements; 8.2. Proposal for … regulatory development for automated vehicles in the legal framework of both the 1958 and 1998 Agreements …