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… inter- national treaty to deal with air pollution on a broad regional basis. After entering into force in 1983, the … for air pollution abatement and set up an institutional framework which has since brought together science and … environmental law and has created the essential framework for control- ling and reducing the damage to human …

Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice (final document; and accompanying document showing latest revisions in track changes)

… decision VI/3 on promoting effective access to justice,c adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its sixth session … Conseil économique et social Distr. générale 12 mars 2021 Français Original : anglais ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2021/16 2 … Conseil économique et social Distr. générale 12 mars 2021 Français Original : anglais Commission économique pour …

Supplementary information from the informal working group on the inspection and certification of tanks: Proposed amendments to Chapter 6.8 and to Sections 1.8.7 and 1.8.6 (United Kingdom)

… December 2020. The meeting considered revised proposals to address, amongst other things, the comments made during the … L’amendement ne s’applique pas au texte français. Modifier le premier paragraphe pour lire … 1.4 c) L’amendement ne s’applique pas au texte français. (RID:) b) L’amendement ne s’applique pas …

Work Plan of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency for 2020-2021

… will concentrate on: (a) Regulatory and policy dialogue addressing financial, technical and policy barriers to … United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), United … a programme on high-performance buildings to deploy its Framework Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Standards in …

Report of the Implementation Committee on its fiftieth session

… Ms. Charlotta von Troil. B. Organizational matters 1. Adoption of the agenda 3. The Chair of the Committee opened … regarding the activities, including the work done in the framework of the related advisory procedure (WAT/IC/AP/1) … of the Convention without delay and in the meantime to refrain from commencing the activity. V. Information …

Report of the Implementation Committee on its 50th session

… Ms. Charlotta von Troil. B. Organizational matters 1. Adoption of the agenda 3. The Chair of the Committee opened … regarding the activities, including the work done in the framework of the related advisory procedure (WAT/IC/AP/1) … of the Convention without delay and in the meantime to refrain from commencing the activity. V. Information …

Report of the Implementation Committee on its forty-ninth session

… annex II, appendix), as amended (ECE/MP.EIA/20/Add.1–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/4.Add.1, decision VI/2, annex I),1 the … of the Convention without delay and in the meantime to refrain from commencing the activity. 16 See … without delay. Meanwhile, Bosnia and Herzegovina should refrain from taking any steps towards commencing the activity. …

Proposal for amendments to Annex 1 and 3 - (Chair)

… for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety Eighty-fourth session Geneva, 7-11 March … exceeding the indicated figure (in metres) with a decimal fraction on the sign. The decimal fraction shall be depicted as “comma” or “dot” depending on …

UN Regulation No. 17 - Rev.6 - Amend.2

… UN Regulation No. 17 - Rev.6 - Amend.2 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.16/Rev.6/Amend.2 … and rearwards to the upper part of the seatback frame through a component simulating the back of the manikin … case of a bench seat, where part or all of the supporting frame (including that of the head restraints) is common to …

Report of the Implementation Committee on its fiftieth session

… Ms. Charlotta von Troil. B. Organizational matters 1. Adoption of the agenda 3. The Chair of the Committee opened … regarding the activities, including the work done in the framework of the related advisory procedure (WAT/IC/AP/1) … of the Convention without delay and in the meantime to refrain from commencing the activity. V. Information …

Questions fréquemment posées sur la Convention sur l’eau de 1992

… DE 1992 et Feuille de route pour faciliter les processus d’adhésion Nations Unies Genève, 2021 COMMISSION ÉCONOMIQUE … présente publication est publiée en langue arabe, anglaise, française, russe et espagnole. Publication des Nations Unies … sustainable renewable energy investment and deployment: Trade-offs and opportunities with water resources and the …

The Protocol on Water and Health and the COVID-19 pandemic: Relevance, lessons learned and future perspectives

… first line of defence in preventing and controlling the spread of infectious disease, including COVID-19. Investment in … and Health. Through its target setting and 2 accountability framework, the Protocol can play a vital role in “building … viruses with known waterborne transmission. While viral RNA fragments were found in untreated wastewater and open water …

Report of the Bureau on its activities since the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties

… to paragraph 3 of its terms of reference (ECE/CP.TEIA/32/Add.1), the Bureau, among its other main responsibilities, … Wagello-Sjölund (Finland); Ms. Marie-Claire Lhenry (France); Ms. Margarita Redina (Russian Federation); Ms. … the Working Group on Implementation had decided to consider adding a question on inclusivity (gender, age and …

Руководство и передовой опыт для микро-, малых и средних предприятий по поставке энергоэффективной продукции и производству оборудования для возобновляемой энергетики

… программы, представлены ниже: - Инициатива ЕИБ и Banco Sabadell о выделении 576 миллионов евро на финансирование ММСП … and its Impact on Small Business. Geneva: International Trade Centre (ITC). Retrieved from … by the government. Retrieved from Ministry of Industry and Trade: …

Framework Code for Good Agricultural Practice for Reducing Ammonia Emissions

… United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Framework Code for Good Agricultural Practice for Reducing … contributors to acidification and eutrophication, while adding to the burden of particulate matter. As ammonia now …

Addendum 48 – UN Regulation No. 49 Revision 6 - Amendment 7

Addendum 48 – UN Regulation No. 49 Revision 6 - Amendment 7 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.48/Rev.6/Amend.7 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.48/Rev.6/Amend.7 English E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.48/Rev.6/Amend.7 …

(GRPE) Proposal for a new 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)

… with that mandate.] The text reproduced below was adopted by the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) … Conseil économique et social Distr. générale 12 avril2021 Français Original : anglais Commission économique pour … Conseil économique et social Distr. générale 12 avril2021 Français Original : anglais ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/66 2 …

Digitalization in Energy: Case Study on "Cyber Resilience of Critical Energy Infrastructure"

… in Energy Case study Cyber Resilience of Critical Energy Infrastructure ADVANCED COPY Geneva, 2023 UNECE Task Force on … data; 9. Hardware: by manipulating the hardware design, by adding malicious hardware in the network, by attacking …

General trends and developments surrounding electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure – interdependencies between electric mobility and the energy system

… surrounding electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure – interdependencies between electric mobility … development goals: Transport Trends and Challenges in the road, rail, and inland waterways sectors General trends and … surrounding electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure – interdependencies between electric mobility …

Amendments to the seventh revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7 and Amend.1) (Secretariat)

… and Amend.1) (Secretariat) ST/SG/AC.10/50/Add.2 English ST/SG/AC.10/50/Add.2 ST/SG/AC.10/50/Add.2 … Secrétariat Distr. générale 6 mars 2023 Français Original : anglais et français Comité d’experts du transport des marchandises …