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Рекомендации по экологически чистому и благоприятному для здоровья устойчивому транспорту — «Более эффективное дальнейшее развитие»

… данных Евростата … modal share? Start with the students”, Cycling industry News, 27 May 2016. URL: … ireland, Department for Transport, “Walking and Cycling- Statistics, England: 2018”, 31 July 2019. URL: …

Обзор Безопасности Дорожного Движения Узбекистан

… Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, S–09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Email: … происшествий и пострадавших Источник:, …

Water Convention Programme of Work for 2022-2024

… and requested support for it. In addition, several new Parties seek support in their efforts to implement the … quality aspects, and improving exchange of information and data between riparian countries. In 2022-2024, the following … press releases, communication of social media channels, newsletters, regular updates of the Convention website. …

Венская декларация

… и 30 октября 2018 года), URL: https:// … 16 Statistics Netherlands (CBS) (Netherlands Travel Survey … 51 52 …

Укрепление потенциала стран Центральной Азии для разработки политики устойчивой городской мобильности в отношении инициатив по каршерингу и карпулингу

… services expand». 27  November  2017. Automotive News. См. на … 25 June 2018. 42 … Всемирного Банка «Research & Outlook», см. на:; 3. Всемирный Банк, …

Study on the Challenges of Fraud to Land Administration Institutions

… OF FRAUD TO LAND ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTIONS United Nations New York and Geneva, 2011 ii Note The designations used and … technology to store and process land registration data is, at present, the norm throughout the UNECE region. … formal training sessions, group meetings, posters, employee newsletters, payroll bulletins or awareness pages on …

Ходьба пешком и езда на велосипеде: последние данные в поддержку формирования политики и практики

… (на … usage: tracking visitor spatiotemporal behavior using big data. J Sustain Tour. 29(4):711–731. … …

Item 7: Report on contributions and expenditures in relation to the implementation of the work programme of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers for 2022–2025

… methods and meeting organization to take into account these new requirements. II. Contributions 4. The “Adjusted …

Low-carbon hydrogen production in the CIS countries and its role in the development of the hydrogen ecosystem and export potential

… Armenia Energy Policy Review. March 2022. 28. IEA (2022data). Data and statistics. 29. IEA (2022ky). Strengthening Power System …

Road transport facts and figures: how healthy and envionmentally friendly is our transport today?

… 15 янв. 16 фев. 2021 Источник: приведено по Our World in Data (68). Изменения в динамике использования общественного … организация здравоохранения; 2020 ( physical-activity, по … по состоянию на 3 мая 2021 г.). (46) Statistics of road traffic accidents in Europe and north …

Collection of good practices and lessons learned on target setting and reporting under the Protocol on Water and Health

… and reporting under the Protocol on Water and Health New York and Geneva, 2016 The designations employed and the … 7 of the Protocol requires Parties to collect and evaluate data and information on their progress towards the … cannot be limited to publication of the draft targets in newspapers and on websites. However, organizing an effective …

Перспективы инновационной политики, 2022 год: Восточная Европа и Южный Кавказ. Промежуточный обзор

… are likely considerably higher’”, 9 September 2022, b Всемирный банк. … (1,88 балла) и Швеция (1,59 балла). 15 UNCTAD, “Trade data for 2020 confirm growing importance of digital … …

Recommendation No.46: Enhancing traceability and transparency of sustainable value chains in the garment and footwear sector (ECE/TRADE/463)

… must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following … practices for the harmonized collection and transmission of data for tracking and tracing materials, products, and …

Clearing the Air Issue no.3

… of ratification with the United Nations Depositary in New York. Following the required period of 30 days Albania … necessary scientific activities by providing the required data. It invited all bodies of the Convention to plan their … the first article in the first issue of “Monitair” - a newsletter on monitoring activities under the Convention - …

Guiding Principles for Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Land Administration

… access to and use of information technology, which created new opportunities for business and offered the citizen new … privatised companies. 14. Efforts to set up spatial data infrastructures (SDI) have a strong influence on …

Desk Study in Environmental Flows and Flow Regulation in the Drina River Basin (2019, version revised 2021)

… hydropower generation capacity as well as unexploited renewable energy potential, but any development of this … methods, fields of applications and logical frameworks, data quality and availability and implementation. Chapter 3 … and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Historical flow data in natural conditions reflect the template of aquatic …

Informal settlements in countries with economies in transition in the UNECE Region

… practices, notably South European countries, and the New EU member states that have successfully curbed informal … stakeholders .......................... 13 Secondary data

Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation UNECE Regional Report 2021 (ECE/TRADE/467)

… must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following … He was responsible for managing the survey for UNECE from data collection to publication of the report, and for … the drafting team. Daniela Stratulativ conducted the data analysis, formulated recommendations, and drafted the …

Handbook for the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and its Protocols

… AIR POLLUTION AND ITS PROTOCOLS UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2004 iii NOTE Symbols of United Nations … 299 Decision 1998/4 on the guidelines and procedures for data release ..................................... 300 …

(France) Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 04 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 95 (Lateral impact)

… current text of the UN Regulation are marked in bold for new characters. I. Proposal Annex 5 - Appendix 2 , amend to … current text of the UN Regulation are marked in bold for new characters. I. Proposal Annex 5 - Appendix 2, amend to …