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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53261 - 53280 of 53997

IRU statistics

… (2022) No. 7 English 1 Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Customs Questions … Transport 161st session Geneva, 11 (p.m.),12 (a.m.) and 14 (a.m.) October 2022 Item 3 (c) (iv) of the … % 0,0 EST ESTONIA 123 79,7% 97,6% 0,2 0 0 0.0 % 0,0 FIN FINLAND 75 89,3% 93,3% 0,3 0 0 0.0 % 0,0 FRA FRANCE 297 96,3% …

Presentation by Dr Maia Gachechiladze-Bozhesku, international consultant to UNECE: Baseline analysis in SEA

… Assessment - Guidelines for Regional Assemblies and Planning Authorities. Government of Ireland. …

Programme de travail de la Convention sur l’eau pour 2022-2024

… la Co nv en ti on s ur l’ ea u po ur 2 02 2- 20 24 Designed and printed at United Nations, Geneva – 2227365 (F) – … sécurité. Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 Fax: +41(0)22 917 05 05 … la Co nv en ti on s ur l’ ea u po ur 2 02 2- 20 24 Designed and printed at United Nations, Geneva – 2227365 (F) – August …

Effets des changements climatiques et adaptation à ces changements dans les réseaux de transport internationaux

… Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for International Transport Networks : … report Download PDF  (French, also available in English and Russian ) This report has been prepared to assist the … of the UNECE Group of Experts on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for International Transport Networks, in …

Recommendations for Measuring Older Populations in Institutions

… Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 44 44 E-mail: [email protected] … E., Guilbault, C., Martikainen, P., & Poulain, M. (2012). Gender Differences in Care Home Use Among Older Finns and … & G. Weber (Eds.), Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in Europe (pp. 253–264). Laitila, T., Wallgren, …

Европейские правила сигнализации на внутренних водных путях

… The European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways (SIGNI), adopted by resolution No. 90 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport on 5 October 2018, provides …

Доклад на экономическом форуме СПЕКА: Шерзод Ата-Мирзоев цифровизация

… Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport, который устанавливает стандарты …

Rev.5 (files)

… UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Руководство по испытаниям и критериям Пятое … Объединенных Наций, 2010 год Все права охраняются   View and download the full text of the fifth revised edition as … и критериям, Пятое пересмотренное издание     View and download the pdf files for each part: PDF (435 KB) …

Здоровая связь: Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья и Цели в области устойчивого развития

… Water, sanitation and health are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 1999 Protocol on Water and Health is a powerful tool to promote and operationalize the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and

Транспорт в интересах устойчивого развития

… " Transport for Sustainable Development: The case of Inland Transport ” is the result of the cooperation among the five Regional Commissions of the United Nations and key global stakeholders, particularly, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the International Union of Railways (UIC), led by UNECE. …

Implementation of UN CEFACT standards in CA

… Implementation of UN CEFACT standards in CA Russian ЕЭК ООН Европейская экономическая … Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport), который предназначен для обмена сообщениями … влияет на рынок труда. … Implementation of UN CEFACT standards in CA …

Terms of reference of START-Ed FPN

… Terms of reference of START-Ed FPN French Mandat du Réseau de points de contact de l’Initiative de … travaux lors de sa trente- deuxième session (décision 7) Mandat du réseau de points de contact de l’Initiative … il est si important de veiller à ce que les nouvelles générations sachent ce que sont les normes et les …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan

… обзор Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 E-mail: [email protected] … гендерной статистике и ведет специальный портал (; однако статистика, касающаяся гендерных … and World Health Organization. Results of the Global Survey on Concentrations in Human Milk of Persistent Organic …

Annex 5: Pinoasa Ministerial Order n. 135/2010 form ROM

… de distributie; → utilaje de depozit; → transportoare cu banda. Emisiile atmosferice specifice activitatii de … variaza adesea substantial de la o zi la alta, depinzand de nivelul activitatii, de specificul operatiilor si de … O sursa de praf suplimentara este reprezentata de eroziunea generata de vant, fenomen care însoteste lucrarile de …

Policy Brief: Improving sustainable development in the Syr Darya River Basin through a transboundary nexus approach

… … This policy brief synthesizes the main findings and recommendations from the assessment of the … River Basin, shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The methodology employed was developed … cooperation by identifying intersectoral synergies and determining measures that could alleviate tensions …

Сборник примеров надлежащей практики и извлеченных уроков в области установления целевых показателей и отчетности в рамках Протокола по проблемам воды и здоровья

… Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 E-mail: [email protected] … Europe … The objective of the Collection of good practices and lessons learned on target setting and reporting under the Protocol on Water and Health is to …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan

… обзор Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 E-mail: [email protected] … Unit Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Тел.: +41 (0)22 917 44 44 Факс: +41 (0)22 917 05 05 … International Organization for Standardization (2017). ISO Survey 2016. Available from: …

АНАЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАПИСКА: Улучшение процессов устойчивого развития в бассейне реки Сырдарья путем применения трансграничного подхода, основанного на учете системы взаимосвязей

… … This policy brief synthesizes the main findings and recommendations from the assessment of the … River Basin, shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The methodology employed was developed … cooperation by identifying intersectoral synergies and determining measures that could alleviate tensions …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of the Republic of Moldova

… • -XVI • • • • • The intersection of ecosystems, economics, and society. Proceedings of IUFRO 3.08 Conference. … of technology, Galway Journal of Horticulture Forest and Biotechnology Legal Aspects of European Forest … for Europe Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 44 44 Fax: +41(0)22 917 05 05 …

Decision VII/8g (Germany) - Observer statement from observer Wildfleck 09.02.2023

… Unternehmergese schaft (haftungsbeschränkt) S tz München • Hande sreg ster Amtsger cht München HRB 222825 Gese schafter … der Ziele des Umweltschut- zes fordere. Diese müssten prägender Zweck sein. Ein solcher Vorrang der Ziele des Um- …