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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 3521 - 3540 of 54000

Roundtable 1 - Automation and Connectivity - Matthew Blunt

… Roundtable 1 - Automation and Connectivity - Matthew Blunt English Safer roads Reduced … regulations for these emerging technologies are data-driven and based on the latest science; ▪ They should remain technology-neutral and take a “patient” regulatory approach to spur innovation; …

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

… United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland English UK national statement on the occasion of the UN International Commission on Population and Development (ICPD) Thank you Chair, Let me begin by …

Item-6b. N. Winkler-Ráthonyi and P. Pechacek. Forestry activities of the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

… Item-6b. N. Winkler-Ráthonyi and P. Pechacek. Forestry activities of the FAO Regional … making on natural resources management (2022) • NWFP survey developed and tested in pilot communities of the … regional cooperation and networking, with the necessary and gender-responsive capacity and knowledge on sustainable …


… GLOBAL WORKSHOP ON FUNDING AND FINANCING TRANSBOUNDARY WATER COOPERATON AND BASIN DEVELOPMENT 5-6 DECEMBER 2023 - GENEVA & ONLINE … Manager, Section Water, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) & Mr. Niels Vlaanderen, Coordinator …

UNECE celebrates 25 years of the Industrial Accidents Convention and its contribution to sustainable development and disaster risk reduction

… today, a key regional instrument aimed at protecting people and the environment from the devastating effects of … was adopted. On 17 March 1992 in Helsinki 26 countries and the European Union signed the UNECE Convention on the … to the major chemical accident in Schweizerhalle, Switzerland, (Sandoz accident) in 1986, with the aim to improve …

Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment: Facts and Benefits

… for Europe Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 44 44 Fax: +41(0)22 917 05 05 … UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE Facts and Benefits Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment … (EaP GREEN). EaP GREEN is funded by the European Union and implemenetd by four Partners: OECD, UNECE, UNEP and

26 March 2018 Statement by Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

… by Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic … for Europe (UNECE) at the UN Library Talk Geneva: "The Gender Pay Gap: Can We Make Equal Pay a reality", Palais des …

Webinar on Sustainable and integrated natural resource management

… viability, technical feasibility and risks. UNFC is being extended as a United Nations … management system that is expected to be future-facing and support stakeholders in various goals, including aiding … Deal. This webinar will present the concepts, objectives and requirements of modern integrated resource management …

Strategic and Technical Approaches to Tree Health Protection

… Urban planners and city administrators face daily challenges in maintaining healthy, sustainable, livable, and resilient urban environments capable of contributing to a good quality of life for city dwellers. Urban trees and forests, both in and around cities, are crucial to …

Better Road Safety System based on in-depth analysis of road accidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

… based on in-depth analysis of road accidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia Item 8 2023/16 English ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR … based on in-depth analysis of road accidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia (for approval) 1 UNITED NATIONS …

Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

… the fifteenth Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators PDF   PDF           Assessment framework of …             Agenda item 3 - Implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the 15th session of the JTF     - … for the work of the JTF    - New SEIS assessment framework and final SEIS review       ENG   RUS    - Concept note for …

Economic Commission for Europe Study on Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade in Kyrgyzstan: Outline and Initial Findings

… Economic Commission for Europe Study on Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade in Kyrgyzstan: Outline and … of the Kyrgyz products with these requirements. ECE will survey several MSMEs to identify challenges. Recommendations … thus reap increased benefits from the growth opportunities generated by the global and regional integration initiatives …

Manual of Tests and Criteria, section 1 (paragraph and section 20 (paragraph 20.2.5) on self-heating test N.4 for organic peroxides and polymerizing substances (Cefic)

… Manual of Tests and Criteria, section 1 (paragraph and section 20 (paragraph 20.2.5) on self-heating test N.4 for organic peroxides and polymerizing substances (Cefic) ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/12 …

18 October 2019 Statement by Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

… by Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic … by Olga Algayerova, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic …

Proposal for amendments to Annex 1 and 3 - (Chair of the Group of Experts on Road Signs and Signals)

… Proposal for amendments to Annex 1 and 3 - (Chair of the Group of Experts on Road Signs and Signals) ECE/TRANS/WP.1/2019/5/Rev.1 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

Addressing food loss and waste through agricultural quality

… The safeguard of food quality, fair trade and safe and responsible consumption is at the core of UNECE’s work … on agriculture, its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards and its 4 groups on fresh fruit and vegetables; nuts …

Welcome and Introduction to the Global Workshop on Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater – Sonja Koppel, UNECE

… Welcome and Introduction to the Global Workshop on Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater – Sonja Koppel, UNECE English GLOBAL … WORKSHOP ON THE CONJUNCTIVE MANAGEMENT OF SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER: NATIONAL TO TRANSBOUNDARY LEVEL WELCOME AND

Smart City Profile Goris: Research mission and Workshop

… The research mission in Armenia and the workshop in Goris are part of a larger activity, implemented from 2015 until 2016, and resulted in the elaboration first of the Smart City Profile and then, of the Action Plan for the city of Goris. The …

Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

… Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators ECE/CEP-CES/GE.1/2021/3 English … Statisticians Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators Eighteenth session Geneva, 18 and 19 October …

Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

… Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators ECE/CEP-CES/GE.1/2021/3 English … Statisticians Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators Eighteenth session Geneva, 18 and 19 October …