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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 2101 - 2120 of 53975

EGRM Document Review and Approval Process

… EGRM Document Review and Approval Process ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/3 English … 9 of the provisional agenda Enhancing expertise, adoption and implementation: Mandate, governance and work plans for … consultation precedes the Bureau review and the comments generated during the public consultation are integrated into …

Specific activity and activity concentration (Secretariat)

… Specific activity and activity concentration (Secretariat) … Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals Sub-Committee of Experts on the …

Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use  of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes - Comments

… Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use  of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes - Comments English Comments on the … by the Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International …

Rickard Vannby - Licensing Director, Topsoe - Decarbonization: vision and technologies

… - Licensing Director, Topsoe - Decarbonization: vision and technologies English 1© Topsoe A/S. All rights reserved. DECARBONIZING - VISION AND TECHNOLOGIES 2© Topsoe A/S. All rights reserved. … that will leave the world in better shape for future generations. Today, it is our ambition to lead the global …

Gender and transport, by Josephine Macharia, ITF

Gender and transport, by Josephine Macharia, ITF English … inequalities in our communities? Transport policies do not generate the same outcomes for individuals Various …

Gender and transport, by Josephine Macharia, ITF

Gender and transport, by Josephine Macharia, ITF English … inequalities in our communities? Transport policies do not generate the same outcomes for individuals Various …

(Draft) Promoting sustainable trade and circular economy in SPECA countries: State of play and way forward

… (Draft) Promoting sustainable trade and circular economy in SPECA countries: State of play and … 4: UNFSS and UNECE Portal on Standards for the SDGs and Gender Responsive Standards Initiative (GRSI) … of preparing his or her national reports, conducted a survey of experts in the respective country, 9 covering …

Financial aspects of SEA and EIA

… Financial aspects of SEA and EIA English Financial aspects of SEA and EIA 2nd … health issues to be likely affected • Studies, analyses, surveys to be carried out • Consultations to be organized …

Residential Heating with wood and coal

… Residential Heating with wood and coal English Residential heating with wood and coal: hea … (in a shed, for example) from which the heat is being generated and then circulated into the building as heat … and coal solid fuel boiler a device with solid fuel heat generator(s) that provides heat to a water-based central …

Poland ADR certificates and description

… Poland ADR certificates and description English Poland Model of ADR driver training certificates Information on …

United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Bureau Report of Developments

… United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Bureau Report of Developments … • Linked Data Vocabulary and Shapes Project; and • Open API generation from domain models. 1 IMO eFAL refers to the … 2023 WTO Public Forum - Launch of the United Nations Global Survey report ECE secretariat ECE, Economic and Social …

Information document for the discussion on forests and the circular economy

… Information document for the discussion on forests and the circular economy ECE/TIM/EFC/WP.2/2021/Inf.3 This … States on the future work of the Joint ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section (Joint Section) on forests and the circular economy. The secretariat will inform the …

Examples for Recycling and Recovery Projects

… Examples for Recycling and Recovery Projects English Examples for Recycling and Recovery Projects Ronald Arvidsson, SGU Rudolf Suppes, Holcim Andrea Winterstetter, KRAIBURG TPE Daniel Monfort, BRGM UNFC …

HLG-MOS Workshop on the Modernisation of Official Statistics 2023

… is to work collaboratively to identify trends, threats and opportunities in modernising statistical organisations and provide a common platform for experts to develop … Canada) Draft Python Programming course Presentation Generative AI and Official Statistics HLG-MOS White Paper on …

Inter-regional Workshop on Electrification of Mobility - Challenges and opportunities for transport, energy, and spatial planning

… Workshop on Electrification of Mobility - Challenges and opportunities for transport, energy, and spatial planning Informal document WP.5 (2022) No. 1 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Transport Trends …

Circularity concepts in the pulp and paper industry

… Circularity concepts in the pulp and paper industry Item 4d(iv): ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.5 … pulp production (e.g. bark) can be used for onsite energy generation or can be refined (e.g. lignin) into value-added … the availability of forests’ goods and services for future generations. (FAO Sustainable Forest Management, 2023). tThe …

Meeting on population and housing censuses

… CES Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing - DRAFT VERSION, 4 October2005 PDF MAIL 4 Oct.05 … Recommended Tabulations for the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2 (UNSD), Supporting paper …

Western Balkans countries on the way towards accelerating digital channels of trade through Single Window and Data Sharing

… with new challenges. Almost two years into the Covid-19 pandemic the digitalization of transport and trade data flows is on top of the economic agenda. In … information is collected from business, where it is generated. In this sense, integrating standardized data …

The Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment: Assessment and Progress made

… The Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment: Assessment and Progress made English WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION REGIONAL … FOR EUROPE UNECE Working together for Sustainable and Healthy Transport: Guidance on Supportive Institutional …

Decision VII/8s (United Kingdom) - Update from the observers Wildlife and Countryside Link and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland 02.02.2024

… (United Kingdom) - Update from the observers Wildlife and Countryside Link and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland 02.02.2024 English 1 Aarhus …