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Displaying Results 177301 - 177320 of 177548

UN/OECD seminar in follow-up to the 2020 Beirut port explosion: Lessons learned, experiences and good practices of ammonium nitrate storage and handling, and related accident prevention, preparedness and response: Invitation to contribute (UNECE Conventio

… seminar in follow-up to the 2020 Beirut port explosion: Lessons learned, experiences and good practices of ammonium nitrate storage and … UN/SCEGHS/40/INF.16 English Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized …

Обзор «умного» устойчивого города: Подгорица, Черногория

… East 42nd Street S-09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America. Эл. почта: [email protected] Веб-сайт: … 2 Стандарт «КПЭ для УУГ» был одобрен Комитетом … (Vujošević, Radulović, and Miljanić, 36 Secreteriat for Transport, 2022. © A D O BE S TO C K 2018) за счет внедрения …

Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer

… Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer English 1 Moldova Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer 20 October 2022 2 Contents 1. Background to the … 7 SG1: Technology Transfer represented on the National Innovation Council (NIC) … 7 Tools and alliances

Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer

… Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer English 1 Moldova Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer 20 October 2022 2 Contents 1. Background to the … 7 SG1: Technology Transfer represented on the National Innovation Council (NIC) … 7 Tools and alliances

Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer

… Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer English 1 Moldova Roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer 20 October 2022 2 Contents 1. Background to the … 7 SG1: Technology Transfer represented on the National Innovation Council (NIC) … 7 Tools and alliances


… make a lasting contribution to national development priorities and to the changes that will help them to live longer, healthier and more … 33 Outcome 2.3: Mobility and demographic transition become vectors for positive change and prosperity …

Questionnaire for the report of Ireland on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021

… Questionnaire for the report of Ireland on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021 English …

10 years of EPR



… – 1814605 (R) – July 2020 – 262 – ECE/MP.WAT/51 Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: … Libert, «The UNECE Water Convention and the development of transboundary cooperation in the Chu-Talas, Kura, Drin and Dniester River Basins», Water International, vol. 40, No. 1 …

Accord européen sur les grandes lignes de transport international combiné et les Installations connexes (AGTC) - Révision 7

… Révision 7 Accord européen sur les grandes lignes de transport international combiné et les installations …

Guía para la presentación de informes sobre el Convenio del Agua y como contribución a los informes sobre el indicador 6.5.2 de los ODS

… G uí a pa ra la p re se nt ac ió n de in fo rm es s ob re e l Co nv en io d el A gu a y co m o co nt ri bu … del agua dulce mundial fluye por las cuencas hidrográficas transfronterizas y el 40% de la población humana mundial … Recursos Hídricos de Zambia, de 2011. [en inglés]. 59Referencias 3. Referencias …

Перечень основных характеристик и параметров сети водных путей категории E (Четвертое пересмотренное издание)

… 42nd Street, S-09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Email: [email protected]; … предоставлены: титульная страница – Adobe Stock. ECE/TRANS/SC.3/144/Rev.4 ИЗДАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙ …

Examen des performances environnementales de la Mauritanie

… Mauritanie Examen des performances environnementales Exam en des perform ances … gestion du secteur de la pêche, y compris une approche de transparence conformément à l’Initiative pour la … 115 HCDH (2022). 116 CNDH (2021). 117; 118 …

Guidance on Measuring the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women and Men

… the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women and Men ECE/CES/2022/7 English GE.22-06819(E) Economic Commission for … Conference of European Statisticians Seventieth plenary session Geneva, 20–22 June 2022 Item 6 (e) of the provisional … essential services related to health,15 education, food, transportation, and public assistance.16 Despite a surge in …

PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks

… PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks English … RISK REDUCTION DIVISION PROCEDURE MANUAL: Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks Aida Karazhanova … with crisis periods as well as lead and accelerate digital transformation. Through the Asia-Pacific Information …

PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Framework

… PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Framework English INFORMATION … RISK REDUCTION DIVISION PROCEDURE MANUAL: Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks Aida Karazhanova … with crisis periods as well as lead and accelerate digital transformation. Through the Asia-Pacific Information …

Brochure: Guide to Seed Potato Field Inspection: Recommended Practices (ECE/TRADE/421)

… ECE/TRADE/421 Copyright© United Nations, 2015 All rights reserved Копии руководства могут быть получены от: … Unit United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations CH-1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] Выражение признательности Вилем Шраге – …

(OICA) Comments on GRPE-86-46

… Measurement of Brake Emissions for Light-Duty Vehicles Comment by Author: Note: All comments made to this … follows the request of the GRPE group according to the ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/150. The informal document describes the …


… 19 3.1. Roles and Governance Bodies … ensured. • We can make mappings between classifications and transform units to put the statistics in the same contexts. … can be reduced or impeded by this cause. • We can transform the structures of the statistical information …

Measuring the value of official statistics: case studies

… Measuring the value of official statistics: case studies English 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Measuring the Value of Official Statistics: case studies U N ECE U N ITED N ATIO N S M easuring the Value of O ffi … 104 3 37. United Kingdom: A user-centred approach to transforming the UK Labour Force Survey ............. 107 …