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لوائح الأمم المتحدة المتعلقة بالمركبات من أجل تحسين السلامة على الطرق: منهجية جدوى التكاليف - هذا المنشور جزء من سلسلة المنتدى العالمي لتنسيق اللوائح المتعلقة بالمركبات ”كيف يعمل وكيف تنضم إليه“

… Part of the WP.29 “How it works – How to join it” series U N Vehicle Regulations for road safety Cost-benefit m … FOR ROAD SAFETY: COST-BENEFIT METHODOLOGY ii ECE/TRANS/306 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No.: E.20.VIII.5 …

Jobs in green and healthy transport: Making the green shift Informal document No. 9

… Jobs in green and healthy transport: Making the green shift Informal document No. 9 … Pan-European Programme (THE PEP). The study continues the work of THE PEP on evaluating the job creation … towards greener land transport. The study shows how changes towards green and healthy transport alter the structure …

The Basics of Quality Infrastructure for Trade (ECE/TRADE/478)

… 2023 © 2023 United Nations This work is available open access by complying with the Creative Commons license created … available at Publishers must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The …

Financing Innovative Development

… Innovative Development Comparative Review of the Experiences of UNECE Countries in Early-Stage Financing UNITED … this area. This Comparative Review makes a contribution to transnational learning, that is to say, the transfer of good …


… Committee under the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision- making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters Madrid, 20 March …

Application of SP376 for critically damaged lithium batteries (Belgium)

… Application of SP376 for critically damaged lithium batteries (Belgium) INF.8 English INF.8 INF.8 INF.8 Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Transport of … agenda Proposals for amendments to RID/ADR/ADN: Pending issues Application of SP376 for critically damaged lithium …

Informal document no. 10 - Concept note on ForFITS THE PEP 2014

… Informal document No. 10 THE PEP Steering Committee, 12th session, 19–20 November 2014 1 Item 7 (e) of the provisional … agenda Implementing the Paris Declaration For Future Inland Transport Systems (ForFITS): A new tool for the … prepared by the secretariat Summary This document introduces a new tool that could prove useful in the implementation …

(IWG WGWT) Status report

… report GRBP-76-06 English IWG for Wet Grip on Worn Tyres (WGWT) Status report to 76th GRBP (September 2022) … (76th GRBP, September 5 - 7, 2022, agenda item 4 (c)) Transmitted by the experts of IWG for Wet Grip On Worn Tyres IWG for Wet Grip On Worn Tyres 1 Background and roles

List of participants

… English Executive Body for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Friday, December 23, 2022 1 List … Date: 16 Dec 2022 Participants: 123 Governments (UNECE Bodies) - ECE Member States Armenia Ms. Gayane SHAHNAZARYAN Deputy Director Ministry …

Making participation meaningful - Jemma Stovell

… - Jemma Stovell English Making participation meaningful Presenter Presentation Notes 
The aim of the participatory approach … 
 Participatory policymaking • A process to transform policy making by using a multi- stakeholder …


… Making-participation-meaningful-presentation English Making participation meaningful Presenter Presentation Notes 
The aim of the participatory … 
 Participatory policymaking • A process to transform policy making by using a multi- stakeholder …

PR_Audit of the management of trust funds at the ECE

… of trust funds at the ECE English 1 Intermediate Progress Report - 17.07.2020 Audit of the management of trust … Implementation date5 1 ECE should review its resource mobilization strategy and multi-year plan and take … knowledge of the technical cooperation services including transboundary and cross-sectorial linkages within the ECE …

The Equitable Access Score-card: Supporting policy processes to achieve the human right to water and sanitation

… United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: … Website: The Equitable Access Score-card Th e Eq ui ta bl e A cc es s Sc or e- ca rd … and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes The …

L’eau et l’adaptation au changement climatique dans les bassins transfrontaliers : Leçons à retenir et bonnes pratiques

… RESEAU INTERNATIONAL DES ORGANISMES DE BASSIN COMMISSION … et l’adaptation au changem ent clim atique dans les bassins transfrontaliers : Leçons à retenir et bonnes pratiques … Février 2014). Disponible sur: Ayesha Dinshaw et al. «Suivi et évaluation de …

Design of national COVID-19 response and recovery policy in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

… Design of national COVID-19 response and recovery policy, economic and social impact … 8 3. Key policy areas of gender-transformative and care-centered policy responses to post- … Investment in the care economy has a more significant transformative potential for the economy and society. The …

Annex 3: Tismana 2 Ministerial Order n. 135/2010 form with highlighted text (Annex 3 of reply dated 19.01.2021)- ACCC/C/2016/140 (Romania)

… de rezolvare a problemelor semnalate de publicul interesat Tismana II Asociaţia Bankwatch România 1.Nu au fost … impreuna cu perimetrele, Tismana I, Rosia, Pinoasa, Pesteana Nord, Pesteana Sud, Jilt Nord, Jilt Sud, Rosiuta si … si valorificat. Schimburile de ulei pentru mijloacele de transport se vor realiza in locuri special amenajate, de …

Annex 7: Rosia Ministerial Order n. 135/2010 form ROM

… de rezolvare a problemelor semnalate de publicul interesat Cariera Rosia de Jiu Asociaţia Bankwatch România 1.Nu … impreuna cu perimetrele, Tismana II, Tismana I, Pinoasa, Pesteana Nord, Pesteana Sud, Jilt Nord, Jilt Sud, Rosiuta si … si valorificat. Schimburile de ulei pentru mijloacele de transport se vor realiza in locuri special amenajate, de …

Handbook “Documents regulating international rail passenger transportation”

… Handbook “Documents regulating international rail passenger transportation” Informal document SC.2/HUBS No. 3 (2021) … of Experts on International Railway Passenger Hubs First session Geneva, 7–9 July 2021 Item 8 of the provisional … by OSJD Informal document SC.2/HUBS No. 3 (2021) Distr.: Restricted 9 July 2021 Original: Russian only Согласован на …

Increasing resilience to climate change through the Protocol on Water and Health (draft information note)

… Increasing resilience to climate change through the Protocol on Water … Background note for strategic roundtable on increasing resilience to climate change through the Protocol on Water … and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Working …

Supporting healthy urban transport and mobility in the context of COVID 19

… Supporting healthy urban transport and mobility in the context of COVID-19 Supporting … version) © World Health Organization 2020 Some rights reserved. This work is available under the Creative Commons …