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Displaying Results 12541 - 12560 of 12867

Инструкции по применению Модельных правил постоянной идентификации железнодорожного подвижного состава

… G ui da nc e N ot es o n th e M od el R ul es o n th e Pe rm an en t Id en ti fic at io n of R ai lw ay … St oc k In st ru ct io ns re la ti ve s a ux R èg le s t yp es p ou r l ’id en ti fic at io n pe rm an en te d u m at ér …

Agreement concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the

… Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of … экономическая комиссия Inland Transport Committee Comité des transports intérieurs комитет по внутреннему транспорту …

Guía para la presentación de informes sobre el Convenio del Agua y como contribución a los informes sobre el indicador 6.5.2 de los ODS

… G uí a pa ra la p re se nt ac ió n de in fo rm es s ob re e l Co nv en io d el A gu a y co m o co nt ri bu ci ón a lo s in fo rm es s ob re e l i nd ic ad or 6 .5 .2 d e lo s O D S G uía … Recursos Hídricos de Zambia, de 2011. [en inglés]. 59Referencias 3. Referencias …

Examen des performances environnementales de la Mauritanie

… Mauritanie Examen des performances environnementales Exam en des perform ances environnem … 115 HCDH (2022). 116 CNDH (2021). 117; 118 …


… – 1814605 (R) – July 2020 – 262 – ECE/MP.WAT/51 Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: … cooperation in the Chu-Talas, Kura, Drin and Dniester River Basins», Water International, vol. 40, No. 1 … информация размещена по адресу Бассейн реки Вуокса, расположенный на …

Addendum 3

… Working Party on Pollution and Energy Eighty-seventh session Geneva, 10–13 January 2023 Report of the Working … Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) on its eighty-seventh session Addendum 3 Adopted amendments to … Measurement of Brake Emissions for Light-Duty Vehicles. This is a clean version. Changes from …


… National/Local Beneficiary Countries To be determined Implementing Entities of the U.N. Secretariat DESA, UNCTAD, UNEP, UN-Habitat, UNODC, ECA, ECE, ECLAC, …

Guidance on Measuring the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women and Men

… the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women and Men ECE/CES/2022/7 English GE.22-06819(E) Economic Commission for … Conference of European Statisticians Seventieth plenary session Geneva, 20–22 June 2022 Item 6 (e) of the provisional agenda Reports, guidelines and recommendations prepared under the umbrella of the …

PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks

… PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks English … RISK REDUCTION DIVISION PROCEDURE MANUAL: Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks Aida Karazhanova … ASIA-PACIFIC INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 04 JULY 2021 Procedure Manual: Enabling E-Resilience …

PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Framework

… PROCEDURE MANUAL, Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Framework English INFORMATION … RISK REDUCTION DIVISION PROCEDURE MANUAL: Enabling E-resilience Monitoring Dashboard Frameworks Aida Karazhanova … ASIA-PACIFIC INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 04 JULY 2021 Procedure Manual: Enabling E-Resilience …


… 19 3.1. Roles and Governance Bodies … 19 3.2. Legal and Business Policy … 21 3.3. Standards, Tools and Technologies … 23 3.4. Governance Process … 30 References – to be rearranged … 31 Annex 1 - Standardised Vocabularies, Methods, Formats, Frameworks, Languages, Workflows and …

Measuring the value of official statistics: case studies

… Measuring the value of official statistics: case studies English 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Measuring the Value of Official Statistics: case studies U N ECE U N ITED N ATIO N S M easuring the Value of O ffi cial Statistics: testing and developing a m easurem ent fram ew ork 1 Country …

Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Harmonization of RID/ADR/ADN with the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods-Addendum

… of cylinders ” replace “an assembly of cylinders” by “a pressure receptacle comprising an assembly of cylinders or … new note under the definition of “ Closure ”: “ NOTE: For pressure receptacles, closures are, for example, valves, pressure relief …


… English UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia … the Pacific UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL PROGRAMME FOR THE ECONOMIES OF CENTRAL ASIA (SPECA) DRAFT SPECA WORK PLAN FOR … 18 November 2021) (Ongoing, planned and possible UNECE and ESCAP activities in support of the UN Special Programme for …

Kazakhstan SEA action plan

… English TO DEVELOP A NATIONAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM KAZAKHSTAN ACTION PLAN The Action Plan … of the project “Strengthening national and regional capacities and co-operation on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Central Asia, including as a response to …

Action Plan for Kazakhstan

… English TO DEVELOP A NATIONAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM KAZAKHSTAN ACTION PLAN The Action Plan … of the project “Strengthening national and regional capacities and co-operation on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Central Asia, including as a response to …

Reply to question 3: Annex 8: Final SVIR as adopted 13.03.2012 - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands)

… Reply to question 3: Annex 8: Final SVIR as adopted 13.03.2012 - … 11 1.3 Opbouw structuurvisie 12 2 Ontwikkelingen en ambities 2040 15 2.1 (Internationale) ontwikkelingen richting 2040 … omgeving 23 Energieontwikkelingen en transitie 24 2.2 Ambities voor concurrentiekracht, bereikbaarheid, leefbaarheid en …

JWEE 2017 - country profiles

… JWEE 2017 - country profiles Profiles of countries based on replies to Joint Wood Energy Enquiry. Includes


… Committee, Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo, 1991) To be sent through the Secretary to the … Nations Economic Commission for Europe Office 319, Palais des Nations, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Genève 10, …

ACCC/C/2023/199 (Ireland) - Update and reply to Party’s response from the communicant 03.09.2024 - Annex 2.1: Copies of fees decisions

… ACCC/C/2023/199 (Ireland) - Update and reply to Party’s response from the communicant 03.09.2024 - Annex 2.1: Copies of fees decisions English 2.a 230331 ANCA Fees.pdf Áras an …