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(WP.15/AC.1) Joint Meeting of the RID Committee of Experts and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

… in accordance with the instructions in: from 10 to 11 September 2020 (Bern) PART A from 14 to 18 …


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UNECE at Rio+20

UNECE will participate actively in the United Nations … held in Rio de Janeiro from 20 to 22 June 2012.   A compact UNECE delegation, led by Executive Secretary Sven Alkalaj, … Secretary will speak, or be represented, at various events organized or co-organized by UNECE. He will also host a …

Capacity-Building Workshop on United Nations Inland Transport Conventions

… especially to the 11 common member States between the EATL project and the Islamic Development Bank ( IsDB ), as … environmental performance. High-level participants from non-UNECE countries supported by the IsDB had the opportunity to …

UNECE Resource Classification Week

… for impact on the local community and the environment.  UNECE will assemble over 200 experts from countries of the … and non-UNECE member countries, industry, international organizations, professional associations and companies …


… - Report on the progress of Euro-Asian Transport Links (EATL) work English DOC PDF French DOC PDF Russian DOC PDF … …

72nd session

… No. 11 - (Secretariat) Review of the transport situation in UNECE member countries and of emerging development trends …     ITC Informal document No. 4 - (Secretariat) Developing EATL Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) …

Pan European cycling infrastructure Master Plan

… on Cycling (Cologne, 2 June 2016), the experience of UNECE to develop master plans such as TEM / TER and EATL was presented. The team leaders of the Partnership …

UNECE Countries in Figures 2019

UNECE Countries in Figures presents a profile of social and economic indicators for each of the 56 UNECE member countries. These profiles, prepared by the … Number: E.17.II.E.4  (Soon available in ) ISSN 2522-7858 (Online), ISSN 2522-784X (Print) …

UNECE Countries in Figures 2017

UNECE Countries in Figures presents a profile of social and economic indicators for each of the 56 UNECE member countries. These profiles, prepared by the … Number: E.17.II.E.4  (Now available in ) ISSN 2522-7858 (Online), ISSN 2522-784X (Print) …

UNECE Countries in Figures 2007

… New figures now available in UNECE Countries in Figures 2009 UNECE Countries in Figures … Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy …

UN Road Safety Fund

… JOIN THE UNRSF ON ITS NEW WEBSITE   … 1 October Global Road Safety Film Festival 2022 - … with Mr. Dmitry Mariyasin, Deputy Executive Secretary of UNECE (in Russian). 29 April Join LIVE our special #KAPTalks …

UNECE launches online Green Economy Toolbox

UNECE has launched on its website the Green Economy Toolbox, … guidance on the green economy. The toolbox offers numerous UNECE tools, such as guidelines and policy recommendations, … as Governments, businesses, academia, and non-governmental organizations. It also allows searching for different …

2013 - 75th session

… ECE/TRANS/2013/9 - (Secretariat) Terms of Reference of the UNECE Group of Experts towards Unified Railway Law English … UNECE Group of Experts on Euro-Asian Transport Linkages (EATL) English DOC PDF Français DOC PDF Русский DOC PDF …

Facilitating connectivity through sustainable infrastructure

UNECE is assisting countries in providing energy services … economic growth. The Euro-Asian Transport Links ( EATL ) project, supported by UNECE, brings together around …

5th Workshop

… and Infrastructure Development Section, Transport Division, UNECE English (31 KB)     Presentations The UNECE-UNESCAP Euro-Asian Transport Links (EATL) Project by Mr. Michalis P. Adamantiadis, Chief, …

Kazakhstan could play key transport logistics role for rising Euro-Asian trade: UN report

… networks. These are among the key findings of a UNECE study, released today. The study identifies the … which are all included in the Euro-Asian Transport Links ( EATL ) project supported by UNECE, will provide access to … Goals. The study is available at: … Kazakhstan could play key transport …

23rd Session

… Unified Railway Law Registration link: The date for this …

UNECE launches data collection on pan-European forests

… Geneva The UNECE/FAO Timber Section has just launched its periodical … editors The first assessment of this kind was performed by UNECE/FAO in 1947. The enquiry, which is performed every 4 … reporting will be supplemented by data collected by other organizations - Eurostat, EU Joint Research Centre, …

New UNECE/FAO Report explains the complexity of forest ownership and tenure in the UNECE region

… Forests cover 42 percent of the UNECE region, which embraces countries of North America, … as well as with support of the European forest owners’ organizations developed a study on the “ State of Forest …