NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting. |
GRPE-57-36 - (EC) Transposition of Euro 5/6 legislation into UNECE Regulations |
English only | DOC (59 KB) | PDF (17 KB) |
GRPE-57-35 - (NRMM) Non road mobile machinery engines - global technical regulation |
English | PPT (1636 KB) | PDF (77 KB) |
GRPE-57-34 - (GFV) UNECE GFV informal group Task Force "OBD for gas fuelled engines" |
English | PPT (54 KB) | PDF (24 KB) |
GRPE-57-33 - (GFV) Informal group on Gaseous Fuelled Vehicles (GFV): Progress of 3rd and 4th meeting |
English | PPT (77 KB) | PDF (33 KB) |
GRPE-57-32 - (WHDC) Worldwude harmonized Heavy Duty emissions Certification procedure (57th GRPE, Geneva 15 January 2009) |
English | PPT (562 KB) | PDF (173 KB) |
GRPE-57-31 - (WLTP) Summary of the 2nd informal group on WLTP |
English | PPT (122 KB) | PDF (48 KB) |
GRPE-57-30 - (FQ) Summary of the 3rd meeting of the informal group on Fuel Quality |
English | PPT (70 KB) | PDF (15 KB) |
GRPE-57-29 - (OICA) Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 49 - Rev.4 |
English | DOC (94 KB) | PDF (14 KB) |
GRPE-57-28 - (Japan) Proposal for for correction to document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2009/2 |
English | DOC (117 KB) | PDF (59 KB) |
GRPE-57-27 - (USA) Progress report from the Chair of the OCE informal working group to the 57th session of GRPE (15 January 2009) |
English only | DOC (45 KB) | PDF (22 KB) |
GRPE-57-26 - (Germany) Progress report on the work of the informal group "Environmentally Friendly Vehicles" |
English only | DOC (42 KB) | PDF (23 KB) |
GRPE-57-25 - (Russian Federation) Proposal for a draft amendment to Regulation No. 49 |
English | DOC (27 KB) | PDF (10 KB) |
Russian | DOC (30 KB) | PDF (34 KB) |
GRPE-57-24 - (EC) Justification summary for the amendments to Regulation No. 83 (informal document No. GRPE-57-17) |
English only | DOC (33 KB) | PDF (20 KB) |
GRPE-57-23 - (EC) Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 83 |
English only | DOC (153 KB) | PDF (95 KB) |
GRPE-57-22 - (EC) Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 49 (alignment of the scope with that of Regulation No. 83 implementing Euro 5/6) |
English only | DOC (74 KB) | PDF (78 KB) |
GRPE-57-21 - (JRC/EC) Draft global technical regulation on compression-ignition (C.I.) engines to be installed in agricultural and forestry tractors ans in non-road mobile machinery with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine |
English only | ZIP (1,400 KB) | PDF (1530 KB) |
GRPE-57-20 - (IMMA) IMMA proposal for a corrigendum to ECE/TRANS/180/Add.2 (gtr No. 2 on WMTC) |
English only | DOC (27 KB) | PDF (9 KB) |
GRPE-57-19 - (EMA) EMA comments on the global technical regulation for Off-Cycle Emissions |
English only | DOC (144 KB) | PDF (53 KB) |
GRPE-57-18 - (OICA) OICA proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 83 (amending ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2009/7) |
English only | DOC (88 KB) | PDF (57 KB) |
GRPE-57-17 - (European Commission) Proposal for draft 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83: Insertion into the Regulation of the Euro 5/6 requirements |
English only | ZIP (2,604 KB) | - - - - |
GRPE-57-16 - (OICA) OICA proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 83 (amending ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2009/8) |
English only | DOC (74 KB) | PDF (24 KB) |
GRPE-57-15 - (GFV) Proposal draft amendments to Regulation No. 49 - Revision 4 |
English only | DOC (200 KB) | PDF (42 KB) |
GRPE-57-14 - (India) India's comments on proposal vide document GRPE-57-03 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2009/4 |
English only | DOC (36 KB) | PDF (122 KB) |
GRPE-57-13 - (India) India's comments on proposal for Corrigendum to gtr No. 2 vide document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2009/2 |
English only | - - - - | PDF (962 KB) |
GRPE-57-12 - (Sweden) Information about new legislation for retrofit systems to be installed in light-duty vehicles for the use of E85 in their propulsion |
English only | - - - - | PDF (491 KB) |
GRPE-57-11 - (European Commission) Proposal for amendments to ECE Regulation No. 49 - Rev.4 |
English only | DOC (165 KB) | PDF (37 KB) |
GRPE-57-10 - (OICA) Proposal amending document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2009/5 (draft global technical regulation on Off-Cycle Emissions) |
English only | DOC (63 KB) | PDF (9 KB) |
GRPE-57-09 - (European Commission) Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 49 with regard to the Off-Cycle Emission provisions (OCE) |
English only | DOC (203 KB) | PDF (250 KB) |
GRPE-57-08 - (Sweden) Further information about high evaporative emissions and its relation to blending of ethanol into petrol |
English only | DOC (48 KB) | PDF (27 KB) |
GRPE-57-07 - (WHDC) Proposal for draft amendment to global technical regulation No. 4 (WHDC) |
English only | DOC (214 KB) | PDF (107 KB) |
GRPE-57-06 - (WHDC) Progress report on global technical regulation (gtr) No. 4 (WHDC) |
English only | DOC (69 KB) | PDF (11 KB) |
GRPE-57-05 - (Japan) JASIC proposal for correction for phase indicators of gearshift in gtr No. 2 (WMTC) |
English only | DOC (101 KB) | PDF (67 KB) |
GRPE-57-04-Rev.1 - (Switzerland) Information on newly introduced emission control provisions for construction site equipment |
English only | DOC (37 KB) | PDF (19 KB) |
GRPE-57-04 - (Switzerland) Information on newly introduced emission control provisions for construction site equipment |
English only | DOC (38 KB) | PDF (19 KB) |
GRPE-57-03 - (IMMA) IMMA proposal for the structure of the limit values in gtr No. 2 (WMTC) |
English only | DOC (60 KB) | PDF (16 KB) |
GRPE-57-02 - (Russian Federation) Proposal for the draft amendments to the ECE Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 categories of vehicles) |
English | DOC (42 KB) | PDF (15 KB) |
Russian | DOC (36 KB) | PDF (94 KB) |
GRPE-57-01-Rev-1 - (Secretariat) Informal group meetings scheduled to be held in conjunction with the 57th GRPE session proper (including the room reservations - see Annex) |
English only | DOC (78 KB) | PDF (19 KB) |
GRPE-57-01 - (Secretariat) Informal group meetings scheduled to be held in conjunction with the 57th GRPE session proper |
English only | DOC (68 KB) | PDF (14 KB) |