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Displaying Results 41 - 60 of 116

- English
Brochure on Trans-European Motorways (TEM) ProjectThis brochure gives an overview of the TEM project, its objectives, organization and how to join it.
- English
Road Safety Audit (RSA) and Road Safety Inspection (RSI) are road infrastructure safety management measures which are considered as important engineering tools for improving infrastructure safety. Road safety is frequently discussed at the TEM Steering Committee, which commissioned Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection on the TEM Network report.The
- English
TEM Project Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 is a roadmap for the implementation of the TEM Project for 2017 – 2021.The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 value proposition:The TEM Project aims to support UNECE and the Inland Transport Committee in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals related to road infrastructure management;TEM Project will interpret and translate the Sustainable Development Goals
- Pусский
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- Français
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- English
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- English
Phase 1 of the Highspeed Masterplan for the TER region has now been completed. The study is available here and covers the following areas:- An introduction to, and history of, High Speed Railways- A review of the benefit, political background, best practice and status of high-speed- Review of related work,
- English
This publication provides comparable data on causes, types and results of accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by nature of accident and surroundings; accidents while under the influence of alcohol; and the number of persons killed or injured, by category or road user and age group. As background data, figures on the number of road vehicles in use and vehicle-
- English
This publication (volume LVIII) presents statistics and brief studies on transport along with tables on energy consumption for transport. Data covers Europe, Canada and the United States. Download the publication (PDF)
- English
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR)Road Map for Accession and ImplementationErratum: on page 25, the Russian Federation is erroneously listed as one of the countries applying the AETR Agreement domestically.  The authors regret this error.
- English
This brochure provides statistics on the main indicators for road, rail and inland waterways for countries in the UNECE region.The brochure is available for download in English.
- English
This publication presents statistics and brief studies on transport along with tables on energy consumption for transport. Data covers Europe, Canada and the United States.Download the publication (PDF)Download the flyer on Inland Transport Statistics for Europe and
- English
This publication provides comparable data on causes, types and results of accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by nature of accident and surroundings; accidents while under the influence of alcohol; and the number of persons killed or injured, by category or road user and age group. As background data, figures on the number of road vehicles in use and vehicle-
- English
The inclusion of urban transport in the SDG 11 is further confirmation that transport is an essential component of the overall sustainable development. It is crucial to eradicating poverty and economic growth (access to markets and jobs), improving education (access to schools), protecting child and maternal health (access to medical services), and enhancing
- English
This brochure provides statistics on the main indicators for road, rail and inland waterways for countries in the UNECE region.The brochure is available for download in English.
- English
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for International Transport Networks : interactive reportDownload PDF (English, also available in French and Russian)This report has
- English
This brochure provides statistics on the main indicators for road, rail and inland waterways for countries in the UNECE region. The brochure is available for download in English.
- English
Transport Trends and Economics 2011-2012Download PDF (English)
- English
EATL Phase II Final ReportDownload PDF (English)