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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 85

- English
UNECE developed this Smart Sustainable City Profile of Podgorica to help the city realize its vision of becoming smart and sustainable. The analysis was based on the results of an evaluation of the city's performance against the UN4SSC Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities, a desk review of relevant national and local development plans and face-to-face interviews with national
- English
This publication contains a background note for the thematic workshop on promoting circularity in rebuilding Ukrainian cities, organized on 25 November 2022. The first part covers key challenges faced by cities in Ukraine, as well as key national legal acts and regulations relevant to circularity, key organizations and data, and key national and local programmes in place before and during the war
- English
This publication contains the results of a survey on improving housing affordability in the UNECE region, conducted in 2020. The UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management (CUDHLM) organized this survey to explore the views of UNECE member States on key challenges, policies and needs in relation to housing affordability. The aim was to inform the UNECE secretariat how it
- English
This publication is a guidance document for establishing Geneva UN Charter Centres of Excellence to implement the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing. It provides guidelines for the mode of work of the Centres and the organization of communication between the Centres, the Housing and Land Management secretariat and the Committee.  
- Pусский
На своей восемьдесят второй сессии Комитет по градостроительству, жилищному хозяйству и землепользованию (КГЖХЗ) одобрил Руководящие принципы для разработки добровольных местных обзоров в регионе ЕЭК (ECE/HBP/2021/4) и предложил секретариату обновить эти руководящие принципы на основе результатов их тестирования в пилотных городах и отзывов соответствующих заинтересованных сторон и учреждений
- English
At its eighty-second session, the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management (CUDHLM) endorsed the Guidelines for the development of Voluntary Local Reviews in the ECE Region (ECE/HBP/2021/4) and invited the secretariat to update the Guidelines based on the outcomes of their testing in pilot cities and on feedback from relevant stakeholders and United Nations agencies (ECE/HBP/
- English
The Smart Sustainable Cities Profile: Grodno presents the outcome of the evaluation of Grodno against the UNECE/ITU Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC).  The publication provides recommendations to support the commitment of Grodno to becoming smarter and more sustainable and the successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for
- English
The UNECE Regional Action Plan aims at supporting a simultaneous treatment of the complex challenges to achieving sustainable housing and urban development in the UNECE region in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and housing emergencies. It provides clear and concise principles, policies, goals, targets and actions geared toward creating synergies between interventions at the local
- English
This publication - #Housing2030: Effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region – was developed within #Housing2030, a joint international initiative of UNECE, UN-Habitat and Housing Europe. It explores housing affordability challenges and existing policy instruments for improving housing affordability in the UNECE region and facilitates the exchange and dissemination of good
- English
This Regional Policy Brief aims to provide an overview of the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UNECE region; identify urban economic resilience needs of cities; and offer policy recommendations, best practices, tools and mechanisms for sustainable urban economic recovery. Policy recommendations are in the following four thematic areas: Urban governance Socio-economic impacts
- English
This study is a compendium of best practices and illustrates that housing for migrants and refugees can positively support local communities and economies, and facilitate their integration. The study also highlights the key roles of cities and local administrations in housing provision.
- Pусский
Изложенные в настоящем документе руководящие принципы (далее «Руководящие принципы») направлены на оказание правительствам в регионе ЕЭК ООН поддержки в их усилиях по совершенствованию процесса разработки опирающейся на фактологические данные политики обеспечения устойчивости городского развития и жилищного хозяйства.   Настоящий документ служит практическим руководством для лиц,
- English
The guidelines aim to support the efforts of governments in the UNECE region to improve evidence-based policymaking on sustainable urban development and housing.  This document serves as a practical reference for policymakers and for other experts involved in the development, review and implementation of policies on sustainable housing and urban development. The Guidelines can be used at
- English
This Guide contains a circular city implementation framework that is designed to improve circularity in cities and support stakeholders in implementing circular actions. The framework consists of a four-step methodology that provides a consistent method for assessing, prioritising and catalysing different circular actions. This deliverable is developed in response to the growing sustainability
- English
This publication builds  on the outcomes  of  projects implemented  in  the  period 2017-2019 by two Divisions of UNECE - Sustainable  Energy  Division and  Forests,  Land  and  Housing  Division , and also  takes  stock  of the results  of  activities undertaken  by the UNECE Joint  Task
- English
This publication is the second profile on smart sustainable cities in the UNECE region, after Goris, Armenia. The study analyses the city of Voznesensk by using the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Smart Sustainable Cities and support the municipality in setting priorities for action.  
- English
Effective and efficient housing management is important to support the implementation of key UN agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the New Urban Agenda and the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing.The study “Guidelines on the Management and Ownership of Condominium Housing” developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the Real
- English
This publication is an update to the 2010 Policy Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Markets, that was also published by the UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory Group. This update reflects the emergence of key international agreements, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing; the New Urban Agenda; the Paris Agreement, and the Basel III
- English
The Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management are intended to assist governments to improve the performance of their housing, urban development and land management sectors and, at the same time, to promote sustainable development.This Country Profile of Belarus, prepared at the request of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, is the twenty first in the series. It focuses on the
- English
This report has been prepared in the framework of the UNECE projects "Energy Efficiency Standards in Building in the UNECE region" under the Forests, Land and Housing Division and "Enhancing national capacities for development and implementation of the energy efficiency standards in buildings in the UNECE region" under the Sustainable Energy Division and the