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Fifth session of the Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships

05 February (10:00) - 06 February (18:00) 2013
Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland


Document title ENG FRE RUS
Poster pdf    
Information Notice pdf    
Programme pdf   pdf
Provisional Agenda
pdf pdf pdf
Review of the work done since the fourth session on 24 February 2012
Financing the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence
   Conference Room Paper 1  
Review of the work done since the fourth session on 24 February 2012
Role of the specialist centres in the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence
   Conference Room Paper 2  
Review of the work done since the fourth session on 24 February 2012
Governance procedures and practices of the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence
   Conference Room Paper 3  
Implementation plan for the rest of 2013 and proposals for the programme of work in the
next biennium 2014-2015
PPP Task Force: Policy advisory opportunities in 2013 and beyond
   Conference Room Paper 4


Presentation Download
Substantive segment: the activities of the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence  
SESSION 1: PPPs in the Renovation of the Palais des Nations  
  Current infrastructural challenges in the Palais des Nations and initial feedback from UN member States  
    Clemens Adams, Director, Division of Administration, UNOG pdf
    Geoffrey Hamilton, Chief of Section, Cooperation and Partnerships Section, UNECE pdf
    Sam Tabuchi, vice-Chairman, TOS PPP pdf
  Procurement issues in PPPs  
    Jan van Schoonhoven, UNECE pdf
    Pedro Neves, Structured Business Director, Andrade Guiterez pdf
    Richard Stolbach, Partner, Patton Boggs pdf
    Frans Deeleman, Ministry of Housing, the Netherlands pdf
    Touraj Etezady, Managing Director, Marti Invest AG pdf
  Legal and institutional challenges  
    Bruno de Cazalet, Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel pdf
  Labour / Staffing issues in PPPs  
    Karan Mangroo, General Manager for HM Treasury Revenue and Customs PFI Projects, Lend Lease pdf
SESSION 2: UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence  
    Leo McKenna, Chairman TOS PPP (responsible for the International PPP Centre of Excellence) pdf
    Jan van Schoonhoven, UNECE pdf
SESSION 3: PPP Specialist Centres and the Advisory Board  
    Polina Tarshis, UNECE pdf
  The PPP Specialist Centres in the pipeline  
    Marc Frillet,Managing Partner, Frilet & Associates pdf
    Nariman Hajiyev, Ministry of Communication andInformation Technology, Azerbaijan pdf
    Jongyearn Lee, Korea Development Institution, Republic of Korea pdf
TOS PPP: Review of the work done since the fourth session on 24 February 2012  
  UNECE PPP Readiness Assessments  
    Tony Bonnici, UNECE pdf
  An overview of policy advisory services and capacitybuilding activities in 2012  
    Tony Bonnici, UNECE pdf

Implementation plan for the rest of 2013 and proposals for the programme of work in the next biennium 2014-2015

  PPP Task Force: policy advisory opportunities in 2013 and beyond  
    Tony Bonnici, UNECE pdf
    Caroline Nicholas, UNCITRAL pdf
    Andres Gutierez, Uruguay pdf

Special Session on the Role of PPPs in the Renovation of the Palais des Nations

Document title Download
Discussion paper pdf
Programme pdf
Flyer pdf
Information Notice pdf
Registration Form
