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UNECE Risk Treatment and Response Plans

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UNECE Risk Treatment Plans 2023-2024.pdf (application/pdf, 239.87 KB)

Risk Treatment and Response Plans
October 2023

With Resolution 69/272, the General Assembly noted with appreciation “the progress made towards strengthening the enterprise risk management system, including the development of a risk register” and “the establishment of a governance structure for enterprise risk management”; and requested “the Secretary- General to continue his efforts to implement and embed enterprise risk management throughout the United Nations”.
• Furthermore, in the resolution on Progress towards an accountability system in the UN Secretariat, of 13 April 2020 (74/271), the General Assembly stressed the importance of risk mitigation and safeguard measures.
• The Secretariat-wide Risk Treatment Plan document was endorsed and approved by the Management Committee, as ERM Committee for the entire Organization, on 14 April 2021.
The Risk Register and Risk Treatment and Response Plans
• As part of UNECE’s Accountability Framework, its Risk Register and Risk Treatment and Response Plans are endorsed by senior management and are publicly available on the UNECE website.
• UNECE latest Risk Register was finalized in October 2022; it is tailored at UNECE level and should be read in conjunction with the overarching Secretariat-wide Risk Register approved by the Management Committee on 15 July 2020.
• Since 2020, UNECE Risk Treatment and Response Plans are prepared alongside the revision of UNECE Risk Register, to determine the appropriate responses for each risk. Critical and significant risks are prioritised, with identified risk owners and time-bound treatment actions.
The way forward
• UNECE will continue to update its Risk Register and Risk Treatment and Response Plans altogether.
• In compliance with the process outlined in the memorandum from the USG DMSPC dated 20 April 2023, UNECE reports annually on the progress of implementation of its risk treatment plans.