ID Number of TIR Carnet holder
French | Russian |
Application of the Recommendation on
adopted by the TIR Administrative Committee on 20 October 2000
Note by the TIR Secretary
1. On 20 October 2000 the TIR Administrative Committee adopted unanimously a Recommendation stipulating the insertion of the individual and unique identification (ID) number of the TIR Carnet holder (as prescribed since 1999 in the Model Authorization Form (MAF) contained in Annex 9, Part II of the TIR Convention) into each TIR Carnet used. The purpose of this recommendation is to allow for a clear and unequivocal identification of all authorized TIR Carnet holders. It is hoped that this measure will contribute to further reducing possible misuse of the TIR procedure and to facilitating possible inquiry procedures which may be necessary by Customs authorities following termination of a TIR operation (in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 7 of the TIR Convention).
2. The Recommendation will come into force on 1 April 2001.
3. Absence of the ID-number in TIR Carnet following 1 April 2001 should not lead to delays during TIR operations and shall not be an obstacle to the acceptance of TIR Carnets until relevant legal provisions in the TIR Convention will come into force at a later stage. The insertion of the ID-number of the authorized TIR Carnet holder is however strongly recommended to assist Customs authorities, national associations and the IRU in the effective administration of the TIR system.
4. In accordance with a decision of the TIR Administrative Committee, the TIR Secretary has prepared the following note on the application of the ID-number by the TIR Carnet holders, national associations and Customs authorities to facilitate the implementation of the Recommendation in a harmonized manner.
5. The complete text of the Recommendation in English, French and Russian is contained in the report of the TIR Administrative Committee at its 29. session (TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59, Annex 2), also available on the TIR web site ( - Legal Bases - Resolutions and Recommendations).
6. The Recommendation provides for the following format of the ID-number consisting of three separate components:
"AAA" represents a 3-letter code of the country where the persons utilizing TIR Carnets are authorized (in line with the classification system of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO));
"BBB" represents a 3-digit code of the national association through which the holder of the TIR Carnet has been authorized in accordance with the classification system established by the relevant international organization to which the association is affiliated, allowing for unequivocal identification of each national association;
"XX.X" represents consecutive numbers (digits) identifying the person authorized to utilize a TIR Carnet in accordance with Annex 9, Part II of the TIR Convention.
7. The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has informed its member associations that the ID-number to be inserted (by hand or by a stamp) in the TIR Carnet should consist of the above three components separated by a slash (/)(see column 3 in the attached table). The visual separation of the three components of the ID-number by such a separator (/) should facilitate the checking of the number by Customs officers and should reduce errors in reproducing the ID-number or its insertion into computer systems. This presentation of the ID-number is acceptable and in line with the Recommendation.
7. bis The TIR Secretary has been informed that, before the issuance of the present explanatory note on 7 March 2001 on instruction by the TIR Administrative Committee, some national associations of the IRU had already requested their members to proceed with the procurement of stamps containing the ID-number of TIR Carnet holders in a presentation not containing slashes (/) which separate the three components of the ID-number as is recommended in the present explanatory note. Since this presentation of the ID-number (without slashes (/) as separators) is, in the view of the TIR Secretary, also acceptable and in line with the Recommendation, Customs authorities should also accept such a presentation of the ID-number in the TIR Carnet. It is however understood that, in the medium term and, at the latest, once the provisions of the Recommendation have become an integral part of the TIR Convention, a unique presentation of the ID-number of TIR Carnet holders in the TIR Carnet will have to be achieved
(Paragraph 7 bis has been inserted on 12 March 2001 ).
8. For purposes of electronic data capture the separators (/) may be omitted, as they do not contain additional information. However, taking account of the considerations of the TIR Administrative Committee at its 30. session and in order to achieve harmonized electronic data capture and transmission, it is recommended to insert also the separators of the ID-number, particularly if they do not create difficulties for the software systems used.
9. The example below shows the composition of the ID-number consisting of the country code, the national association code and the TIR Carnet holder identifier:
Country code (ISO classification system): Austria AUT
National association code (IRU classification system): AIS 084
Number identifying the person authorized to use a TIR Carnet (assigned by the national association - digits only): 123456
=ID-number AUT/084/123456
10. The table below provides examples of the first two components of the ID-number of the TIR Carnet holder (country code/national association code) for insertion in the TIR Carnet and in the Model Authorization Form (MAF).
Country name | Association acronym | ID-number |
1 | 2 | 3 |
Albania | ANALTIR | ALB/044/ |
Armenia | AIRCA | ARM/079/ |
Austria | AISÖ | AUT/084/ |
Azerbaijan | ABADA | AZE/075/ |
Belarus | BAMAP | BLR/034/ |
Belgium | FEBETRA | BEL/014/ |
Bulgaria | AEBTRI | BGR/046/ |
Croatia | TRANSPORTKOMERC | HRV/064/ |
Cyprus | TDA | CYP/035/ |
Czech Republic | CESMAD BOHEMIA | CZE/047/ |
Denmark | DTL | DNK/017/ |
Estonia | ERAA | EST/031/ |
Finland | SKAL | FIN/021/ |
France | ACF | FRA/020/ |
France | AFTRI | FRA/019/ |
France | SCT | FRA/018/ |
Georgia | GIRCA | GEO/054/ |
Germany | AIST | DEU/048/ |
Germany | BGL | DEU/016/ |
Greece | OFAE | GRC/037/ |
Hungary | MKFE | HUN/049/ |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | ICCIM | IRN/057/ |
Ireland | IRHA | IRL/024/ |
Israel | IRTB | ISR/056/ |
Italy | UICCIAA | ITA/038/ |
Jordan | RACJ | JOR/086/ |
Kazakhstan | KAZATO | KAZ/081/ |
Kuwait | KATC | KWT/061/ |
Kyrgyzstan | KYRGYZ AIA | KGZ/080/ |
Latvia | LATVIJAS AUTO | LVA/033/ |
Lebanon | CCIAB | LBN/082/ |
Lithuania | LINAVA | LTU/032/ |
Luxembourg | FEBETRA | LUX/014/ |
Malta | ATTO | MLT/090/ |
Mongolia | NARTAM | MNG/087/ |
Montenegro | PKCG | MNE/068/ |
Morocco | AMTRI | MAR/085/ |
Netherlands | EVO/SIEV | NLD/028/ |
Netherlands | KNV | NLD/027/ |
Netherlands | SCT/TLN | NLD/026/ |
Norway | NLF | NOR/025/ |
Poland | ZMPD | POL/051/ |
Portugal | ANTRAM | PRT/041/ |
Republic of Moldova | AITA | MDA/060/ |
Romania | ARTRI | ROU/052/ |
Romania | UNTRR | ROU/050/ |
Russian Federation | ASMAP | RUS/053/ |
Serbia | SCC-ATT | SRB/089/ |
Slovakia | CESMAD SLOVAKIA | SVK/040/ |
Slovenia | GIZ INTERTRANSPORT | SVN/043/ |
Spain | ASTIC | ESP/036/ |
Sweden | SA | SWE/029/ |
Switzerland | ASTAG | CHE/015/ |
Syrian Arab Republic | SNC ICC | SYR/083/ |
Tajikistan | ABBAT | TJK/078/ |
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | AMERIT | MKD/065/ |
Tunisia | CCIT | TUN/063/ |
Turkey | TOBB | TUR/042/ |
Turkmenistan | THADA | TKM/076/ |
Ukraine | AIRCU | UKR/066/ |
United Kingdom | FTA | GBR/023/ |
United Kingdom | RHA | GBR/022/ |
Uzbekistan | AIRCUZ | UZB/074/ |
11. For any further information on the application of the Recommendation or in case of difficulties in the application of the Recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact the TIR Secretary:
TIR Secretary
Room 410
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41-22-917-2453
Fax: +41-22-917-0039 or -0614
E-mail: [email protected]