The “A Formula for Success” Guide will provide policy makers with a clear insight into the historical, current, and projected trends in PPP delivery within specific sector. The “A Formula for Success” Guide will be based upon actual market data, derived from a survey of all major government and industry stakeholders within the specific sector, and geographically grouped into the UN Regional Economic Commissions. This will provide users with an unprecedented and unparalleled current assessment of the manner in which PPP is being used globally, the prioritised market challenges facing each region and case studies of best-practice responses, as well as market soundings as to the future development of PPP within the specific sector.
Content |
- Introduction
- Acknowledgements
- Overview
- Purpose and scope of the document
- What is ‘best-practice’
- Scope definition of the sector
- Part 1: Milestones in the development of PPP in the specific sector
- The global chronological development of PPP contracting/financing strategies in the (insert) sector, tracing diffusion and major innovations
- Part 2: Current PPP market trends in the specific sector
- Based upon a survey, regional analysis (according to UN Regional Economic Commission groupings) of the prioritised key challenges facing the public/private sectors in delivering PPPs in the (insert) sector. Supported by relevant short case-studies.
- Part 3: The future for PPP in the specific sector
- Based upon a survey, regional analysis (according to UN Regional Economic Commission groupings) of the prioritised areas of development or expansion that are envisaged by the public/private sectors
- Conclusion
- Annexes