9 February 2023
At its seventy-ninth session (9 February 2023), the Administrative Committee for the TIR Convention, 1975, elected the following seven members of the TIR Executive Board for its term of office for the years 2023-2024, in the English alphabetic order:
- Mr. Mostafa Ayati (Iran (Islamic Republic of))
- Mr. Marco Ciampi (Italy)
- Mr. Elyor Khakimov (Uzbekistan)
- Mr. Pierre-Jean Laborie (European Commission)
- Mr. Hugo Richard Mayer (Austria)
- Mr. Anil Şenmanav (Türkiye)
- Ms. Caroline Zuidgeest (Netherlands)
The Committee decided to organize by-elections at its extraordinary (eightieth) session, to be organized in the week of 5 to 9 June 2023 (subject to confirmation) to elect members for the two remaining posts. Interested Governments are invited to nominate candidates not later than by 28 March 2023. For more information, please contact the TIR secretariat.