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Exploring the future of the “Century of the city”

Exploring the future of the “Century of the city”

With over half of the world’s population living in cities, we have truly entered the “urban age”. By the middle of this century it is expected that seven out of every ten persons on the planet will be urban dwellers. The 21st Century will therefore be known as the century of the city. What will our urban future look like? This is the theme of the sixth World Urban Forum, taking place from 1 to 7 September in Naples, Italy. Over 10,000 participants from across the world are expected to participate at this premier conference on cities and urban issues organized by UN-Habitat. The four focus areas for discussion this year are: Urban Planning - Institutions and Regulations; Equity and Prosperity - Distribution of Wealth and Opportunities; Productive Cities - Competitive and Innovative Cities, and Urban Mobility, Energy & Environment.
The UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit will contribute to these discussions with two side events “Housing Agendas in Transition: UNECE Country Profiles and their impact on housing policies in countries in transition” and “Energy-efficient Housing as a participatory effort between policies, private sector and the people in the wider European region” and speak at several partner events.
More information at:
Housing Agendas in Transition: UNECE Country Profiles and their impact on housing policies in countries in transition

Energy-efficient Housing as a participatory effort between policies, private sector and the people in the wider European region – a joint networking event by the City of Vienna, UNECE and UN-Habitat

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

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