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UNECE launches Ideas4Change for the SDGs Award

UNECE launches Ideas4Change for the SDGs Award

The adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 marked a key milestone for the world.  It is now time to take action and to find concrete solutions that can help countries achieve their commitments under these ambitious goals.
In order to help find these solutions, UNECE launches its Ideas4Change for the SDGs Award. Building up on the success of the first edition in 2015, this is a call to startups in the 56 member countries of UNECE for innovative ideas and solutions to adress the 17 SDGs.
Call for Ideas – Deadline: 1 March 2017!
If you want to take part, send us your idea!
We are looking for innovative projects and new solutions for sustainable development in a wide range of fields directly related to our work and the SDGs.
We are interested not only in products and technologies but also in social innovation and new ways of doing things!
Engaging startups
On 26 April 2017 UNECE will host the second startups’ event at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
The event will showcase how innovative entrepreneurial talent can contribute to address today’s social and environmental challenges, through new ground breaking ideas that can become successful business.
The finalists of the Award will be invited to showcase their products or ideas in the context of the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (25 April) and the 67th Commission Session (26-27 April), a high-level inter-governmental gathering, where delegates of UNECE’s 56 member States will commit to actions to advance the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda in the years to come.
To apply, please go to:

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

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