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Central Asian countries approve joint cooperation plan on water quality

Central Asian countries approve joint cooperation plan on water quality

Representatives of the five Central Asian states endorsed the first comprehensive Cooperation Plan on water quality for the region at a meeting in Almaty on 3 May. This Plan, «Development of the regional cooperation to ensure water quality in Central Asia», was developed within the project “Water Quality in Central Asia” implemented by UNECE and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia.  

The plan includes three strategic directions:
  • Information exchange and harmonisation of national policies with regard to water quality;
  • Cooperation on water quality monitoring and data exchange, and
  • The establishment of a regional expert body.

12 authorities in 5 countries of Central Asia have approved the Plan for future cooperation, and approval by regional cooperation organizations is planned as a next step. It was agreed by the country representatives to continue the work of the Regional Working Group on water quality after the conclusion of the project.

Other achievements of the project include the demonstration of coordinated water quality monitoring with the sharing of information between the involved countries and training of experts on key issues related to water quality management. Laboratories are receiving key equipment to improve their possibilities to monitor water quality.

The work of the project and the Cooperation Plan build on the principles of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (further Water Convention) and its Protocol on Water and Health as well as the EU Water Framework Directive that are important international frameworks guiding the national as well as transboundary developments in this field.

The countries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) are dependent on each other with regard to the water resources of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters. Water quality is an important aspect of integrated water resources management that needs further efforts on the national as well as regional levels. Although Central Asian states are actively cooperating on water quantity issues – the project has initiated a regular framework for cooperation on water quality.

Notes to editors
The UNECE project «Water Quality in Central Asia» funded by the UN Development Account was launched in March 2009 and will be concluded in June 2012.

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia is an organization working on environmental issues in Central Asia. Founders of CAREC are Central Asian countries consisting of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, as well as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Commission (EC). The CAREC headquarters are located in Almaty, Kazakhstan with country offices operate in all the five member Central Asian countries.

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