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UNECE strengthens its work to help countries better manage risks

UNECE strengthens its work to help countries better manage risks


The Executive Committee of UNECE approved the creation of a “Group of experts on risk management in regulatory systems” on 12 December 2011. This Group will now lead the ongoing work of the UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (UNECE WP.6) in the area of risk management.

It is mandated to develop a set of recommendations on the application of risk management to regulatory work. These recommendations will help member States put in place regulatory requirements that provide the appropriate level of safety without hampering business development and economic growth.

Risk management already is an essential building block of regulatory systems in many countries, and in many areas, including food safety, the environment, aviation and finance – to name just a few. The creation of this Group aims at identifying best practices and develop common tools so that regulatory action will result in coherent national and cross-border responses as well as increased regulatory convergence.

The Group consists of 25 members from 13 countries (Australia, Belarus, Canada, China, France, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA) as well as representatives from international organizations such as the World Bank, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) . The Group will report to the Working Party 6 and will be its representative in the Project Committee 262, “Risk Management” of ISO, as well as in other international organizations working on risk management. The Group is chaired by Mr. Kevin Knight (Australia) with Mr. Donald Macrae (U.K.) and Mr. Valentin Nikonov (Russian Federation) as its coordinators. The Group is expected to finish its work in 2013.

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