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ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2024/8 -

The standard for dates (DDP-08) was last revised in 2021 (ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2021/12). The standard includes a footnote under moisture content referring to a list of varieties contained in an annex that is not part of the 2021 nor 2015 versions of the standard. As no record of a decision to remove the annex could be found, the secretariat consulted the Bureau of the Specialized Section who decided to table the standard for review of the Specialized Section.
The document has also been aligned with the Standard layout for standards on dry and dried produce 2022, with changes marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.
The Specialized Section is invited to discuss whether to reinsert the annex or remove the related footnote in the standard for dates.

ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2024/7 -

The Specialized Section is invited to review the following proposals for changes to the standard for dried tomatoes (DDP-19) proposed by the delegation of the United States of America.
The document is based on the document ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/18 adopted by the Working Party at its sixty-third session in 2007. The text has been aligned with the revised standard layout for standards on dry and dried produce adopted in 2022.
Changes are marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.

ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2024/6 -

The Specialized Section is invited to review the following proposals for changes to the standard for inshell almonds (DDP-18) proposed by the delegation of the United States of America.
The document is based on the document ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2017/9 adopted by the Working Party at its seventy-third session in 2017. The text has been aligned with the revised standard layout for standards on dry and dried produce adopted in 2022.
The changes are marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.

ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2024/5 -

The Specialized Section is invited to review the following proposals for changes to the standard for blanched almond kernels (DDP-21) proposed by the delegation of the United States of America.
The document is based on the document ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2009/20 adopted by the Working Party at its sixty-third session in 2009. The text has been aligned with the revised standard layout for standards on dry and dried produce adopted in 2022.
The changes are marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.

ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2024/4 -

The following proposal for revisions to the standard for almond kernels (DDP-06) is submitted for the consideration of the Specialized Section.
The document is based on the document ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2016/9 adopted by the Working Party at its seventy-second session in 2016. It incorporates revisions discussed at the seventieth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce (GE.2) in 2023, as well as revisions proposed by the delegation of the United States, mainly to the section on minimum requirements. The standard has also been aligned with the Standard layout for standards on dry and dried produce 2022. The changes are marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.

ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2024/3 -

At its 2023 session, the Specialized Section agreed to develop a draft standard on whole dried rosehip as proposed by the Central Asian Working Group to Promote Exports of Agricultural Produce (CAWG).
The Specialized Section is invited to review the draft standard for whole dried rosehip developed by the CAWG


The purpose of this recommendation 48 (ECE/TRADE/479) is to communicate to governments how important the active engagement of the private sector is in national trade facilitation bodies (NTFBs) for strengthening their relevance, legitimacy and performance. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Recommendation No. 4, originally approved in 1975 and revised in 2015, stressed that governments and the trading community should aim to establish NTFBs that embrace the views and opinions of all stakeholders and pursue agreement, cooperation and collaboration. Furthermore, Recommendation No. 40 presented basic principles for trade facilitation consultation approaches and highlighted the importance of NTFBs to facilitate private-public dialogue.

Many countries have set up their own NTFBs, which are frequently referred to as national trade facilitation committees. Private sector representatives may be included in the membership and/or even chairmanship of these bodies, but not all NTFBs are successful in securing active private sector engagement.

Recognizing that there are many barriers to active private sector engagement in NTFBs, this Recommendation provides practical guidance in creating a trusted, permanent and effective environment for public-private sector dialogue within NTFBs.

This publication is available in English, French and Russian.

C.N.83.2024.TREATIES-XI.C.3 -

Balance of Payments and International Investment Positions Manual, seventh edition (BPM7). Draft Annotated Outline (September 2023)

Evaluation report
Evaluation of UNECE project E267 titled “International Centre of Excellence on Public-Private Partnership: development and implementation of PPP standards and recommendations

Report completed on: 17 November 2023
Evaluation conducted by: Dusan Zupka

This report was commissioned by UNECE. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of this report are those of the external evaluator and do not necessarily reflect the views of the UNECE.

The evaluation report includes evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations

UNECE Evaluation of XB projects

TERMS OF REFERENCE for the Evaluation of the project:
E267, International Centre of Excellence on Public-Private Partnerships: development and implementation of PPP standards and recommendations

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE project E267 “International Centre of Excellence on Public-Private Partnerships: development and implementation of PPP standards and recommendations” were achieved.

The evaluation will be guided by the objectives, indicators of achievement and means of verification established in the logical framework of the project document. The evaluation will be conducted in Q2-Q3 of 2023. It will cover the full implementation of the project, from April 2016 to June 2023 in UNECE member States, in particular Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

UNECE Project, 1819BA

Sustainable transport connectivity and implementation of transport-related SDGs in selected landlocked and transit/bridging countries (August 2022)
Progress report as of 31 December 2023

Management responses
Target dates

Informal document No. 4/Rev.2 (March 2022) -
TRADE/CEFACT/C/2008/11 -

The constitution of the permanent groups describes their purpose and structure


The strategy describes UN/CEFACT's goals in trade facilitation and production of electronic business standards

TRADE/R.650/Rev.4/Add.3 -

Internal rules guiding the work of Rapporteurs


A strategic framework for UN/CEFACT activities

TRADE/R.650/Rev.4 -

The previous constitution of UN/CEFACT describes the purpose and structure of the Centre and its permanent groups

ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2012/11/Add.1 -

Addendum to the programme of work 2012 - 2013


Detailed description of what UN/CEFACT will deliver 2012 – 2013

TRADE/R.650/Rev.4/Add.1/Rev.1 -

Description of the sequence how projects are carried out in UN/CEFACT 

ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2016/10/Rev.1 -

Election procedures for UN/CEFACT Bureau - Revised

ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/ 2011/7/Add.1/Rev.2 -

UN/CEFACT Country Head of Delegation 

ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2010/15/Rev.3/Add.1 -

Internal rules on how decisions can be made between plenary sessions

ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2010/17/Rev.4 -

Rules of Procedure for the UN/CEFACT Bureau

ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2010/15/Rev.5 -

Description of the mandate, terms of reference and procedures