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Download Documents for Awareness Raising Workshop on the Practical Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Republic of Moldova

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
Agenda_ENG.pdf Agenda_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 324.4 KB) English Agenda
Agenda_ROM.pdf Agenda_ROM.pdf (application/pdf, 381.08 KB) Romanian Agenda
LoP_23 April 2021_En.pdf LoP_23 April 2021_En.pdf (application/pdf, 389.58 KB) English List of Participants
EU4Environment_SEA_MLD_23Apr2021_Report_0.pdf EU4Environment_SEA_MLD_23Apr2021_Report_0.pdf (application/pdf, 747.07 KB) English Report
Mr Musil_SEA Purpose, process, and benefits_ENG.pdf Mr Musil_SEA Purpose, process, and benefits_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 2.91 MB) English Presentation by Mr Michal Musil, UNECE international consultant: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Purpose, process, and benefits
Mr Musil_SEA Purpose, process, and benefits_ROM.pdf Mr Musil_SEA Purpose, process, and benefits_ROM.pdf (application/pdf, 2.96 MB) Romanian Presentation by Mr Michal Musil, UNECE international consultant: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Purpose, process, and benefits
Ms Guranda_Experience_SEA pilot in Moldova_ENG.pdf Ms Guranda_Experience_SEA pilot in Moldova_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 744.74 KB) English Presentation by Ms Natalia Guranda, UNECE national consultant: Practical experience from the pilot SEA application in the Republic of Moldova
Ms Guranda_Experience_SEA pilot in Moldova_ROM.pdf Ms Guranda_Experience_SEA pilot in Moldova_ROM.pdf (application/pdf, 1.28 MB) Romanian Presentation by Ms Natalia Guranda, UNECE national consultant: Practical experience from the pilot SEA application in the Republic of Moldova
Ms Nagornii and Ms Iordanov_Current state and practical aspects of SEA in Moldova_ROM.pdf Ms Nagornii and Ms Iordanov_Current state and practical aspects of SEA in Moldova_ROM.pdf (application/pdf, 861.59 KB) Romanian Presentation by Ms Maria Nagornii, MARDE and Ms Iordanca–Rodica Iordanov, Ecocontact: Current state and practical aspects of SEA in Moldova (national legal framework, experience with SEA application, typical issues etc.)
Ms Nagornii and Ms Iordanov_Current state and practical aspects of SEA in Moldova_ENG.pdf Ms Nagornii and Ms Iordanov_Current state and practical aspects of SEA in Moldova_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 721.04 KB) English Presentation by Ms Maria Nagornii, MARDE and Ms Iordanca–Rodica Iordanov, Ecocontact: Current state and practical aspects of SEA in Moldova (national legal framework, experience with SEA application, typical issues etc.)
Ms Punga_ SEA legal framework in Moldova_ENG.pdf Ms Punga_ SEA legal framework in Moldova_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 646.18 KB) English Presentation by Ms Irina Punga, UNECE national legal consultant: Recent developments: amendment of the national legal framework for SEA
Ms Punga_ SEA legal framework in Moldova_ROM.pdf Ms Punga_ SEA legal framework in Moldova_ROM.pdf (application/pdf, 708.55 KB) Romanian Presentation by Ms Irina Punga, UNECE national legal consultant: Recent developments: amendment of the national legal framework for SEA
Mr Kalashnyk_what_next_ENG.pdf Mr Kalashnyk_what_next_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 254.26 KB) English Presentation by Mr Leonid Kalashnyk, EU4Environment project manager, UNECE: What is next? Activities on SEA and EIA planned for the Republic of Moldova
Mr Kalashnyk_what_next_ROM.pdf Mr Kalashnyk_what_next_ROM.pdf (application/pdf, 339.27 KB) Romanian Presentation by Mr Leonid Kalashnyk, EU4Environment project manager, UNECE: What is next? Activities on SEA and EIA planned for the Republic of Moldova
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