WPLA 12th session_detailed Programme_v12_Geneva.pdf |
WPLA 12th session_detailed Programme_v12_Geneva.pdf (application/pdf, 260.38 KB)
English |
Draft detailed programme WPLA 12th session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_1-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_1-E.pdf (application/pdf, 144.64 KB)
English |
Provisional agenda - 12th WPLA session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_1-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_1-F.pdf (application/pdf, 245.98 KB)
French |
Provisional agenda - 12th WPLA session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_1-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_1-R.pdf (application/pdf, 257.25 KB)
Russian |
Provisional agenda - 12th WPLA session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_2-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_2-E.pdf (application/pdf, 243.99 KB)
English |
Report of the 12th session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_2-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_2-F.pdf (application/pdf, 209.45 KB)
French |
Report of the 12th session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_2-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_2-R.pdf (application/pdf, 252.73 KB)
Russian |
Report of the 12th session |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_3-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_3-E.pdf (application/pdf, 126.4 KB)
English |
Review of the programmes of work for 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_3-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_3-F.pdf (application/pdf, 179.57 KB)
French |
Review of the programmes of work for 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_3-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_3-R.pdf (application/pdf, 225.39 KB)
Russian |
Review of the programmes of work for 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_4-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_4-E.pdf (application/pdf, 106.17 KB)
English |
Draft programme of work for 2022-2023 |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_4-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_4-F.pdf (application/pdf, 153.54 KB)
French |
Draft programme of work for 2022-2023 |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_4-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_4-R.pdf (application/pdf, 188.64 KB)
Russian |
Draft programme of work for 2022-2023 |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_5-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_5-E.pdf (application/pdf, 365.62 KB)
English |
Scenario Study on Future Land Administration in the UNECE region |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_5-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_5-F.pdf (application/pdf, 424.65 KB)
French |
Scenario Study on Future Land Administration in the UNECE region |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_5-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_5-R.pdf (application/pdf, 417.74 KB)
Russian |
Scenario Study on Future Land Administration in the UNECE region |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_6-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_6-E.pdf (application/pdf, 162.07 KB)
English |
Public-Private Partnership in Land Administration |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_6-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_6-F.pdf (application/pdf, 277.31 KB)
French |
Public-Private Partnership in Land Administration |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_6-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_6-R.pdf (application/pdf, 298.38 KB)
Russian |
Public-Private Partnership in Land Administration |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_7-E.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_7-E.pdf (application/pdf, 209.34 KB)
English |
COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the ECE Region |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_7-F.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_7-F.pdf (application/pdf, 302.58 KB)
French |
COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the ECE Region |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_7-R.pdf |
ECE_HBP_WP.7_2021_7-R.pdf (application/pdf, 335.36 KB)
Russian |
COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the ECE Region |
WPLA2021-Inf.1.pdf |
WPLA2021-Inf.1.pdf (application/pdf, 951.57 KB)
English |
Draft COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the ECE Region |
WPLA2021-Inf.2.pdf |
WPLA2021-Inf.2.pdf (application/pdf, 603.19 KB)
English |
Scenario Study on Future Land Administration in the UNECE region |
WPLA2021-Inf.3.pdf |
WPLA2021-Inf.3.pdf (application/pdf, 266.02 KB)
English |
Study on Fraud in Land Administration Systems |
Item 2 Hon. Roderick Galdes - Malta.pdf |
Item 2 Hon. Roderick Galdes - Malta.pdf (application/pdf, 466.73 KB)
English |
COVID-19 effects and housing-related recovery opportunities - Hon. Roderick Galdes, Minister for Social Accommodation, Malta |
Item 2 Halme keynote .pdf |
Item 2 Halme keynote .pdf (application/pdf, 418.54 KB)
English |
Keynote: Land administration – pandemic effects and future perspectives - Mr. Pekka Halme, Senior Advisor at National Land Survey of Finland |
Item 2 Surma Poland presentation.pdf |
Item 2 Surma Poland presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 7.74 MB)
English |
The development of network services and usage in the time of pandemic - Ms. Ewa Surma, Director of the Department of Strategy, International Cooperation and Public Information,Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography(GUGiK), Poland |
Item 2 Potsiou_recovery action plan.pdf |
Item 2 Potsiou_recovery action plan.pdf (application/pdf, 1.9 MB)
English |
Draft COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the UNECE Region - Ms. Chryssy Potsiou, WPLA Vice-chair and Mr. Steven Nystrom, President, Peace by Prosperity |
Item 2 Vucetic_Serbia_COVIDrecovery.pdf |
Item 2 Vucetic_Serbia_COVIDrecovery.pdf (application/pdf, 4.47 MB)
English |
Reflections on the implementation of the COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan - Mr. Darko Vucetic, Head of Center of Excellence for GIM, Serbian Republic Geodetic Authority |
Item 2_PM Abbott Acc digitisation.pdf |
Item 2_PM Abbott Acc digitisation.pdf (application/pdf, 202.37 KB)
English |
Accelerated Digitalisation: The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Land Administration sector - Ms. Victoria Abbott, Head of Stakeholders and International Co-ordination, HM Land Registry, United Kingdom |
Item 2_PM_Busch COVID19 and Property Markets.pdf |
Item 2_PM_Busch COVID19 and Property Markets.pdf (application/pdf, 1.85 MB)
English |
COVID-19 and Property Markets: How is the pandemic affecting property markets in the UNECE region? - Ms. Elena Busch, Senior Engineer,Global Geodesy, Norwegian Mapping Authority |
Item 2_PM K. Litvintcev_EN.pptx.pdf |
Item 2_PM K. Litvintcev_EN.pptx.pdf (application/pdf, 3.07 MB)
English |
NSDI, geospatial data and technology: The role of geospatial and cadastre agencies in the COVID-19 pandemic response - Mr. Konstantin Litvintcev, Acting Head of the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr, Russian Federation |
Item 2_PM K. Litvintcev_RU_final.pdf |
Item 2_PM K. Litvintcev_RU_final.pdf (application/pdf, 2.88 MB)
Russian |
NSDI, geospatial data and technology: The role of geospatial and cadastre agencies in the COVID-19 pandemic response - Mr. Konstantin Litvintcev, Acting Head of the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr, Russian Federation |
Item 3 Lesley - WPLA Presentation.pdf |
Item 3 Lesley - WPLA Presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 6.16 MB)
English |
Setting the scene: Global reference frameworks on geospatial information and land administration - Dr. Lesley Arnold, Director, Geospatial Frameworks, President-elect, Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, Australia |
Item 3 Coote IGIF 20210531 (2).pdf |
Item 3 Coote IGIF 20210531 (2).pdf (application/pdf, 2.03 MB)
English |
In tegrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) and the experience of applying IGIF in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine - Mr. Andrew Coote, Director, ConsultingWhere, UK |
Item 3 Unger FELA_UNGGIM_WPLA.pdf |
Item 3 Unger FELA_UNGGIM_WPLA.pdf (application/pdf, 2.44 MB)
English |
Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA) - Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Kadaster International |
Item 3 Zetterquist Scenarios 210601.pdf |
Item 3 Zetterquist Scenarios 210601.pdf (application/pdf, 3.22 MB)
English |
Introduction to the study, the scenarios and the self-assessment questionnaire - Mr. Fredrik Zetterquist, WPLA Chair |
Item 4 Roll version 30 May 2021.pdf |
Item 4 Roll version 30 May 2021.pdf (application/pdf, 2.87 MB)
English |
Matters arising from the 80th and 81st sessions of CUDHLM relevant to WPLA - Ms. Gulnara Roll, Secretary to the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management |
Item 5a Zetterquist review of PoWs 12th Session.pdf |
Item 5a Zetterquist review of PoWs 12th Session.pdf (application/pdf, 421.8 KB)
English |
Report on the implementation of the WPLA Programme of Work 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 - Mr. Fredrik Zetterquist, WPLA Chair |
Item 5b_Philipenko _WPLA_updated.pdf |
Item 5b_Philipenko _WPLA_updated.pdf (application/pdf, 1.07 MB)
English |
Reflections on the implementation of the recommendations from the Belarus LAR - Mr. Andrei Filipenko, Director General of National Cadastral Agency, Belarus |
Item 5c Riekkinen PPPs LA new.pdf |
Item 5c Riekkinen PPPs LA new.pdf (application/pdf, 338.53 KB)
English |
A study on public-private partnership for land administration - Ms. Kirsikka Riekkinen, Assistant Professor, Real Estate Economics, Land Management, Department of Built Environment, School of Engineering, Aalto University, Finland |
Item 5c Riekkinen PPPs LA new_0.pdf |
Item 5c Riekkinen PPPs LA new_0.pdf (application/pdf, 338.53 KB)
English |
A study on fraud in land administration in the ECE region - Ms. Victoria Abbott, Head of Stakeholders and International Co-ordination, Chief’s Office, Chief Executive and Chief Land Registrar’s Directorate, HM Land Registry, United Kingdom |
Item 6 Agius WPLA-EuroGeographics.pdf |
Item 6 Agius WPLA-EuroGeographics.pdf (application/pdf, 2.38 MB)
English |
Update from EuroGraphics - Ms. Carol Agius, Knowledge Exchange Manager and UN-GGIM: Europe Secretariat, Eurogeographics |
Item 6 Childress Prindex 31-05-2021.pdf |
Item 6 Childress Prindex 31-05-2021.pdf (application/pdf, 4.8 MB)
English |
Security of Property Rights in 140 Countries including inthe UNECE Region - Mr. Malcolm Childress, Executive Director, Global Land Alliance |
Item 6 Lewis Lett UNHabitat.pdf |
Item 6 Lewis Lett UNHabitat.pdf (application/pdf, 84.9 KB)
English |
Statement by UN-Habitat - Mr. Robert Lewis-Lettington, Chief, Land, Housing Shelter Section, UN-Habitat |
Item 6_Tonchovska - May 2021-v-3.0.pdf |
Item 6_Tonchovska - May 2021-v-3.0.pdf (application/pdf, 5.02 MB)
English |
FAO support towards improving governance of tenure - Ms. Rumyana Tonchovska,Senior Land Administration, IT Officer, FAO |
Item 6 DGT_PauloTorrinha.pdf |
Item 6 DGT_PauloTorrinha.pdf (application/pdf, 4.54 MB)
English |
The National Cadastral Information System - Mr. Paulo Torrinha, Directorate-General for Territory, Portugal, Permanent Committee on Cadastre of the European Union (PCC) Secretariat |