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ITC 74th session - News

The challenges facing the transport sector and the role UNECE can play in overcoming them will be at the heart of the discussions of the 74th annual session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC), scheduled to take place from 28 February – 1 March 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The highlight of the ITC session will be the high-level policy segment on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).  The title of the segment is “Intelligent Mobility – thinking about tomorrow’s transport” and will focus on the deployment of ITS in the framework of global, sustainable mobility.  It is expected to mark a milestone for future United Nations activities on ITS.

In addition to the ITS segment, a wide array of other transport-related topics will be covered during the ITC session, both for decision-making and information exchange. Other agenda items include a briefing on the UNECE Plan to implement the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, recent developments with the Pan-European and Euro-Asian Transport Networks, and an update on a new project focusing on CO2 reduction efforts in inland transport.

Also during the session, a joint publication between UNECE and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe on border crossing facilitation will be launched.  The Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective is designed to improve and harmonize practices at border crossings.

The UNECE ITC is a leading policy making body in the field of transport.  Over the last 60 years, together with its subsidiary bodies, the ITC has provided an intergovernmental forum where UNECE member countries and contracting parties to the UN transport conventions come together to forge tools for economic cooperation and negotiate and adopt international legal instruments on inland transport.  High-level representatives from the 56 UNECE member States, the European Commission, international and European transport organizations, the transport industry, as well as non-governmental organizations will all attend this year’s annual ITC session.

Launch of OSCE – UNECE Handbook on Border Crossings

UNECE and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) launched a jointly produced handbook on border crossing policies during the 74th annual session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC). See the OSCE presentation of the Handbook during the session.


The Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective offers a rich array of reference materials and more than 120 examples of best practices at border crossings. The Handbook is designed for a diverse audience – including officials in transport, trade and finance, customs agencies, transport, freight and logistics business communities, civil society and researchers.

High-Level Policy Segment on Intelligent Transport Systems

High-level speakers, government experts, representatives from academia and key transport industry partners are gathered in Geneva, Switzerland this week to put Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on the policy makers' agenda during the 74th annual UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC) session.

The kick-off event marks a milestone for future United Nations activities on ITS. During the session, UNECE unveiled its new strategy package on ITS. The package features three key documents: an overview of ITS with best practices, a strategic note reviewing the gaps and impediments to ITS use, and the UNECE Road Map on ITS identifying 20 global actions UNECE will undertake over the next several years. 

EATL Ministerial – Completion of Phase II

The work recently completed by the Group of Experts on Euro-Asian Transport Links (EATL) in Phase II was given praise during the 74th annual meeting of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC) in Geneva.

The ITC gave its seal of approval to the report submitted by the Expert Group. The ITC also asked the secretariat to move ahead with finalizing and publishing the report, as well as using it as a background document for the meeting of Ministers of Transport of relevant countries, scheduled for this September. The high-level ministerial meeting is expected to result in the endorsement of the EATL Phase II work, as well as political support for the upcoming Phase III of the EATL project.

Our website features additional information about the EATL project.

Road Safety

UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee (ITC) was updated on recent activities in support of the United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety during its 74th annual session in Geneva.  During the meeting, UNECE’s Plan to implement the Decade of Action, including a series of concrete objectives over the next several years was a key focal point of discussion. 

During the briefing, ITC members also heard about the regional launch of the Decade of Action, which took place in partnership with the Government of Serbia in Belgrade last May. In addition, ITC members were told about the road safety film UNECE developed, as well as the road safety poster signing campaign and awareness raising activities during the World Scouts Jamboree in Sweden and the EuroBasket series in Lithuania

For further information, please visit the Road Safety section of our website.

Completion of the 1997 Agreement of Periodical Technical Inspections of Vehicles

The UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC) was briefed on United Nations Rule No. 2 regarding roadworthiness provisions for Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI) of registered vehicles during its 74th annual session in Geneva, Switzerland. 

U.N. Rule No. 2 was developed and adopted by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).  With this new U.N. Rule, the 1997 Agreement is complete, adding roadworthiness requirements to the environmental requirements of U.N. Rule No. 1.

The 1997 Agreement and its annexed U.N. Rules represent a useful tool for maintaining environmental and safety provisions during the total life of vehicles.  The 1997 Agreement is a powerful instrument to increase not only road safety, but also the environmental performance of vehicles, particularly for economies without a PTI system.

The WP.29 section of UNECE’s website features additional information.