Forest Information Billboard
Issue 3, September 2018
5-9 November 2018: 76th Session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry, Vancouver, Canada,
21 March 2019: International Day of Forests - Forests and Education, Geneva, Switzerland,
27-29 March 2019: 41st Session of the Joint ECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management, Geneva, Switzerland,
For more details about upcoming events, please refer to the meeting website and the "Events" section at the bottom of the Billboard. All UNECE/FAO meetings are listed here: UNECE/FAO meetings.
Forest reporting
Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia pledge to restore over 2.5 million ha of degraded land by 2030
Over 2.5 million ha of forest landscape will be restored by countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia under the Bonn Challenge by 2030. The commitment was made by Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan at the first Ministerial Roundtable on Forest Landscape Restoration and the Bonn Challenge in the Caucasus and Central Asia, held on 21-22 June 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The meeting also adopted the Astana Resolution, committing the region to go beyond 2.5 million ha, and strengthen partnerships and regional cooperation to this end.
The Roundtable was the first opportunity to align national and regional efforts in the Caucasus and Central Asia with the international Bonn Challenge – a global effort to bring 350 million ha of degraded and deforested land into restoration by 2030. Participants included high-level representatives of countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia, senior Bonn Challenge partners from the international and the donor community, leaders from international organizations and selected observers.
The Ministerial Roundtable was organized jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section, in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and with the kind support of Germany.
Videos of the announcement of national commitments under the Bonn Challenge can be viewed on UNECE’s Youtube channel: Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
The summary report on the outcomes of the Ministerial Roundtable can be downloaded here.
Green jobs grow in the forest
The green economy is creating new job opportunities in the forest sector in a variety of areas, such as recreation, leisure and sports, ecotherapy, urban forestry or pests, fire and disease control.
Until recently, forest jobs were mostly associated with traditional silviculture and timber harvesting activities. However, the potential for the creation of new job opportunities is now enhancing all forest ecosystem functions. Examples of green forest jobs, emerging tasks and functions which can lead to new employment opportunities in the forest are summarized in the recent UNECE/FAO publication “Green Jobs in the Forest Sector” which builds on the work of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Green Jobs in the Forest Sector (Joint ILO/UNECE/FAO Expert Network).
The study also identifies “green” skills needed for the careers of the future. New, environmentally-driven competencies will feature the application of new technologies and business management models. New careers will stem from enhanced awareness of environmental and social consequences of economic activities in the forests and the willingness to apply sustainable development values at the workplace. [UNECE news release] [FAO news release] [meeting website] [more information]
25 Years of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
Why Some Intergovernmental C&I Processes Flourished While Others Faded
The use of criteria and indicators (C&I) for data collection, monitoring, assessing and reporting on sustainable forest management (SFM) has been growing since the Earth Summit in 1992, supported by eleven intergovernmental, regional and international forest-related C&I processes. The initial effort led to varying levels of implementation across countries. Several processes never went much beyond the adoption of a first set of C&I while others have made substantial progress. In recent years, interest in C&I for SFM has again increased. In light of the Sustainable Development Goals and emerging global challenges the contribution of C&I to monitor, assess and report on forest conditions and trends is increasingly important. We compare and analyse the structure, activities and progress of the intergovernmental C&I processes. The work is based on document analysis and questionnaires sent to the secretariats of the processes and C&I experts. We found many similarities but also major differences in the structure and content of the C&I sets. The results provide a context for discussing and understanding why some of the C&I processes are successful in their work while others have stalled. Finally, we propose the required ingredients for success for the future activities of the forest-related intergovernmental C&I processes. Read the full article here.
Uzbekistan develops forest monitoring system
Uzbekistan took another step towards monitoring sustainable forest management in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
On 8-10 August 2018, more than 30 forestry experts from Uzbekistan, Turkey and the Russian Federation met in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, to review a draft set of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management developed over the past years.
National forest monitoring systems and assessments are designed to provide reliable information on how forests are managed and used, thus helping to improve national forest policy development, planning and sustainable management.
This was a priority noted by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev during a 2017 address to Parliament. There, he pointed out a need to develop criteria for assessing the effectiveness of state bodies in Uzbekistan.
Exploring the Drivers of Demand for Non-industrial Wood Pellets for Heating
The targets for renewable energy in the European Union (EU) have resulted in a surge in the use of wood pellets. The EU-28 consumption has outgrown domestic production, resulting in increasing net imports. This study analyses the drivers of the use of pellets for heating (non-industrial pellets).
An enquiry directed to biomass and pellet organizations indicates that country specific subsidies could be a driver for the purchase of pellet stoves and boilers, resulting in a base level of consumption of non-industrial pellets. Further, light heating oil and natural gas are considered the main heating sources substituted by wood pellets. Econometric analysis indicates that GDP is less important, while the price of wood pellets as well as the price of alternative energy carriers seem to be significant drivers.
Models using different combinations of these variables account for 63% to 76% of the variation in non-industrial pellet demand. The results indicate the importance of considering competing fossil-based fuels when modelling wood pellet demand. This aspect is also relevant when new policy measures for a low carbon economy are applied, such as the levying of carbon taxes on fossil fuels. Read the full article by Flinkman, Matti; Sikkema, Richard; Spelter, Henry; Jonsson, Ragnar published in Baltic Forestry 24 (1): 86-98 here.
2019 World Forest Institute International Fellowship Program – Application deadline October 15, 2018
We are looking for motivated professionals who want to explore, expand their knowledge and networks, and engage with others in forestry. Fellowships are open to any country, including U.S. citizens. Applicants accepted into the program are awarded a partial scholarship through the Harry A. Merlo Foundation that covers 50 % of the program fees (USD 5,000). Applicants are responsible to the cover the other 50 % of the program fees. Over two decades, 140 Fellows from 45 countries have participated to date. The Fellowship term is 6-months with a non-negotiable start date of April 1, 2019. Application deadline is Oct 15, 2018. (Promotional Video) There is One Scholarship for an outstanding candidate this year!!
The Beck Group and Forest2Market Announce Sawmill TQ, a New Service for Southern Sawmills
The Beck Group and Forest2Market, Inc. recently announced a partnership to launch Sawmill TQ (Top Quartile), a new service for gathering and delivering Southern Yellow Pine sawmill benchmark data to industry members. The partnership combines Beck’s sawmill benchmarking experience and knowledge with Forest2Market’s SilvaStat360 cloud-based interactive business intelligence platform.
Sawmill TQ subscribers will have fingertip access to historic and current sawmill benchmark data that represents a large portion of the industry, is updated quarterly and available on a 24/7/365 basis, and lets mill managers focus on the key factors leading to their mill achieving Top Quartile financial performance. Sawmill benchmarking allows mill managers to objectively identify competitive strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for improvement in key areas such as productivity, sales realization, log to lumber recovery and manufacturing costs. The Beck Group and Forest2Market are actively enrolling Sawmill TQ subscribers, and the first quarterly release of data is scheduled for 3Q2018.
To read the full product press release, view sample product images and arrange for a Sawmill TQ demo, please click here.
Indicators for assessing and monitoring bioeconomy
The project MontBioeco (Synthesis on bioeconomy monitoring systems in the EU Member States – indicators for monitoring the progress of bioeconomy) identified and compared different approaches within the EU MS in assessing and monitoring the progress in a country’s bioeconomy. An integrated part was the participatory approach of the project, by direct involvement of ministries and research organizations responsible for developing, assessing and monitoring national bioeconomy strategies, policies and/or related initiatives. This allowed MontBioeco to identify:
- the existing national bioeconomy strategy, policy, and/or related initiatives
- the industries and activities that are included in the bioeconomy sector at national level
- the already existing and desired bioeconomy key indicators,
- as well as their respective data availability.
The identified bioeconomy indicators important and feasible at the national context can contribute to the further discussions when setting the frame for the development of a common EU bioeconomy monitoring system.MontBioeco was co-ordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), and co-financed by Luke, the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) Bioeconomy Strategic Working group (BSW), the Common Agricultural and Wider Bioeconomy Research Agenda (CASA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Finland (MMM). The project duration was 11/2017-6/2018. Read the full report under For key figures, graphs and tables read
Today, companies fulfil more than a simple economic function. They are aware of the general role they must play to benefit their ecological, social and cultural environment. Their activities are driven within a citizen-centric perspective and their values are focused on actions that answer to sustainable management goals.
As a field actor at national and international levels, Sylva Nova, Belgium based forest consultant, meets their commitment by proposing an original and pragmatic plan for REFORESTATION and FOREST LANDSCAPES RESTORATION. Sylva Nova connects forests needing (re)forestation with companies that wish to contribute. Its global support includes:
- Identification of sites needing reforestation: selection of projects with environmental and social added-value, without geographical limits, in a portfolio of existing projects or in a search on request. The main projects currently identified include for example Armenia, Belgium, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
- Finance and commitment management
- Operational planting management with the support of local partners and in compliance with local best practices and legislations.
- Regular information (written and visual) and project monitoring
By putting their names to an environmental commitment and with appropriate communication, concerned companies benefit from a brand image strengthened by positive values, an opportunity to develop the staff’s feeling of belonging and motivation, a better integration in the local community, with the public authorities and civil society in general … Link:
The business side of ecosystem services - Find out more on our online course
ECOSTAR “Ecosystem services and products: from ideas to business” online course provides continuous interaction with top international professors, experts and company directors specialized in the fields of forestry and ecosystem services and products.
The course will run from December 2018 to February 2019, on Moodle’s e-learning platform. APPLY BEFORE: November 15th
Click here to find out more about the second edition of the e-learning course!
- Natural capital - economic evaluation - sustainable investments
- Wild forest products - payment for ecosystem services
- Forest certification - carbon market
- 1 Course, 4 Universities - up to 150 learning-hours
- High quality e-modules - continuous mentor support
- Updated market data
- 24 International company case studies
EOS Priority Actions List
On occasion of the General Assembly of the European Organization of the Samwill Industry (EOS) held in Oslo on 15 June, the EOS Secretariat presented a strategic paper titled “The contribution of forests and wood products for a sustainable green economy. EOS priority actions’ list for forests and wood products”. The document, which was unanimously approved by the EOS General Assembly, aims to be the core of the EOS Strategy in the coming months/years. Parts of it will be submitted to relevant decision-makers in Brussels, depending on the pieces of legislation under discussion.
Moreover, it aims to be a useful tool in the framework of the Revision of the EU Forest Strategy and the UNECE/FAO discussions on forestry and wood products.
The document’s underlying message is that using sustainably produced wood products encourages forests to expand, thus increasing the carbon sink effect and reducing the CO2 in the atmosphere. It calls for a further development of the actions identified in the Rovaniemi actions plan. It recommends boosting the competitiveness of the sawmill industries – the crucial link between forests and industry – and focussing on wood mobilisation.
The paper comprises four sets of actions which represent the medium-term objectives of EOS, notably:
- Increasing Sustainable Wood Mobilisation
- Investing in an Environmentally-friendly Sector
- Setting up Green Policies
- Investing in Future Generations
Each set of actions includes some sub-sections which articulate the actions through which the objectives can be reached. The document is available here.
Trees at risk? A Swiss debate on the liability of Urban Trees
Bianca Baerlocher (Urban Green Polylogue), Clèmence Dirac-Ramohavelo (FOEN), Andrea Finger-Stich (HESGE), Jerylee Wilkes-Allemann (ETH Zurich)
How can risks caused by urban trees be managed? On 12th September 2018, ArboCityNet (, the Swiss network for urban forestry, organized a conference concerning the risk that urban trees and forests close to urban areas could provoke. Several experts from Switzerland such as foresters, gardeners, researchers and representatives from different administrations, discussed the liability of these risks and had the possibility to share their experiences. The predominant tenor of the discussion was that even though liability issues are not clearly defined, it is crucial to have forests in and close to urban areas. An important reason is that forests and trees provide important functions to society, such as the reduction of the effects of climate change. Methods, such as visual analysis, statistical risk assessment, as well as having a transparent concept of trees management are crucial tools to clarify liability issues in urban forest areas. Finally, promoting a risk-dialogue between the different stakeholders involved is a necessary condition to facilitate the understanding of certain measures, as well as the acceptance of certain risks.
Dutch Climate Accord: Forest-climate pilots in Climate Smart Forestry
The Dutch Government is negotiating a Climate Accord. In running up to this Accord, the government has allocated 300 million€ this year for climate measures in all sectors. 44M is allocated to agriculture and other land use. Out of this, 2 M is allocated to forestry pilots in climate smart forestry for 2018. The ambition is to achieve the additional CO2 capture in the Dutch forest management incl. wood chain as included in the Accord of 1.5 million tons CO2/y by 2030. It is foreseen that the climate funding will continue in coming years
The pilots are a first important step towards the realization of the Cabinet's ambitions. The aim in 2018 is also to fill the climate management toolbox with pilot experiences to strengthen the climate mitigation by means of additional measures in the Dutch forest and timber chain; laying the foundations for the Climate Table 'Land use' within the Climate Accord. The pilots are focused on demonstration: new experience gained and learning about, among others, technical and economic feasibility that will be incorporated in the toolbox. This creates a basis for larger rollout in subsequent years. The pilots in 2018 are strongly focused on execution, with components such as monitoring, reporting requirements, LULUCF and communication. 14 pilots projects on dozens of locations have been identified in existing forestry, in new forests and in the wood chain. 38 partners from Dutch sector collaborate in this and have started on 1 June. Example projects focus on e.g. regeneration with new species, small afforestations, agroforestry, set aside of reserves, novel combinations of new forests with e.g. water storage, building with wood, biomass from hedges and small forests, etc.
Read the full article here. By: Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Philippe Delacote, David Ellison, Marc Hanewinkel, Lauri Hetemäki, Marcus Lindner. 2017. By 2050 the mitigation effects of EU forests could nearly double through Climate Smart Forestry. Forests 8, 484; doi:10.3390/f8120484 (Based on EFI FSTP2)
UN Alliance aims to put fashion on path to sustainability
The UN is committed to changing the path of fashion, reducing its negative social, economic and environmental impact and turning it into a driver for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During a side event “UN Partnership on Sustainable Fashion and the SDGs” held at the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on 10 July 2018, in New York, 10 different UN organizations agreed to establish a UN Alliance on Sustainable Fashion.
The importance of the commitment towards improving collaboration and knowledge sharing, and strengthening synergies between existing initiatives, was highlighted by Ms. Marie Chartadová, President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), who stressed “that the fashion industry needs to change gear”.
The side event, which was hosted by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), discussed how different UN organisations are working on sustainable fashion, and how now momentum has built to collaborate on the topic.
The Executive Secretary of UNECE, Ms. Olga Algayerova, stressed that it is now the time to “make sustainability the next fashionable trend”.
UN Environment took a bold step in agreeing to host the Alliance during its first year, and formally launch it at their next Environment Assembly in March 2019. The Alliance also aims to reach out to wider audiences, targeting the private sector, governments of UN member States, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders with a unified voice. [news release] [website]
Made in Forests: Eco-friendly "Star Threads” for Award-winning Actor Michelle Yeoh in new UN video
Malaysian-born film star and UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh will attend the High Level Political Forum in New York today to put the spotlight on the role that clothing manufacture and consumer fashion can have for a better planet with a new video, called “Made in Forests.”
“The connection between our clothes and our impact on the environment doesn’t immediately come to mind”, the award-winning actor said. “If a jacket or a skirt or a dress looks good, and we can afford it, we buy it. But the environment pays the price.”
In her new video, which will be presented to world leaders at the High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development in New York, Yeoh sets out to find out “what sustainable fashion could look like, without compromising the beauty of our clothes.” One answer: high-fashion produced with certified sustainable new generation forest-based fabrics.
“Made in Forests” is an 8-minute video produced by the UN Economic Commission for Europe / Food and Agriculture Organization’s (UNECE/FAO) Forestry and Timber Section together with the United Nations Television in Geneva (part of the UN Information Service Geneva / DPI). [press release] [movie]
A bottom-up approach to the use of forest biomass
Joint statement on the EU Non-Binding Guidance on the Cascading Use of Biomass
Forests cover more than 40 percent of the EU’s land area. They are essential for life on earth, providing the bioeconomy with renewable materials, energy as well as other ecosystem services. Sustainably managed forests and the forest sector play a key role in the transition towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy. Their role is therefore crucial towards achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Capturing the potential of forests to support economic growth and deliver local and global environmental services will require an economically vital forest sector.
At EU level, the role of multifunctional and sustainably managed forests is well recognized by the EU Forest Strategy. The implementation of existing European and national policies, regulations and voluntary tools verify the sustainability of forest biomass sourcing, irrespective of its end use. Read the full statement.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Key Globally Important Ecosystems of the Republic of Kzakhstan for Multiple Benefits
Kazakhstan’s forests account for 10.71 per cent of the country’s total territory, or 29.2mln hectares. At the same time, forests and forest steppes in protected areas account for 4 per cent. The country is carrying out reforestation work.
In 2015 Kazakhstan signed the Paris Agreement by taking the responsibility to reduce greenhouse gases by 15 per cent compared to 1990.
In 2012 and 2016 as part of the United Nations Development Programme implemented projects to assess ecological services. The economic value of forests in Karkaralinsk National Part amounted to 131mln US dollars, and the forests, mainly saxaul, in the new Ile-Balkash Reserve cost over 15mln US dollars.
Around 300,000 people directly depend on forests, and the number of people living in forest areas or using forests as a source of fuel, construction materials, forage for cattle and other forest product is over 2.5mln people. Lots of people use forests for protection and resting purposes, to prevent wind and soil erosion, to retain water and enhance the efficiency of farmlands.
As part of the policy of green growth, for the first time in Kazakhstan’s Ile-Balkhash area, a methodology of artificial breeding of relict poplar – Asiatic poplar. As a result of the restoration of the Aralsk forest nursery in Kyzylorda Region, saxaul is sustainably planted in the bed of the evaporated Aral Sea (annually, 2,500 hectares are planted) as well as other broadleaved species are planted in settlements there.
A new project of UNDP-GEF in Kazakhstan will be aimed at improving the state and sustainable management of forest areas in Altay, Saur-Tarbagatay, Zhetysu Alatau, North, Central and West Tian Sian as well as of bottomland forests of Rivers Charyn, Ile and Syrdarya. [presentation eng] [presentation rus]
Forest Products – Ecosystem services and competitiveness in the Bio-economy
Annika Hyytiä, 1 University of Helsinki, PL 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, [email protected]
Ecosystem approach broadens the sustainability perspective within the forest sector. Economic and ecological aspects may be linked together. The ecosystem concept allows a wide frame for sustainable forests and forest products both in private and public forests. Private owners play a key role in sustaining forest ecosystems providing resources for markets and at the same time enhancing development locally. In Finland, the nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) owner sector has a large importance. Different ecosystems form promising opportunities for business. In the Green Economy multiple ecosystems are taken into consideration. Forest ecosystem services provide an opportunity for value creation. Forests and forest products with certification, green building with carbon − ecosystem services provide opportunities in markets in the future. In the bio-economy, stakeholders have an important role in active, sustainable and diverse use of forests and providing sustainable forest products. Competitiveness is in an important role in the policy framework. Keywords: Sustainable development, forests, forest products, ecosystem services, bioeconomy, stakeholders, competitiveness. More information.
Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018 - electronic edition available now
The Joint UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section is pleased to inform you that the electronic version of the Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018 is now available (!
The Review provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region in 2017 and early 2018 and reports on the main market influences outside the UNECE region. It covers the range of products from-forest to end-user: from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added and housing. Statistics-based chapters analyse the markets for wood raw materials, sawn softwood, sawn hardwood, wood-based panels, paper, paperboard and woodpulp. Other chapters analyse policies, and markets for wood energy. Underlying the analysis is a comprehensive collection of data for the year 2017. The Review also highlights the role of sustainable forest products in international markets. Policies concerning forests and forest products are discussed, as well as the current economic situation and its effects on forest product markets.
Additional data on forest products markets can also be found at the links listed below:
- Analytical tables for the FPAMR 2018 (;
- Price Statistics through May 2018 (;
- Trade Flow showing trade by value for 9 forest products between leading countries of the region and outside the region (;
- Data for 1964 – 2017 are available on the website of the Joint Section ( as well as FAOSTAT (
Wood Energy in the ECE Region
Russian Forest Industry Review in 2017-2018
In 2017, the Russian economy came out from a two-year recession. In 2016, the country’s GDP fell by 0.2%, and in 2015, it fell by 2.5% after slowing the growth to 0.7% in 2014. However, this is below the original expectations: initially, the Ministry of Economic Development forecast that the country’s economy will grow by 2% in 2017, the Central Bank expected a growth from 1.7 to 2.2%. In the second quarter of 2018, GDP growth was 1.8%, and in April-May 2018, the economy “accelerated” to 2.2%.
In addition to the exit from recession in 2017, the minimum inflation in the history of the country was recorded at 2.5%. However, this figure does not apply to the forestry sector of the economy. The timber industry costs for wood raw materials increased by 20-30% according only to Rosstat’s official data (the price for softwood sawlogs on the average increased by 35% YoY to 2,100 rubles/m3 excluding VAT, and the price for birch veneer logs increased by 30% to 2,300 rubles/m3, excluding VAT).
Unfavorable weather worsened the situation with wood raw material supply in a number of regions of the European part of Russia in the second and third quarters of 2017. Manufacturers of wood-based panels encountered a price increase for the chemical components during production: the prices for melamine film, resins and paper increased by 15% on the average over the year. The delivery cost for raw materials and transportation of finished products increased by 15-20%.
Green Jobs in the Forest Sector
ECE/TIM/DP/71, the study Green Jobs in the Forest Sector provides an overview of existing Green Forest Jobs and identifies possible areas for future activities and jobs in the forest sector, and may serve as starting point for further analysis and discussion on the future of Green Forest Jobs. It offers a framework for classifying Green Forest Jobs under seven thematic work areas, outlined in the seven main sections of the study, with a particular focus on major trends, needs and challenges as well as opportunities and prospects for the forest sector.
The findings suggest that to promote Green Jobs in the forest sector it is key to: (i) look at forest ecosystem services management as the frame for Green Forest Jobs; (ii) recognize the progress made in the development of Green Forest Jobs and to identify avenues for the future; (iii) enhance the public perception of jobs in the forest sector; (iv) revise existing curricula and develop new ones for catering to the needs of the sector to close the skills gaps; and (v) to facilitate an inclusive transition to green economy through training and support.
Read more..
Forest and Water on a Changing Planet
The peer-reviewed report entitled "Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities. A Global Assessment Report" (IUFRO World Series 38) was launched with great success at the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF2018) in July. It was prepared by the Global Expert Panel on Forests and Water (GFEP, which was jointly chaired by Professors Meine van Noordwijk, of ICRAF and Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and Irena Creed, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
The study constitutes the most comprehensive systematic scientific syntheses on the interactions between forests and water to date. More than 50 scientists from 20 countries have contributed to this major assessment of the climate-forests-water-people link, contextually shaped by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The authors place particular emphasis on the fact that all of the SDGs are either directly or indirectly related to water and the forest-water nexus.
A week after the launch, during the 24th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO 24) and 6th World Forest Week in Rome, Italy, the report was also presented during a session “Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Redefining the Narrative”. The session was co-hosted by IUFRO and FAO, under the auspices of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).
The report and accompanying policy brief “Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Scientific Insights for Achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals” are available for download at:
‘Building the Future with Forests’: Come join us for COFFI2018 in Vancouver
COFFI2018 - the 76th session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry will be held in Vancouver, Canada, from 5 to 9 November 2018.
The meeting will focus on the transition towards a more sustainable society and a circular and bio-economy, based on the provision of forest products from sustainably managed forests. The opening of the session will include indigenous cultural dances and the traditional “Talking Stick” ceremony.
This year’s Committee session will bring experts, policy makers, business leaders as well as national delegates together through a variety of panel discussions concentrating primarily on the challenges and opportunities for wood and forest products markets, as well as on forests and the circular and bio-economy.
There will also be a variety of lunch-time side events and a student poster presentation run by the University of British Colombia and the International Forestry Students Association.
In order to enhance collaboration between the relevant players in the region, the COFFI meeting will share its venue with two other wood-related conferences: the annual Wood Solutions Conference of Wood Works! BC, on Tuesday, 6 November, and the Passive House Canada Conference: Partnering for Transformation, from 7 to 8 November.
The draft programme of COFFI2018, the annotated agenda, all relevant documents for the meeting and information on practical matters are available at:
LULUCF: practical consequences for the forest-based sector
EUSTAFOR, together with a number of organisations of the forest-based sector (EOS, CEPI and CEPF) and with the support of CEI-Bois, are organising a joint workshop on the practical consequences of the recently adopted Regulation for the inclusion of Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) within the 2030 EU Climate and Energy framework. The event will be held on September 25, 2018 at the Tuscany Region EU Office in Brussels.
Main focus will be on the impact of the new Forest Reference Levels to be set by the Member States on the annual harvest levels in European forests and the potential implications for the domestic wood supply in the EU, specifically on the down-stream value chains. The participants will address aspects linked to the Commission’s guidance on the implementation of the LULUCF Regulation and especially the rules for setting up new Forest Reference Levels. Click here for more information.
5th annual European STTC Conference - Using data to drive market share
A European Networking Event Thursday October 25 2018, Tropical Garden, Paris (France)
In today’s world, reliable data is the key to unlocking market share in any business – and the market for verified sustainable timber is no exception. Good data helps identify the best market areas and segments to target efforts to grow share and has the potential to increase overall transparency and trust in tropical timber. But, while there is general agreement that the European timber sector’s shift to sustainability must be data driven, right now we don’t have the high quality intelligence needed to determine the action required to generate market momentum.
That’s why the 2018 European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) Conference will be centered around the theme of market intelligence and increasing the sustainable tropical timber market share. Take part and you’ll share and learn from the experience of companies, trade federations, governments and other organisations data and using it to grow the market for verified sustainable tropical timber uptake. You’ll also hear inspiring stories from the STTC participants’ latest activities.
Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers builds dialogue on forests between EU institutions
The first Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers will take place between November 21 and 23 in Southern Finland
Finland and Sweden have started a joint initiative consisting of two consecutive events for EU decision makers. The first event will take place in southern Finland this November.
Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers is a discussion forum focusing on the ways in which forests can contribute to the development of a sustainable circular bioeconomy. The two-day programme offers possibilities to connect with other key decision makers in EU institutions and to share insights.
The event is summoned by Prime Ministers Juha Sipilä and Stefan Löfven and planned with the engagement of an extensive group of stakeholders. The target group includes decision makers in various EU institutions, especially in the European Parliament and the European Commission. Invitees also include representatives from research and development, business, NGO’s and the media, as well as forest- and bioeconomy-related stakeholders.
Participation in the event is free of charge and by invitation only. Should the event be of interest to you, please contact Finnish Forest Association.
Read more:
Who Will Own the Forest?
September 25-27, World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Institutional investors have been allocating part of their portfolios to timberland as they seek diversification, inflation protection, and potentially higher rates of return than the bond or equity markets. The evolving nature of this unique asset class, and its potential for protecting both income and conservation values, is the subject of our annual "Who Will Own the Forest?" conference series.
Speakers present issues pertaining to the economy, forestland valuations, investing overseas, regulatory, tax and lending drivers, and emerging values such as carbon, biomass, and environmental credits. This 2½ day conference offers both networking and educational benefits, including continuing education credits for certified foresters, appraisers, attorneys, and CPAs. Who Will Own the Forest? focuses on institutional timberland investing, both domestically and overseas. Engage with over 40 speakers and 400+ attendees from the investment, timber management, legal, forestry, finance and conservation communities in this 2.5 day program of learning and networking.
For more information:
Forests: Interconnecting Sustainable Development Goals to Action
EFI 2018 Scientific Seminar, 27 September in Alghero, Sardinia
Mark your calendar! Come to discuss the need for systemic change to build a sustainable future within the new framework of the Sustainable development goals (SDGs), and how forests, sustainable forestry and forest-based solutions can connect the SDGs to action. Furthermore, we will address how to create a compelling forest narrative as basis for sustainable development in a context of growing urbanization.
Registration will open in May. Further info:
Biocities Forum: Forests transforming urban living on 14 November 2018 in Barcelona, Spain
The Biocities Forum will facilitate international science-policy-business dialogue on the potential of forests and circular bioeconomy solutions to build sustainable and resilient cities.
The Forum will focus on the following key topics:
- Holistic views on the future of cities and their role in leading sustainable change
- Wood engineering products for building construction and architecture solutions
- Forest-based textiles for sustainable clothing and inspiring fashion
- Connecting cities and regions for a resilient rural-urban interface
The Biocities Forum takes place during the same week as the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. Synergies between the two events will be explored and efforts will be made to invite relevant participants from Smart City Expo to the Biocities Forum.
More info at
IX Latin American University Symposium on the Environment (SUIMA)
Palacio de lasConvenciones
November 26, 2018 – November 30, 2018
The Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, is pleased to call for the scientific, academic and professional community to the 19th edition of the SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE ( CCIA to be held from November 26th to 30th, 2018. The conference will take place at the Havana International Conference Center, Cuba, within the framework of the activities of our 54th ANNIVERSARY.
Among the conferences, symposia and workshops in session under the Convention, is the X Ibero-American University Symposium on the Environment (X SUIMA).
As previous editions of the Symposium, the tenth SUIMA will be an appropriate framework to initiate or strengthen professional and academic contacts and to establish ways of international cooperation between specialists, institutions, organizations and universities in the area of environment and sustainable development .
For more information about the X Ibero-American University Symposium on the Environment (SUIMA), visit the web site:
Local lessons to global implications – pathways to effective forest-related policies
Join us on 30 November 2018, at 16:00-17:30 in Bonn to discuss how locally learnt lesson can lead to global implications. We will be highlighting the SFM, FLEGT and REDD policy coherence: impacts, synergies and lessons from local to national level, with case studies from three continents.
The event is free of charge and after the official programme there will be an hour of networking over drinks and snacks. The evening closes at 18:30.
Registration opens in mid-October. More info will be available at
Venue: EFI Bonn (next to the World Conference Center Bonn), Platz der Vereinten Nationen 7, 53113 Bonn
Climate Smart Forestry in practice
Time: December 3rd, 2018 at 4-8 p.m. Venue: The Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU, Brussels
- Climate Smart Forestry in practice: Case studies from public and private forests
- Results of the recent LULUCF study: Professor Birger Solberg (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
- Open discussion: Best practices and policies to leverage the positive climate impacts of forests
This highly interesting seminar and networking event will focus on the most recent know-how on climate impacts generated by alternative forest management regimes. Koli Forum in cooperation with CEPI (the European forest fibre & paper industries association) invites you to join the discussion on how to best leverage the positive climate impacts generated by forests and forest sector. We will hear from the leading forestry and forest industry organizations and researchers about the various possibilities to contribute to mitigation. The seminar will be opened by the Ambassador of Finland to the EU.
Tentative program
- Opening words. HE Minna Kivimäki, Ambassador, Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU
- Results of the recent LULUCF study. Birger Solberg, professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Role of forest products in carbon sequestration. Sylvain Lhote, Director General, CEPI
- CASE Metsähallitus: Climate Smart Forestry. Pentti Hyttinen, Director General, Metsähallitus
- CASE Tornator: Practices for optimizing climate benefits and other values offered by forests. Sixten Sunabacka, CEO, Tornator Oyj
- Discussion and wrap-up: Best practices and policies to leverage the positive climate impacts of forests. Moderated by Terhi Koipijärvi, Head of Communications, Metsähallitus
- Buffet and drinks sponsored by CEPI
More information about the registration available in October.
The Montréal Wood Convention: the wood trade event in Canada
The Montréal Wood Convention 2019 will take place March 19-22 at Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth hotel in Montréal, Canada. The 2018 edition brought together nearly 1,000 participants from March 20 to 22 and more than 110 exhibitors. In addition to Canadians from 7 provinces and Americans from 26 states, the Convention welcomed visitors from Mexico, France, China, Japan, Germany, Austria, Hong Kong, Jordan and Senegal.
“The Convention is really the trade event to be where all North-American wood manufacturers and buyers can meet in the same place at the same time. Participants can attend industry seminars on economy and wood markets, visit the exhibit hall, hear a keynote speaker and network”, says the manager of the event, Sven Gustavsson, from the Quebec Wood Export Bureau, one of the four organizing industry associations. For more information:
How to contribute? Deadline to provide contributions to the next issue is 15 December 2018. Please note that the content of the billboard does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations. Contributions are published as received and editing is the responsibility of the contributor. More information and the previous issues are available here.
We work in Collaboration with the Global Forest Information Service.