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Older Persons in Vulnerable Situations

Older Persons in Vulnerable Situations

PB28 Cover page

UNECE Policy Brief on Ageing No. 28

At any age, intersecting factors such as poverty, disability, social isolation and exposure to abuse can increase the risk of vulnerability and weaken resilience in the case of adverse events. The COVID-19 pandemic, rising inflation, natural disasters, and war are examples of adverse events that have disproportionately affected vulnerable persons, including many older persons. Often, the capacities and vulnerabilities of older persons remain invisible as their voices are less heard and their needs less known due to a lack of data and research, and their insufficient involvement in decision-making. A key challenge, therefore, is to inform, design and implement comprehensive policies that protect vulnerable older persons from adverse outcomes, enhance resilience and allow them to fulfil their full potential in later life. The policy strategies presented in this Policy Brief cover the areas of income and housing, health and long-term care, prevention of violence, abuse and neglect, and social participation as well as the importance of adequate data and research and the involvement of older persons in decision-making. 

Key messages in English PDF

Policy Brief in German (unofficial translation) PDF

The complete series of Policy Briefs on Ageing is available at