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Post-pandemic COVID-19 economic recovery: Harnessing E-commerce for the UNECE transition economies (ECE/TRADE/468)

Post-pandemic COVID-19 economic recovery: Harnessing E-commerce for the UNECE transition economies (ECE/TRADE/468)

Post-pandemic COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Harnessing E-commerce for the UNECE Transition Economies (ECE/TRADE/468)

The COVID-19 pandemic has sunk the global economy into the deepest recession in decades and continues to take an unprecedented toll on human health and life. In an effort to contain and prevent the spread of the disease, governments across the globe, imposed restrictions on movement. Border closures and partial or full lockdowns became the new normal in many parts of the world. The pandemic and the associated restrictions caused disruptions to global trade, supply chains and labour markets; they curbed consumption and investments; and they slowed economic activity worldwide.

This report (ECE/TRADE/468) aims to explore the impact of the pandemic on domestic and cross-border e-commerce in economies in transition in the UNECE region and to identify policies and initiatives that could support these economies to enhance their readiness to engage in and benefit from e-commerce, as a contributor to the post-pandemic recovery. A key aspect in this discussion is the role of trade facilitation in enhancing or hampering cross-border e-commerce. Poor trade facilitation, including poor facilitation and automation of customs and related processes and border-related procedures, has a significant effect on both businesses and consumers.

This report offers a limited snapshot of a moving target. It is part of a broader effort by the UNCTAD-led e-Trade for all initiative’s cooperation with some of the UNRC, to engage in a range of studies on “Post Pandemic Covid-19 Economic Recovery: Enabling Developing Countries to Better Harness E-commerce”.