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(SC.1/GE.22) Group of Experts on the Operationalization of eCMR (6th Session)

(SC.1/GE.22) Group of Experts on the Operationalization of eCMR (6th Session)

05 - 07 July 2023
Geneva Switzerland


42221 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/11 - Agenda _ 378032 _ English _ 773 _ 379715 _ pdf
42221 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/11 - Agenda _ 378032 _ French _ 780 _ 382439 _ pdf
42221 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/11 - Agenda _ 378032 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382440 _ pdf


42222 _ Report _ 381699 _ English _ 773 _ 389218 _ pdf
42222 _ Report _ 381699 _ French _ 780 _ 403062 _ pdf
42222 _ Report _ 381699 _ Russian _ 864 _ 403063 _ pdf

Informal documents

42224 _ Informal dociment No.1 - Summary of presentations _ 380724 _ English _ 773 _ 386578 _ pdf

Presentations - Forthcoming