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Third High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment

Third High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment

Making THE link: Transport choices for our health, environment, and prosperity

22 - 23 January 2009
Amsterdam Netherlands

The Government of the Netherlands, in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), hosted this Third High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment, gathering high-level officials and representatives of governments, local authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders.

Recognizing that transport is an important part of modern life, the Meeting adopted the Amsterdam Declaration that addresses challenges posed by transport, health and environment and four priority goals:

to contribute to sustainable economic development and stimulate job creation through investment in environment- and health-friendly transport by directing invesments towards the development of transport infrastructure that promotes safety, environment and health and has the highest job creation potential, including rail and light rail; clean and efficient public transport, efficient intermodal connections; safety measures in road transport; and infrastructure for active and environmentally friendly transport;

to manage sustainable mobility and promote a more efficient transport system by promoting mobility management schemes for businesses, schools, leisure activities, communities and cities, raising awareness of mobility choices by improving the coordination between land use and transport planning and promoting the use of information technology;

to reduce emissions of transport-related greenhouse gases, air pollutants and noise by supporting a shift in the vehicle fleet towards zero- or low-emission vehicles and fuels based on renewable energy; promoting a shift towards clean transport modes and fostering electric mobility as well as ecodriving; and

to promote policies and actions conducive to healthy and safe modes of transport by designing and modernizing urban areas and human settlements to improve the conditions for safe and physically active mobility, including infrastructure for walking and cycling, and efficient and accessible public transport, particularly focused on vulnerable groups such as children and persons with reduced mobility.

Official documents

40776 _ Report of the 3rd High-level Meeting _ 379095 _ English _ 773 _ 382762 _ pdf
40776 _ Report of the 3rd High-level Meeting _ 379095 _ French _ 780 _ 382763 _ pdf
40776 _ Report of the 3rd High-level Meeting _ 379095 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382764 _ pdf
40776 _ Programme _ 379096 _ English _ 773 _ 382766 _ pdf
40776 _ Provisional agenda _ 379097 _ English _ 773 _ 382767 _ pdf
40776 _ Provisional agenda _ 379097 _ French _ 780 _ 382768 _ pdf
40776 _ Provisional agenda _ 379097 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382769 _ pdf
40776 _ Scope and purpose _ 379098 _ English _ 773 _ 382772 _ pdf
40776 _ Scope and purpose _ 379098 _ French _ 780 _ 382779 _ pdf
40776 _ Scope and purpose _ 379098 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382780 _ pdf
40776 _ Amsterdam Declaration _ 379101 _ English _ 773 _ 382782 _ pdf
40776 _ Amsterdam Declaration _ 379101 _ French _ 780 _ 382783 _ pdf
40776 _ Amsterdam Declaration _ 379101 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382784 _ pdf