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Team of Specialists on Forest Policy Network - 4th Meeting

Team of Specialists on Forest Policy Network - 4th Meeting

14 February 2018
Palais des Nations, Salle IX Geneva Switzerland


Please find the draft agenda here.

Kindly note that the meeting took place back-to-back with the Workshop on the Mid-Term Review of the Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, which was held on the 13 February and in the morning of 14 February. For more information, please visit the meeting website.



The report of the meeting is available here.



Title Presenter Download
COFFI/EFC Warsaw Integrated Programmeof Work (WIPoW) 2018-2021 Ekrem Yazici PDF
Mapping the latest global and regional policy developments Ekrem Yazici PDF

Contributions to the forestry related SDGs within the scope of WIPoW

Ekrem Yazici PDF
Results of the Brainstorming Workshop for the next ECE/FAO Forest Sector Outlook Study Birgit Lia Altmann PDF
Key messages from the workshop on the mid-term review of the Rovaniemi Action Plan Alicja Kacprzak PDF



Should you have any questions, please contact Secretariat.

More information about the Team of Specialists on Forest Policy Network