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NPD expert group meeting on SDG 6.5.2 reporting in Bishkek

NPD expert group meeting on SDG 6.5.2 reporting in Bishkek

12 - 13 November 2020
Online and Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

The expert group meeting under the EU Water Initiative National Water Policy Dialogue gathered national water experts led by State Agency on Water Resources with the support of Country Water Partnership. Representatives of the EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan, UNECE, UNESCO, OECD and SDC attended the meeting remotely. Participants discussed preparation of Kyrgyzstan’s national report under SDG indicator 6.5.2 on transboundary water cooperation.


21770 _ Agenda _ 363099 _ English _ 773 _ 343529 _ pdf
21770 _ Agenda _ 363099 _ Russian _ 864 _ 343530 _ pdf
21770 _ List of participants _ 363100 _ English _ 773 _ 343531 _ pdf
21770 _ List of participants _ 363100 _ Russian _ 864 _ 343532 _ pdf