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National round-table on Legal Implementation of the Espoo Convention in Georgia

National round-table on Legal Implementation of the Espoo Convention in Georgia

04 November 2013
Tbilisi Georgia

The national seminar was organized to discuss the draft results of a technical advice project on EIA in a transboundary context in Georgia. The technical advice consisted of (a) a review of the present national legislation and institutional structure; and (b) of development of recommendations for required legislative amendments to implement the Espoo Convention. The technical advice was provided to Georgia in the framework of the “Greening economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN) Programme.

Based on the discussion during the round table and comments received, the Legislative review on EIA in a transboundary context was finalized and handed over to the Ministry of Environment Protection of Georgia to be utilized in the development of national legislation. 

Document Title




List of participants


Meeting report

Support to the implementation of the UNECE Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in Georgia
Ms. Minna Torkkeli, UNECE Espoo Convention secretatiat
Transboundary environmental impact assessment and SEA under the World Bank financed projects
Ms. Darejan Kapanadze, World Bank
Reccomendations on amendments to the existing national legislation related Environmental Impact Permits based on practical experience of LTD “Gamma”
Mr. Zurab Mgaloblishvili, LTD “Gamma Consulting”