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Training Workshop on practical application of Streategic Environmental Assessment based on the draft law on environmental assessment in the Republic of Moldova (PART II)

Training Workshop on practical application of Streategic Environmental Assessment based on the draft law on environmental assessment in the Republic of Moldova (PART II)

16 - 17 December 2014
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

The second training workshop on practical application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Republic of Moldova took place on 16 and 17 December 2014 in Chisinau.

The workshop focused on existing methods used for assessing environmetal impacts of strategic documents and builds on knowlage and skills developed by the participants during the SEA scoping and baseline analysis workshop (Chisinau, 30-31 July 2014). Fifteen experts from urban development, environment and economy ministries as well as local authorities and  civil society representatives continued their SEA training through this event. The participants had an opportunity to immediately apply the obtained knowledge for assessing the environmental impacts related to the implementation of the Orhei Town Master Plan and for developing proposals to mitigate and monitor the identified impacts. In addition,  approaches and techniques to prepare a Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) were discussed and an outline of the SEA report for the above mentioned Master Plan was developed.

The workshop was followed by the first public consultation meeting to inform local stakeholders about the Orhei Town Master Plan preparation process and the preliminary results of the strategic environmental assessment.

Both events and the implementation of the pilot project on application of Strategic Environmental Assessment for Orhei Town Master Plan were funded by the European Commission through the four year Programme ‘Greening Economies in the European Neighborhood’ (EaP GREEN).


List of participants in English

Indicative timing Topic Presenter

Introduction to the workshop:

EaP GREEN activties in Moldova

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the  Orhei Town Master Plan

SEA scoping and baseline analysis workshop (Chisinau, 30-31 July 2014)

Presentation by Ms. Rodica Iordanov, National SEA Team Leader

SEA process: Key elements and actors

(recapitulation of SEA process and the key elements and their linkages)

Presentation by Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE consultant
10.30 Scoping report: key findings and next steps

Presentation by Mr. Alexandru Taranu and Mr. Andrey Issak

Follow up discussion


SEA methods I:

Typical environmental assessment methods used in SEA and examples from different contexts

Presentation by Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE consultant

Lunch break


SEA methods II

Applicable approaches for identification and assessment of environmental impacts related to the implementing the Orhei Master Plan SEA

Facilitated discussion

Facilitiation by Ms. Marina Khotuleva, UNECE consultant/ Ms. Rodica Iordanov, National SEA Team Leader/ Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE Consultant


Analyzing alternatives in SEA

Problems, possible approaches

Presentation by Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE consultant

Follow up discussion


Mitigation measures and monitoring

Preparation of effective inputs to decision making process

Presentation by Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE consultant

Follow up discussion


Conclusion and closure of the day