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Third session of the Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships

Third session of the Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships

18 April (10:00) - 19 April (18:00) 2011
Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland
Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda




Provisional Programme


Conference Room Paper PDF    
Report PDF



Registration Form DOC    


Presentations ENG RUS

Substantive segment: the UNECE PPP Initiative - the UNECE PPP Toolkit and the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence

Session 1 - High Level Panel: The challenges of implementing successful PPPs, and how the UNECE International Centre of Excellence can help countries meet these challenges

Mr. Loay bin Ahmad Sa'ad Al-Musallam, Chief Executive Officer of the National Water Company of Saudi Arabia



Mr. Ioan Bala, Director General, Romanian Prison Service



Special address: The situation in Japan and the role of PPPs in its reconstruction
Mr. Sam Tabuchi, Professor at the PPP Graduate School, Toyo University, Toyko, Japan PDF  
Session 2 - The development of the UNECE PPP Toolkit, and the structure and operations of the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence
(i) Overview on the development and purpose of the UNECE PPP Toolkit
Mr. Tony Bonnici, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PDF  
Dr. David Dombkins PDF  
Mr. Peter Dombkins PDF  
Mr. Anthony Smith PDF  
(ii) How will it apply in different countries?
Ms. Irina Zapatrina, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center PDF PDF
Ms. Gulnara Kalikova, Kyrgyz Republic PDF  
Mr. Bernhard Mueller, Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany PDF  
Case Study: PPP Schools Frankfurt, Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany PDF  
(iii) What is going to be the role of the private sector? How will it be engaged?
Mr. Leo McKenna, Strategic Adviser PDF  
Special address: PPPs driving change in Qatar
Mr. Saad Al-Mesned, Adviser, President's Office, Qatar PDF  
(iv) How will the Toolkit raise the capacity of governments in improving/implementing PPP legislation?
Mr. Richard Armitage, Simmons & Simmons, London, UK PDF  
Mr. Alexei Zverev, Senior Counsel, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development PDF  
Mr. Hafiz Salikhov, Chairman of the Sub-Committee for PPP Development, the State Duma, Russian Federation PDF  
The UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence: structure, purpose and benefits and progress, including international support
Mr. Jan van Schoonhoven PDF  
Mr. Celso Manangan, Director 4, PPP Centre of the Philippines PDF  
Mr. Türker Yöndem, Yöndem Law Firm, Istanbul, Turkey PDF  
Mr. Vincent Ladougne, Bouygues Batiment International, France PDF  
Session 3 - Comments on the UNECE PPP Initiative from International Organisations, Multilateral Development Banks, the private sector, NGOs, and members of the TOS PPP
Mr. Jose Rubiato, Division on Technology & Logistics, UNCTAD PDF  
Mr. Anand Chiplunkar, Asian Development Bank PDF  
Mr. Nicholas Jennett, Head of EPEC, European Investment Bank PDF  
Mr. Anthony Pearce, Business Advisory Board on PPPs, UK PDF  
Mr. Anthony Coumidis, Director, International PPP & Environmental Initiatives, McBains Cooper PDF  
Ms. Caroline Visser, International Road Federation PDF  
Items 4 and 5: Review of the work done since the 2nd session, implementation plan for 2011 and proposals for 2012-2013
Capacity-building activities; Policy & normative work; Capacity building activities in 2011 and beyond
Mr. Tony Bonnici, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PDF
Mr. Yuriy Husyev, Department of Investment & Innovation Policy, Ministry of Economy, Ukraine PDF  
Mr. Vladimir Karyagin, Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, Republic of Belarus PDF PDF
Mr. Yong-Seong Kim, Public & Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center (PIMAC), Korea Development Institute PDF  
Ms. Muhabbat Mahmudova, Senior Research Analyst, Infrastructure Journal PDF