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2nd UNECE International Forum on people-first PPPs for the Sustainable Development Goals

2nd UNECE International Forum on people-first PPPs for the Sustainable Development Goals

A three-day forum hosted by the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence for Public Transport Logistics showcasing projects and approaches to people first Public-Private Partnerships, and how we work as one UN to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

09 May (10:00) - 11 May (18:00) 2017

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Poster-UNECE PPP Forum 2017
Document title ENG
Report pdf
Programme pdf
Dossier of Draft PPP Standards pdf
Case Studies pdf


Case Studies  
- Compendium of all selected case studies pdf
Ukraine: Port of Kherson (video) by Andrey Sokolov mp4
Seeking the best PPP projects for the OBOR initiative  
Reconstruction of road M10 by Alena Dadzerkina, Belarus pdf
Inland Water Transport Corridor E40 by Igor Severine, Belarus pdf
The Hong Kong Experience  
- MTR’s Experiences in PPP for Railway Projects by Jacob Kam, Managing Director – Operations & Mainland Business, Hong Kong pdf
- City Roads PPP Project in Jurong City of Jiangsu by Banting Sze Wai Pan, China pdf
Waste to Energy  
- How to make an impact in cities that welcome refugees? by Charlotte Griffiths, UNECE pdf
- Waste in refugee camps by R.Guicciardi pdf
- How to solve waste to energy by Richard Ornitz pdf
- Waste to Energy-Developing countries. How to promote garbage power generation pdf
- Development of Domestic Waste Incineration to Promote Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction by Xu Haiyun, China Urban Construction Research Institute pdf
Smart Cities  
- Shenzhen New-Type Smart City Design Concept and Practice by Qiuxia Liang, China pdf
- Towards Smarter and More Sustainable Cities Worldwide By Ivonne Higuero, UNECE pdf
- City Sustainable Development Strategies and SDGs by Iryna Zapatrina, Ukraine pdf
- Smart City Vision: an opportunity for urban transformation by Josep-Ramón Ferrer, Spain pdf
- The operation mode of PPP projects by Ma Hong, China pdf
Urban Rail  
- Sustainable Development of PPP in Beijing by Wilson Shao, General Manager, Beijing MTR Corporation Limited pdf
- Assigning Public Sector Responsibilities to create enabling environments by Euan Low, Asia Pac Infrastructure Advisory Services Director Mott MacDonald pdf
- Urban Rail Transit: Impact on National and Regional Economies: An Indian Perspective by Naresh Bana, India pdf
- Urban rail for all - Adopt PPP to achieve sustainable and inclusive Urban Rail development in China by Hongye Fan, Chairman Assistant of China Metro pdf