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Seventh meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

Seventh meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

01 - 02 March 2012
Geneva Switzerland

The Seventh meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on ESD will take place from 1 to 2 March 2012 in Geneva, Palais des Nations, room 7 (3rd floor, closest door A13; please also see map of Palais des Nations). Back to back to the Steering Committee meeting, a stakeholder coordination meeting as well as a Bureau meeting are going to be held.

The Steering Committee meeting is expected to focus on:

  • progress made in implementing education for sustainable development (ESD) since the sixth meeting;
  • activities to be implemented in 2012 and beyond;
  • the role of technical-vocational education in greening the economy;
  • the promotion of educator competences for ESD;
  • ESD school plans as an implementation tool for putting ESD into practise; and
  • how to continue promoting ESD within the international sustainable development process.

Official Documents

Document Title ENG FRE RUS

Annotated provisional agenda for the meeting

Report of the United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development on its seventh meeting

Learning from each other: Achievements, challenges and ways forward – Second evaluation report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development


Concepte Note: Capacity Building for Competences in ESD (ECE/CEP/AC.13/2012/4)


Progress achieved in creating synergies with the international sustainable development process


Transitioning to a green economy: the role of education for sustainable development

Informal Documents

Document Title  ENG       FRE      RUS 

List of participants

PDF   ---     ---  

Contributions, incurred expenses and estimated resourcerequirements
(information paper 1)

PDF   ---    --- 

Overview of National Strategies and Action Plans for ESD 

(information paper 2)

PDF   ---    --- 

Background note: Panel discussion on education for sustainable development school plans

(information paper 3)

PDF   ---    --- 

Annotated provisional agenda for the third stakeholder coordination meeting
(information paper 4)

PDF   ---    --- 

Information note: Promoting ESD in the international sustainable development process 2012

(information paper 5)

PDF   ---   


Annotated provisional agenda for the tenth Bureau meeting
(information paper 6)
ETF Position paper - Sustainable Development and Education and Training PDF  

Interventions and Presentations

Country Reports   ENG FRE RUS
(Presentations and interventions will be uploaded after the meeting).        
Country Reports 2012: Synthesis presentation   PDF    
Armenia   PDF    
Belgium   PDF    
Canada   PDF    
Croatia   PDF    
Cyprus   PDF    
Czech Republic   PDF    
Finland   PDF    
Estonia   PDF    
Georgia   PDF    
Germany   PDF    
Greece   PDF    
Norway   PDF    
Poland   PDF    
Romania   PDF    
Slovenia   PDF    
Sweden   PDF    
Switzerland   PDF    
United Kingdom   PDF    
Uzbekistan   PDF    
Presentations  and documentation on ESD School Plans        
Guide for Sustainable Schools in Manitoba   PDF    
Sustainable Environmental Education Agenda (SEEA) for Schools in Cyprus   PDF    
Cyprus: Template for evaluation of SEEA by students   DOC    
Cyprus: Template for planning SEEA Policy   DOC  


All delegates attending the Steering Committee meeting are requested submit a completed registration form and to transmit it to the UNECE secretariat  no later than 22 February 2012 by e-mail ([email protected]). On their way to the meeting, delegates should obtain an identification badge at the Pass and Identification Unit of the United Nations Office at Geneva’s Security and Safety Section, located at the Pregny Gate, 14, Avenue de la Paix (see map). It will be necessary to present your passport or identity card. In case of difficulty, please contact the secretariat (Ms. Elizabeth James) by telephone at +41 22 917 6307.

Practical Information for the delegates