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National training session for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the identification of hazardous activities

National training session for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the identification of hazardous activities

23 March (10:00) - 24 March (18:00) 2010
Skopje North Macedonia

The national training session was organised to improve knowledge of the governmental experts in the area of identification of hazardous activities under the Convention and under the Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC) as well as to enhance awareness of industry with respect to the potential risk of hazardous activities.


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda PDF     ---     ---
Report PDF     ---     ---


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Session I - the Industrial Accidents Convention in tfYR of Macedonia
The Convention in tfYR of Macedonia. Responsibilities of the authorities for the implementation of identification of hazardous activities, collecting, processing and maintaining information on hazardous activities – Ms Emilija Kjupeva-Nedelkova (MoEPP/Administration for Environment, Macedonia) --- --- ---
Identification of hazardous activities in tfYR of Macedonia, legal framework – Ms. Emilija Kjupeva --- --- ---
SESSION II – Good practices for the identification of hazardous activities under the Convention
The Bulgarian approach to the identification of hazardous activities under the Convention – Mr. Nikolay Savov, (Bulgaria) PDF --- ---
- Case study 1 PDF --- ---
- Case study 2 PDF --- ---
The Serbian approach to the identification of hazardous activities under the Convention - Ms. Suzana Milutinovic (Serbia) PDF --- ---
The experience in TfYR of Macedonia for collecting information on hazardous activities – Krume Kocov/Darko Blinkov (MoEPP/State Environmental Inspectorate, Macedonia) --- --- ---
SESSION III – Annex I to the Convention as an instrument to identify hazardous activities
Annex I of the Convention and its application for the identification of hazardous activities – Mr. Nikolay Savov PDF --- ---
Annex I of the Convention and Annex I of the SEVESO II Directive - Ms. Suzana Milutinovic PDF --- ---
SESSION IV – Location criteria for the identification of hazardous activities – application of scenarios, risk assessment and location criteria
Location criteria for activities involving substance that may be released in to water paths and air path in case of accidents – Ms. Virginia Fusé PDF --- ---
Presentation of the case study on ‘worst-case scenario’ – Mr. Nikolay Savov PDF --- ---
- Case study 2 PDF --- ---