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Tenth Meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment

Tenth Meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment

10 - 11 June 2009
Bratislava Slovakia

The meeting discussed a number of issues, including the preparation of the second Assessment of the transboundary waters in the UNECE region, in particular, the preliminary assessment of transboundary waters in South-Eastern Europe; the future activities of the International Water Assessment Centre (IWAC) and the metadata database on transboundary waters. Taking into consideration the outcomes of the discussion, the Working Group agreed on a proposal for the workplan for 2010–2012, to be considered by the fifth meeting of the Parties (10-12 November 2009).



Document Title ENG FRE RUS

Annotated provisional agenda for the meeting



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Second Assessment of the transboundary waters in the UNECE region

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Note on preliminary assessment of transboundary waters in South-Eastern Europe

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Lessons learned form the assessment of South-Eastern Europe

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IWAC Strategy and Workplan

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Note on pilot projects for 2010-2012


Proposal on Metadata database

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Proposal on the workplan for 2010–2012

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Document Title ENG FRE RUS

Elements for the second Assessment of transboundary waters in South-Eastern Europe,
Francesca Bernardini, UNECE

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Capacity building in data administration for assessing and monitoring transboundary water resources in the countries of EECCA,
Paul Haener, International Office for Water

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International Water Assessment Centre ,
Mr. Boris Minarik, IWAC

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