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Donors Coordination Conference on the Third Aral Sea Basin Programme

Donors Coordination Conference on the Third Aral Sea Basin Programme

09 December 2010
Almaty Kazakhstan

Some 50 representatives of donors and international organizations, as well as representatives of Central Asian countries and regional organizations in the IFAS system participated in the Donor Coordination Conference of the Third Aral Sea Basin Programme, which took place on 9 December 2010 in Almaty.

A Statement by the Donors and Implementing Agencies on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Third Aral Sea Basin Program was delivered at the Conference. The Statement emphasized that donors fully supported the Program and were ready to work together with the Executive Committee of IFAS and the Governments of IFAS member states in its implementation. Also, the Statement stressed that the Executive Committee of IFAS had an important role to play in ASBP-3, as the platform for dialogue and coordination among Central Asian countries on water management issues; however the institutional structure and legal basis of the Executive Committee of IFAS should be strengthened. The Statement underlined that donor coordination should be raised to a new level and a regular joint process for reviewing ASBP-3 implementation should be established. These messages were further delivered to the IFAS Board during the High-level meeting of the IFAS Board and donors on 15 December 2010.

Document title ENG RUS




Statement on the 4th component of ASBP-3, by Mr. Bo Libert, UNECE Regional Adviser on Environment



Statement by the Donors and Implementing Agencies on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Third Aral Sea Basin Program (ASBP-3)



List of participants